Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 8/04/2024

Wanted to watch the women's uneven bar finals today live, so when I woke up nice and early I did STS Week 4 Chest/Back early. I finish up the Meso Friday and Nick arrives Saturday, so next week I will probably stick to body weight/bands, cardio, core and stretching. I can do those things upstairs easily enough before breakfast.

Valerie I don't understand the bikes as not weight bearing either. I did little really hard riding, but any hill is going to have you using a lot of downward force.
This morning I did Jane Adams Gentle Yoga Morning Energy for 18 minutes. My daughter and her family left this morning. We had a very nice weekend visit.

Valerie, I hope that you have a safe drive to Montana.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw Arms, STS 2 Mini Ball Abs, and Mat Yoga. I’m sorry that your fingers and joints are causing such pain.

Cathy, great job with Live Cardio Combat, STS 2 Standing Abs plus Floor, and Chair Yoga.

Hello to Judy. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Today I did Gym Style Legs (timesaver) for 38 minutes and 106 calories burned. Average heart rate was 103 and maximum heart rate was 140. I’m catching up on housework and laundry today.

Have a great day everyone.
We made the drive fine. it was forecast to be very hot 100+ for a chunk of the drive but it was cloudy and rained for more than half the distance. rained a lot! totally unexpected and good for the firefighting efforts. made the drive tougher with bad visibility from spray and puddling water on the freeway. when we got here the power was out. there had been a storm an hour before. we could not unload anything refrigerated until the power came up which it did in an hour.

we tried the olympics but could not find anything good from the day before ( recorded) to watch. there are so many "events its almost funny and they keep adding more! way too much to watch without editing. I like gymnastics, some track and field, mt biking, diving, some volleyball, track biking. not big on watching swimmming or most long distance events, archery. golf. I appreciate the athletes and the training they do to accomplish what they do, but watching it on TV is not very interesting.
cathy I can see how bike riding could be described as non weight bearing and wimpy but that is not how I ride. even without an electric bike you can roll along and exert almost no effort but if you crank the whole distance at a speed as fast as you can pedal, especially uphill, it's a great workout. there are sections where 9-10mph is top speed and others where we go 15-22 but we work it. no electric bikes for us. its the same with indoor exercise bikes. you can sit and just piddle around or crank up the resistance and push. a world of difference. my knees are happier with balancing riding and walking.
Today I did P30 Low Impact Hiit early and then watched the woman's beam and floor live. I gave up early watching the later replays because the commercials are insane and you can't scroll and find what you want. I turn it on sometimes and watch whatever is live, but I made sure I knew when gymnastics was on so I could see it live. It's been a day of rain, sun, clouds, sun... Supposed to be rainy and cool barely getting to 70 tomorrow. Like the temps, but we've had more than enough rain for awhile.

Valerie glad you made it there safe. Sounds like it was not a fun drive. Not a fan of driving in rain, and dreary days are rough for staying awake. I'm someone who definitely needs light! So, it's good I live in a place with more cloudy days than sun. LOL

Carolyn great job with yoga and Gym Style Legs (timesaver).

Hi Diane Sue and Judy.
Yesterday and today were both rest days. I had a doctor's wellness appointment today. Always fun filling out all of the paperwork. I decided when I got home that I would catch up on some things like cleaning the aquarium and bathing the dog. I will do weights tomorrow. I also have a recipe I want to make later for some meals using mushrooms, ground beef, and cassava pasta. I hope it turns out good. I found it in AIP recipes. I made a really good soup last week that was a Keto Tuscan Soup done with the Insta Pot. It was really good. I put some in the freeze. It used a whole head of kale and I used organic turkey hot Italian sausage. There were variations in the recipe. Next time I will add some other vegetables and maybe use coconut milk instead of cream. My doctor says I should eat at least 1800 calories to even maintain weight and more to gain weight. Not sure how I can do that. I am lucky to get it to the 1600 calorie mark and keep it healthy.

Carolyn, nice work on Jane Adams yoga yesterday and Gym Style Legs timesaver today. Nice that you spent the weekend with your daughter and her family.

Valerie, glad you had a safe trip. I have lost interest in the Olympics. I used to like to watch gymnastics and swimming when I did watch. I am not very good at sitting and watching television. We did rent Thelma Saturday night. My husband was not real interested, but I enjoyed the movie. He would like me to sit and watch with him a lot more. Just cannot sit there that long.

Cathy, nice job on P30 Low Impact Hiit.
Yesterday I did a 30 minute row, a 4 hour shift at HD and 30 minutes of strength with the Peloton Guide. Today I did a 45 minute row, 25 minutes of Peloton scenic rides and 10 minutes of arms & light weights.

Cathy-Great job with STS Week 4 Chest/Back and P30 Low Impact Hiit. The only Olympic sport I was interested in this year was cycling, and it did not disappoint. The women’s and the men’s road races were very exciting to follow.

Carolyn-Great job with Jane Adams Gentle Yoga Morning Energy and Gym Style Legs. I’m glad you had a nice visit with your daughter and family.

Valerie-I’m glad you had a safe trip. Cycling is a great cardiovascular workout and I think it’s great for muscular endurance as well. I always ride hard and get my heart rate almost as high as running.

Diane Sue-I hope you had good rest days and that your dr. appt went well.
Just finished STS Wk4 of Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's. Just legs left to go Friday. Then I'll throw something together for the week Nick is home and then I want to do something with STS2, just not sure exactly what yet. I have the Olympics on when I'm near the TV during the day, but only made it a point to watch women's gymnastics.

Judy great job with the rowing, ride and arms. Are you having a dreary rainy day here. We don't need the rain, but at least it's not crazy amounts like they are in Florida.My sister is in NC now, but she said my nephew lives in the middle of the 16-22" areas. I can't even fathom that.

Diane Sue ugh the paperwork at appointments. I think I had like 5 pages when I went a couple weeks ago, since he moved to that practice since I've seen him. I really appreciate my dentist where I just walk in and they say Hi Cathy, I'll let ______ know you're here. So simple.

Hi Valerie and Caroline.
Today I did Gym Style Chest and Triceps (timesaver), for 39 minutes and 109 calories burned. My average heart rate was 104 and maximum heart rate was 187.

Valerie, I’m glad that you made it. Driving on the highway in the rain is never fun.

Cathy, great job with P 30 Low Impact HiiT and STS wk4 Shoulders, Bis, and Tris. I have watched some of the Olympic events but that was mostly because my Son-in-Law wanted to watch. I tend to pay more attention to the highlights and replay.

Diane Sue, I’m glad that your wellness appointment was good. Adding in a few extra calories is harder when you have trained yourself to eat a certain amount. A little more olive oil in food preparation or in your salad dressings might help a bit.

Judy, great job with rowing, strength with the Peloton guide, and Peloton rides. What do you think of the Peloton guide? I looked it up on their website to better understand what it is.

Have a good day everyone.
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Cathy-Great job with STS Wk4 of Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's. Yes, it is a very dreary and rainy day here. The rain woke me up around 5 or so and it's been raining steadily since. I just heard a little thunder too.

Carolyn-Great job with Gym Style Chest and Triceps. I do like the guide so far but the fact that it's in the living room and not the basement where my gym is makes it less likely for me to use it regularly. I like the rep counting and weight tracking in the guide and I also like not needing a mirror to see my form. It was very easy to set up and has been working well so far.

Hi to Valerie and Diane Sue
Did an easy mt bike ride this morning to warm up. 1 hr 40 minutes. uphill one way and downhill back to the car. thi one is technically easy but climbs gradually and helps me acclimate. will hike tomorrow. got decent sleep last night. also therapy and some upper body workevery day.

our water heater is not working again. its an on- demand one, the kind that makes sense for part time people like us. we have exhausted all the possible fixes so we will have it replaced when we leave. intermittent problem. works fine for a week and suddenly doesnt heat water at all. this is a real issue mid shower. Cant imagine inviting guests to stay with us and having it happen to them. it really is startling. then an hour later it works fine again. dont want to spend the money but its really a pain. we dont want a conventional tank that needs draining and refilling every time.

diane sue losing weight because Im not eating enough is hard to imagine. like some weird strange fiction! , fats are the most concentrated source of calories and good fats are reasonable healthy. be more generous with that olive oil! nuts are a great source of healthy oils and calories too. I love the flavor. avocado oil is nice to cook with. very high smoke point and no unusual flavor. Avocados themselves. cheese if you eat dairy. I dont eat much junk but still gain immediately if I'm not watching closely. for my body, a calorie is a calorie. different metabolisms for sure.
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Today I did Raw Box: Bands and Abs, 44 minutes, heart rate 135/169,227 calories. I then finished with CDorner mobility challenge day 10 Morning Spinal Mobility, 18 minutes, 21 calories. Total time 54 minutes, 248 calories.

Judy, good job on getting in the 30 minute row, a 4 hour shift at Home Depot and 30 minutes of strength with the Peloton Guide Sunday. Nice work on the 45 minute row, 25 minutes of Peloton scenic rides and 10 minutes of arms & light weights yesterday. Is the Peloton Guide through your television?

Cathy, nice work on STS Week 4 Shoulders, Bi's and Tri's. There are a lot of options with STS 2 which is nice for putting something together. I had extra paperwork this time. It seems they were updating a lot of info, and added a page to put all my doctors, therapists etc down and what I am seeing them for. Plus a full list of all medications, supplements, herbals etc. used. I had talked to my doctor last year about this, as I thought doctors kept in touch with each other and knew what was going on for some reason. I had started printing up stuff when I would see the other doctor with blood work etc, and taking it to my primary care doctor. My dentist that I used to have till a year ago was always easy. I babysat the receptionist's children when they were little, then we bought a house right next door to her family years later. So everyone in the dentist office knew who I was. I miss them, but we needed something closer so my husband switched first and I finally gave in. I just did loads of paperwork last month at the cardiovascular doctor's office too.

Carolyn, great job on Gym Style Chest & Triceps timesaver today. I do have a tendency to cut down on the fat a recipe gives to sauté things in when I cook. I eat healthy fats so fats should not be too much of a worry.

Valerie, nice ride today and getting in therapy and every day and upper body work. We have a tankless hot water heater. I always forget when power goes out we instantly have cold water so have had the cold water shock a couple of times. I was reading something on sleep and the suggestion was to take a cold shower before bed to bring the body temperature down. I don't think that would ever happen with me. I would not have thought about having to empty a hot water heater when gone.
My doctor was going back over my history and it has been around 3 years that my weight dropped and it has pretty much stayed just a little over a hundred pounds. Nothing to lose if I get sick or something.
My doctor mentioned eating avocados too. I do eat them every day on toast or in salads and dishes.
Yesterday I did 45 minutes of Peloton Full Body & Core (not with the guide) and 35 minutes of easy rowing. Today is an active rest day. I plan on doing yin yoga this evening.

Diane Sue- Great job with Raw Box: Bands and Abs and the CDorner Mobility Challenge. Yes, the guide connects to the TV and has a separate remote. We connected it to the living room TV because it has a bigger screen and is on a stand. Since the gym TV is wall mounted, it would be harder to set the guide up there. I agree with what Carolyn & Valerie said, adding more olive oil and fats is a good idea.

Valerie-Great job with the mountain bike ride. I’m sorry about your hot water tank.

Hi to Cathy & Carolyn
This morning I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one, which was 26 minutes and 181 calories burned. Average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 151.

Diane Sue, great job with Raw Box, Bands, and Abs and CDorner Mobility.

Judy, great job with the Peloton Full Body and Core.

Hello to Valerie and Cathy.
did a hike this morning for about 2.5 hours. seemed like a good temp but when we got going it was very warm in the sun and kind of buggy. we did it onvce before and saw good critters but august is not a good season to see wildlife. its too watrm and they are not very visible. we will save this one for snowshoeing instead.
tankless water heaters are great when they work but this one is not working right and no one can figure out whats wrong to fix it. we are going to replace it. if you intend on a cold shower, thats one thing, but taking a nice warm shower and having the water suddenly change to cold without warning will about give you a coronary.
Today I did Cathe Total Body Barbell, 59 minutes, 180 calories, heart rate 103/137. I then got a CDorner Mobility challenge day 25, full body, 16 minutes, 36 calories. Total time 75 minutes, 216 calories.
I think that I will use a little more olive and avocado oil and possibly make some protein fat bombs to throw in a few more calories. Thanks for the suggestions.

Judy, good job on 45 minutes of Peloton Full Body and Core and 35 minutes of easy rowing. Enjoy the yin yoga this evening. That makes sense as to why the guide is in the living room then. I have equipment and fire tv in my spare room and tend to skip workouts that require me to haul weights to that room to do workouts. That goes for workouts that use the spin bike and weights or heavy bag and weights.

Carolyn, nice work on KCM Cardio Quick Fix 1 today.

Valerie, great job on the 2.5 mile hike today. I would imagine the animals stay where it is cool this time of year. It is 102 here today and they are saying a drop to 81 Friday and Saturday with some chances of rain. We could use some rain for sure. Hopefully it does rain. Getting hit with cold water unexpectedly is definitely not fun. Cold showers planned is different.
Today I did Gym Style Back, Shoulders, and Biceps timesaver. My time was 44 minutes and 91 calories burned. My average heart rate was 99 and maximum heart rate was 128.

Valerie, nice job with the 2.5 hour hike.

Diane Sue, great job with Total Body Barbell and CDorner Mobility.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
Yesterday I walked at the zoo. This morning after seeing Diane Sue's comment the other day I did the STS 2 Premix with Mobility 2 and Mobility 1. That really is the way to do that combo. Then I went shopping and came home to test my Tetris skills with the fridge and freezer which was extra fun because of Nick coming Saturday. He wanted a watermelon and hopefully by Sunday there will be room in the fridge. We need to eat some thing first. LOL

Carolyn great job with Gym Style Chest and Triceps (timesaver), KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one, GymStyle Back,Shoulders and Biceps timesaver.

Diane Sue great job with Raw Box: Bands and Abs, Cathe Total Body Barbell and the mobility workouts.

Valerie sorry to hear about your water heater problems. Great job with the Mt. bike ride and hike. I'm not a fan of suddenly having showers change to cold water. I've read tons of things about the benefits of doing that on purpose and I just can't. Derek's crazy fiancé has gone in the bay in Marquette in the winter. Lots of people up there do that and that is such a hard no from me. LOL I hope you are able to get the new one without any issues.

Judy great job with the Peloton workouts. So, nice that it isn't going to be overly hot for at least a bit and I love the nice cool mornings we've been having.
Today I did CDorner Hiit Style Step workout with dumbbells, I used 8 for most and 1 10# for a couple of moves, 30 minutes, 143 calories, heart rate 125/159. I then did STS 2 Metabolic Core warm up + mini ball abs, 20 minutes, 76 calories, heart rate 110/150. I finished with STS 2 Mat Yoga, 22 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 72 minutes, 255 calories. My doctor's office called to tell me things look good, but I have slightly elevated cholesterol and need to eat more protein as my proteins were low.

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