Good morning,
Yesterday I did ICE Chiseled Upper Body, 42 minutes, 177 calories. Also, did 10, 268 steps.
Judy, that bike looks really nice! I know you both will enjoy it. That's great that you have all these days off.
Carolyn, nice job on Party Rock'n Step
Diane Sue, those are some funny names! LOL. Glad you got your package! Wow! A herd of deer!
Valerie, nice ride!
All except Valerie can ignore the following, its about Better Call Saul..LOL...if you don;t watch it, it will bore and confuse you:
Valerie, I started Episode 1 of Season 3 of BCS, and was totally confused at to what was happening. It had the usual Cinnabon clip, which I understand now, but jumped into a piece that did not make sense, or connect to the last episode of season 2. I guess I will plow along, but not sure if this has any explanation, as it just was something to move the plot along. Chuck taped something that Jimmy said, admitting to a felony, but they did not air what was said, or what the felony was. Of course, Jimmy found out, and stormed into Chuck's house where he had witnesses there knowing Jimmy would do that, and had him arrested. Chuck also had a big bandage on his head which was never explained..??
Hi to Lori,
Take care,