Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/11/2024

Ha... the weasel ran across the trail in front of me as fast as he could.......... which was pretty fast. only got a brief side view. DH was right behind me and didnt see it at all. when we had one in the log pile, it was 30+ years ago but I saw him pretty often and didnt realize how unusual that was. I know they are not uncommon but especially if you raise chickens. weasels are vicious little guys and can tear up a quite few chickens and can get thru a hole only an inch in diameter. they turn completely snow white in winter except the black tipped tail. very small and very fast. the weasel family is fascinating. so tiny and so fierce.

did a hike today with friends. 6.25 hours, about 7 miles RT. not that hard a hike but we haven't hiked that much and it felt very hard. its not even so much muscles as bottom of your feet, wrists, hands. everything gets sore and tired. uphill all the way, and then downhill all the way. it was foggy and we never saw the peak we were hiking toward. busy place but we took the back way thats less crowded. one guy passed us carrying skis and ski boots to go ski on the lower snow fields. its pretty melted out now so I cant imagine skiing would be fun but he passed us again on the way down and said he skied. there are people who ski every month of the year here, august being the hardest. by september there is usually some fresh snow starting to build up at elevation.

we have a big island in the center of the kitchen but I dont like to store appliances there. I use them there but they need to go elsewhere when Im not using them.

Yesterday I was up early enough to do Stretch Max with the Ball before I shopped. Today I did Live Boom Boom Pow Kickbox. I really like that one. Boxing, then bags, followed by legs and then kickboxing. I do think it rather unkind of her to put a lot of burpees towards the end of the workout. LOL I can do them, I'd just rather do them early. Taking Nick to the airport after lunch.

Valerie I've had a couple times in the UP when larger weasels have crossed my path. I think they were most likely mink. We also have marten and a small population of fishers, I think. Hard for me to imagine people skiing in August!
Today I did KCM’s Cardio Fit, workout one cardio only. That was 21 minutes and 151 calories burned. Average heart rate was 135 and maximum heart rate was 169. Then I did STS 2 Mat Yoga, 22 minutes and 47 calories. My WW Coach‘s last child left for college and she decided to go back to work part-time for more in person interactions. She has two other mornings that she still does WW but not days or times that work for me.

Judy great job the rowing, upper body strength, and stretching. A group challenge is a good way to increase your time.

Valerie, nice job with the long hike with friends.

Cathy, nice job with Stretch Max with the ball and Boom Boom Pow Kickboxing.

Hello to Diane Sue. Have wonderful day everyone.
I love seeing pine martens cathy. Im not sure I ever saw a fisher. they were effectively trapped out here but are being reintroduced since the habitat is great for them. so they're here but never saw one. wolverines are on my bucket list. they exist here in WA and also in montana and idaho mountains. we always look for them but it would be just WAY lucky to catch sight of one. We were close to Mt Baker yesterday. a snowy volcano. in theory there could be wolverines there but I doubt it. by august its mainly permanent snow fields and ice. I can't picture skiing being good but its possible he climbed above the fog layer and had clear skies. we could have walked up close to the snow/ice but it was very foggy so we didnt bother.
will do an upper body and core workout later today.

ETA did as much of Stacked upper body as I remember. could not get the dvd player to turn on. not sure what connection is not connected or if it's the remote. DH always disconnects when we go away but it would not come back on this afternoon. that plus therapy and I was good.
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Today I did CDorner 70's & 80's Basic Step, 46 minutes, 218 calories, heart rate 125/154, 5,088 steps. I finished with CDorner Mobility challenge Day 24 neck and upper back 13 minutes, 19 calories. Total time 59 minutes, 237 calories.
This morning I did IMAX 3 Combos, and then the Live Weight Plate Abs workout, which is my favorite of the weight plate ab workouts, and then after breakfast I did STS 2 Mat Yoga. I love having Nick here, but was happy to have my basement space back. We were about 1/2 hour from leaving from the airport yesterday when he got an alert that his flight was postponed by an hour, then after I dropped him off it got pushed back a bit more. At the point where I got back home, he was on the plane, but they were still delayed another 40 minutes on the runway. He's already back in the swing of things with work this morning and a work event tonight that he organized.

Looks like I'll be going to my sisters in October. Then she'll ride back with me and stay with our parents for a few days. As long as there's no crisis to mess with us this time! Though I think I'd rather visit in the fall when there may be color and it'll be cooler anyway.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner 70's & 80's Basic Step and the Mobility Challenge.

Valerie great job with Stacked Upper Body, bummer about no DVD. I don't know what the populations of Fishers and Martens are in Michigan but they are still trapping both here. Mink are trapped here and MI also has a Mink industry. :confused: As far as I know when it comes to mammals anything is fair game here, at least part of the year, except wolves and moose.

Carolyn great job with KCM’s Cardio Fit and Mat Yoga.

Hi Judy.
We did a trail ride for the usual 15 miles an hour 20 minutes.

cathy isnt it disgusting that animals like that are still hunted and trapped? I mean, what kind of person would wear animal fur these days? I remember my aunts wearing mink stoles and winter coats with the little dangling heads and feet of pine martens flapping around. how could they be so callous? I remember looking at them and then realizing those were dead animal bodies. how grotesque. its not like we needed their fur for warmth. beyond cruel and unnecessary. I can maybe kinda excuse mink because they're often raised in ranches expressly for the fur industry, but wild animals almost impossible to see no matter how hard you look should not be trapped. I dont care if its your "career" find another way to make a living. lynx and bobcats are still trapped too. I understand deer hunts because without them there would be more deer than people...a serious imbalance. I still would never do it. everyone wants to shoot things for reasons other than need. we have wolves and moose here too but I dont think either is hunted, legally. wolves get killed by dept of fish& wildlife if they start killing livestock. I understand sometimes its necessary but for fun? whats wrong with people.

gotta figure out why the DVD player would not work yesterday, the afternoon project.
Today is my rest day. I was able to go to the Farmer’s Market and get some yummy vegetables and peaches.

Valerie, nice job doing Stacked Sets Upper without the dvd. I hope that you can get the player to work.

Diane Sue, good job with CDorner 70s & 80s Basic Step and Mobility.

Cathy, nice job with IMAX 3 combos, Live Weight Plate Abs, and STS 2 Mat Yoga.

Hello to Judy.
Today I did STS 2.0 Mish Mosh 2 triceps and chest 42 minutes, 85 calories. I followed with 2023 Killer Legs bonus barre 18 minutes, 48 calories and finished with STS 2.0 Chair Yoga, 21 minutes, 26 calories. TOtal time 81 minutes, 159 calories.
I chose mish mosh 2 because I did not want to do the triceps dips. I did skip out on the push ups though. My hands and wrists are hurting lately and I am trying not to put too much pressure on my wrists, particularly with my wrists bent. It seems better if I keep my wrists straight. I have trigger finger and I think I have been over doing the exercises to help it. Bending too much. Feels better and I am wearing my compression gloves to bed.

Family day tomorrow celebrating my granddaughter's, son in law, and mine. The family is bringing food. One of my granddaughters cannot come and will drive from Tulsa Monday to do birthday wishes since she has to work. I am giving her her paintings when she comes. I am working on another because my husband wants one in our master bedroom. Not such a rush though as it is not a birthday present for anyone. Family is bringing the food this time:D

Valerie, it is frustrating when equipment does not work. I am the one who does the wiring stuff around here. All but what my husband is doing in his office. Well, I guess I did help by pushing wires up through the back of the desk and running it through a hole in the cabinet where the plug bar is. Set up the roku in the office as our old stick is no longer able to work. I switched out the roku I had in my secondary workout/art space for our other fire tv stick. I like fire tv better myself. I would imagine checking out the workout manager could help remember what moves you would be doing. You have done that one a lot.

Cathy, it is always nice to have our space back. I am sure that you enjoyed your time with Nick though. I do not do well at getting in workouts when I have someone else staying. Only if it is a very long time, then I find a work around.

Carolyn, nice work on yesterday's KCM Cardio Fit yesterday. I hope your rest and shopping went well today.

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