Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/04/2024

didnt do much yesterday. some therapy work and a little upper body. we had friends for dinner lst night who are moving across the pond to live. so it was a goodbye dinner and fun until we had to say goodbye. we hope to see them again in the future but it wont be like living a short distance away. so fun but sad for everyone.
going to mt bike this morning and then clean things up a d get ready to drive back tomorrow. the water heater is working on and off now, dh got a decent shower but I skipped it and will dare it later today. we have come to expect temp might change at any second. very different from a planned polar bear plunge you decide to do. we will talk to the plumber again and maybe have a last try with him/ service for anything specific. if they cant find the problem, we will replace it and let him make the choice. sigh.........when you are on a first name basis with your plumber you know a change needs to happen. he can get in the house when we're gone.

diane sue did they try to talk you into going on a statin for cholesterol? my values are completely textbook perfect. they still suggest statins to get lower. I think docs are pressured to get as many people on statins as possible. I say "no" to statins. not unless something goes crazy and my values shoot up. my numbers have been completely normal my entire life. I dont want to butt into things not my business. thi is just my opinion.
Just finished STS final workout of Meso 3 for legs. After last week's issue with the front squats and my low back, I opted to use my 10 lb vest and that worked. Now to figure out to do through next Friday and then I'm going to put together something with STS 2.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Hiit Style Step w/dumbbells and STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up/mini ball abs, and Mat Yoga. Glad that everything looked good with your bloodwork.

Valerie great job with the therapy work and upper body. I hope your ride today is a good one. Would be great if they could just fix the water heater. Don't get me started on my opinion of pharmaceutical companies and their reps. They definitely will put pressure on doctors, and offer incentives. My sister has psoriasis and the med they want her to take is $4000 a month with insurance. It was supposed to go generic this year, but the company sued and got a four year extension. Right now she's having a doctor friend of her husband get her a prescription that she can than route through a doctor in Canada, to get it from there. It's so insane.
My morning did not go at all as I had planned. I was getting ready to workout when I got a text from my credit card company about a pending charge. I ended up spending much of my available time on the phone with them. When I looked at the account there were several small charges that I did not make. We worked through all of that and ended up canceling the card. I did manage to do Jessica Smith’s 15 Minute Calorie Blast, but that was all that I had time for before going to pick up my car. The whole credit card issue is so annoying.

Cathy, great job with Mobility 2 and 1, and finishing up STS Meso 3 with the leg workout.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner HiiT Style Step, STS 2 Metabolic Core Warm Up+Mini Ball Abs, and Mat Yoga. Eating a little more protein was something that I meant to suggest to get your daily calories up.

Valerie, it’s sad when friends move away even if it’s just a short distance. It’s good that you will still be able to see them.

Waving hello to Judy.
Ride was good except somewhere along the way I lost my new water bottle. the "road" is very rough now and overgrown. we looked hard on the way back but could not find it. Its about 6 miles altogether but not as easy as it used to be. lots of loose rocks, wash outs, tall weeds. alongside a creek. its gated and closed to vehicles although an atv or small jeep might get in around the side of the gate and of course hikers and bicycles. not popular due to how rough it is.

carolyn too bad about the cc. you usually never know how the number got compromised to help avoid in the future. we've had a long stretch with no interference but never get relaxed about it. Traveling and gas stations used to be an issue but most use tap to pay. that stopped the swiper problem. indispensable but the thieves are always one step ahead of security measure updates.

cathy that is such a stinker of a situation for your sister. big pharma does pretty much whatever they want. I've been using rx eyedrops for years now. $600 for about 3 months supply with insurance. the drops use an extremely old, well established drug, nothing new at all. I get them via Canada. significantly less expensive and convenient. there's a generic now but still more $ than what I pay for brand name thru canada. the first rx took a while to fill but now its filled promptly. our medical system is so totally BROKEN. who in the world can afford $4000 a month for one prescription? forever? totally crazy. other countries look at us like were crazy because we are.
Today I did Boss Bands Timesaver #1 legs, glutes, and core, 28 minutes, heart rate 94/134. I didn't want to lift weights today as my shoulders and neck were bothering me and my hands. Maybe tomorrow. I followed with Gloved Up and Sweaty, 38 minutes, 223 calories, heart rate 144/172, ending with CDorner Day 3 mobility challenge lower body stretch and the warm up portion of another mobility she did that was a 20 minute hip and low back stretch I did not want to do a move on the hip stretch that irritated my knee. Not her problem, it is just that my knee was achy. This was 19 minutes, 30 calories. Total time was 85 minutes, 326 calories. I need new boxing gloves. Two pair have the leather/pleather whatever you call it falling off. They are quite old though.

Valerie, nice job on the ride today. I am sorry you lost your water bottle. My cardiovascular doctor did prescribe a statin. I have it in the cupboard. I took it for 3 weeks and I kept getting sores in the back part of my mouth making it hard to swallow. I quit and the sores went away. " I told him I would not take it. He just said okay, as long as you can keep your blood pressure down" That was right at the start when they said I have a leaky heart valve. I just monitor my blood pressure and careful about eating things that cause it to go up. I do not like meds and will avoid as long as I can. I have been offered things at the arthritis doctor and decline. My pulmonologist called me in a prescription for an inhaler that cost me over 400 dollars. It did not work. When I told her how much it cost she said next time something costs that much call her and she will find something else. The inhaler didn't help me anyway. Costs are crazy even with insurance.

Cathy, great job finishing with STS legs. I do not know how doctors can think patients can afford to take meds at those costs. I know some arthritis meds are expensive like that. The problem is the higher teir meds require a large deductible and one time when I got hydroxychloroquine at the start of the year the pharmacist said it was 475 dollars. I asked why and she went over the 90 day and deductible. I asked for one and finally I just told her I would just wait. She put me on their discount card no insurance and I get 3 months supply for 90 dollars. Big difference. No way am I paying that kind of money for meds.

Carolyn, nice work getting in Jessica Smith 15 minute calorie blast. Sorry you had to deal with credit card issue. I had that happen one time, but I got a message from my credit union. I was not going to answer the message as worried it was not the bank and called the bank. Someone had put a dollar charge and they said that happens, small amounts to get into the account. They did the same thing and cancelled the card and sent me another. My credit union kept blocking my Walmart + account because every mont before they withdrew the money they would take out 1.00 first. I finally just changed the charge to go on Pay Pal because they said they have had fraud through Walmart + before. I did end the day yesterday still needing calories and feeling pretty full, but ate a late snack with protein powder, berries, and plain yogurt. I bought some plant based protein shakes even though I do not like pea protein, but to help keep saturated fat down a bit. It is Owyn shakes. The ingredients did not look too bad. I may be sorry.
Wednesday I did an hour of Yin Yoga. Thursday I did a 45 minute Peloton ride and 10 minutes of Arms & Light Weights. Yesterday I worked 6 hours at HD and got a lot of steps in. Today I did Live Burn Sets Express Legs & 20 minutes of Peloton upper body work.

Carolyn-Great job with Cardio Quick Fix workout one, Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps and Jessica Smith’s 15 Minute Calorie Blast. I’m sorry about your credit card issue. I had that happen with my Apple Card last fall. I used it to make a purchase at a mall store and within 30 minutes I started getting alerts about purchases being made at Disney World and a liquor store in Florida. I was able to dispute the charges by texting with an Apple card agent. They changed the card number and did something else to make it more secure. It was extremely frustrating to have that happen.

Valerie-Great job with the hike and mountain bike ride. I’m sorry about your friends moving. That is hard. I’m sorry you lost your water bottle. I agree with you about prescriptions. Who are these people that are paying $4000 a month or more for prescriptions? It doesn’t make sense. I won’t ever take a statin but I do have to watch my diet as my cholesterol tends to get higher if I’m consuming too much saturated fat. Fortunately, my blood pressure has always been on the low-normal side so I don’t think I’ll ever have to take a BP med.

Cathy-Great job with your walk, STS 2 Premix with Mobility 2 and Mobility 1 and STS Meso 3 legs. You are motivating me to look at STS again. Maybe I will do an STS 2 rotation this fall. I have gotten side tracked by Peloton strength workouts but Cathe is still the best. I agree about the weather, it is very nice right now. I also agree about pharmaceutical companies having too much influence over doctors.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Hiit Style Step workout with dumbbells, STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up + mini ball abs, Mat Yoga, Boss Bands Timesaver #1 legs, glutes, and core, Gloved Up and Sweaty, and the CDorner Mobility. I don’t blame you for going off of the statin. I don’t like meds either and I try to do everything as naturally as I can.
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Today I did the step premix for Cardio and Weights. Then spent some time organizing for Nick's visit. Picked him up at the airport this afternoon. They arrived 20 minutes early and fortunately I caught that in time to finish lunch and leave. So he was in the car at the time of their original arrival!

Judy great job with Peloton workouts, yoga and Live Burn sets express legs.

Diane Sue great job with Boss Bands Timesaver #1, Gloved Up and Sweaty and mobility workouts.

Carolyn what a pain having to deal with the charges on your card. Glad you were able to get it fixed. I like getting immediate alerts on mine. Great job fitting in Jessica Smith’s 15 Minute Calorie Blast around the card issues and getting your car.

Valerie that's a bummer about your water bottle. Glad you were able to get in a good ride. I love being able to tap and pay. Especially at gas stations.
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Today I did Perfect 30 Perfect Pump Upper with extended stretch, 48 minutes, 110 calories, heart rate 92/121. I then did STS2.0 foam roller Upper Body, 21 minutes, 34 calories, and finished with CDorner Mobility Challenge Day 12 Upper Body and Day 6 leg stretches, 26 minutes, 36 calories. Total time spent 96 minutes, 180 calories. We went to Hobby Lobby afterward and then lunch. I am such a klutz. I was trying to close out the Google Maps app when we headed int HB and I tripped on the curb and fell landing on my knee. Such a ridiculous thing to do. Particularly when we just saw a Mom stop her teen sun walking with eyes glued to his phone heading behind our truck when husband was backing into the parking lot. I iced it when I got home. It skinned my knee even though I had slacks on.

Judy, nice work on Wednesday 1 hour of Yin Yoga, Thurs 45-minute Peloton ride and 10 minutes of Arms & Light Weights, and today's Live Burn Sets Express Legs & 20 minutes of Peloton upper body work. I told the doctor at the start I wasn't interested in the statin and he insisted he had one that was plant based and more easily tolerated. When I went to the pharmacy I talked to the pharmacist and he said it could help and I could always quit. So, I gave it a short try. I was worried about even trying it.

Cathy, nice work on the step premix from Cardio and Weights. Good you caught it at a good time when you picked up Nick at the airport since he got in early.
The water bottle was only about $5 so not a big deal really, but it was new and harder non BPA plastic. . my older ones have been around for years and years. we found these new ones that fit in a bike cage. most bottles that have a covered spout dont fit, the circumference is too big to get into a bike cage. mt biking you toss up a lot of dirt and where we usually ride is very horsey so that means manure. I want a protected drinking spout. it must have bounced off the pocket on my rear carrier. when we ride in MT we carry bear spray in the bottle cage so water bottle has to go somewhere else. my bike has room for only one bottle cage on the tubes.

I have several arguments about statins drugs. they work well if you can tolerate them, but a lot of people get significant muscle pain when they take them. so much discomfort that you want to stop moving. so definitely counterproductive. the other issue is my total cholesterol is in the middle of normal range. my HDL is high. my LDL extremely low. my triglycerides very low. I am a perfect example of normal. why should I take statins? just because my cholesterol might get lower? sorry, that does not make any sense. It feels like everyone is pushed to take them. if you need them to get into normal range and tolerate them well, thats one thing. I see no reason to take meds for a healthy normal level. a lot of people try them but develop side effects and it doesnt last.

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