Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 7/14/2024

I didn’t feel like working out today so I did something very low key. I started with JS One Mile of Motivation for 15 minutes and 114 calories burned. Average heart rate was 136 and maximum heart rate was 150. Then I did STS 2 Total Body Stretch for 23 minutes and 43 calories.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Vertical Step, Raw String Along Abs, and Raw Yoga Stretch.

Valerie, I know hat you mean about medical applications. It’s the same for us. So many appointments!

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
Today I did STS 2.0 Supersets Upper Body + calves, 48 minutes, 133 calories, heart rate 101/132. I finished with STS 2.0 Mobility #1, 19 minutes, 31 calories. Total time was 67 minutes, 164 calories.
Today I did Killer Legs. My time was 46 minutes with 210 calories burned. My average heart rate was 115 and maximum heart rate was 142.

Diane Sue, great job with STS 2 Supersets Upper Body + Calves, and Mobility 1.

Hello to everyone and have a wonderful day.
I’m taking a few active rest days with shorter and easier workout. Wednesday I did a 20 minute easy row and 10 minutes of stretching/ Yesterday I did another 20 minute easy row and today I did a 30 minute Peloton ride and 10 minutes of arms & light weights.

Diane Sue-thanks for the link for the Allergena. Great job with Raw Strength #1 cardio acceleration, the CDorner stretch, CDorner Vertical Step # 401, Raw String Along Abs, Raw yoga stretch, STS 2 Supersets Upper Body + Calves, and Mobility 1.

Cathy- Great job with LIC step and walking at the zoo. That’s good that your sister tested negative. It has been a long time since I’ve flown and I don’t plan on flying again. Fortunately, Chris feels the same way.

Carolyn-Great job with JS 30 Minute Fat Blaster, JS One Mile of Motivation, STS 2 Total Body Stretch and Killer Legs.

Valerie-I agree, flying doesn’t sound like much fun anymore. I know what you mean about the medical appointments. Between medical and dental, it seems like Chris and I have some kind of appointment almost every week.
No workout yesterday as I shopped. This morning I did STS Disk 37 Squat Rack Legs. I like these workouts because even though they are long, they use a minimal amount of equipment and the rest periods are so long, I can really thoroughly stretch.

Carolyn great job with JS 30 Minute Fat Blaster, JS One Mile of Motivation, and stretch, and Killer Legs.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Vertical Step # 401, abs and stretch, STS 2.0 Supersets Upper Body + calves, and mobility 1.

Valerie part of the problem is that my Mom LOVES her doctor, precisely because she doesn't do anything, so my Mom can say she has no issues. She'd never voluntarily agree to see someone else.

Judy great job with the workouts, while keeping things light.
Well sometimes doctors retire and you are forced to find a new one or there are changes in insurance coverage etc. usually specialists( if she saw one) will defer to the primary care person. things may not change.

we did a ride this morning with some friends 25 miles with a stop for pizza for lunch. an indulgence we usually dont have. wow it was good. a wood fired vegie pizza not sure what was on it but with arugula on top. really tasty and beautiful. pretty tired now. very hard riding the last 12 miles on a full stomach. just two pieces but usually we have a half an apple and thi is a lot more than that.
Today I did STS 2.0 Supersets pre-mix lower body only, 19 minutes, 70 calories, Cathe Killrer Barre bonus, 19 minutes, 49 calories, Sts 2.0 mini ball abs, 12 minutes 30 calories. I finished with Raw 20-minute stretch flow,31 calories. Total time was 70 minutes, 180 calories.

Carolyn, nice work on Killer Legs today?

Judy, nice idea taking some active rest days. I did that last week and it helped me get rid of some soreness. Good job on Wednesday's 20 minute easy row and 10 minutes of stretching,. Yesterday's 20 minute easy row and today's 30 minute Peloton ride and 10 minutes of arms & light weights.

Cathy, nice work on today's STS Disc 37 Squat Rack Legs. When I still had my Bowflex I did some of the exercises from that workout using it.

Valerie, nice job on the 25 mile ride. The veggie sounds yummy!
Did IMAX 4 when I woke up and thought I'd escaped having DOMS from my leg workout, but then I had breakfast and went to stand back up. :D After breakfast I did STS 2 Standing Abs Core Plus Floor and Mobility 2. My legs definitely weren't enjoying those. I did a lot of stretching between sets yesterday, but that wasn't enough. Hate to think what it would be like if I hadn't done all the stretching. My brother took my car for a couple days to detail it. He's very much a perfectionist, even as a kid his room was always very neat. The only downside is that my ride from and to his place is in his older corvette. Rode in it for the first time the other day and I'm just not a fan. It is SO loud, low to the ground and it's been decades since I rode with the windows down. And I get to do it all again in a bit.

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Supersets pre-mix lower body only, Killer Barre Bonus, mini ball abs and stretch.

Valerie great job with the ride. Riding after pizza would be definitely be harder than an apple. Pizza does not sit lightly in the stomach.

Hi Carolyn and Judy!
Today is my rest day. We had heavy rain during the night and early morning and our power kept going off for a few minutes at a time. Eventually our internet and cable did not come back on. It was down for 3 hours before the problem was resolved. I did manage to go to the markets without getting caught in the rain, but we are expecting more storms this evening.

Judy, active rest days are very important. Nice job with easy rowing, stretching, riding, and arms with light weights.

Cathy, great job with STS disc 37 Squat Rack Legs, IMAX 4, STS 2 Standing Abs Core plus Floor, and Mobility 2. I’m sure that your brother will do an excellent job with detailing your car. That was something that my husband loved doing and he spent a lot of time on our vehicles. He doesn’t do that anymore, but he still loves cars.

Valerie, nice job with the ride with friends and the pizza lunch. Definitely a lot more food than an apple!

Diane Sue, great job with STS 2 Supersets lower body only, Killer Legs Bonus Barre, and Raw Stretch flow.

Have a great day everyone.
The restaurant was a brew/ pub type place. the pizza had red sauce, pepperoncini, roasted red pepper, tomatoes, mushrooms and a little cheese with tiny arugula leaves on top. mostly serve yourself , with outdoor seating so we could keep an eye on our bikes. they should have a bike rack to lock them but they dont. the crust was thicker and a bit chewy and wood fired & so good. I'm not a fan of cracker thin without vegies on top like Mod pizza this was just great! so flavorful and not greasy. it was a lovely day too. anyway, not diet food but not ridiculous overload. definitely more than an apple with PB.

I looked at the new workout series equipment. I have most of the things but not a balance disk. I was putting an amazon order together and what looks like the same thing is $17 in several colors, and will get delivered right away. I ordered it late yesterday and expect it today. it looked like it would cost several times that much thru this web site. I'll report back on how useful it is. I have to be pickier on ab exercises since I should not do formal sit ups and several other twisting moves anymore. I do a lot of balance work to core strengthen and these look like a useful addition.

Judy that is so smart to schedule those days. we cant work out hard every day! you need R&R time too.

Carolyn we could use that rain here. its dry dry dry and hot, with fires popping up everywhere. we get a lot of "dry" thunderstorms with lightning and little to no rain and fires pop up everywhere , especially in the mountains.

cathy thats too funny. Im not a sports car person either. I dont like riding with windows down or sunroof open or convertible. and no interest in loud . I'm fussy about the interior being clean and vacuumed but I dont give a darn about the exterior. Dh washes the outside and I vacuum inside so our cars are clean at least briefly. I am always worst the second day.

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