People seeing you work out....


Active Member
Will you guys work out in the presence of other people besides your immediate family???

I don't have a basement, so I have to work out in the living room, 3 evenings a week. Sometimes I feel so guilty, cuz everything has to be planned around my workouts!! I have a 14 yr. old daughter, and it's like... "Today's Wednesday so no, Ashley can't come over; I have to work out!!" }(I just feel ridiculous if anyone's in the house and can see me exercising!!! Is this dumb?? Does anyone else feel this way???
Nope. Can't say that I do. My husband and daughter walk by all the time, and if my daughter's friends are over, inviting them to join me in working out usually sends them scurrying away - LOL! They're all way more into their video and PC games!! I figure I'm planting seeds though, and setting a good example.

I hate for people to see me, and I work out in the living room also. But I just tough it out, as I don't want to deter my daughter from having people over when I work out. They just run up to her room immediately to avoid me. The most embarassing is definitely step or hi/lo. Weight work or kickboxing is more masculine-looking so I don't feel as silly doing it. All that clapping and dancing is tough to get caught doing. At least for me!
You are not alone! I don't like people around either. I don't mind doing a weight workout with DD or DH, but absolutely NO ONE will ever see me doing a cardio workout!
I am the same. It still bothers me to have immediately family around - except my mom, because she works out with these videos also and she never criticizes me. She actually tells me how good I look doing it (that's a mother talking :) ).

The weird thing is that I can be working out at night and have my windows wide open and not care at all!! I used to, but not anymore. I have to have the window open, as I can't close the heater vents in the room (on the ceiling). Being able to breathe is more important to me :D People walk by, drive by, etc, and it doesn't affect me. Walk into the room, though, and be prepared to have a dumbell thrown at your head!

It doesn't bother me in the least. I actually kind of thrive on it. If someone else is in the room, I try to work even harder. I used to teach aerobics, so that could have something to do with it. I have exercised in many public places for publicity for the workouts I used to teach, including on t.v. for Dance for Heart. It was a blast. I will say that now that I'm older, 41, if I know my sons will have friends over, I make sure I'm wearing an exercise outfit that has a long top and not just the bra top. I have love handles that I want covered.
YOu are not alone! One of the reasons I work out at home instead of in a gym or health club is that I don't like people watching me workout. Cats, o.k., people no. I think that working out is NOT a spectator sport. Luckily I live alone and have no people around to avoid! If I did, then I'd either have to have a room with a closed door, or workout when no one else was around.
Working out in a club IS a spectator sport! Good or bad. Heck I love watching people work out, whether they look good or not. I use people as motivation. I watch the in shape people and think, "I wanna stay like that" and I watch the out of shape ones and say "I gotta keep myself from ever getting like that" Sounds weird I know!
Don't feel so self-conscious ladies. You don't have to walk around naked or anything but just do your thing. Believe me most of the people respect that you are committed to something like fitness. Hell I have jumped around to Cathe with my father over here. I don't care what he thinks!! lol!!
Feel good about what you are doing and feel good about how you look.

Lucky for me,my daugther is only 7.Her friend was looking at me the other day like I had two heads.I guess her mom doesn't workout but I can only imagine what she must say when she goes home:)
I workout in the laundry room so no one sees me.But I use to be really perinoid about it.Not so much anymore.I think you will get over it eventually.
My hubby's office is in the basement and when he would have someone over for a meeting,I wouldn't go into the basement in my aerobics outfit AND I wouldn't come out until they were gone.Now I go down(depending on who it is) and when I come out I don't look at them and I figure they can't see me either:)
Hey, I am with you Kathryn on this one - I have a houseful of kids at home yet ( seven) plus my DH and we have lots of sleepovers and friends over.

I have my own room to go to with the door closed - it is also the classroom - but is definitely off-limits when I am in there. It has nothing to do with I would be embarassed to have anyone see me as Trevor has stated - I just hate to be interupted for it throws me off and then I get flustered.

My entire family knows that when I am in there with the door closed it is off-limits, except the 2 year old of course!

There is nothing wrong with wanting no one to bother us when we exercise or see us we all have preferences and that is mine!

Not on your life! I close and lock the door to anybody who would dare to look. I don't even want my dogs in the room. Mostly because they want to play, but they also just stare in a funny way:)
LOL Dani! My chow chow looks at me funny too, like I'm nuts!

I workout in the livingroom and don't mind if DH and DS watch me. I do have a tendency to work harder when they're watching, but I don't like it when they bug me with questions or keeping walking thru in my way. I need a bigger house.
My DH has these 2 friends who don't know how to use the phone and will just "drop by". That really makes me flip my lid. I used to quit but the last few time I just kept on doing my thing. They stare and DH pulls them out to the garage.:7
I agree with others I don't like ppl seeing me doing dancy stuff. I like to let go and really get into it and I couldn't if there were non-family spectators.

I was staying with my Mom once and she got a kick outta watching me do step. She said, "How do u not get dizzy from the turning moves?" LOL! I forget what tape that was, must of been something with lots of turns...

I don't like to be seen either. I workout in my basement and don't like my kids down there while I'm working out. I don't mind if they see me, but by all means-don't interrupt my workout. In some cases when my boys were fighting, two of them would have to come downstairs and face separate walls while I do my workout. Sometimes I do 2 back to back tapes, like mis and cardio kicks. After that, my kids know to definitely not interrupt mom's workout.

If your working out doesn't bother your daughter, or her friends, just think of it as setting a good example for your family.

Keep up the good work.
My in-laws have been watching me workout to Cathe in their living room this whole week while I'm visiting. My husband actually asked me this morning if it embarasses me! Nope.
I used to have to work out in the living room when my children were growing up. I would get up early to start and they would wander around me eating breakfast and getting ready for school. Now I have my own workout room and my grandchildren come in and play around me whenever they like. They try to imitate things they see on the workout tapes. I still am self consious when I have adults other that my daughters, son or husband walking around. We had a nephew here a couple of weeks ago and I tried to keep my workout door closed. My grandson wanted to know why and I just told him I liked privacy. I even used to do workouts at midnight when my husband was working late. I am surprised I was able to sleep after that.:)
Diane Sue
I say bring them on because I enjoy making people laugh. :) And I know I'm not nuts! I use mental imagery so that, in my mind, at least, I look like Cathe and crew, perfectly in sync and gorgeous. If occassionally, I end up bassackward or scream at the tv or trip off my step, that's just me making the workout my own! LOL! Bobbi
I'll work out in front of anybody, home or in the gym. When I was younger and lived at home, I'd do my Firm tapes in the living room regardless of who was there. Family and friends were pretty much used to it and would walk right by. My niece, who was three at the time, would try and work out with was too cute. Eventually my mom got a few tapes of her own and did them. So maybe letting people see you work out can produce a positive effect on them.

Like Trevor, I find the presence of other people, especially at the gym, to be highly motivating.
Oh, I'm one of those who doesn't want spectators!!! I've gotten used to DH watching and even "distracting" me from time to time (he loves SS for some reason), and my girls don't bother me (used to workout in our LR, now I have my own little "gym"), but last night I wouldn't do anything 'cause BIL was here...don't know why, he'd probably laugh, make encouraging comments (seriously), maybe ask some GOOD questions. He has weights and some gadgets at his house and had some TaeBo stuff. But no, I don't think working out is a spectator sport...but my girls do realize the importance of exercising and have some of MY tapes...yeay!!!
I have never been much of a dancer. I have long arms and legs and am often gawky but I have done some of these workouts so often that I know them through and through. So, in my mind, I can dance and I make my movements big to put out as much energy as possible and I FEEL gorgeous and graceful, and that's what's important! There's no mirror to contradict my feelings. When I worked out in a club at first I hid out in the back but not for long. I ended up to my favorite instrctor, Carmen's right and often showed modifications for her. I used to smoke two packs of butts a day but I quit and I ran a Marathon because I could and fell in love with step! I know my family is really proud of my fitness level in spite of the teasing. I may not look fabulously graceful but I am good at this and I do it when it's hard and don't give up until some sort of mastery has taken place. Some moves will never be perfect but I can do them well enough for me. So I say, get out there and shine because you are fit and beautiful and strong and you need to spread that around to all who may see it! We are Step Goddesses! :) Bobbi
I don't like people around either when I work out. Sometimes, if my kids had friends over I would tell them they need to hang out in their room until I am done. Or, I would say, you'll have to hang out at your friends house this evening. Don't feel bad. You are in charge and you are not being mean in any way. My kids got use to it and that is the way it was.


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