This morning I did All Out Low Impact Hiit, 39 minutes, 260 calories. I followed this with Ripped with Hiit lift it hit it chest, shoulders, and triceps 40 minutes, 261 calories, and finished with Suzanne Bowen Barre Amped Upper stretche, 13 minutes, 29 calories. Total time was 92 minutes and calories burned 556. I decided this week that I would do Ripped with Hiit weights and cardio and abs on opposing days. I could not make up my mind on something to commit to. I have a plan that I made up using different workouts and a bit on my own that worked out really well and contemplated it. I think I would want to adjust the off days from the workouts where I had a lot of kettlebells and Hiit . It has workouts that are in a workout A, B, A one week and then B,A,B the next. I used some Cathe, Amy Bento, and my own stuff. I set it up to move smoothly from one workout to the other by putting in 3 set of an exercise on my own while I switched out dvds. I may still do it. I got the idea from some of Rachel Cosgroves stuff but like using dvds. I also pulled out some STS and then sort of was, I don't know if I am ready for even a short rotation.
I am trying to really hit the house cleaning today. Vacuuming lamp shades and under furniture.
Flat Bench Press 12 reps 3 sets 25's, 25's. 25's
finisher push up 15 reps
Incline bench press 12 reps 3 sets 22.5's
finisher triceps push ups 16 reps
incline fly 12 reps 3 sets 20's
finisher decline push ups 16 reps
superset barbell overhead press/upright row 10 reps each move, 3 sets, 30#
finisher scarecrows 5# 20 reps
superset lateral raise/front raise 10 reps each move, 3 sets, 10's lateral raise/15# front rase
external rotation lateral raise 15 reps 8's #
Overhead triceps extensions 12 reps 3 sets 30#
finisher dips 20/20 reps
barbell lying extensions 12 reps, 3 sets, 35#
finisher triceps kickback 10's#
Deb, I hope your appointment went well today. By now you are probably done with it.
Judy, yes, that is what I read that overuse was a cause. There are other causes too. It is probably the bone density that makes it worse. It sounds to me like it would be better to be taking pictures and bragging about riding on rough terrain without getting hurt instead of look at me I really put my all into this and now I have my wounds to show it. Things happen though that we do not anticipate. You are right, if they are able to take selfies they must not be hurt to bad. I am more inclined not to do things that I might hurt myself doing. My husband is more the daredevil than I am.
Valerie, my dentist always asked me about the Boniva and the Nexium when I used to take it. Having that greasy chain cut into your leg must have hurt a lot. I hope your husband is not in too much pain with the dental work. I always think anything hurting in the mouth is probably one of the most miserable. My daughters' gardens did not do well this year. Usually they are giving me all kinds of stuff. The older daughter canned and froze some stuff. They had to resort to more garden sprays this year and lost most of their bees. Now they are wanting to plant honeysuckle and some plants to attract the bees and possibly start over. I tore out my tomato plants that produced one tomato and I have a pepper plant that would not set on peppers. It is 3 foot tall now. I have never had problems with either before. I think our soil is really bad here. I cannot even get grass to hardly grow.
Lynda, we had several good downpours this last week. It was nice yesterday though. We are getting back up into the 90s for a few days. That should be nice and muggy. I see toadstools growing all over the place. I have had to go out in our backyard and pull them so Gertie does not mess with them. I think our lawn, or what there is of it in back needs dethatched and aerated. I think that everyone should be aware of what they are taking and what the consequences can be of prolonged use. Doctors give patients what they can to help with their symptoms.