People seeing you work out....

Thanks ladies (and Trevor!!) for your responses, and thanks Joanne!! It actually has worked out okay so far... My daughter has one friend next door that comes over a lot, and they usually just hang out at her house when I have to work out. I just wonder what I will do when she gets older and starts driving and all that, and brings friends over, or they start dropping by unannounced... Oh well; I will cross that bridge when I get to it!! :p I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one who's a little prudish about working out in front of people!!:D
I just wanted to add that my daughters worked out with me as teens and my son teased. I did have my daughters friends say they wanted to be buff like me. That made me feel good. They had sleepovers and it was not workout or do it in the livingroom in front of them. I just went ahead and did it. I had one daughter tell me she didn't mind working out with me, it was when I wanted to rewind and start over that she quit. That has been quite awhile ago. I would say just do what you feel comfortable with.
Diane Sue
The only "people" I will work out in front of is my cats. They usually stick around through the warm up and then scratch at the door to be let out ("WHY are you throwing your arms above your head like that?? Let me out of here!!"). Even my husband is not allowed in the room--it's just too embarrassing! Perhaps it's left over from my mother telling me that proper ladies shouldn't sweat because I'm usually dripping on the floor by the end of a Cathe workout...
I don't mind anyone seeing me workout, and I don't mind working out with another person if I am helping them get interested but when I really work on myself it breaks my concentration to have someone else around so I prefer to workout alone.
I feel for you!! I can't stand to have anyone watch me do cardio stuff. I don't mind so much when I'm doing strength training, but I still prefer to be alone, unless I call my DH in to analyze my form and compare it to Cathe's, or be my spotter. We don't have any kids who live with us, but if we did, I would imagine that would be rough. Just remember that your needs are important too!
I have to work out in my living room, too. My husband will kick back in his recliner with a bag of microwave popcorn or a bag of Doritos and watch me with this bored expression on his face. He's done this often enough that he has some of Cathe's comments memorized. He always refuses if I invite him to join me.

I guess I don't mind if he's in the room reading or doing something else, but it seems rude for him to sit there watching me while he's stuffing his face. He will spot me on heavy weights if I ask him to, or check my form, so I guess he's not totally useless. Ha.

Weights no problem dont' care who comes thru. Yoga and Cardio which are my true loves I'd rather not have people around, especially not people that wanna just *watch* and make critical comments.

When my daughter would bring friends over I'd tell her I'm about to work out if you are having friends over come thru the front door and go straight upstairs to your room or thru the back and right down to the basement. Worked for me. :)
Ladies, Trevor's shown us the way!!!!

Trevor, you just ROCK! You are always SUCH a breath of fresh air --I love it when you bring that guy "just do it" mentality to all of our female angst.

Trevor's given us our 2004 motto, all my Cathe lady pals: Feel good about what you are doing and feel good about how you look.

I for one am going to type that up in 72 point Arial Bold and tape it up in my exercise room!!! :) Kathy S.
>>...but it seems rude for him to sit there
>watching me while he's stuffing his face. He will spot me on
>heavy weights if I ask him to, or check my form, so I guess
>he's not totally useless.

HA HA! You are so funny. I would love to be a fly on your wall watching him "stuffing his face" while you workout! Does he repeat the comments he has memorized while he's watching?
RE: Ladies, Trevor's shown us the way!!!!

I have always had to work out in front of my family and never minded, probably because I had no other alternative! Before I got married, my audience would consist of my parents and brother, who never minded since most of the tapes had good looking instructors!

Now my kids are my audience and my husband on occasion. Since all my weights are in my basement, I only have to endure cardio with onlookers! My daughter who's 2 gets a kick out of watching me and even my son who's 5 will occasionally try some moves. I have to admit though that before Christmas, while doing Rhythm Step, I actually fell twice (and have never done that before!) and was so glad that I was husband would've never let me live that one down!

Strangers, though, are a different story. The other day the electric company guy was coming to read my meter and I knew he could see me bobbing all over the place. I was trying to step, jump, pump my way anywhere that he couldn't look in!:)
Sometimes he'll say one of Cathe's lines a beat or two before she says it. That doesn't bother me as much as him relaxing and eating something that smells good while I'm sweatin' and starvin'.

It was kinda funny, though, when Cathe says, "You didn't pause your VCR and go make popcorn, did you?" and he's sitting there with a bag of microwave popcorn.:7
My DH loves when Cathe says, "let's call it a daaaaay" at the end of Leaner Legs. He also about died when Cathe said, "let's grab our balls" in Muscle Endurance. I don't mind him watching because I feel proud that I'm not sitting on the couch or lying in bed (like he usually is, LOL), but he always says something like "and one, and two, Cathe will take care of you, three and four, and Cathe's gonna make you sore," which always makes me crack up. I'm glad he's there, but it's hard to breath, step, do arm movements, etc. when you're laughing hysterically.
I do NOT like people to see me working out. nonono

I don't mind, however, if someone has to go through my workout area to get somewhere else, just don't linger. x( And I hate it when my husband ogles me while I work out. Pervert. }( Then again, better to ogle ME than Cathe and crew. hahahaha!!!

No not really. I exercise in front of my family (no big deal)and once front of my MIL. She once said " Wow you follow her perfect" and my FIL. He just laughed. I also exercise in front of my children's friends. However, I won't be caught dead doing pelvic tilts/thrusts in front of these people. Gotta draw the line somewhere.
My neighbors must think I'm an exibitionist!!!! The only place i have to work out in is my garage where i keep all my equipment. We live on a cul de sac. since we're in Southern California it is usually warm especially when I get going. At some point I HAVE to open the garage door or I'll suffocate. Most people don't really stare cause i can see them as well as they can see me.They probably figure there goes Jen again. I've gotten over worrying about what people think, anyway it may serve as motivation. One day though it was pretty hysterical when I tripped and fell over my step doing rhythmic step. The first thing I did was to check and see if anyone was out there and then I just sat on the floor and laughed.:) :) :) :)
Oh Man!!! :eek: I don't think I'd work out if I had to do it in front of the neighbors!! Actually I'd keep the garage door closed and die of heat exhaustion before I'd open it and let everyone see me!!!:7

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