Today I did Coffey Fit Raw Intervals #4, 43 minutes, heart rate 120/164, 204 calories, 2,992 steps. I finished off with Lindsey Samper neck and shoulders #8, 18 minutes because I added a bit to it. I went for a gentle stretch on the move with hand at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock, just enough to feel a slight stretch. I find this works out fine. I went outside and cleaned the windows on the sunroom while waiting for my 8 year old grandson to arrive. It was nice out and I knew it would probably get hot later.
Coffey Fit Raw Intervals #4 requires 6 inch step I used 15# dumbbells 15# dbs for all but deadlift upright row and the lying work at the end. I did not do overhead with the sit ups I just pulled the dumbbells down to the side.
One cardio 30 sec and one strength move 30 sec repeated twice and move to the next then all are repeated ending with some core and upper body the second time
Split and squat jack cardio/ dbs power curls
Pendulums cardio/ deadlift upright row dbs
Achy feet (Heisman?) cardio/lunge press 1 arm( I did curls)
Plunge lunge turn side to side lunge cardio/side lunge curls dbs
Jump on step squat touch down/plank rows dbs
Heel crossovers/ jacks and skates
Repeat all cardio and weight segments again excluding heel cross overs and jacks and skates (second time is shorter, the cardio is done twice followed by one set of the weight moves or a shorter session when it requires each side.
End with lying on step skull crushers to sit ups
Flys with leg raise
Stretch at 39 minutes
Judy, that is a big drop in step count. Which Fitbit do you have? Mine is doing fine. I have had 10,000 steps several times lately. Today I didn't do as much just cardio so it is right at 5,317 at this point. Yesterday was 9,349. the day before 9,647, so it is doing well for me and what I am doing. Monday I had 11, 350. I hope they don't start messing with things too much as my heart rate and calorie burns have been better lately. Every time I start thinking, okay, they ironed out the problem, it messes up again.
Carolyn, I have done the strength only premix from X train Cardio Leg Blast. I like the cardio though unless I have plenty of time to do some cardio with just the legs. It does help get away from the high impact cardio leg moves though. I love premixes for getting just what you need in a workout.
Coffey Fit Raw Intervals #4 requires 6 inch step I used 15# dumbbells 15# dbs for all but deadlift upright row and the lying work at the end. I did not do overhead with the sit ups I just pulled the dumbbells down to the side.
One cardio 30 sec and one strength move 30 sec repeated twice and move to the next then all are repeated ending with some core and upper body the second time
Split and squat jack cardio/ dbs power curls
Pendulums cardio/ deadlift upright row dbs
Achy feet (Heisman?) cardio/lunge press 1 arm( I did curls)
Plunge lunge turn side to side lunge cardio/side lunge curls dbs
Jump on step squat touch down/plank rows dbs
Heel crossovers/ jacks and skates
Repeat all cardio and weight segments again excluding heel cross overs and jacks and skates (second time is shorter, the cardio is done twice followed by one set of the weight moves or a shorter session when it requires each side.
End with lying on step skull crushers to sit ups
Flys with leg raise
Stretch at 39 minutes
Judy, that is a big drop in step count. Which Fitbit do you have? Mine is doing fine. I have had 10,000 steps several times lately. Today I didn't do as much just cardio so it is right at 5,317 at this point. Yesterday was 9,349. the day before 9,647, so it is doing well for me and what I am doing. Monday I had 11, 350. I hope they don't start messing with things too much as my heart rate and calorie burns have been better lately. Every time I start thinking, okay, they ironed out the problem, it messes up again.
Carolyn, I have done the strength only premix from X train Cardio Leg Blast. I like the cardio though unless I have plenty of time to do some cardio with just the legs. It does help get away from the high impact cardio leg moves though. I love premixes for getting just what you need in a workout.