Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/19

I've made yogurt before but not in a long time. don't you need a "starter" to get the fermentation going? like a scoop of yogurt with active cultures? maybe that's what you said above but I wasn't sure.
Today I wanted to try a couple of Cathe Live newer workouts that are not up on the Roku channel, so I drug my laptop upstairs. It dropped out every once in awhile and at the end it just quit playing. I think that it may be my hdmi cable. I Would move it around and could get it back and part of the time it was still playing on the laptop, but the sound was gone. The first workout played fine. I did Kick Butt Boot camp, 36 minutes, 197 calories, 1,216 steps, met 5, heart rate average 114, max 169. I then did the Live Supersets workout from August 2, 54 minutes, met 4.0, 238 calories, 1,009 steps. I finished off with Youtube Sarah Beth yoga hip flexor and hamstring slow stretch 19 minutes, 42 calories. Total time was 1 hour 49 minutes, 477 calories.
Kick Butt Boot camp uses a step with 2 risers each side and 8,10,12,15# dumbbells and is an express short workout
5 rnds
rnd 1 run around the step 2 times then power 7 go the other way repeat
10# db over the step squat pulse, 12# db lunge to the side reach center overhead press, push ups 12,10,8 reps
rnd 2 squat thrust jump on step side lunges
biceps curls 12# with sumo squat, dips 24 reps 3 times, leg shooter on step 3 sets 16
rnd 3 mountain climbers on step 2 sets of 32
rear lunge off step lateral raise, 15# dbs deadlift to upright row, chest fly leg extensions on step
rnd 4 swim lunge/pulldowns/touch downs on step
double pulse switch lunge on the floor, 1 arm back fly 12# db 11 and 7 reps, knee ins 8,4,2, alternating using step
rnd 5 off the side of the step jack/plyo/ off the other side jack ending with just plyo
plie jump into overhead triceps extension 10# dbs ending in just triceps, 5# dbs side adduction overhead press, wood chops side, center side

Super Sets Live uses a stability ball during the 2nd half 5's for warm up 10, 12,15's for the weight work 3 sets of each round
BICEPS/TRICEPS 8 curls 15# dbs /8 overhead triceps extensions 12# dbs
CHEST/BACK 10 push ups/ one arm row Cathe holds 10's together I used 25#
LEGS lateral step out 12# dbs 12,16,20 reps/ cross back lunge 12# dbs 12,16,20 reps
SHOULDERS front raise 15# db 12 reps/ Rear fly 12# dbs 12 reps
23 minutes intermission get ball out
BICEPS/TRICEPS Incline curl 12 reps 12dbs 2 sets 15# dbs 1 set/see saw push up 12 reps
CHEST/BACK chest flys 12 reps 12#dbs first set then 15# dbs/ Pullovers 6 reps 15# dbs
LEGS squats 25# dbs 20 reps cathe holds two together for 20# and suggest going heavier/ hamstring roll ins on ball 20 reps
SHOULDERS upright row 12# dbs Cathe uses 15# dbs/ overhead press 12# dbs

I made adjustments on my calories and stuff because Fit Bit was trying to use Map My Fitness for my stats. That can work out okay if it is a cardio workout. Also I don't get the name of the workout in my fitness pal that way. It just says aerobic on it. Funny, after my recent resetting to manufacturer settings on my Samsung Tablet a lot of stuff works differently. I never had my Fit Bit and MFP pick up from MMF before. It was giving me 348 calories for the Super Sets workout. Using weights settings.

Valerie, yes, I used So Delicious Coconut Milk yogurt as my starter as it has live cultures. Many of the recipes say to use a starter or probiotic capsules. You can save some of the yogurt you make for the next starter, but if you add thickeners to it it may not work as well. I will try it with something else next time. The teaspoon of guar gum did thicken it nicely though. I had some for lunch with some walnuts and blueberries in it.
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Hi Everyone,

We finished most of the work on the office. Sunday I did 4 DS Lower Body Weights only premix with XTrain Core 2. Monday morning I did a 45 minute Spinerval and Monday night I did Build & Burn Upper Body Super Sets. Yesterday I did X10, Low Impact + Fat Burning Circuit premix and XTrain Burn Sets Back. Today I did Lean Legs & Abs with the Bonus Barre. I'm going to be taking a rest week soon, as we are going to Indiana and will be having some family things going on. We'll be leaving next Friday and coming back the following Tuesday or Wednesday.

Deb-I'm sorry about your toe :( It's good that your hip is better. I've been having issues with MFP too.

Valerie-I'm glad you were able to workout. That infection sounds serious and it's scary that you didn't really have the usual symptoms. I had a mild UTI about 15 years ago, but nothing since. I think I will order those test strips from Amazon too, just to have. Thanks for mentioning that. I didn't even know they had them.

Diane Sue-Nice job with the Live workouts! Kick Butt Boot camp sounds like fun. I don't think I've tried that one yet

Lori-Thanks! We really like the grey paint. I love the new barbell too. Good luck with your new workout programs. I watched the trailer for Double Time. It looks like fun!

Carolyn-Great job with Step Moves and Rockout Knockout!

Good evening ladies,

No workout Monday. This was my first day back to work and getting up at 4:45am was not happening for me. Yesterday was better. I did 30 minutes of 80 day Booty then 30 minutes of Lekfit. The 80 day again was just ok. To make it more challenging for me I used ankle weights and adding in barbells. This workout uses a firewalker loop thru out. I liked it, but only because I added in the weights. After the first 30 minutes I was ok to move on. Today was Cardio Core. You did a couple of hiit moves then a core move. Went like this for 40 mins and it flew by. Tomorrow is AAA and it looks like a strength with weights and bands. hoping your toe calms down. I like Autumn (21Day Fix) and when I was looking at Double Time the 80 Day Obsession she does caught my eye and it looked good. The plan I am doing sounds more aggressive than it is. I am finding (so far) the workouts have not been as intense as I would like. So I have been increasing with weights and cutting them to about 30mins. I like a short challenging workout then a longer easy workout.

Valerie...glad you are feeling better. Sounds like you are still getting some good workouts in. Too bad the air is so bad. Do you ever get used to it? I do not mean breathing it in, but used to knowing..”oh well, no outside workout today”.

Diane Sue...I like the look of the Raw Compound and plan to do this one soon. Did you like it? Great to do the Live Compound after. Great combination. Potato Chips are my weakness! If you ask any family member what I eat everyday they will say potato chips! I only eat a few everyday, but, I have been known to polish off a bag. Fortunately, that does not happen often. Coconut milk yogurt sounds wonderful.

Carolyn...that is what we do and a lot of my coworkers. Leftovers always ends up at the office. Usually, they will be gone by the end of the day.

Judy...those were some great workout. Good variety. You deserve a rest week. Nice to be with family.

Have a great night all!
Judy, nice work keeping up with workouts while doing all of the painting and remodeling. I bet it is fun looking at what you have accomplished. The Boot camp workout was a nice length this morning :)

Lori, I have a weakness when there are jalapeno kettle chips around. Someone bought some over Sunday that were a chipotle honey. I had to eat some. I just avoid buying chips. Once in awhile if we go to Subway I will get a small bag of jalapeno chips. I really liked Kelly's Compound moves workout.
Good morning,

Went to agility class last night, as a "test" for the upcoming trial. It was not good. I have cancelled our trip to Erie. I don't think it would be doing any good for my toe or hip, and I would not be able to run well enough to get a qualifying score. Better to save the time, money and further injury. I finished the steroids, hip pain has subsided a bit, but is not entirely gone. Especially at night, I can't really get comfortable on either side. :(. I hope the PT has something that will help.

Diane Sue, same as you do, I double wrap anything like bread, muffins etc for freezing. I think your "mowing days" are over! Making that yogurt sounds pretty complicated.

Carolyn, I have just logged that workout as lower body. But my logging is pretty simple. I just do lower, upper, core and cardio.

Judy, great workouts! Nice you are getting together with family. A rest week during that is good timing. Have you seen the infomercial for Beach Bodies " Three Week Yoga Retreat"? It looks interesting, but of course those infomercials always make everything sound good. It is strictly for beginner yoga people.

Lori, great that with your own modifications, you can make the workouts be what you like. I am the same with potato chips. Best that we don't have them in the house at all.

Take care,
I need to get upstairs and workout. I am picking up grandchildren again today. My daughter has a meet the teacher for her 4 year old son. I am going to have to work up a route since more roads are closed. I dread the traffic and lines. You would think a small city wouldn't be like that.

Deb, I told my husband that I was tempted to go outside with hedge trimmers and cut the grass. He said I would get blisters. I did get out and trim the morning gloves since they were crawling up the walkway. They are like a creepy monster. The yogurt is not that complicated with the instant pot yogurt setting. You put your milk and thickener if using in and push yogurt till it says boil. It sterilizes and stops. Then you take the kettle out and let it cool to 115 degrees. Add culture and put the kettle back in and push the yogurt button and time ( I used 12 hours) That's it. You can put it in jars in the pot, but I just put it in containers when done.
I am sorry you are having to cancel things to mend. When I had a steroid injection for my knee it took a couple of weeks before I noticed any relief.
This morning I did Cardio Slam for 49 minutes and 342 calories burned. My average heart rate was 128 and maximum heart rate was 157.

Deb, it takes much longer for injuries to heal than we think. I still have trouble finding the right sleeping position with my knee. If I position my leg a certain way I feel it. It’s not really pain, more of a slight ache, but it keeps me from falling asleep. Good idea to cancel the upcoming trip.

Lori, what workouts are you doing now? Is it the Beach Body set that you mentioned? Getting up early the first day back from vacation is no fun.

Judy, the remodeling seems to moving along nicely. Great job keeping up with your workouts.

Diane Sue, nice job with Live Kick Butt Bootcamp and Supersets. Enjoy the grandparent duties today.

I see that JS has new workouts that were just released. I’m not sure that I will buy them, but I was excited by her news that she is pregnant. However she was quick to say that they are not prenatal workouts.

I’m off to have my car serviced this morning. I’m going to make sure that I have a book to read.

Hello to Valerie.
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Bummer deb... but probably right not to go and possibly overdo, which can happen if you get caught up in the excitement...and then pay the price later. yep, stuff gets better on its own timetable. mother nature does not respect peoples' schedules. did they talk about a possible cortisone injection? many of us have had shoulder injections. I know hips get done too, but I don't know anything about them.

yesterday got confusing. I'd had a 9:15 appt. then the docs office called and moved it back to 2:45 because of his schedule. I knew I'd be stuck in awful traffic after, so said if anything earlier comes up call me. so I hesitated to get involved in anything complicated and sure enough, got a call at 9 that a time opened up at 11;30. so I headed there soon, appt went fine, missed bad traffic but then my sister called and got tied up doing a long complicated amazon order for her. so missed a workout. planned on a ride this morning since the smoke haze was supposed to clear but THAT is not happening yet. wow. and if it gets better later, I have a hair appt scheduled so will do something this morning. weights with warm up on elliptical probably not a lot of cardio yet.

I am the odd person here. I don't like potato chips much. most chips taste almost "wet" to me from the oil content. I like corn chips but go for baked ones. never had jalapeno chips and won't look for new temptations. DH can't stay away so I don't have them around too often. shelled pistachios are a better snack for him since shelling them slows down the eating machine.

I think I used to have a yogurt maker but yogurt got so cheap and available that when it died I never replaced it. I remember from the '60's when I worked at a grocery store, and there was one brand, one kind of yogurt in 4-5 flavors and that was it. Now it's its own huge section. since on antibiotics, I'm having plain greek non fat yogurt with fruit and a sprinkle of almond slices for breakfast. Its good and more filling and longer lasting than I expected.

Judy I will look closely at the urine test strips . I worked for a company( Miles Labs) where this was a main product. after the bottle is opened, they may not last very long. the packing used to be 100 strips per bottle which was ridiculous for a single occasional user. these are cheaper. maybe desiccants are better these days, but I will see if these are worth having around. I want them to monitor for a few months to make sure this does not recur. Urinalysis used to be part of all routine physicals but most likely to save money, it has been dropped. DH always gets one because of family history and I may do the same.

Lori this air is nothing to get used to. unhealthy for everyone. fires burning in eastern WA, British Columbia , OR and California. no matter which way the wind blows , we are at risk. this week has been awful. August used to be the best, most reliable weather month. the last 10 years have become predictable for smoke. we can look at smoke plume maps but not many good places right now.
This morning I did Cathe Live Kick Punch Cardio, 352 calories, heart rate average 128, max 169, 4,141 steps, met 5.9, 55 minutes. I then did Coffey Fit Raw Kettle bell Kick box first 18 minutes stopping after the lunge kettle bell chop(wanted a little more workout :) ) heart rate average 131, max 149, met 5.9, 122 calories, 1,078 steps. I finished off with a youtube Sarah Beth yoga post workout cool down, 15 minutes, 33 calories. Total time was 88 minutes, 507 calories. It took me forever to find a phone number to contact at&t so I can drop service off of my husband's tablet and gear 2 watch. He says they work when he is at work without paying for it. They make it easy to upgrade, but going the other way they make it difficult. I am getting ready to go get the grandchildren in a few minutes. I need to leave in a few minutes.

Carolyn, good job on Cardio Slam today. I am kind of missing my dvds :) I always take my tablet with me when I know I am going to be sitting somewhere waiting.

Valerie, I am pretty sure my husband would not eat the jalapeno chips. He likes bbq and fritos. Oh, and cheetos. I generally buy kettle chips if it is something I am looking for. I tend to avoid chips that I lay on a napkin and the napkin immediately becomes a big grease spot. It is off putting. There are so many varieties of yogurt that I find myself reading labels to get the least sugar and better flavor. Some of the organic Greek yogurt is up there in price. I suppose because some of the whey is gone out of it so you aren't paying for as much liquid? I really don't like it so thick that it is almost dry and hard to mix protein powder into. Coconut milk yogurt is kind of over priced. I think what I made tastes better than the original I used for starter. I like my days planned without surprises, but I often seem to have the days change on me quickly. Sometimes I contemplate not looking at my phone.
I got in 30 on elliptical this morning. it says 310 calories and more than 3000 steps. I don't always monitor, but it went OK and I feel good, not worn out. I will try and get in a MM before dinner. ETA got in MM shoulders and core 2. core 2 is hard for me. I can't do side planks well, can't stack my feet.
air finally is clearing today but not early enough this morning. windows open for the first time in days.

I usually use the Kirkland brand nonfat greek yogurt. comes in a 2 pack of 32 oz at Costco. good with fruit if the fruit is sweet. otherwise plain yogurt is tart. I've had it all week while on antibiotics. a little sprinkle of brown sugar and a small spoonful of sliced almonds works for me. even if the erythritol sweetener is " no cal", not sure I want to test it again. I like half a peach and raspberries. so good! very inexpensive in big containers too. Honey would be fine but I'd use way too much. brown sugar seems sweeter and I get by with a scant teaspoon.
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Valerie, nice calorie burn on the elliptical today. Sorry the weather is messing with your outdoor activities. I usually buy the big containers. It is way less than those tiny cartons. I love brown sugar. I don't usually add any sweetener to my plain yogurt. Just fruit and walnuts or sometimes some protein powder. Today I wanted protein with it since that was my lunch. I am not caring for the over sweetened with stevia Julian bakery beef protein powder. It would taste good if they didn't put that in it. I used half a scoop for lunch.
I am trying to stay away from any sweetener for the most part. Sugars are inflammatory as well as salt. I am limiting the honey as well. Only occasionally.
Good morning,

Off for PT this morning, I am hoping that whatever they have me doing helps.

Diane Sue, why so many roads closed in your area? When you make the yogurt, how many jars do you make at one time? Not sure how long a non-dairy version would stay fresh? I also watch for the sugar content of yogurt when purchasing. Some of them might as well be a Snickers bar! There are so many to look at, you have to spend some serious time at the refrigerator section.

Carolyn, good idea to have a book when you go to get a car fixed, or any other type service. My hip is the same, not excruciating pain, but a dull ache when I have my leg in a certain position. Best is sleeping on my back.

Valerie that is great that you are feeling better and can get back to workouts. :). I hope your air quality gets better soon so you can do your outside workouts. No mention of a shot as of yet. Maybe after or during PT if it doesn't do what they think it will.

Hi to Judy & Lori,

Take care,
Deb, good luck at the PT today. I found the So Delicious coconut milk yogurt has quite a bit of sugar at 12 grams in the plain. Since I used it as my starter I did not add sugar. I used two cans of organic Sprouts coconut milk in cans. Fat helps it thicken. I did not measure, but I think I came out with about 4 cups. I have already eaten half of it. I need to plug the recipe in to mfp and see how the macros are. I think the protein content is low as compared to dairy yogurt.
PT went well. I have 2 exercises that I have to do once a day, plus continue the icing. My hip felt better when leaving the place, before I sat in the car to drive. It is sitting, then getting up that really bothers me.
Today I did Cathe Live Tri-sets legs, 49 minutes, 243 calories, average heart rate 106, max 138, met 4.8, 1,349 steps. I then did Coffey Fit Raw Just Step, 24 minutes, heart rate average 142, max 169, met 6.1, 162 calories, 2,139 steps. Map my fitness gave the step workout 243 calories. I disconnected it from My Fitness Pal so it doesn't take over. Total time 73 minutes, 405 calories.
TRI-SETS Legs 47 minutes, step 3 risers each side, barbell and dumbbells
3 groupings done 3 times each of 3 exercises
Group 1- Plie Squats Cathe used 1 plate each side, I used 31# barbell 16 reps + 4 low ends
elevated lunge 15# db Cathe I used 2 15# dumbbells which is suggested later 16 reps
squat drops 16 reps 15# db
3 times
Group 2- (lower step to two risers)reverse lunge off step I used 15# dbs rnd 1 alternating 8 reps then single leg 4 sets of low end pulses switch legs and 4 sets then other rounds just the 4 low end pulses
wide stance deadlift barbell I used 50# Cathe puts two plates on each side 12 reps
cross back lunge off step 15# db 16 reps
3 times
Group 3- step ups( 3 risers ) cathe uses 15#, 2 10's, 2 12's) I used 15# dbs for all three rounds 16 reps
Dumbbell squats 15# dbs I used 25# dbs 16 reps final round is 24 reps and I lowed to 20# dbs
stiff legged dead lift Cathe two weight plates each side, I used 50# barbell 12 reps, 10 rep,10reps
3 times

Deb, that is great that you felt better when you left PT. Sorry about sitting in the car. When my hip was hurting sitting in my car, even for a short ride around the corner hurt.

Valerie, glad things are good to go :)
Hi Everyone,

Yesterday I went for a 3 mile walk with a neighbor and then I did Barlates Drops Sets Upper Body. This morning I did Great Glutes, No Disc Premix. I'm not sure what we will be doing this weekend. The weather doesn't look that great so I don't think we can plan for anything outdoors. It will probably be another work at home weekend.

Deb-I haven't seen the infomercial for Yoga Retreat. I'll see if I can find it. It sounds interesting. I'm glad your PT went well. I remember that sitting in the car really bothered me when I had trochanteric bursitis.

Valerie-Now that you mention it, my doctor does seem to have stopped doing a regular urinalysis with my annual physicals. I looked in my records and the last one I can find a record of was in 2014, but I was pretty sure I had one in 2016. I'm going to ask for one at my next doctor visit.

Diane Sue-Great job with the Cathe Live workouts!

Carolyn-I did order the new JS workouts. They will be here Saturday. I was happy about her announcement too. She seems like she will be a great mom.

Lori-Thanks! I'm looking forward to a rest week and it will be nice to visit family. It's been too long since we've had a chance to see everyone.

This morning I did Great Glutes the no floor work premix. That was 49 minutes and 246 calories burned. My average heart rate was 115 and maximum heart rate was 138.

Deb, I’m glad that PT went well today.

Judy, what a coincidence that we chose the same lower body workout today! I couldn’t face the stability ball roll-ins again this week.

Diane Sue, great workout today.

Yesterday I ended up leaving my car at the dealership and they provided a loaner car. I needed a major service instead of the simple service. I also got new tires and I needed a new battery. I just returned the loaner and picked up my car this afternoon. It was more expensive than I anticipated, but I knew that I needed new tires. I was considering a new car, but I just pushed that discussion into the future with the money that I spent today!

Hello to Valerie and Lori.
Judy, nice work today. I really do enjoy all of those workouts that Cathe made when she did Great Glutes and the Step workouts. They are some favorites. I hadn't thought about the urinalysis, but I didn't have one this time either. I was just glad I didn't have to do it. They are doing less and less now. Longer time between pneumonia vaccines too. I always figure the decision was made more by the insurance companies saying it is not necessary so they don't have to pay. I really don't know though. Even the doctor can't exactly explain why it is not done now. I know she discussed the pap smear and that she had talked to her doctor who still thinks it needs to be done even if there has been a hysterectomy. She says it can still catch things. Anyway, I didn't get out of that one this last time either.

My weekend is going to be preparing for Monday's colonoscopy and celebrating my upcoming birthday with my husband. He had a pencil drawing done of him and I for my birthday and I went out hunting for a frame. I couldn't find the size. They have a few on Amazon. I would have liked to have been able to look at the actual frame. I was surprised that Hobby Lobby didn't have 14x16 frames or matting that could work with a larger frame.

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