Pentagenarians & Beyond: WB 11/8

I had a 6. going to the 11 was a big jump. I will skip the 12. this one does everything I need as long as it works Ok, not rushing. my 6 battery had been replaced but newer battery was dying. DH l has a 6s and he's fine with it but doesn't use it for much but backup for the 11. the 11 is a shared phone for us. the camera was a huge step up from the 6. he doesn't like to carry a phone so I carry it and he uses it.

haven't ridden yet. too cold and damp earlier, but a little better now so will go shortly.
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Today I did not have much time. I did Raw Step 5 wearing my 4# vest and using 1# dumbbells. I was pretty irritated with my Fitbit through this. Here I was doing jacks and step boxing moves and it seemed everytime I looked at my Fitbit it said I was somewhere around 98 heart rate. Total time was 31 minutes, 144 calories, heart rate 115/ 146. I know I was working harder than that. I had to shower and dress because the landscapers came back. I did Perfect 30 yoga strength and flexibilty later which was 32 minutes, 88/110, 129 steps. I did this later. Total time was 63 minutes, 176 calories, 3,126 steps.
We rode later yesterday 95 minutes at the tree farm. Cold and damp but still ok once we got going. Mornings are better but it was only 35.
When we drove home a deer ran across in front of us and got tangled in a wire fence and blackberry vines. Kept going so we didn’t panic it more, but went back later to make sure it got free.

DH is joining my diet. He weighed at a medical appt last week and was horrified at the number. :oops: :eek: This will make it easier for me too since I don’t have to make alternative dishes . He should lose easily. his main issue is snacking, and men always lose easily. Got him switched to fruit as a snack (mostly) and that will be a big step from Doritos, hot chocolate and cookies. yay.... he likes apples and frozen grapes. I make one thing for lunch and dinner with him having a larger serving and its mostly WW friendly, but he is constantly snacking. that is his downfall. I have good foods here but his choice is usually not those things.
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Good morning. Today I did All Out Low Impact HiiT for 39 minutes and 294 calories burned. My average heart rate was 137 and maximum heart rate was 161.

Valerie, that’s great that your husband is joining you on your eating plan. It’s always easier not having to make two meals. My husband and I eat the same meals, but he does eat more snacks. Fortunately for him that‘s usually fruit and/or nuts. Of course he loves desserts, so that is where his indulgences fall. Good luck with your guy. His internal desire to change his weight might make all the difference.

Hello to Diane Sue, Cathy, Lori, Judy, and Deb.
Valerie, I forgot to mention that popcorn has become a favorite snack. I went back to the old fashioned method of popping it on the stove using a small amount of oil. Add whatever seasonings you like after it’s popped and you have a very filling and low points snack. I sprinkle on nutritional yeast for a cheesy flavor.
carolyn that's a good idea. I usually use the microwave 94% fat free in bags, and only when for after hiking. I pop it before we leave in the morning, and its conveniently bagged in the car for when we finish up. the drive home when you're hungry is a total landmine! we keep other snack food in the car because we go to remote areas and getting stuck somewhere is always a possibility, but when he is hungry and tired it's too tempting. I can do more popcorn easily, use it more often. he loves corn chips and those are usually caloric, even the natural less salty ones. I need to be careful not to get him sick of popcorn. I'm better at dealing with hunger than he is, and usually keep an apple or orange for myself, but popcorn is perfect then, a lot of chewing before you can do any damage.
had another landscape guy come out today and so far we like him best. will wait on an estimate. we have another person tomorrow but I wont be here for that one. need to get my hair done.
Valerie we posted at the same time yesterday. That class you took sounds like something Derek should do. Michigan is also having a big increase in cases, too. Our governor has tightened things down more in some areas, but I think she’s reluctant to go very far into restrictions. But then finding out people planned to kidnap and execute you has got to make you leery. That’s great that your husband is changing his diet and it will certainly be less work for you. And it really is a lousy deal how fast men can lose weight.

That’s a great calorie burn you got on Rock’m Sock’m Kick box and for AOLIH Carolyn!

Diane Sue, sorry to hear that you FitBit is still messing up. That’s so frustrating.

No workout today, as I was shopping. Whole Foods was low on a lot of produce today and no dates, so I had to get those at Meijer. Though since they carry the same brand now it’s not an issue. First time in all the years I’ve shopped that WF hasn’t had them.

Derek’s latest adventure. Yesterday he decided to go climb Sugarloaf right as it was getting dark. At least it’s just outside Marquette with good cell coverage and he was wearing a winter coat this time. What a difference a few days makes.

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I did Rock em sock em, the ab workout, and 2 sets of 25 knee push ups. definitely harder than revd up rumble. I work around the air jacks but most of the rest is fine.
that was a scary thing with your governor in MI! there are some crazy people out there, and they feel like they have been directly encouraged. I hope her security people are on their toes.

I think mountaineering classes are available in places with mountains near by. it could be a "regional" thing. people pay a membership fee annually, used to be about $100 to have access to field trips and classes. so many people have moved to WA the last few years, I have no idea how active this group is anymore. there are other organizations that teach mountaineering skills here too, but you need mountains to practice your skills. I never had interest in actual climbing. we learned about maps, off trail travel, ice axe training but stopped at that point. they gave us a taste of roped up rock climbing but I didn't like it at all. the group covered a huge range of topics, mostly outdoor, from different levels of hiking to avalanche training, and mountain climbing. we have multiple big mountains here, the biggest being mt rainier at 14,000 feet. each class went for about a year with lectures and workshops and field trips. included mountaineering first aid. things have changed a lot in the almost 50 years since I took the class. one thing with young people was they tended to worry about how they looked, more than what was the safest and least risky. he should carry a headlamp and extra batteries if he's hiking late in the day like that. most cell phones have a flash lite but that will drain the battery quickly, so it wont work as a phone or a flashlite. best to have back up.

got to do more grocery shopping tomorrow. DH ate half my fruit! I had a box of 12 honey crisp apples and when I opened the frig there were 2 left.
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Today I did Total Body Giant Sets for 58 minutes and 217 calories burned. My average heart rate was 109 and maximum heart rate was 135.

Hello to all and have a wonderful day.
I was supposed to do KPC today, but a second night of being low on sleep really hit me, not just physically but mentally. I ended up doing Mobility instead. I actually had a lot less sleep the night before and was fine yesterday, so it must just be from the pile on.

Valerie, I have a headlamp on my list of things to get him. If you have other suggestions for basic stuff let me know. I'm hoping that given that's it gotten even colder he will not be going more places before break, but I'm going to suggest to him that he at least stick to places that have more people and are closer to Marquette. They have reached the point where night time temps are in the low 20's. They had a student, who actually had quite a bit of experience, freeze to death a couple winters ago. He went out in really bad weather conditions and there was a lot of snow that night. I did find the link on the college site for the place where they rent out their outdoor equipment to students (mostly free) and they do some group trips. Fat tire bikes are really big up there and a lot of kids continue to ride during the winter. They actually have a lot of stuff available: Rental items available include camping, boating, and snow equipment, such as sleeping bags, snowshoes, cross country skis, stand up paddleboards, and kayaks and more. I did point out to him that some things you really need lessons before you do it.

Your husband sounds like Nick. I can bring home fruit, and next thing I know he's sat there and eaten half of it! Rock'm Sock'm is definitely a good one and I do prefer it over Rev'd Up Rumble.

Carolyn great job on the workout!

When I set up my workouts for next week, I want to include the Live Fantastic Elastic she did yesterday. Looks like fun.
Today I did Perfect 30 Hiit Low Impact, 31 minutes, 150 calories, heart rate 122/146, 2,933 steps. This was before zoom class and some school work. Then I did Walk Strong 3 Cardio HIT, 32 minutes, 149 calories, heart rate 121/186, 2,401 steps. I followed this with Walk Strong 3 abs add on, 16 minutes, 27 calories, heart rate 90/128, 118 steps. I finished with Walk Strong 3 Total Body Stretch, 18 minutes,16 calories, 35 steps, heart rate 77/94. Total time was 97 minutes, 342 calories, 5,487 steps. It was weird because when I was doing the WS3 cardio as it increased in intensity, my Fit Bit was showing me at 83-88. I just quit looking at it because it was really making me feel irritable. It came out okay though. I have 10,444 steps so far today. I am getting ready to peel potatoes to cook tomorrow for make ahead mashed potatoes and potato salad. I also did an order for Whole Foods, hoping to leave shopping again till sometime next week. We are having family Thanksgiving Sunday. I decided to make a peach pie, just because I want to be sure I get a fruit pie. I only want one piece though.
Sorry I am not getting to the posts here. I do read some as I have had a lot less time to get on the computer and I am pushing myself to get some housework done between school that is not noisy and quick floor clean up in the evenings and master bath so I can get to bed as early as possible. I got 6 hours of sleep last night which is good for me.

Valerie, I think it is unfair how quickly men can lose weight. Women's bodies are wired to hold onto weight and it seems particularly fat. Snacks are the worst thing for most people to choose wisely on. Plus night time eating is the worst. It will be nice if you are both eating the same thing. We are still working with our landscape people. Our back yard still has a mound in the middle that leaves water washing back up the walk way. The owner is working with us though. He sent guys out twice now.

Carolyn, I used to eat popcorn all of the time. I just cannot eat it anymore. It sets off coughing. I don't know if it is the hulls maybe? But, it happens and I just quit eating it. Nice work with Total Body Giant Sets today.

Cathy, Whole Foods has been low on a lot of things. I was working on my order last night and when I went to pull it up to add to it today several items were already out of stock. I don't mind adding a different berry as a substitute as long as it is not strawberries. I hate some of the subs they offer though and some of the items that I order, I only want that particular item, not something else. I ordered frozen peaches and substitutions suggested was broccoli and brussels sprouts o_O I hope that was not all they had because I would have taken cherries or something. Everyone would look at me funny if I made a broccoli pie.
Was your son staying at the top of sugar loaf for the night, or going back down in the dark.
We have huge search and rescue operations. last few years have been really busy for them. lots of inexperienced hikers don't have what they need or get lost. always have their phones though! call 911 for help. we have always have what we needed and sometimes what other people needed.
if he hikes alone he should leave info on where and when he should be back with a trusted person. we use a neighbor. I text her in the morning where we are going and text her when we are partway back. you want enough gear to survive the night. not necessarily enjoy it, but survive it. he should hike in clothing that isn't cotton. cotton is deadly when wet. impossible to dry. drains heat from your body. think of how long it takes to dry jeans in a clothes dryer! synthetic or wool. even down puffies are useless if they get soaked, so a waterproof jacket. hat and gloves.
mistakes get made hurrying to get down in fading light. he should carry a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries for sure. you can find the same lists from Mountaineers, washington trail association etc. college students usually don't have extra money. most of these things can be found at home or even goodwill. some things are specific to the season, location. I don't carry bug repellant or sunscreen all year. I skip a brimmed hat in winter unless we will be above treeline., I have a warm hat, sunglasses, wear sunscreen, lip balm. destinations can be pretty remote here. I would not take all this if I were hiking in a state park but I would take some of it.

busy day shopping, hair appt, and power went out in the store while I was shopping. weird how dark it is in the middle of a grocery store at mid day! dh's birthday. I got in 20 min on the elliptical but that was all I had time for.
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I just did P30 Low Impact Hiit with the extended stretch. I am really liking that one a lot. Was going to do abs but my lower back was being a tad touchy so I skipped it. For the second Saturday in a row, my Fitbit didn't track my sleep, but still tracked my resting heart rate. We'll see what next Saturday brings.

Diane Sue, I hope that your Thanksgiving tomorrow goes well! Derek isn't doing any overnight, he has no equipment. Sugarloaf takes about 15-20 minutes for a reasonably fit person to get to the top, though that's if you take the rocky, tree root path, there is also a path that winds around and up. I did that once and I felt like it took twice as long.

Valerie, thanks for the info, I may just copy and paste it to him. I texted with him some yesterday and asked him to please not go anywhere remote at this point since it's getting colder, and to stick to places close by where more people would be. He's like, but I never went more than 20 minutes away. Dude you are in the UP there is remote 15 minutes from anywhere!

Hi to everyone else!
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I didn’t work out today. My knee is really bothering me and I decided to give it a rest. I’m not sure what I did in the last few days to cause the problem. It was a bit uncomfortable yesterday so I went very shallow with lunges and skipped most of the side lunges. I hope that a couple of days of rest will help.

Diane Sue, I like all of the workouts that you did yesterday. I’m sure that you are busy getting ready for your family Thanksgiving meal. I know that it will be wonderful.

Cathy, great job with P30 Low and HiiT and Extended stretch. Your son sounds like he learns best by experience. Hopefully he will accept some guidance with his exploration.

Hello to Valerie, Judy, Deb, and Lori.
Cathy you will get the same basic information from loads of sources. I picked REI because I think college kids will think its a "cool" store. in my experience kids pay more attention if they like the source. the way google works, I will get more sources near WA when I look up "10 essentials" than I will from the midwest. hardly a week goes by without a news story here about hikers, skiers, trail runners, snowboarders getting into trouble. plenty of times dumb things on their part, but sometimes mother nature gives them a smack down. we keep supplies in our car so if we get trapped up a road somewhere, we have some back up. shovel, tire chains, tools, often a chain saw.

not sure what to do today but it will be later today. we're redoing the walls in our powder room to prep for painting.
Carolyn I bought some plain popcorn. I have a microwave bowl/ popper and just made some. thanks for the reminder.
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I need to get caught up on posting. This week really flew by. I did mostly Jessica Smith walks this week and I did get a lot of exercise/steps working at HD. I had a nice surprise at work this week, a $2.10 an hour raise. HD had been giving out Covid bonuses since April and they decided to switch to permanent raises instead. I'm working around 24 hours a week now but my hours will be going down soon since I’m decreasing my availability. I might also take some unpaid time off again due to Covid cases going up so much.

Diane Sue- I agree about Jessica’s workouts not being super easy but they also don’t cause pain or make things worse. I think her workouts add balance and are really nice to do in between harder or more challenging workouts.

Valerie- It’s so crazy how much has changed in less than a year. Last year we would never have thought that we would all be wearing masks. I’ve been wearing washable masks too and they are much more comfortable. I bought several of them and only use them for one day before I wash them. I also put PM-2.5 filters in them.

Carolyn-I’m sorry about your knee. I hope it’s better soon. I loved my iPhone 6! I think that was my favorite one.

Cathy-Nice job with P30 Low Impact Hiit with the extended stretch. I liked that one too and need to do it again soon. I still sometimes miss having a Fitbit but it did have a lot of issues.

Hi to Deb & Lori!
This morning I did Kelly Coffey Build and BurnCardio Core, 28 minutes, 132 calories, heart rate 122/171, 1,870 steps. I then did Raw Step and Legs, 47 minutes, heart rate 11/154, 197 calories, 3,760 steps. Total time was 75 minutes, 329 calories, 5,630 steps.
I did a 20 min run on treadmill and then perfect 30 upper body. I get thru faster than the first time but still need to pause often to get weights and rearrange furniture. My first guess on what weight to use was quite accurate. I have stayed with them.

yes, I'm afraid we will all be in lock down measures soon. glad I didn't plan anything more elaborate for thanksgiving involving travel. I don't like the cloth mask much better than the paper ones. its a little more comfortable initially, but under the hair dryer yesterday I thought I would boil!

judy it's probably good to take time off now since holiday shopping makes people crazy anyway, and who knows with all the extra factors this year? its going to make the non-mask agreeable people madder than usual!
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