Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/7

Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Bun Burners Barre and Ball (47 min.). I wonder if I will get doms in my hamstrings from this one--I always seem to when I do those ball roll-ins. Deb, there's a nice short barre section in this workout--I'd say about 10-15 min.

Diane Sue, those naked ladies are very interesting. No leaves! How strange. I don't think we have the right climate here for them, but they are definitely pretty. I agree--an odd place to plant them by that thing sticking up (what is that? something related to utilities?).

Valerie, your garden sounds wonderful. If Kim had the time, he would probably do more, but I'm just happy with the tomatoes and the basil crops. We get a lot of produce from local farmers that is excellent, but no one can beat those brandywine tomatoes Kim grows for me. I don't watch all of the Olympics either. If I did it would be a full-time job!

Deb, I will have to check out that workout. I'm looking for some cardio tomorrow, and BBB and B didn't have that much after the first section.

Judy, there are actually quite a few houses on the market here. I think the local population is an aging one because I know the elementary school just doesn't have that many children. The town feels deceptively youthful because of the college students who often live off campus during their summers. We also have a lot of tourists for the museums and theater during the summer.

Lori, I love lobster rolls too. When we went to the Jersey Shore, my only exercise was a 3 mile beach walk every day. I didn't do a power walk, though, because I like to look for shells.

Hi to Josie and Caitlin!
Today I started with Brook Benton's Kettlebody by Brook Cardio Kettlebell 31 minutes, 158 calories. I only used a 10 amd 15# kettle bell. There is a lot of swinging the bell at angles and I always have this fear of hitting my knees or something. It is not a favorite of the workouts that I have of hers. I think that I have mostly used the cardio yoga from this set. I then did Cross Fire Less Impact premix, 56 minutes, 336 calories and finished off with 21 Day Fix Extreme abs, 11 minutes, 50 calories. I generally do not have a lot of problems with the moves in that ab workout but the side plank hip drops and the plank with the arm raise and through are tough when done for a whole minute on one side then moving to the other for a minute. Total time was 98 minutes, 544 calories. I evidently have grass allergies. My allergies just started in again and I realized that it was going out in my Crocks sandals to work in the yard or barefoot that was causing intense burning and itching on my feet. My toes and feet were swollen the other night when I came in. I had the same thing on my elbows for a couple of days and remembered that I had jumped on the rebounder with shoes I had worn in the yard recently and then was doing plank work and push ups to elbows on it the other day. Anyway I talked to my daughter and she said the grass allergy would do that. I ordered butterbur capsules to try. I read on Dr Axe that it helps hay fever and grass allergies. I also read reviews on Amazon. I am hoping it helps. They did not have any in Sprouts when I went yesterday. I believe butterbur is often used for migraines.

Lynda, I really liked that barre and ball workout. That is some electric utility box. We are on a corner and I guess past owners thought it would hide the box or something. That makes no sense though because bulbs do not bloom very long. From the front though it is not as noticeable because of the hibiscus and camellia being fairly large. I need to trim those dead blooms off of the hibiscus. I have been bad about staying in this season. My allergies have not been so pleasant. I do like going outside and working though.

Lori, you sound like you are having a great time :) I bet you do wish you could have him around close. I sometimes see flowers in people's landscapes that I really would like to know what they are. I have a book of flowers and plants that I sometimes leaf through to try to find them. I had a clematis at our last house. It was so pretty and I sometimes think I would like to plant another one. It attracted some small bee type bugs that really hurt when they bit. That was the only draw back since it was right along our walkway. My husband had a bush taken out in front by the garage in hopes of expanding our fence but I don't think HOA will let us do that. I took out two passion vines on the same side the flowers I took a picture of were. They kept growing into the air units and I had to trim them all of the time. They were full of bees and some sort of red worms. I think they are pretty but way too much work and the passion fruit was hollow when I tried picking some. I think the worms took care of that and I did not want to spray the bees. Now the bees hover all over the hibiscus. It is on the street side so I don't worry about it.

Valerie, my daughter's land is fenced but the deer just fly over the fence. You can sit at the pool or in their screened room in back and see them sometimes. I think they have a little less problem with the two dogs now. But, the deer liked the fruit on the fruit trees. They went on their cruise and came back and the fruit was gone. They have fencing around the garden and I do not think they have had a problem there and the roses are around the outside fence of the pool and they don't seem to want to come that close. My younger daughter has a smaller garden that they expanded some this year. They plant items to harvest at different times like that. I used some littler for the oil too. I happened to have some expensive wheat based littler called Swheat or something like that. I had purchased it for our lop eared bunny Harvey , but he thought it was something to eat. I quit using it because bunnies have died because of eating it. I did not have cardboard under the car and it was a real mess.
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Diane sue, we have 5 acres and can't fence everything. we use tall "t" posts and heavy nylon netting. no deer can jump that. It's 8-10 feet high. we tried shorter fencing but it didn't work. the roses were a deer magnet. raspberries. apples. some crops are not worth the hassle. roses are hard to grow here because of mildew, fungal diseases. I tried fencing them but not workable. so I yanked them out. I grow different plants. we spray repellant spray on things occasionally but mostly avoid plants the deer like. same with grass allergies....avoidance. I stay off grass. DH mows the lawn and I don't sit around on it. If I don't over expose myself, I have no problems. Golf was the WORST! It's funny but "wild" stuff isn't a problem, but lawn grass especially golf courses are misery.

I used to use the Swheat litter too, but they changed the formula and it stopped clumping so I switched to the corn based one. we had too much oil for the litter I had on hand, so used newspaper. no repeat of this experience,PLEASE.

I did CUB, core 1, and floor therapy exercises. I'd done what I thought was a short version of CUB, but today when I did the whole thing, didn't notice the 5 moves the shorter version skips. I did my usual and started with full sound and switched it off half way thru to vocals only. especially for weights, I don't need music.
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Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Trisets Legs...a tough lower body workout for sure. My uncle's flight was cancelled, then rescheduled for later. He was supposed to land at 11:30 pm last night. My cousin was picking him up...I was sleeping. He is staying at her house for a couple nights. We had a thunder storm last night, we lost power twice, only for a few seconds though. At least we got some rain.

Lori, good for you for doing workouts that let you enjoy the beautiful scenery and weather at the cape. I can imagine all the topics you could discuss with Adam...he must be impressed with all the workouts you do. I think you would like that cardio was tough (for me) but doable. I think the only other Live all cardio I have done and really liked is Crush It Low Impact. Yes take some pics of the flowers...they would probably be ones that could survive here.

Diane Sue, thanks for the tip on the dog treats. I am always looking for those with limited ingredients. Have you looked at the Zukes? The Skinny Bakes are great, good ingredients and less calories. I get the "5's" which are only 5 calories each. They are tiny though, you would need a bigger size for Gertie. Perfect for my dogs, since they get a treat every time they come in from outside, and anytime I leave the house to go somewhere. They come in and stand by the jar, like you said Gertie does. :) It's a routine they have been in since they were the less calories the better. Those KB workouts are tough! I still like KCM's the best out of the ones I have tried. Sorry about the grass sounds painful. I hope that butterbur works.

Valerie, I bet those horse people appreciate the fact that there are responsible mt bike riders out there that are willing to help out. Your garden sounds wonderful. For me, that would be a lot of work!

Lynda, I think I tried that one, and could not complete the barre butt and legs were killing me. I need to start with easy, easy stuff. I think you will like that cardio workout...We have a lot of open markets where local farmers come where they sell their crops.

Hi to Josie & Judy,

A workout, and agility class tonight,

Take care,
Deb, I did not see any larger Zukes. They do have some grains in them but no wheat. Sometimes I do get a pouch of small treats just for toss and catch. I made her some chicken and pumpkin treats using half almond flour and half coconut flour with 1 egg. They are not as crisp as I would have liked. It may take a bit to get the formula right, I wish I didn't have to put them in the refrigerator. I only found one recipe that said refrigerate for a week or freeze. Funny a lot don't tell you that but we wouldn't eat it if it was left out. Not with meat and eggs in it. The ones I had made a long time ago were banana and had egg and ground oats in it. They grew mold after a couple of weeks in the cookie jar. It seems there must be a way to make ones similar to the store

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Deb, we've tried to volunteer for maintenance chores before, but it was an accident we met up with this lady two days ago. she's emailed us and has a very impressive blog!, she's quite the horse person. I know a lot of mt bikers are 18 yr old irresponsible little tweakers but we aren't ALL in that category. we already carry pruners to cut back blackberry vines that get dangerously long this time of year. not much trouble for horses, but they are for bikers.

we're going to road ride this morning so I'll check back in later.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Solid Cardio with Hiit (45 min.). Too much impact for me, so I doubt that I will do this one again (never say never). I definitely was pushing myself to do some of the jumping, but my legs were a bit sore from yesterday's workout.

Deb, it rained all morning here, but we needed it. I think it will be getting very humid though. That's too bad about that little barre section. I guess you could just take some rests when the burn hits, although I suspect the whole point of barre is to get that burn from repetition. My major dread is roll-ins on the ball with my butt up in the air. My hamstrings were sore today. Max knows where the treats are too, and sits patiently until I open the cabinet. I tell him, "You choose," and he goes over with his nose to choose which bag. Kim says I spoil him. He's probably right.

Diane Sue, I am so impressed with the length of your workouts combined with your allergies. I don't have any allergies, but I still have problems with throwing myself into a workout if it's really warm. I suffer from wilt and languor (hah!).

Valerie, Kim allows horse riders back on our land, but doesn't like mountain bikers. They scare the pigs. He has problems with deer running through the electric fences, but Max seems to be pretty good at keeping them away from our flowers.

Today I did Ice Lower Body Blast with the blizzard blast, 65 minutes, 432 calories. I then did Muscle Meltdown Shoulders 16 minutes, 82 calories. I finished with 21 Day Fix Extreme yoga, 32 minutes, 106 calories. Total time 1 hour 53 minutes calorie total 620.
Shoulders giant sets 5 exercises 12 reps each
overhead press 20's rnd 1; 15's rnd 2 and 3
upright row 15's, 15's, 15's
standing side laterals 10's, 10's, 10's
front raise 15, 15, 15
rear delt on ball 8,8,8

Deb, I did not mind that barre workout. The workouts that I feel are just torture are some of Tracey Anderson's and Tonique. I seriously wonder why I keep them. They seem to go on and on and cause a lot of screaming in the legs.

Valerie, I was doing the yard work and mowing our back yard. My husband saw how miserable I was for days afterward and started getting one of my grandson's to come over and do it. My husband was taking over. Even wearing the mask did not do much for it. I did read that some varieties of lawn grass are worse than others. We have a mix in our back yard so I get some long fescue and then the other stuff. Some was already here. I have put out grass seed multiple times trying to get something growing out there. That is nice that you trim back some of the blackberry bushes. I really do not see them around here.

Lynda, wilt and languor, that is funny. I think by the time I am done I am pretty much wilted maybe a little languor. I drink a bcaa with glutamine drink before and during my workout. I think it gives me a bit more stamina. I used to workout much longer and harder than I do now. Once in awhile I slow down a bit. Thinking of high impact moves, I keep forgetting there is a no jacks premix on Ice Lower body blast. I need to try that one sometime.
26 miles 2 hrs 15. a good ride.

omg so funny... so mt bikers scare pigs!. something to feel very guilty about! a lot of bikers scare horses and walkers we always ride in control. from riding the trail, we're very aware of letting people know we're coming up behind them. we do the same mt biking, and pull over if there is any question. we've found so far the horse people are fine with bikes. we always talk so the horses don't get spooked and do whatever the horse people need, like pull over, uphill or downhill and keep chatting. I like horses, just don't have one. we try to be good trail users because we want to the trails to be open to everyone.

diane sue, I quit mowing the lawn when I was in my 20's. the allergies were too over whelming. I would have killed all the grass and xeriscaped the place if DH didn't agree to mowing. I have not even a hint of problems if I don't mow and don't golf.

blackberries are like kudzu is to much of the country. they are huge, aggressive, spreading, and nasty. thorns!!. you can flatten a tire by riding over the thorns, and they will tear your clothes and your skin. there were some native ones but the bigger ones are an import and have taken over. hard to kill no matter how you do it. I carry a small pruner in my pack. the canes arch up and then grow downward and grab your flesh as you ride past. so I cut them back.
Good evening ladies!

This morning was Ice Low Impact Sweat 1, SB Feel Good Cardio, then ended with SB Upper Back Thigh. Great workouts. I did a long workout yesterday too. A mixture of cathe kickboxing, SB upper lower compound and Jessica Smith 20 min arms that I love. I love having so much time to workout in the mornings!

Rainy here today so we stayed in and relaxed and watched the original "The Heartbreak Kid" with Charles Grogan and Cybil Shepard. Bob's son left today which was sad. Tonight it is dinner with my stepson (from my ex husband and Nicholas' half brother) and his wife. We have such a great relationship and glad we get together everytime I am visiting the Cape. Nicholas and Chelsie will be here Friday spending the night. So we are having a busy and fun week.

Lynda...hope your hamstrings are better. Those exercises doing the ball roll outs can be killer! SB has a couple that I love. I love my morning walks here. Although I have not been since I last posted I did. Will not be able to go tomorrow either. We are leaving early for Plymouth. Bob is going to do some business in the morning while I shop. Then we will do some site seeing. Been ages since I have been to Plymouth. Bob has never been. So sweet about Max and his treats. Very cute.

Valerie...great ride! Bob takes care of the lawn for us. When we married we decided I take care of the inside and he would do the outside. Works well for us! :). Glad you were able to get that oil cleaned up.

Deb...barre is so hard. When I first started it wiped me. Now I love that deep burn and can't get enough of it. It was nice chatting with Adam about fitness. My husband is not into it at all and neither are my friends. This forum is the only time I really talk about my workouts in detail. I do a little with the lunch ladies but that is it. Was nice to chat with someone so knowledgeable and interested in it.

Diane Sue...great workout today. As I have mentioned perviously you amaze me. I tried a couple of Tonique a while back and could not get into them at all. Have no desire to try out TA either!

I saw that KCM has shipped her new DVD's so I anticipate it arriving before I get home. My 20lb body bar arrived this week too. Looking forward to both of these!

Have a great night all. Hi to Judy, Josie and Caitlin!
Good morning,

Yesterday I did Live Crush it Low Impact. Good workout, only 35 minutes. My uncle's Delta flight was supposed to land at 11:30 pm Monday night...he ended up landing at 3:30 am yesterday, and his luggage went to Detroit. ugh.. at least he made it here. Poor guy.

Diane Sue, they have the 20's in the Zuke's Skinny Bakes , they would be considerably larger than the 5's. As long as there is no wheat, corn, or soy type stuff in them, I think they are ok. I agree, I don't like to refrigerate the homemade ones, but worry that they will spoil ( and you know the dogs would eat them anyway!) and they may get sick. I freeze mine when I make them, then take out just a day's worth and put in the refrigerator. I remember when Tonique came out....don't recall what it is now, but know that I didn't like it and didn't even want to try it.

Valerie, glad you ordered the series, I think it's going to be a good one. Even if there are one or two that you don't like, it's still worth the price. You and your DH are probably the exception for mountain bikers on trails.

Lynda, sorry you did not like that did have a lot of high impact moves, and a "gazillion" jacks....I just modified anything I didn't like, and mostly did low impact jacks. I was happy with the calorie burn. :). When that burn hits from barre, it's like a huge cramp in my glutes, ...I guess if you keep doing it, it stops feeling like that eventually. I dread roll-ins with the ball too, I get that same cramp in my hamstring...ouch! Does Max choose one treat more than the other?

Lori, it must be so nice to do your morning workout, and not have to look at the clock or get ready for work afterwards. :). That's great that you have a good relationship with your stepson. Do you have a cottage or time share at the Cape? is it the same place you go to every year? You will have to let us know what the new KCM's are like...was this the one she taped of her live road trip?

Hi to Judy, Josie & Caitlin,

The glass guy comes today to reinstall the side lights on the front door. I can't wait to see how they turned out. Hope to get an upper body workout in before he gets here. I should post before & after pics.

Take care,
Deb, that's what I concluded. I know I want the cycle one, and if even one other is usable, it's worth it.
I know mt bikers have a bad rep but I have to say we've met quite a few people casually, and most of them are nice, polite adults. your poor uncle!! what a mess... I never check luggage for that reason.

Lori, I like to hear about anyone who has good family relationships. it shouldn't be that hard, should it?? No need to try to answer that!!

I haven't done ball roll -ins in a long time. I've been doing the core 1 ab workout and should vary it. I get in the habit of doing a few disks repeatedly and while it does make it more efficient, I probably should mix it up more.
Did CUB and icy core 1 again. goes pretty fast!

Lynda, this is out of order... but a pig stampede? of all the things I don't want when riding a mt bike, it's being in the middle of that. HA. a long time ago DH and I were in AZ and got chased up a tree by a herd of peccaries! we didn't have experience with them but they looked mean so up we went.
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Hi everyone--

This morning I did live Strong Upper Body and Core (57 min.). I like this one--very straightforward ba, sh, ch, tris, bis, with 3 sets of exercises for each body part repeated 3 times, 12 reps. I liked the core too--standing at first. A definite 5.

Deb, Max likes gravy bones best I think. Yes, show some before and after pics. I don't like Delta. I have had two bad experiences with them, and I don't like that they charge for your bags. I hope they at least gave your uncle some kind of travel voucher.

Lori, both of my sons went to Plymouth on a school trip. I think it was 5th grade and they were studying the pilgrims. What will you be shopping for?

Diane Sue, I have only read about Tonique and Tracy Anderson over at Video Fitness. It sounded like endless repetition in Tonique and endless repetition with very light weights in the TA. Beyond wilt and languor is BOREDOM AND IRRITATION. I knew they would never work for me.

Valerie, it's really just the Old Spot pigs that are spooked and that may be because they can't see very well with these big flappy ears over their eyes. But when they get running, Phew! They get the other pigs going.
Today I have had two grandchildren here so I did a shorter workout. I did the Ice Low Impact Sweat Step Mish mosh all step mix, 37 minutes, 262 calories. I also did Ice core 2, 14 minutes, 51 calories. Total workout was 52 minutes, 317 calories.

Lynda, yes, I would refer to Tonique and Tracy Anderson as boredom and irritation as well. I find myself hating the burning in the muscle and watching the clock wondering when that move is going to end. To top it off the music is generally not good. There is nothing to draw me to want to do those workouts when I can get results from something else and enjoy it. It is hard to imagine spooked pigs.

Valerie, I think I dealt with Kudzu in our last home. It was a vining plant that took over everything and had the finest tiny thorns that penetrated my gloves trying to deal with it. I would try to find the base and put some Tordon RTU stump killer on it and it would only slow it down. Round up never worked. It had quite the root system that wanted to spread out into the lawn.

Lori, I sort of wanted to do some kickboxing but decided I would wait since I may have the new Kelly Coffey coming in any day. You will have fun working with the new body bar.

Deb, what a miserable sounding trip your uncle had. At least he made his destination. I will have to check out the 20's. I may see if one of my daughters want some of these treats and dog food with the grains in them. I have a separate baggie I had put away that were cheap gravy train biscuits. They were pretty much all junk and did not set well with Gertie. She is doing great right now and is almost to her usual portions of the Castor and Pollux Grain free with a bit of ground chicken and a spoon of pumpking. So, I will check out the grain free treats after a bit longer. I am afraid of the rest though.

Edited to add that our community lawn people that do the front of our house weed whacked my naked ladies :( I went to the mail box and walking back I saw them lying on the ground. I guess they were trimming around the utility box.
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Hi Everyone,

Tuesday I did XTrain Legs, all sections plus the rear delts bonus section. Wednesday I did an 80 minute Spinerval and today I did the upper and lower body stretches from SB's new dvd and then Burn Sets-Chest, Back & Shoulders with Core 1.

Deb-you are doing a great job with the live workouts! I'm sorry about your uncle's flight & luggage :(

Lynda-I have a hard time with the hamstring roll ins too. I had to modify that move in XTrain. What I was doing probably didn't look much like a roll in but it was the best I could come up with..

Diane Sue- I also have bad hayfever and ragweed allergy. My allergies always flare up when ragweed comes out. I hope the butterbur helps. I might have to look at that too. Chris is very unhappy with the HOA that we have. It's one of the reasons he wants to move.

Valerie-you are getting some awesome mountain bike rides in! I wish I could say the same but we haven't been back out since early July. It's just so difficult to get anywhere safe to ride in this area. I think I have to accept that indoor cycling is the best thing for me right now.

Lori-I really like SB's new dvd! I'll be trying more of it tomorrow. I haven't gotten the new KCM dvd yet.

Hi to Josie & Caitlin!

Good evening ladies!

This afternoon I did today's live Boxing, Hitt and Core. Loved it! I needed to modify a bit with the Hiit because I was on carpet and not used to working out on carpet. Really changes thing for me on carpet with any twisting. Not good for my knees. I then followed up with an Ice CUB premix of standing upper only.

Deb...our Time Share is a large motel converted to time shares. It is old but clean. Outdoor and indoor pool, comunity area and nice hot tube. We look at it as upscale camping and always enjoy our time here. We own week 32 and come every year at this time. A friend of mine originaly owned it but could not afford the yearly maintenance fee and gave it to us. We tried to give him money but he would not accept. We have owned it for 8 years now and love coming here. Glad your uncle made it!

Valerie...I agree family should not be hard. I have a wonderful relationship with my Ex's sons(Nicholas's half brothers). It is really nice. I have 4 siblings but only have a relationship with 2 so I can related with what you are going thru.

Lynda...well I thought there would be more shopping so I ended up at Cupcake Charlies. Omg delicious cupcakes!!! I bought 6 and that was sugar overload. I had 1/2 of one and that was it. My son is coming to visit tomorrow and I am giving him all of them. It was hot walking around so we ended up leaving sooner than we thought. Figured living in Massachusetts we can come when it is a little cooler. We did go on the Mayflower II which was pretty neat and Bob enjoyed seeing Plymouth Rock.

Diane described Tonique perfectly! I liked the live boxing workout today. The boxing segment was not overly intense but the Hiit got the heart rate up! Oh no they weed whacked your naked ladies!!! So sad!!!

Have a great night all!
Good morning & Happy Friday!

Yesterday I did Live Upper Body Express. The area between my shoulder blades is killing me this morning, Doms like I never had there before. The glass work is done, except for the painting of the frame around the came out a little larger than I would have liked, but there was no other way that would look ok to keep the tempered safety glass in place over the window. I think having these open will take a lot of time to get used to.

Valerie, I had to Google peccaries to find out what they were! Never heard of them before. Ugh...would not want to be chased by a herd of them. The PHA training, Giant Sets, and Upper Body workouts, along with the Cycle one (for you) should really be good. The Live version of "You Can Do Anything For a Minute" is a good one, not sure about the DVD, it may have more high impact than the Live does.

Lynda, we must be in the same frame of mind for workouts, yesterday I did the Express one of the one you did previously. :). Not sure about a travel voucher for my uncle. The whole system was down for a few days, I can't imagine how many people were stranded, and missed flights etc. How can an airline lose power for that long? "BOREDOM AND IRRITATION" is exactly what that Tonique style of workout reminded me of.

Diane Sue, I bet Gertie just got some kind of gastro bug...same as Keegan and Kylee a couple months ago. What?? I would be really upset at those people that weed whacked your flowers! Talk about careless! That is really bad.

Judy, great workouts! Do you have a way to transport your bikes to a nice trail or park? It does make it harder to ride them. I'm sure that is another thing you can look for when you are looking for a new area that is easier to ride bikes in, or close to a park, trail etc.

Lori, I took out the area rug from my workout area just for that reason....I felt it was restricting movement, and not good for my knees, although I did like the cushioning. Wow that was a great deal on the timeshare unit! I like going back to the same place frequently...I do the same with hotels etc. Plymouth sounds like fun, lots to do and see.

Hi to Josie & Caitlin,

A workout this morning, then HouseMax for me. It is so hot there is no way I can work in the yard, the dogs won't even stay out there more than 5 minutes! Any plans for the weekend?

Take care,
Deb, I am trying to remember if javelinas and peccaries are the same thing. I think so. they weren't all that big but there was quite a group of them. we climbed a tree and they circled around under the tree for a while and then moved on. they had tusks and looked unfriendly.

Diane sue, I've never seen kudzu but I've heard stories about how it grows over everything and is almost impossible to kill. blackberries are bad too, but maybe not that bad. they get these long, freely swinging canes with thorns that grab onto clothing or your skin. they go upward, often loop over tree branches and then swing down. the thorns snag on everything. I usually cut them back in short sections, let them dry and then burn them. Round up will kill them but not quickly and then you still need to dig them out. even after being dead for years, the thorns are still as sharp as needles. we have gotten flat tires from them plenty of times even though we try to avoid them.

Judy sad there is not a safe place to ride. we have a lot of places around here but not all are suitable for everyone. some places too busy, too steep, whatever. when we find a place we like, we use it often. I like one of the state parks but not in summer when it gets too busy.

we had carpet in our basement workout room at first. the thin, flat industrial kind. it was OK at first but got stinky. we learned that was a consequence of carpet over concrete, regardless of how dry we kept it. we ripped it out after a few years , put in laminate. much easier to
clean, no odor, and easy to use a yoga mat over it. a lot easier to exercise on the laminate vs the carpet, where your feet would get stuck sometimes.

Is everyone watching some of the Olympics? I love gymnastics. the US women are incredible. simone biles and aly raisman! (the others are no slouches either) Wow!.
I like mens too, but none of the USA men did as well. the Japanese guy (keiko?) was amazing as was the ukrainian who finished second. even enjoyed womens' beach volleyball. I don't like watching swimming events. not denying the talent, and dedication, hard work, but I don't enjoy watching it.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did both Sweat workouts (46:13).

Lori, I don't know what the weather is like where you are, but it is terrifically humid here. I feel like we are suddenly in the tropics. I did wonder what kind of shopping you would do in Plymouth. I know it must be a tourist draw, but also kept pretty pristine or it wouldn't look like the pilgrims landed there. No shopping malls in the 1600s I presume. It must have been so nice to do your workouts with no time pressures. A bit like retirement for a week.

Valerie, that does sound scary. Our pigs are more curious-friendly than scary. No tusks, no intact boars, and they love to have their backs scratched. Yes, I have been watching the Olympics and love the women's gymnastics. Swimming is okay, but unless they do some shooting close up or underwater, it's just watching who is the fastest from an overhead angle. I wonder if they will show some of the fencing, which I think I remember liking.

Judy, I have a hard time keeping my back and butt up in the air on those roll-ins. I just do what I can even if my butt wants to sag all the time!

Deb, we have been doing similar/same workouts this week. My live subscription is about to run out and I'm trying to decide whether to let it go for a month and explore my dvds, old and new.

Diane Sue, you will have to review the new KCMs for us. That's too bad about your naked ladies. Will they just come back next year?
Good evening ladies,

This morning was 2 SB workouts. The first was Lower Body Barre 3 (37min) followed up with Adv. Lower Body Fire (17min). I wanted to do one of her new stretches but I was beat after these two. My legs had enough.

My son and his GF arrived this morning and we are having a great time. We are going to the Brazilian Steak house tonight. 2nd time this week for us. I will not be stepping on the scale anytime soon after this vacation.

Judy...great workouts! I have not done the Upper or Lower stretches yet. What was your thoughts? I love the 2 on the first DVD. is very hot and humid here. Can't do anything with my hair! Was really nice to workout this week. :). Have you seen on the news the young girl murdered on a jogging trail Sunday in Princeton? We are so creeped out. I live the next town over and those are the trails I hike on. My son went hiking by himself on Monday before he knew of what happened. So very sad. Hoping they catch the person who did this soon.

Deb...hoping your pain goes away soon. I agree and think the workouts are going to be great. Glad she is making Dvd's after her Live workouts. After coming here several years we now know all the people that also come this week and it has been a lot of fun meeting up with everyone year after year. I have to be careful on carpet. To easy for me to twist a knee.

Valerie...our basement has the industrial carpet too. So far ok with odors. My workout area has the 2ft foam tiles over the carpet and this works well for me. We have not been watching the Olympics! But have been catching up when we can. So happy for Simone and Aly!!! The news mentioned Simone is only 4'8". Tiny but a powerhouse.

Have a great night all!

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