Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/25/2024

Today I did CDorner Legs and Abs With All the Bands, 54 minutes(took me 64 because I paused and wrote down the moves, 123 calories. I am sure I am going to feel this later. I finished with CDorner Full Body Stretch with towel or strap, 29 minutes, 29 calories. Total time 93 minutes, 152 calories.
I shopped yesterday. This morning I did Live 30 Minute Kick Box Express, STS 2 the Standing Metabolic Core workout, and just now STS 2 Giant Sets. I kept telling myself that Giant Sets is good for me, but that is a hard workout for me. Pace is killer. Then I sat down to type this and even though it was at least 10-15 minutes later, I was still giving off enough heat to fog my reading glasses. LOL Never had that happen before!

Carolyn great job with JS Pyramid Power Walk and RWH Back, Biceps, and Shoulders.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner No equipment all standing arms 20 minutes and the stretching/mobility workouts. Hopefully the break from weights will work. Hope your new desk works out well. And wow, getting incompatible fish is not a good thing at all and what a hassle for you.

Valerie my husband has a lot of weird eating habits and I don't even bother pointing out they aren't logical. Once he decides something, he sticks with it. He's decided that green peppers are okay but colored peppers upset his digestion. That is so backwards from fact. Green peppers are peppers that aren't fully ripe, and personally I don't like them. But, I just don't put the other ones in his food. I'm good with a fair amount of heat in my peppers, but Nick likes things even hotter. When he's here, and I make things like chili, I make them at the hottest I can handle. Sounds like a cool hike. A lot of places here have put guard rails and warnings up along drop offs and our drop offs aren't nearly what yours are. The one thing you don't want to do here is go down the biggest dune at Sleeping Bear Dunes. It's very steep and long and you have to be in really good shape, a risk taker or not too bright. There are signs along the top telling people that if they go down to the water (it's on Lake Michigan) and can't get yourself back up it costs up to $3,000, for them to rescue you. They have to bring in personnel from two fire departments plus the National Park rangers. Since they put up the signs it no longer happens daily, but still every week or so. At no time in my life was I in good enough shape and confident enough to do it. We've done some of the smaller dunes and those are a tough climb up, fast run down though if you can stay on your feet, which a lot of people don't.
Today I did RWH Legs, 37 minutes and 183 calories burned. My average heart rate was 119 and maximum heart rate was 143. This is the workout that has a contrasting cardio move after each weighted exercise. I kept all cardio low impact. Then I did STS 2 Chair Yoga for an additional 21 minutes and 34 calories.

Valerie, that sounds like quite the hike, even if it was short! Great job.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Legs and Abs with bands and Full Body Stretch.

Cathy, great job with 30 Minute Kickbox Express, STS 2 Standing Metabolic Core, and STS 2 Giant Sets.

Hello to Judy.
We did a trail ride this morning, an hour and fifteen minutes. good for a busy weekend, no big drive involved.

cathy I definitely got the idea your DH is a food crank. I agree, would have thought green peppers would be less acceptable than red or orange. I like all peppers, a huge food kingdom by itself. to me the colored ones are sweeter than green. there're a basic food I always have in the fridge.

the hike is not that technical until the last few feet. I'm not okay with much "exposure". most of the fear is mental, its not ridiculously dangerous but one must certainly pay attention for a few steps. best not look down! I looked up some background and the lookout was built in early 1930's. they blasted the top off the mountain to make a small flat spot for the cabin. cabin burned down in 1967. no clue how they got building supplies up there but if they dynamited the top off the mountain, they weren't concerned about environmental harm! most of the supplies were gotten to within a few hundred feet with horses or mules since at the time there was no bridge across the Suiattle river. its a hard to impossible river to ford except maybe in late fall before it starts raining. there are many dozens of similar lookouts around the area with many of them still functioning buildings. people spend the night up there. weve hiked to many cabins but never say, just visit and then walk back down.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Mash Up high or low impact, 29 minutes, 162 calories, heartrate 134/176, 3,004 steps. I followed with Raw Yoga stretch 14 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 43 minutes, 184 calories.

Cathy, great job on Cathe Live 30 Minute Kick Box Express, STS 2 the Standing Metabolic Core workout, and STS 2 Giant Sets. That sounds like a long workout. We had friends that we visited in Michigan years ago. They drove us around to scenic areas. I do not know where we were stopped, but us women decided to climb down the water. Big mistake and the guys did not help us. Climbing that steep climb in sand was terrible. It was hot and we had not water with us at the bottom. I was starting to think we were doomed. We made it, but I would never attempt something like that again. I had not thought about what going back up would be like. Glad I was strong and worked out hard back then.

Carolyn, nice work on Ripped with Hiit Legs and STS chair yoga.

Valerie, nice work on the trail ride this morning for an hour and 15 minutes. I do not know why someone would want to build a house on a mountain peak. My husband and I watched a show where people were building homes in impossible places and weather conditions. They had to figure out how to get materials there over water and rock. I just think once done if anything goes wrong or an emergency happens getting out of there or getting help would be tough.
diane sue this is not a house. its a one room "cabin" manned by a single person watching for forest fires or enemy planes. they were built in high open places with as close to 360 degree views as possible. they have outlived their original purposes. now, people stay in them because there is an incredible view and you are somewhat protected from weather. They always have lots of mice so plenty of mouse traps. they are lightning targets. there is no electric or plumbing, just a bed frame, some pots and pans, a coleman stove maybe some canned food. usually books, a lantern, maybe kerosene other basic supplies. people used to live in them for months at a time. some had wood stoves for heat. obviously wood for the stove required a lot of work to get. they all look alike. they are very basic wood structures with windows all around, and closeable wood shutters buckled down and cover the windows for winter. A lightning rod on the roof. the site of the one we were just at, water was about a mile away, with a stiff climb down and then back up. it was not for wimps. many are still usable. a lot of people hike back to them and stay over night. some can be reserved but you always take a chance people you dont know showing up with plans to stay also. Ill try to find a link and post it.

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Today I did the step combos from Low Max and finished with the P30 extended stretch. Flopsy got on my mat and left me lots of white hair presents, so I had to take the lint brush to it. There's a reason I keep one with my workout equipment. Nick's running a 1/2 marathon today. I gather it's just an opportunity to run and be timed, rather than an official race. Real feel is already over 90 there, so hopefully they have lots of water stations.

Valerie I don't think we have lookouts here where people can stay, though there are still some fire lookout towers. There are a couple lighthouses where you can stay. Yes, DH is super picky about food, though of course he doesn't think so. LOL

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Cardio Mash Up high or low impact and Raw Yoga Stretch. When I was young there were far more dunes accessible to people, but so much of the land is now privately owened, with mansions. The times I've gone more recently we go to the main dune that's by the parking lot and gift shop. Usually we just go up that one, and no farther. When I was young, my family did it and we went a bit farther, but it's a long hike across there to get to the huge dunes that go down to the lake.

Carolyn great job with RWH Legs, and STS 2 Chair Yoga.

Hi Judy.
Today is my rest day and I really need it. My sleep was interrupted several times last night and I’m tired today.

Valerie, nice job with the trail ride. It sounds just right for a holiday weekend.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Cardio Madhup and Raw Yoga Stretch.

Cathy, great job with Low Max step combos and P30 Extended Stretch. Your husband definitely sounds like a picky eater. I admire the way that you have learned to work around that tendency.

Waving hello to Judy.
Because of the mountainous terrain here and the risk of forest fires, fire lookouts were used a lot. also in WWII for enemy aircraft coming from the west. I have been to quite a few of them. all are similar. whoever leaves last (for the day or season is supposed to secure the doors and window shutters so they don't get "weather" inside. many here can be accessed in winter although sometimes only the outside deck. we used to visit several on xc skis. those had wood stoves with wood. where you could warm up and eat lunch in dry comfort. at a table. it was part of the trail use fee. you could melt snow for water. definitely not luxury cabins. some had an outhouse of sorts.
some maps show fire lookouts all over the country. I dont know how many are left now. many were built in the early 1930's. most of the ones I've been to are in WA.

day off today, doing therapy work and relaxing, laundry, cleaning.

I always think DH is picky but I have taught him to appreciate pepper jack cheese. he used to think it was too spicy. now he enjoys it. so, Cathy, there is probably hope for your DH.
Today I chose light workout since my toe that I had hit on the cabinet is still hurting. I needed something I could do without shoes, so I did Killer Legs bonus barre followed by STS 2.0 Mobility 1, 38 minutes, 82 calories. Not much but, I needed to move. Hopefully next week I can start doing something else. Not much sleep last night. I woke up early when I heard a thump outside by our bedroom. I figured it was our lawn guy and got up. I was so not ready to drag myself out of bed. I had my morning coffee and took a nap when they were done. Surprised I feel asleep after the cup of double shot expresso.

Valerie, that is really interesting about the cabins and the history of them. I bet the views are awesome. I love pepper jack cheese. My husband does not like anything like that. Enjoy your relax day.

Cathy, good job on the step combos from Low Max and P30 extended stretch. It has been 10 years since we were in that area. The friends took us to a tourist area with shops. There is a lot of beautiful area there. Lots of poppies around when we were there. They are so pretty.

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