Today I did Rev'd Up Rumble Time saver #3 no combos, 28 minutes, heart rate average 136, max 163, met 7.80, 201 calories, 2,578 steps. I wore my 1.5 # gloves. I then did Coffey Fit Raw Ascending Upper Body Pyramid, 64 minutes, heart rate average 119, max 159, 1,729 steps, met 6.5, 345 calories. For the long rests I did mostly abs, planks, mountain climbers, some speed skaters thrown in and nearer the end I did some standing lower body stretching. I liked this this time better than the first two times. Although the first time I split the workout up. I finished with Lite Stretch #2, 11 minutes, 31 calories, met 3.5. Total time was 1 hour 43 minutes, 4,318 steps, and 577 calories.
Weights for Raw Pyramid all done in 16,12,10,8 reps
bench press 12,15,20,25 # dbs
flys 10,12,15,20# dbs
upright rows 10,12,15,20 # dbs
lateral raise 8,10,12,15# dbs
seated overhead triceps extension 1 db used 15,20,25,30# db
skull crusher 10# dbs, 12# dbs, 15# dbs, 1 35# kettle bell
seated double arm rows 15, 20,25,30# dbs
1 arm row 15,20,25,30 # db
curls 12,15,20,25# dbs
double arm pledge curls 10,12,15,20# dbs