Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/23/2023

Today I did STS 2.0 Body Part Chest + bonus, 47 minutes, heart rate 84/114, 90 calories. I also used my Withings App at the same time and it gave me 104 calories. Not far off guess. The Withings app is linked to MFP. I then did STS 2 Mobility 2 + the foam rolling upper body, 40 minutes, 52 calories Garmin and Withings at 126 calories. That one is a big difference considering what it is. Total time today was 87 minutes, 142 calories. I just keep wondering why my calorie burns are so low with the weight work.

Cathy, I do not use as many risers as Cathe does in the workouts anyway. I have plenty, it is just does not work right for me. Trying to do the split lunges off of the step with the riser count she has has me wobbling all over and it hurts my knees. Same with pendalay rows. I used dumbbells instead of the bar that I used the first time. Nice job on Low Impact Hiit premix step and discs and Body Parts Chest today.

Carolyn, that is great that your mammogram was a quick in and out. That is a long time to have to spend making your way around the through traffic. That would mess up a nice day after getting things done quickly. It is a relief on knowing the thyroid is smaller now for me.

Valerie, I am glad you got a good ride in and time to enjoy the sun while it was nice out. That is great that your corn was not as bad off as you thought that it might be. My husband started watching all of the seasons of Suits. I asked him yesterday how long that show was and he said there were a lot of seasons. He was on the last two. I watch some of it, but not really into it. It sounds like some soap opera to me only lawyers. I am not good at sitting for hours watching television. I have to be doing something else at the same time.

Judy, nice work on the Peloton ride today. I hate power outages. I am glad yours came back on. Ours goes out sometimes for what appears to be no reason. Last night internet went out. I went to bed and at 1:30 am my watch woke me up with a message that my doorbell camera had been offline for 10 minutes. I got up and checked the internet and it was out. I sort of wish I did not have that feature. Earlier I was cleaning the bathroom and I heard a big pop outside, and the power went out for a minute and came back on. I still have no idea what it was. Sinead O'Conner was not that old. That is sad.
Our internet is via cable so anytime trees come down we expect power, and internet to be down but cell service to still work. we usually keep power during summer, winter is most of the outages. sometimes those late night down times are ( I think) equipment maintenance/upgrades. most people sleep thru them.

we started watching Suits and I hoped to like it because any program with that many seasons will take a while to get thru. it was Ok but think we made it about halfway thru the first season. I have trouble sticking with a series where there is no one to like at all. the main lawyer is such an arrogant a*hole! we put it on the back burner and kept looking keeping it as a fall back series. . also watching The Bear. a lot of critical fuss about it. its okay so far. watchable but I guess I don't quite "get" the restaurant scene. not a big fan of dining out. definitely chaotic! second season is more calm so far.
Air quality was bad this morning so I did a 1 hour Peloton ride instead of a run. We had some strong storms pass through this afternoon. The power went out around 3:30 pm. At the same time Verizon was experiencing an outage so we had no phone service or power. We got the generator set up and running then the power came back on. I was expecting the outage to last at least through tomorrow so that was a pleasant surprise. I’ve lost count of how many power outages we’ve had over the past year. Every time there is bad weather, we expect an outage.
I was sad to see that Sinead O’Connor passed away today.

Diane Sue-Great job with Body Parts Back and Chair Yoga. That’s good news about your thyroid.

Cathy-Great job with the All Out Low Impact Hiit premix and Body Parts Chest. Hopefully I’ll get a run in this weekend.

Carolyn-I’m glad your mammogram went well. I’m sorry about the traffic issues you had to deal with.

Valerie-Great ride this morning!
I used to love a good Storm and now they’re too scary-the first time I ever did Cathe X Train legs was during a Thunderstorm-I saw the lightning hit our patio and the house shook/the lightning blew a hole through our TV as well as the mirror in our downstairs bathroom-my kids thought we had an earthquake-we had no power that day and I went through DVD withdrawal since it took weeks to get our TV fixed
Good morning. Today I did Body Parts Shoulders for 53 minutes and 229 calories burned. My average heart rate was 120 and maximum heart rate was 151. I also did the Chair Yoga for 21 minutes and 28 calories.

Valerie, I remember seeing several interviews and clips about The Class of ‘09 and thinking that it would be interesting. Suits, on the other hand, has never appealed to me. We are watching Billions, a series with several seasons, so it will last us a while. I’m not a person for binge watching since I prefer reading, but I do try to find shows that we can watch together from time to time.

Judy, good job with doing the Peloton ride instead of running outside. Our air quality and heat are in the dangerous levels and outside activities are not advised. I’m sorry about the power outage.

Diane Sue, good job with Body Parts Back + bonuses, Mobility 2, and Foam Rolling Upper Body.

Hello to Cathy. Have a wonderful day everyone.
Did a hike this morning with our neighbors. at a local park about 4 miles total with some up and down. they brought their dog so it took a while longer than it should have.

I haven't looked at Billions but I think its on our check list. I need to like a character or at least find them interesting to keep going on a series. Suits wasnt terrible but I found myself losing attention. so far Class of '09 is ok. we try to find something we can watch for about 1-1.5 hours at night during dinner and shortly after. I dont binge watch. one episode each of whatever 2 things we are watching, or sometimes a movie. If I'm not enjoying something I stop and move on to something else. DH will sit thru things I wont, and if I get bored or annoyed, I wont stay there and watch. If Ive invested 2 hours in something and its not good, I dont want to waste more time on it. I try to get past the pilot because those are often extreme and not representative of what the series will be like if you continue.

no, extreme heat and humidity are not worth trying to exercise in. we dont get that much here. summers usually very nice here.
No workout yesterday as I was shopping. Carolyn I got to share your traffic woes. And it was an excellent reminder of why I need to check my maps BEFORE I go shopping. I thought it was a construction zone issue, because traffic came to a stop in the midst of a major project. After miles of sit and then go 5 mph briefly, I finally get to see that it's a cement truck flipped into the median and they have both lanes of a major highway blocked to right it. Only the shoulder was available. Bonus points that it was right where one of the main streets in Lansing has its entrance ramp onto 96. So, two lanes (at one point backed up 5 miles) plus the cars coming on had to merge onto the side of the road. Then after not even the length of a football field you were past it and free. Added an hour to my drive. I was literally debating in my head which way I should take as I was driving, because every way has construction, and I clearly flipped the wrong mental coin.

This morning I did biceps. I think I've figured out that in the future I'm going to do the waiter curls with 2 10 lb plates laying on my palms. My hands are just too small to hold a heavy enough dumbbell in that position. Rained again here today. At this point, I'd be happy to redirect it elsewhere. Seems like this year is feast or famine with the weather everywhere.

Carolyn I'm glad your appointment went well. Nice job with Body Parts Shoulders and Chair Yoga. I feel the same about storms. Used to really enjoy them, but these days the intensity has really ramped up.

Valerie glad to hear about your corn crop wasn't too badly hit. Great that you got a ride in. We generally get notification if they are turning off our power for maintenance, but likely not every place does that. Was the dog not willing to just walk and wanting to check out everything? I've seen a lot of people out hiking with dogs, and most of the dogs seem to understand that it isn't the time to dawdle.

Judy our air quality wasn't as bad as yours though we had warnings for vulnerable people. You have had a lot of power outages. Always a hassle. I too was sad to hear the news about Sinead O'Connor.

Diane Sue nice job with STS 2.0 Body Part Chest + bonus and Mobility 2 and foam rolling. Cathe is at least 4" taller than me, so for most things I drop down 2 risers from what she's doing to account for it, but the rows are the opposite since the weights are supposed to touch lightly each rep.
Another ride this morning. earlier than usual and with some fun results. we needed to take my bike in for the upgrade that they finally(!!) have parts for. the ride was cold because we were early, and crossing over a bridge over a creek, one man we see often walking, stopped and said there was a beaver in the pond. well, he was right, we saw a beaver swimming around in a quiet section of the creek. never saw one before anywhere near this area although they are not uncommon here. further on we do a turn around on big bridge over the Stillaguamish river. this morning there was a large flock of common mergansers. (ducks) we don't often see much on this river so a flock of at least 35 birds was nice to see. there are salmon runs but returning fish #'s are not what they used to be. we were talking with the people we hiked with yesterday and he said the pending fish run is supposed to be better this year so the presence of fish eating ducks says the same thing.
their dog is kind of challenging. he seems friendly but is not toward new people. he acts "friendly" and wants to sniff you but look at him wrong and he will growl or bite. he had to pee on every bush for 4 miles so thats what took long yesterday. he's a heeler. I personally would not own a dog so unpredictable.

DH gets overly negative sometimes. the corn looks OK. we can't find seed that grows very strong corn stalks anymore. the stalks are weak and blow over easily in wind or rain. unfortunately super sweet corn has taken over the market and seeds for corn that tastes like corn are not as robust as once.

we enjoy thunderstorms in MT because they are so unusual here in western WA. sometimes they are scary, unless we get a direct lightning hit we dont have anything that will get damaged there.
Today I did Body Parts Back. My time was 46 minutes with 160 calories burned. Average heart rate was 108 and maximum heart rate was 135.

Cathy, your day does sound a lot like mine. My problem was that I’m not familiar with the side streets that run through the neighborhoods. I looked at my map after I got home and saw how I could have taken a couple of streets to shorten my drive. I’ll know next time.

Valerie, your hike with your neighbors sounds like a nice morning. Great job with the ride. It’s good to hear that the salmon run looks good. I worry about the wild salmon.

Hello to Judy and Diane Sue.
Today I did STS 2.0 Body Parts Biceps + bonus, 45 minutes, heart rate 102-128, 129 calories. I then did CDorner Neck Stretch that she did this week, 19 minutes, 28 calories followed by STS 2 Floor yoga, 23 minutes, 36 calories. Total time was 87 minutes, 193 calories.

warm up uses light tubing, 5# dumbbells, and 10# dumbbells
stability ball needed for some exercises
Barbell Curls #1 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curls #2 30# 8 reps
Barbell Curl Pause reps 30# 8 reps
Kneeling alternating sweeper curls 15# dbs I think 16 reps
kneeling double arm sweeper curls 15# 10 reps
hammer curls 15# dbs 8 reps
crossbody curls 12# dbs 8 reps each side
kneeling hammer/crossbody curls 12# dbs 6 reps
incline curls #1 (uses stability ball) 12# dbs 10 reps
incline curls #2 12# dbs 10 reps (raised weight)
single arm preacher curls #1 (stability ball) R/L 12# db 8 reps
single arm preacher curls #2 (stability ball) R/L 15# db 8 reps ( I raised it here and did okay with it)
banded dumbbell curls blue medium tubing + 5# dbs
reverse curls #1 12# dbs 12 reps
Reverse Curls #2 10# dbs 12 reps
Biceps Curl drop set 15,12,10# dumbbells 8 reps each
Kneeling clutch curl 15# 10 reps
Waiter curl 20# db 10 reps (next time I will use my dumbbell bars with plates to see if it is easier to hold
last exercise in main workout:
Barbell Wrist curls #1 (not sure why #! as there is no #2) 25# bb 16 reps
Can someone else start the thread this week? My husband had an emergency appendectomy last night and is in the hospital. He's doing well but will probably be in the hospital another day. I'll post more when we get home.
So sorry to hear that Judy! I'm glad he's doing well.

I just did STS 2 Body Parts Triceps and Chair Yoga. Derek's in Chicago at the Brookfield Zoo today having found a friend who would drive him. I don't do Chicago area. LOL

Carolyn great job with Body Parts Back. Unfortunately while I do know the area well, I had just passed one of the two exits in that stretch and the second one was right before it opened back up again. My mental coin flipping lost every time on that trip.

Valerie nice that you not only got in a ride, but got to see the beaver. I've seen a couple in the UP and watched them for awhile. Are the birds starting to gather there. We're seeing a mix of new fledglings from the species that stay here year round and the gathering of those that either my migrate or winter in flocks. If I ever get a dog again, I'm going to be really careful about personality. We had two dogs that we ended up having to find a new home for, one because it was herding Derek and making him really uncomfortable and the second because it had decided to try to kill the cat, plus that dog was absolutely the neediest, stubbornest thing ever. He really needed a house with no other animals and one person who could devote all their time to it. Last dog we had was a sweetheart. You couldn't have asked for a better personality. The dog who would totally show a robber where everything was in exchange for a pat on the head.

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Body Parts Biceps + bonus. That's my least favorite of the parts workouts, but that's probably because biceps are my least favorite area to work. LOL
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So sorry to hear that Judy! I'm glad he's doing well.

I just did STS 2 Body Parts Triceps and Chair Yoga. Derek's in Chicago at the Brookfield Zoo today having found a friend who would drive him. I don't do Chicago area. LOL

Carolyn great job with Body Parts Back. Unfortunately while I do know the area well, I had just passed one of the two exits in that stretch and the second one was right before it opened back up again. My mental coin flipping lost every time on that trip.

Valerie nice that you not only got in a ride, but got to see the beaver. I've seen a couple in the UP and watched them for awhile. Are the birds starting to gather there. We're seeing a mix of new fledglings from the species that stay here year round and the gathering of those that either my migrate or winter in flocks. If I ever get a dog again, I'm going to be really careful about personality. We had two dogs that we ended up having to find a new home for, one because it was herding Derek and making him really uncomfortable and the second because it had decided to try to kill the cat, plus that dog was absolutely the neediest, stubbornest thing ever. He really needed a house with no other animals and one person who could devote all their time to it. Last dog we had was a sweetheart. You couldn't have asked for a better personality. The dog who would totally show a robber where everything was in exchange for a pat on the head.

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Body Parts Biceps + bonus. That's my least favorite of the parts workouts, but that's probably because biceps are my least favorite area to work. LOL
Our rescue dog has all sorts of issues -behavior and medical and several Trainers said they couldn’t help her-she’s terrified if a fly or bee gets inside-to the point of having to give her a sedative and we can’t Travel as a family since we can’t leave her with anyone and we can’t even have anyone she knows come to the house if we aren’t here-she’s almost 70 pounds and has fear aggression so she can look very intimidating -she’s also terrified to be outside alone even though our yard is fenced -she’d Probablly be put down if we didn’t own her-I feel bad for her-we’ve had her since she was 3 months old-her Mother was a stray and very nervous so she probablly was born with issues
Judy that is a shocker! good to know hes doing ok. I can start the thread. it will be tonight because tomorrow we are traveling. Hugs to both of you and hope he recovers quickly.

we rode again this morning. now my butt needs a day off. same ride as yesterday as its the closest trail and easiest access.

I've seen beavers before but not that many. this was in an odd place and not expected. we rode by it again today and didnt see the beaver. no mergansers on the river today either. yesterday was a bit of a fluke. Carolyn we are all concerned about the well being of salmon. they have dropped off in population due to a range of reasons mostly human caused. dams, warming water temps, pollution, and over fishing to name a few. the mergs yesterday are fish eaters so they must have been on the river for a reason, although they eat small fish not grown salmon. Im assuming there is a good small fish population in the river right now.

cathy this is exactly that kind of dog. unpredictable. no way could you have another pet in that house. or children. even adult guests need to be warned about being very cautious. he seems friendly but suddenly will growl or snap. I would have euthanized him long ago but I understand how hard to do if you've had him since he was small. he's on antidepressants too. too many nice dogs in the world to fuss over this one. sorry, he'd be toast.
I remember chicago traffic as being hellish and that's > 50 years ago. probably not better now.
Today I did KCMs Cardio Quick Fix, workout one, for 26 minutes and 183 calories burned. Average heart rate was 130 and maximum heart rate was 163. Then I did Foam Rolling Upper Body for 19 minutes and 33 calories. I went to the Farmer’s Market for my usual Saturday shopping.

Diane Sue, great job with Body Parts Biceps + bonus, CDorner Neck stretch, and STS 2 Floor Yoga.

Judy, I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s medical emergency, but I’m glad that he doing well.

Valerie, good job with your ride today.

Cathy, good job with Body Parts Triceps and Chair Yoga.

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