Pentagenarians & Beyond: WB 10/25

yesterday devolved into a shopping day. got it all done. ran on treadmill for 20 minutes watching part of the new upper body workout. wow. cathe does go heavy! I will not go that far. I'll cut most weights in half to begin with and see how it goes. did 50 slow knee push ups in 2 segments. I only had time for what I thought would be the ab workout under bonuses. I did not like it at all. it seemed like more of a yoga/ neck workout than abs to me. hate to go negative on my first look so I will skip that part and return after doing other sections. going to ride something this morning, and plan a hike tomorrow. we got a lot of snow in the mountains but now its warmed up and sometimes that makes for awful icy conditions.

Lori yes the yoga studio closed and the two owners split up and went separate ways. its a couple years ago now. no new owners stepped in. neither new location of the previous owners works for me. I have no idea what the virus has done to yoga classes, but likely nothing good.

pigeon pose and a whole lot of poses that need outward hip rotation ( firelog, lotus) are not OK for me. I do pigeon as much as I can do it. I can sit flat easily but the folded leg points differently than most other people. I can sit cross legged easily but my knees are high and 10 years of yoga didnt change them one iota. we are not all put together the same way.
Today I did Perfect 30 High Impact HiiT. That was 31 minutes and 236 calories burned. My average heart rate was 135 and maximum heart rate was 155. I modified using some of Cathe’s suggestions from a post a few weeks ago. I did air squats instead of squat thrusts and I did low low impact jacks. I don’t like squat thrusts and burpees with that up and down movement. They don’t work well for me. Overall I’m glad that I tried the High Impact HiiT. I had considered skipping it.

Judy, nice job with Live Iron Legs and Yin Yoga and the Perfect HiiT and bonuses yesterday. The bonuses are short enough to easily add on to other workouts.

Cathy, great job with Live Step On It. My calorie burn tends to be higher with strength workouts that move very quickly like the P30 Upper Body. Otherwise it’s around 150 or 160.

Diane Sue, nice mix of workouts yesterday. I hate ice storms. They can be very scary and dangerous. We are in the path of tropical storm Zeta with much rain and wind in the forecast for the next two days.

Hello to Valerie, Deb, and Lori.
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Today I did Cathe Live Low Impact Sweat plus Core #319, 48 minutes, heart rate 109/145, 173 calories, 2,5889 steps. This one has two low impact cardio drills followed by a couple of weight segments through out. She uses 10's most of the time, but I think one 8# segment and 5# for some cardio moves. I lowered to 3# since there was boxing type moves and as usual she adds in shoulder moves to the compound move to help get the heart rate up. I modified here and there. I also had a hard time with the 10's for a move that through in front raises, I just did a few and then did something else.
I followed this with Kelly Coffey Super Sculpt dvd premix step and box, 32 minutes, heart rate 119/151, 149 calories, 2,748 steps. I finished with Perfect 30 Flow timesaver mobility basics stretch 20 minutes, 19 calories, 27 steps, heart rate 81/99. Total time was 1 hour 40 minutes, 341 calories, 5,364 steps.
I sat down in my recliner to read since I was really tired and no children today. As I was dozing I heard a crack and that broken off branch from the top of the tree had fell. It hit the fence, but only knocked a board loose. At least so far. It is broken all over. My next door neighbor has his pecan tree all over his front yard and a tarp over his car. Power outages all over. Ours has flickered and went off and came right back on a few times. Things are thawing right now, but it will take awhile to get all of the power back on with downed linesand all of these trees falling. They still had leaves on them so it made them extra heavy with ice.

Valerie, the abs are not bad. They are both the same moves. I had to put a hand behind my head and Cathe does mention that. I don't like the superman type move at the end with arm movement. For one thing after all of the deadlifts from upper and lower body, I do not feel like I need more added to my low back area. But, all in all you are right it is a yoga type of ab work. Not real tough in my opinion though. There is a bear crawl type move, but not so aggressive as some of her other ab work.
I could never get my knee in pidgeon be in front. It has to be tucked. I am the same with sitting cross legged. My knees stand up. The right more than the left. That will never change. We are all built differently. I wish instructors did not suggest that you try to get your knees in those positions or suggest that you can work at it and get it. That is never going to happen. Joints are not going to do that and I have hurt myself before when I first started doing yoga, thinking I should be able to do that.
I think if Orange Theory is open around the corner, they must have a very few people working out at a time as the parking lot at Sprouts is never really full like it was when everything was open. Ensalata restaurant has not reopened. I think at first they were doing some take out, but I never see anyone there anymore which is really sad. It is a soup and salad restaurant. Build your own type thing.

Carolyn, nice work on the hiit workout. I modified some things too. I still do the jacks, but modified the burpees and squat thrusts and used the rebounder. I still got a good workout out of it. I used the side of the rebounder for some squat thrusts so I did not go all the way to the floor and then turned to finish out the move. As is, there is a lot of impact in that workout. Those tropical storms can be bad too. We don't need winds right now. Funny it is supposed to be in the 70's next week which makes me happy since I want to go vote and I have an arthritis appointment.
Well my today was nothing like what I'd planned it to be. I was supposed to do the new high impact Hiit, and go to the zoo. Instead, I'm sitting in a Holiday Inn in Marquette. Nick's car didn't start again yesterday, so I came up to see if I'd have any better luck figuring out what's up with it. I had the new portable charger I bought, so I got it started and took it to Auto Zone where the car became a possessed being and the door locks went whacko and locked me in the car. Was finally able to get out the back passenger door, but it immediately locked itself. Went and got someone to check the battery, couldn't get back in the car. It gets worse. I try to unlock the car using the key, and it sets off the alarm, which we then can't get off. He says try starting it that should tell it no one is stealing mean start the car I'm locked out of? So, and it's lucky I'm small, I unlocked the trunk and went through to the front, started the car and the alarm didn't stop. He disconnects the battery and it goes off reconnects it's back on, so we start googling and he says try the unlock button on the key. Since, I'd tried the alarm button on the key, I didn't consider that would work, but it did. Peace reigned. Battery was still low on charge, but said it was okay, just drive it more. Checked the alternator and that's fine. So, even though I really don't want to leave my car with them, that's what I'm doing. Nick is far to busy to deal with a car, that doesn't always start, with possessed doors and alarm. I gave him a ride to and from class tonight since it was raining, started it again and it started, so I'm at least somewhat hopeful that it will start in the morning. Have to be over there at 7 to make the switch as he has an 8:00 class. Then I get to drive home 7 hours, only going in and out the back passenger door, while leaving it unlocked with all my stuff in it. That's the better scenario than using the trunk. I'm too paranoid to try the drivers door again up here, since the driver's door has stubbornly remained locked.

Diane Sue ice storms are so destructive. It's been awhile since we've had a major one and I'm good with that. We had one when I was in 5th-6th grade that left us trapped in for a week, because it didn't melt, and our road was just a sheet of ice. I hope you don't lose anymore branches, sounds like you already have a big mess to clean up.

I'll catch up more when I get back home.
Cathy, that sounds like an awful thing to go through with the car. So, it sounds like something more computer system related. Kind of like when I had my car in to the shop multiple times when it was still under warranty and hardly and miles on it. I could drive it for awhile and then it would just not start. I would mess with it, open and close the door wait to see if it would make the binging tone because the door was open with the key in it. It would just go blank. No trying to start nothing would work. They couldn't find anything or get it to repeat that at the dealership and they had it a couple of weeks. So I had this dread every time I went out. One day I went to the library to pick up some books we put on hold and I got in the car and in the parking lot and it did nothing. So after trying a few times I sat for awhile and waited and tried some more. I called the dealership and they set up for it to be picked up. While I was waiting, I decided to open the car door as it was hot and it started the binging chime because the keys were in the ignition and it started. So weird. I called and canceled the pick up and drove it to the shop. They kept it for another two weeks and I think they did nothing. We checked and couldn't even see it. My husband went there and they had to hunt for my car. So no one was driving it and checking to find the problem. He reminded them that they had promised me a car to drive while waiting as soon as one came in and they had not done that either. So, they gave me a new car to drive and finally got into it to find the problem. So, another week later I got my car back. It was something that I had tried to explain I read about on my car online as being a problem. It was a module in the steering column that was malfunctioning. They replaced it and no problem. Till one time later and I called someone out thinking it was the same thing and it was just the battery cable was loose. The wrecker guy fixed it and told me to have a good day. I was so sure I was having the same problem as that incident left my afraid every time I went some place. I really think the dealership thought I was just a woman that did not know what I was doing or something. Come to think of it I had it in 3 times. The second time the guy took me in his office to discuss the problem and that is when I told him I read about this problem on the internet and even saw someone with a Spark like mine in the same color and I guess he just blew me off as the crazy lady.
I hope the car runs okay for you. Sorry you are having to deal with that.
Oh cathy that is a riot!!. funny to read about but not funny to go thru. do you have another fob for the car? you might try a different one to rule out the fob itself being the problem, tho I doubt it.

we get ice storms sometimes here and what a mess. haven't had a significant one for a while but trees, power lines, branches down... worse than snow!

we did a road ride today, 1 hr 20 min about 15 miles. warm and pleasant compared to last week. going to hike tomorrow.

I didnt think the ab workout was hard, it didn't seem to work my abs. I dont like moves where my neck is doing all the work, and I guess after watching all the heavy heavy weights, I expected a rigorous ab section too. . the piston planks were Ok, I remember them from somewhere else.
Im fine with pigeon pose as long as I respect which direction my joints allow movement. I was always amazed when a very unfit person came to yoga, sat down into a perfect lotus or firelog on their first try when I cant get even close. different angles of connections for sure.
This morning I did Perfect Pump Lower Body +Core Bonus+Extended Stretch. That was 51 minutes and 267 calories burned. Average heart rate was 120 and maximum heart rate was 153. Great lower body workout. Our power went out around 4:00 a.m. due to the storm. I was worried that it might last most of the day, but thankfully it came back on at 9:15. I used the manual coffee grinder and French press coffee maker that I bought two years ago when our power was off for over two days. I made coffee by candle light, but it was fine.

Valerie, I’m glad that you were able to do a road ride today. I like the short core bonus, but I supported my head as Cathe mentioned for some of that banana move. I’m the same with yoga poses such as pigeon pose and fire log pose. I only do what my body will allow and I can still feel the benefit. Pigeon pose is actually one of my favorites but my knee is never at right angles.

Diane Sue, great job with Live Low Impact Sweat plus Core and KCM Super Sculpt Step and Box premix. The P30 Mobility Basics stretch was a nice add on. I’m sure that you needed that rest time in your recliner. I was worried that we would have more debris in our yard from the winds, but it doesn’t look too bad.

Cathy, that car situation sounds like something from a movie! I hope you make it home without any more mishaps.

Hello to Deb, Judy, and Lori.
Hello all,

No workout yesterday, but did complete 11,000+ steps. Today I did Perfect Pump Upper Body with Bonus Upper Body + extended stretch 44 minutes, 223 calories. I like the way they "insert" the bonus exercises rather than tack it on at the end.

Carolyn, I did that same workout you did Tuesday, and I wish I would have stopped and written down the weights I used like you did. There were some I definitely want to change for next time. Nice that you were able to use some of the modifications that Cathe mentioned last week on the new high impact HIIT. That French press coffee maker is sure useful!

Judy, Nice job on the Perfect 30 workouts you did. I need to try that Iron Legs Live workout.

Cathy, WOW that was awful with your son's car. You had to drove 7 hours to go and help him, and then 7 hours back with the Demon Mobile? I hope they can find out what is going on with it. Good job on Live Step On It. That is funny that Cathe subbed jacks when she lost her spot. That is one of the things I like about the LIve is so real, not rehearsed. Thanks for the description of the is hard to envision, even with that. I need to Google it for pics. Sad that your zoo walks are over until spring.

Diane Sue, sorry your workout was interrupted so many times the other day. I hope you didn't get much damage with the icy conditions. I am glad that someone else has the knee issue...mine are almost upright when I sit cross legged too. I think when I tried and tried to work to get them to go down was when I got the hip bursitis. I don't do that anymore.

Valerie, you are right, Cathe does go very high with her weights on the new workouts. I like that she does this, even though I know I will not be able to go anywhere as heavy as she does. I found that doing the Live workouts where she uses heavy weights has helped my increase mine for a lot of exercises.

Hi to Lori,

Take care,
we are back from our semi hike. lovely day out but we were into snow before we got to the trailhead. so we parked, walked uphill for about an hour. it was crusty some places, slippery in others, snow free areas too, and it was clear we were not going to get very far. going uphill was easier than going back down. enough exercise for today but unless it warms up, we will be doing lower elevation hikes now. nowhere near enough snow for snowshoes, and crusty, difficult and slippery. beautiful out though and saw quite a few grouse and lots of critter tracks.

I think its more hip than knee rotation. I'm comfortable sitting cross legged but knees stay up. I need to look up scorpion. don't remember that one.

I have gone pretty heavy, but 30 lbs and up, not so sure about that! I will give 20 lbs a try, and if that goes well .... move up from there.
Today I did Ice Low Impact Sweat 2 with the blizzard blast mix, 37 minutes, 159 calories, heart rate 115/157 3,182 steps. I also did Perfect 30 Timesaver Pyramid Hiit which includes the warm up and stretch, 19 minutes, 90 calories, heart rate 119/145, 1,609 steps. I used a 6 inch step for this one instead of the 8. I finished with Perfect 30 flow timesaver mix yoga strength and flexibility stretch 20 minutes, 25 calories, heart rate 83/105. This mix was more of the stretch portions of the workout which was the same with the other I chose yesterday. Total time spent 76 minutes, 274 calories, 4,863 steps. Kelly put her new dvd Super Sculpt up on her raw app yesterday. The sun is out this afternoon. We had winds last night and this morning. I see more branches down as well as leaves.

Valerie, think the piston move was easier on Perfect 30 than the one in whichever other workout she does that in. Maybe it was more that the other workout had me on my hands and in planks a lot. I am not sure. I just felt the Perfect 30 was easier. I really wonder why they put the same bonus abs as pump abs and flow abs. The regular stretch on pump and hiit are both the same too. I guess with the hiit and heavy weights that I expected a tough ab segment too.

Carolyn, nice work today with Perfect Pump with the bonuses added. I am glad that your power came back on quickly. Even with the sun out there is still power out in areas. Good idea to use the french press to make coffee. I like pidgeon pose too and feel I get a nice stretch, just do not have the same ability the instructors do. I have went out and picked up a few smaller branches and limbs, but there is a lot of clean up outside. I don't know if the HOA will take care of the trees on the street side or how that is handled. I called today to let the City know I found my trashcan at a neighbors and it is cracked. Anyway there was a long recording about what to do with yard clean up from the storms.

Deb, nice work. Good to know how they added the bonus to the upper body. I have just tried it on it's own so far. It is really short by itself. I think I did the scorpion before using P90X2. Oddly with all of my yoga shortcomings, I did not have a problem with that one. I could get my foot flat on the floor. I guess we just need to pay attention to where our capabilities are. I am learning, even with stretches to not tense up and push to far. It should be relaxed. I think that is where I have messed up with the neck and shoulder pain. If I really try to push the stretches far, I make more pain rather than help. I read an article when searching on exercises and move that putting the hand on the head and pushing the stretch deeper can be counter productive. It makes sense. I remember when you had the hip bursitis and the therapy for it.
I did not go as heavy as Cathy on a few of those exercises. I tried to stay with hers as much as I could though. I want to do the upper body again soon if my shoulders and neck will allow it. I did not do the shoulders the first time. Mostly I am worried about the push press.
We were extremely fortunate with our power. There are thousands of people around the metro Atlanta area with power still out. So many downed trees and power lines. Three people were killed in their home by falling trees and one electrocuted by a downed power line. It’s very sad.
Good morning ladies,

Tuesday was the new perfect upper, wednesday was a perspirology bounce and yesterday was perfect lower. I liked both of the Perfect Pump workouts. The heaviest weight I have is 20lbs but it still worked for me. For the pick up squats I used both of the 20lbs and just did pile squats so I could get the same benefit as close as possible. I also took GiGi for her 2 daily walks each day.

Diane Sue...this is the first time I did a mail in ballot and here in Florida we did not need to have it notarized. Pretty sure same thing in Massachusetts. My husband brought ours to the library where there was a special mailing box for the ballots. A guard stood watch and just made sure the envelopes were signed. crazy your state requires the notary. We did mail in to avoid unnecessary contact. Awesome you go thru all the new workouts. I still have a few more to go. Looking forward to the low impact one. I used to like burpees and did not mind them...just not a ton of them. Now I avoid anything that may flare my left shoulder. Since switching to lighter weights, hi reps I have not had any issues in a while.

Deb...Great job on the lower pump workout. Yes she packs a lot in these 30 min workouts. I do not mind using a platform for lunges. But I do not go as high as Cathe does either. I also purchased some of the live workouts. I like I can edit and put a few different ones together. Also, when I pause my subscription I still have my favorite Lives. I like some of her FT Lives and love a lot of her Kickboxing. I recently bought a few and plan to get creative. I tried so many different snacks for GiGi..but when she sees a duck or cat...that is the snack she wants!!! 11,000 steps is great!!!!!!

Valerie..yes GiGi needs obedience classes. Bob and I started looking into this. We need to do something. One of these days, she may catch something and hurt the animal or herself - and take me down at the same time!!! 20lbs worked fine for me in these workouts when she went really heavy. She makes using heavy weights so easy!

Carolyn...yes I am so fearful she will hurt my left shoulder. I always hold the lead with my right and I also have it wrapped around my waist and usually brace myself when I know she sees something. But the other day she took me by surprise and wow!! it was not pretty. We need to get this under control. It has gotten out of control since living many temptations for her! That is terrible about the storm. Bob has friends that live in Atlanta and they lost power. They are fine, just tons of trees and branches down. This year has been horrible! subscription to Cathe Live ends in December. Iron Legs will be one that I buy before it ends. This is a great leg workout and I can see it becoming a favorite of mine too. I have not done any of the bonus yetbut previewed them. I can see how easily they will be to add on to a bounce workout. I love that the upper bonus is short but some great exercises!!!

Cathy... wow!! That car issue was crazy!!!!! Good job climbing thru the trunk!!! Wow So crazy!!!! sad you last walk in the Zoo. You seem to really enjoy and I like hearing about it. April will be here before you know it.

It is 7am here and I stopped writing here for a bit to take GiGi for her walk...I started finishing this post and my girlfriend in Massachusetts just texted me that it is showing!!!! And while walking GiGi I noticed it was a chilly 66 degrees here! My have I acclimated to this climate already! Lol!!!

Have a great day all!
Lori I wish you could go to an in-person class. I came from a "no-dogs" family. I had no idea where to start. I got my dog when he was a year old. a doberman. big and strong, untrained. the class quickly socialized the dogs so they sat quietly next to their owner, not aggressive, running all over. the teacher was a tiny older woman and in 10 seconds she could have an untrained dog behaving better. it was amazing to watch. the first thing I got was a pinch collar. they look nasty but they're not. a regular choker collar won't stay on most dogs. mine could drop his head and the choker slid right off. he learned that by himself in about 30 seconds, so understand they are smart and need to be guided to do the right thing. a pinch collar stays in place, and doesnt wear off all the hair on the neck area.
when we ride we see people trying to manage untrained dogs all the time, lunging around like giant tuna on a line. its dangerous for everyone, me on the bike, any bikes behind me, the dog owner, and the dog. walking your dog should be pleasant, not a weight training exercise. Gigi weighs WAY more than 20 lbs. It will be hard t find any classes this year. maybe a book? or utube videos? its worth the time.

yes 2020 has been a bitch! I even resent falling back an hour to add an extra hour to the year! what a year for hurricanes and fires. this may well be the "new normal" unfortunately.
Today I did Cardio Party, 39 minutes and 277 calories burned. Average heart rate was 129 and maximum heart rate was 145.

Deb, nice work with Perfect Pump Upper Body, Upper Body Bonus, and the Extended Stretch. I like that premix. Having the bonus moves mixed in with the main workout helps it to flow better for me.

Diane Sue, great job with Low Impact Sweat with Blizzard Blast and the Perfect Flow Yoga timesaver.

Lori, you seem to have your early morning routine worked out well. Great job with Perfect Pump Upper Body, Perspirology Bounce, and Perfect Pump Lower Body this week.

Valerie, Cathe definitely uses heavy weights in the Perfect Pump workouts. I certainly did not go as heavy as she does, but I did use heavier weights when I felt that I could safely do so.

Cathy, I hope that you made it home safely with the Halloween demon car.

Hello to Judy.
The landscapers are here finally. No grandchildren again. I am not sure why they chose to not have school today. Maybe some schools in the district are still without power. My daughter is just doing my grandson's school work with him since she is home.
I did Cathe Live Lighten Up Total Body #312, 59 minutes(53 actual), heat rate 91/142, 132 calories, 1,521 steps.
I followed it with Perfect 30 extended stretch which I did not start my Fitbit for.
That is it for today. I am probably going to have to take a couple of days off from workouts next week to go out and vote and I have an arthritis appointment along with school. Both things I will be doing in the morning.

Cathe Live 312 Lighten Up Total Body 53 minutes
weights 5's and 10's and medium tubing also a mat is used
Mostly legs at first then second half moves into upper body at 28 minutes into the workout, a few moves use both
squats/deadlifts 10# dumbbells alternating with various reps and counts
reverse lunges and lunge pulses 10# dbs
side to side lunge and pulses 10# db
alternating lunge rows 5# dumbbell
pulse squats, lunge front, side front switch body weight
air squats
walking lunge 3 steps then turn squat go other direction 10# dbs
air squat
side lunge leg lift alternating body weight
side lunge tap down 10# dbs
single leg deadlift 10# dumbbell 7 right 7 left
rear cross back lunge singles and pulses 10# dbs
calf raises 10# dbs (this ends at 21 minutes) Just in case I want to split it
posture pulls with reverse lunges medium tubing
bow and arrow with tubing and step back lunge 12 reps each
biceps curls with plie 10# dumbbells
starting at 28 minutes solid upper/core
banded weight curls medium tubing and 5# dumbbells
tubing holding both handles 1 arm curl reps
banded overhead triceps extensions
kickbacks with tubing
lying glute squeeze with extension 10's?
triceps push ups knees
overhead press 16 reps 10# dbs
upright rows 16 reps 10# dbs
tubing shoulder circles front 16 then back 16
shoulder band pulls
scarecrow 5# dbs 16 reps
walk out push ups
fly with leg extensions 10# dbs 20 reps
eccentric push ups 4 total
standing back fly 1 arm 10#
seated t band
seated Y's
going into core
seated w band around 1 foot twist
tubing sit ups 12 reps
sit ups with 5# dbs overhead and side to side
side plank hip raises12 right and 12 left
tubing superman ( I just did reverse crunches)
Lori, I have the Bowflex weights that go up to 52 # each so I can use those if I need to. My 20's are downstairs for my husband's use. Sometimes I sub kettlebells for the moves as I have two 31 # and two 25# and two of each down to 15 and then I have 1 10#. I also have a couple of small bars that can be loaded up to whatever weight that I want. It is just more convenient to just grab the right weight off of my rack though. I get your substituting. I am not complaining about the notary thing. I am glad that our state makes sure that the person voting is the right person. I know it makes it easier to get more to vote, and we have always had absentee voting. My husband did not mind and I would not have if I had chosen to do mail in. That is all I have to say about it. Nice that they had a place in the library with a guard to drop off your ballot and check it out. That makes it more convenient. I am working on some of the premixes now to see how they are. Sometimes even just bands or light weights can set off shoulder pain for me. It gets really frustrating. I could probably get used to no snow and cold again. I don't want to move though as I like it here and all of my family is here. Sorry GiGi is a problem walker when she sees critters. I had the pulling problem with walking Gertie last year when I had so much pain and was doing physical therapy. I am glad she does not seem too desirous of going after the ducks and geese. Maybe because they wander around here all of the time. She gets more side tracked by other dogs, but I can get her back on track and keep walking. I hope that you can get that resolved.

Valerie, dogs are so smart. My other dog was a barking maniac and she seemed to know when the battery was running down on her bark collar as she would start barking. I had the worst time with that and her wanting to run out the gate or door at the first chance. That is why I spent money on a training set with video lessons and I watched all of those cable dog training shows with Gertie. It had a prong collar for training, but it was not metal, but worked well. I did use a training collar with the other dog, but that did not do much for running off. Gertie, I believe I used the shock once after multiple beeps and she just knew the beep might mean the other and it just took beeping. She does not need one anymore.
I am voting for the old normal myself. This is a bunch of garbage. I don't even want to go out anywhere. My husband commented when I was looking at halloween cookie ideas for the grandchildren, that I used to do all of that fun stuff. I told him nothing is fun anymore. Maybe I just feel low, I don't know. I have been tempted to change my arthritis appointment from next week, but I need to get this stuff done before we start another year of paying deductibles. Plus I need to take the time to go get my flu shot. Maybe when I go to get my physical Thanksgiving week? I scheduled that because I knew there was no school.

Carolyn, nice work on Cardio Party today.

Cathy, I hope the car problem is taken care of.

Judy, hope you got in a great workout today.
No workout today, though I want to stretch later. I get up in the morning and immediately put on my workout clothes, so once I've gotten dressed, I rarely can bring myself to change to workout. I know it's just a mental block, but... Took DH's car to buy groceries and I'd never driven it before. I need to look at the manual before I drive it again and figure out the cruise because it is way too easy to go 80! :eek:

This afternoon, because he apparently didn't really believe me about the door locks, he went out and hit the unlock button and it let him in, then he ran it for a bit, reset the radio code and then turned it off and surprise! the door locks started flipping and locked him in. I must admit to a bit of satisfaction in that. LOL He managed to get out by yanking the door handle while it was flipping and getting it during a second of unlock. So, yes, the car now starts fine, but it wants to hold you prisoner. Lucky thing he got it open, because he's a foot taller than me and there is no way he's getting out anywhere other than the drivers door.

Lori it always kills me when I sister, near Tampa, complains about the cold. I generally just quote her back our current temp. I hope you are able to find a dog trainer you like, my sister will be taking her puppy to classes soon.

Hopefully, I'll be back in the swing tomorrow. After the last few days, my brain is rather fried.

Edited to add: I ordered the calendar. I haven't gotten one in years. Used the 20% to buy new gloves and wow small is really small. Last pair of Cathe gloves I had were also small, but not like this. I have very small hands. I can get them on, off is actually harder. Hopefully they will stretch a bit as I'm sure medium would be too big. I know my previous pair stretched some, they just eventually wore out after years of use.
Hi Everyone,

Wednesday I did a 45 minute Peloton ride. Yesterday I worked 6 hours and after work I did a couple of the Perfect 30 Bonuses, the core one and the extended stretch. This morning I did Cathe Live Iron Legs and Muscle Meltdown Triceps. This afternoon I did an hour of light Peloton rides.

Deb-Great job with Perfect Pump Upper Body. I've done Iron Legs 3 times now and it's definitely become one of my favorites.

Diane Sue-Great workouts this week. I agree about wanting to get back to normal. I hope your appointment goes well next week.

Valerie- Nice riding and hiking this week! I agree about the Perfect 30 abs being different. I like ab workouts like the ones in XTrain and ICE and this wasn't anything like those.

Carolyn-That is really terrible. I'm glad your power stayed on. Nice workout today.

Cathy-You've really had a crazy week! I'm glad you were able to get the demon car home.

Lori- Great job with the Perfect Pump workouts and Perspirology Bounce along with all of your walking this week!

Have a great weekend!
Did 20 on the treadmill and perfect pump upper. I enjoyed it and went heavier than I expected to. Took me a long time ...recording weights and rep numbers made for a lot of stop and start. Don't older work sheets included rep numbers? my print outs didn’t have that. ended up with every weight I own on the floor! Except the 35 pounders. Even used the 30s. I will like this one after a few times thru it, getting weight settled. I’m so glad the music is not too loud. while on the treadmill I watched much of PP low impact and will get to it soon. footwork is a little fancy for me but I will be able to do it.

Too funny Cathy!! I’ll bet he thought you were exaggerating! Nice to get a repeating problem at the right time. so annoying when the problem self corrects and you look like an idiot. Electronics are a devil to pinpoint and fix.

we had a power out yesterday, a brief windy period but all the trees still have leaves so it took about 3 gusts and wham, out it went. DH had a medical zoom appt set up and called to postpone it, but power wasn't out for long and was able to do the appt anyway.

I bought an instant pot the other day. who else has one? I'm not sure I will use it all the time but for things that cook a long time, it will be handy. especially in MT. the elevation makes everything take longer there. things like brown rice, lentils, beans. my first project was brown rice...starting simple here.... and it worked. r the rice usually takes 40-50 min at sea level. not sure how long it would take at elevation, but longer. with the pressurization and depressurization its not as fast as it sounds at first, but a half hour vs at least an hour is enough to be useful. I got a basic inexpensive one. does anyone have a book/blog/ website you recommend?
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