Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/28/2024

I went back and looked at bag phones. I remember seeing them but I never had one. cumbersome! I already had to haul so much "stuff" for work I had no room to haul much of anything else. besides, there were pay phones everywhere. I had a version of the brick phone but a smaller one. still not small, but smaller.

did a 2 hour walk/hike with friends at a local park. then therapy work later. riding again tomorrow.

cathy Ive never had any luck trying to point frogs in a better direction. Ive had them get inside because they were on some lettuce I picked and its harder than hell to get them outside.
No workout yesterday as I had to leave early to go to the lab for my blood work. I do like the new office our doctor is in. You walk in and there's a lab that's run by the hospital, a pharmacy and the doctors' practice. Then I went shopping. Took my breakfast smoothie with me! Today I did STS Disk 4 which is the heaviest week of STS with 6 reps. Did the squats, deadlifts, and then got to the front squats and my back lodged a major protest. Tried lowering the weight lower than last week, and still a no go. Then I went on to do the Lunges with no problem. And for the 3 exercises I did I'd actually upped the weight by a pound, so I didn't have to deal with adding weight to my hands/wrists. I've never liked those front squats and they always feel awkward, but I've managed to do them previously, so no idea what was up. We'll see what next week brings. Did lots of extra stretching during breaks and then more while I watched Derek's latest video.

Valerie great job with the ride and hike. Always cool to see wildlife along the way. The UP is like that and people are always warning people that unless you are on main roads do not trust your GPS. Because GPS loves to take people down roads that turn into trails, and often there's little or no room to turn around. Bad enough that a few of the parking areas for trails to falls mid summer turn into one lane dirt roads with people parked on either side making it very difficult to navigate.

Carolyn great job with P30 Perfect Pump Upper Body and the Extended Stretch. Enjoy your family visit and yeah feeding grown guys takes a lot of food. Already mentally preparing for getting food for Nick's visit. He's not big at all, but he eats more than Derek so I have a mental adjustment.

Judy great job with the endurance rows. I'm sure you are very glad to have the crown procedure over with as they are truly not fun to have done.
we rode again this morning. planned to mt bike but it was too humid and ugly feeling, and road riding is faster with better wind chill. we don't usually have icky humid weather here but its good to reduce fire danger somewhat.
somehow GPS does not always recognize seasonal roads. a lot of roads have nonspecific names. "Trail Creek" is a good one. or Blue Lake. how many Trail Creeks are there in the US? and Trail |Creek is only open from end to end for about 6 months of the year. an unimproved gravel road. not something some touron in a Winnebago wants to get started on because (like you said Cathy) there are no turn arounds. you can tell that from a road map or atlas, but GPS maybe not. no wildlife this morning, but got in 15 miles in an hr and fifteen minutes.
Today I did Gloved Up & Sweaty + floor(floor is only about 6 minutes added to the time from the jump rope bonus) 48 minutes, 200 calories, heart rate 120/165, 3,207 calories. I finished with STS 2.0 Mobility 1&2, 36 minutes, 51 calories. I think next time I do the mobility workouts together I will do mobility 2 first as it starts out with faster moves than mobility 1 does.

Cathy, that is funny about the hay bales and swinging on ropes. In England when I was 7 I had to walk down the hill to wait for a cab driver to pick me up and take me to a bus stop which stopped midway, and I got on another bus that stopped at one military base and I had to get on another bus to go to another military base. It always seemed like a long trip. Our home was a cottage on a farm. We climbed hay bales, hung out with the cows, played in the barns, and got into trouble a lot. One time they had a big load of wheat in a truck and my brother was climbing in the grain along with the landlord's son and lost a shoe in the grain. Boy was his dad mad. They had to work to find that shoe. Can you imagine a shoe stuck in the machinery. There is a lot that has changed from when we were children. There is a safety issue that we didn't worry about so much a long time ago. It probably wasn't always safe a long time ago either.

Valerie, I had never heard of a bag phone either.

I just realized it is after midnight and I have our lawn guy coming in the morning. I will come back and finish reading posts. Interesting talking about how things used to be. I love the memories.
Good morning. Yesterday I did P30 Low Impact HiiT for 31 minutes and 199 calories burned. My average heart rate was 126 and maximum heart rate was 148. My family arrived around noon and the remainder of the day was very busy. Today will be a rest day for me.

Valerie, nice job with the 2 hour hike with friends, therapy work, and road ride.

Cathy, great job with STS disc 4. I don’t like front squats and I have to do them carefully or my back will protest.

Diane Sue, great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty+floor, and STS 2 mobility 1 and 2. It is nice to talk about how things used to be compared to the present. There were certainly drawbacks, but life was a lot simpler.

Hello to Judy. Have a wonderful day everyone.
another ride today quite early. usual 1 hr 15 minutes. I thought my butt would need a break today but it was fine. it isnt that long a ride but we really crank hard through the whole thing. bike riding is considered barely aerobic and not as good as weight bearing work, but we work quite hard. not quite the tour de france but not leisurely rolling either. we are going to Montana this weekend leaving tomorrow morning.

parents were less worried about children outside and moving around the neighborhood. besides hardly anyone had a second car so if I ( and my friends) wanted to go somewhere we walked, rode a bike, or figured out how to get there by bus. if those ways didn't work, I had to stay home and that was absolutely awful so I was creative. I cringe at helicopter parenting. there was something recently about whether it was OK for a parent to go along with their young adult child for a job interview..... Really, are you kidding?

I had an uncle and cousins on a farm. now, those kids really got to do a lot of things but there were definite dangers. we got to play in the hay loft, and run around the barn. one of the children was run over by some equipment and killed.
Today I did Raw Arms, 22 minutes, 91 calories, heart rate 117/144 heart rate. I followed with STS 2.0 Mini Ball abs, 11 minutes, 27 calories and finished with STS 2.0 Mat Yoga, 27 calories. Total time 56 minutes, 145 calories. I am hurting in my neck and shoulders and just didn't want to push those areas. My hands hurt and joints are swollen in my fingers along with trigger fingers. I almost left out all weight work. I may try band work next week and lighten up till I get this all under control.

Cathy, nice work yesterday on getting STS meso 3 disc 4 in. I do not like front squats so much either. Especially when I am holding heavy weight up in front of me. It is very uncomfortable.

Carolyn, nice work on P30 Low Impact Hiit yesterday and Thursday's Perfect Pump Upper Body and extended stretch. Enjoy your family time today.

Valerie, nice work on the ride today. I would think hill climbs and that sort of thing would be somewhat weight bearing. I know I mentioned my spin bike and my doctor said elliptical is better for weight bearing exercise. I have tried elliptical at some of my children's homes and did not care for it really.
I think parents did not worry as much as maybe they should have. I used to walk downtown with friends to go to the pool and hit the stores. It was a long walk. I am pretty sure we were more strict with our children on that sort of thing. Law enforcement in family and knowing things that go on made a difference for us.
That would be ridiculous for a parent to go to a job interview with their child. How do they learn how to grow up and handle themselves anyway.
This morning I did a recent Live Cardio Combat. Boxing, bags and some kicking. I liked it quite well. Then I did the STS 2 Standing Abs Plus Floor Core and Chair Yoga. When I was little both sets of grandparents had farms, but one moved into the village when I was about 5, so my memories of that are pretty vague, and supervision was pretty lax when we were visiting the other ones. But, my parents had both grown up on farms, and I'm guessing they had even more freedom than we did. We'd go play in the cornfield and just disappear for hours. Both sides were farming for generations, so it was the norm for them.

Diane Sue great job with Gloved Up & Sweaty + floor, Mobility 1&2, Raw Arms, Mini Ball Abs and Mat Yoga. Sorry you're having so much pain.

Valerie great job with the ride. Safe travels to Montana.

Carolyn great job with P30 Low Impact HiiT. Enjoy your family time.

Hi Judy!
diane sue I've never understood why bicycling seems to get categorized as as kind of lightweight, non weight bearing exercise. especially mt biking. I know one can ride and exert almost no effort but if you work at it and go fast and uphill you get a good workout. it seems to spare my joints from some impact. my heart rate gets up there. Farm life sure was different. risks there too, but different from the risks now. I think there are major risks to over protection and not letting kids make mistakes so they can learn. sorry about the arthritis flare. I have pretty severe OA but it comes and goes. not bad right now. my ortho doc recommended arthritis gloves at night. they are just cotton blend snug fitting gloves I wear sleeping. I use some lotion with CBD/THC and put the gloves on over. Ive been wearing them year or two now. I dont know why but they help with swelling and discomfort. they are inexpensive. just go to amazon and search for "arthritis gloves". the first ones I tried were too tight. I have ridiculously large knuckles and bad joints in my wrists. the gloves help. they help keep my skin moisturized too since lotion doesnt rub off on the sheets.

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