Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/30/2024

Today I did Raw July Rotation Wednesday: lower/arms/shoulders, adding the Raw TBTS warm up, 33 minutes, 125 calories, heart rate 112/141. I finished off with CDorner Towel or strap mobility stretch, 31 minutes, 46 calories, heart rate 78/97. Total time was 64 minutes, 171 calories.
Have a great July 4th.
another ride this morning early, in fast time of 1 hr 8 minutes. cold out to start but nice and we beat any potential crowds by being done by 9. thought about doing another ride but a holiday usually means street fairs and other things that mess up the roads so did our regular exercise ride.
This morning I did P30 Low Impact HiiT + the Extended Stretch. That was 37 minutes and 203 calories burned. Average heart rate was 120 and maximum heart rate was 145.

Cathy, chatting with your son over breakfast is a nice way to spend the morning. The workout wasn’t meant to be that time.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw July rotation lower/arms/shoulders, Raw TBTS warm up, and CDorner stretch.

Valerie, it’s good that you could get your ride done early. I thought of you last night when my neighbors started with fireworks. New people have moved into the neighborhood over the last two years and it’s not as quiet around here as it once was. Thankfully both families ended them by 10:30.

Hello to Judy.

Have a great day everyone.
a mountain bike this morning early the one around our neighborhood. its not killer but especially one hill is tough if you are not a regular rider. took 40 minutes and were done by 8:30. less challenging on a road bike but my mt bike is a heavy little beast. DH's bike probably weighs half what mine does, but a little extra work is ok. it was loud lasty night but thats ok. its all the sudden unexpected kabooms that go off for weeks at all hours that wear out my patience. there are some new regs in place for some of the surrounding areas but too soon to see if it slowed down the onslaught.
I cant imagine how much money people spend on this junk. people who know more than I do say a lot of it is illegal stuff that make m-80's sound like cap pistols. it didn't seem immediate neighborhood was too bad but noise carries a long way, and we are on top of a hill. the guy next store blows off a load of stuff but pretty much sticks to 10-midnight of the 4th. a lot of people have children who live in areas that are now restricted so they come to their parents house to blow up the world. of course fire is always a danger. I used last night to test out a new mattress cover for our other house. it was supposedly "cool" and had a blocking layer. we wanted it for our guest room there. not about to start quizzing people about whether they are incontinent! this cover failed, so at 11 pm I got up, yanked it off. hot! ugh! I am a warm sleeper so a good person to test mattress pads. I reordered a different one today that is 100% cotton without a waterproof barrier. that will be good enough.
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Today I did Cathe Cardio & weights just cardio. The cardio only timesaver does not work anymore. I don't know why, but there is only one premix and it includes some weights. I am wondering if it is the blu-ray player, or what. It used to be on my dvd. I ended up going to the mix and match and doing the segments. I would check it in an old dvd player, but my tv is kind of old and for some reason there is no sound coming through even though I have the audio cables all hooked up. I noticed that on the workout manager, the cardio only premix has a tiny ? in the midst of it. Cardio and weights was 39 minutes as I forgot to start my watch and repeated part of it, 176 calories, heart rate 122/153. I then did STS 2.0 min ball abs, 11 minutes, 30 calories and STS 2.0 mobility #1 19 minutes, 22 calories. Total time was 69 minutes, 228 calories. I am kind of baffled on how premixes can disappear on a dvd. I ordered Gloved Up and Sweaty which is supposed to be here tomorrow :) Going to go work on my painting.
So, yesterday afternoon, my husband who was apparently super bored on his day off decided to go grocery shopping-the day before I shop. Comes home with 4 large bags of food, that pretty much fill my fridge and freezer. With stuff HE wants. :rolleyes: OTOH it made my shopping trip shorter, OTOH I got to max out my Tetris skills. It was rather fun to have him stand there while I demonstrated yesterday how much rearranging I had to do to get his stuff in the fridge/freezer. And to tell him when I got home from shopping, which included my stop at the brand new just opened TJ's, that they had new and different things I could get in the future, but had no room for today. And I might have bought a couple things I want and shoved them the back of the freezer so he can't see them. Yes, I know it was petty, but I did it anyway! LOL

So no workout for me. Plus, while we don't get the extensive before and after the 4th fireworks, they were going till at least 12:30 last night. I fell asleep early and totally forgot to put the fan on high to block the noise, and once they woke me up, I couldn't not hear them. Hopefully, there's no repeat tonight and it's insane to me that people spend that much $$ on them. My sister says she's known people who spend $500-1000!

Diane Sue that's crazy that the prefix vanished. Did it workout using the mix and match? I'll have to test out my DVD. Great job with Raw lower/arms/shoulders, RAW and the towel/strap mobility workouts.

Valerie great job with the rides.

Carolyn great job with P30 Low Impact HiiT + the Extended Stretch.

Hi Judy.
I worked 8 hours yesterday. The store was not busy at all compared to previous years at this time. They have been cutting hours a lot which is good for me. Next week I only work one 6 hour shift and the week after I have two 4 hour shifts. My husband retired 2 years ago and we think it’s time for me to consider doing the same. He had thought about getting a part time job too but he enjoyed being retired so much that he changed his mind. I am a little conflicted about retiring completely. I am thinking about going seasonal in the fall and taking the winter off. Today I was still a little sore and tired from yesterday so I just a 20 minute Peloton Full Body strength workout with lighter weights.

Cathy-Great job with the cardio from Cardio and Weights. It’s nice that you got to have breakfast with Derek. My FIL’s assisted living was around $5500 a month and that was 10 years ago.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Vertical Step, Stretch after Step, Raw July Rotation Wednesday: lower/arms/shoulders, CDorner Towel or strap mobility stretch, Cathe Cardio & weights just cardio, STS 2.0 min ball abs, and STS 2.0 mobility #1.

Carolyn-Great job with Perfect Pump Lower Body and P30 Low Impact HiiT + the Extended Stretch.

Valerie-Great job with the rides.
Just finished Live Bands, Loops and Weights Oh My! I really like that one.

Judy I get how your husband feels. I stopped working for the State in '98 when I had Nick and then once they were both on the same hours at school, I took a job there. After about 6 years there, they privatized and I ended up with the supervisor from hell. Then I inherited money from my Grandma and was able to quit that one in '19, in '20 I started getting my State pension which is enough for me to cover my expenses plus some extras. DH is talking about retiring next year, which I think is a bad idea financially because he won't be at full retirement age. Plus, the man was so bored July 4th that he had to go shopping. What is he going to do with an extra 40 hours a week and less money. Sorry rant over. Going seasonal sounds like it would be a great plan since you want to keep doing something.

Hi all.
Today is my rest day. I went to the Farmer’s Market, Sprouts and the Fresh Market. I expected fewer people at the farmer’s market because of the holiday, but that was not the case! I made pizza dough from fresh milled flour yesterday and put it in the refrigerator overnight. I’m planning to make a veggie pizza for dinner with a salad. We haven’t had pizza in years!

Valerie, great job with the mountain biking. It’s smart to try out the mattress topper before putting it in your guest bedroom.

Diane Sue, nice job with Cardio and Weights cardio premix, and STS 2 Mini Ball Abs and Mobility #1. I have only done Cardio and Weights a few times and I don’t remember anything about it.

Judy, I can understand your husband wanting to be fully retired. I worked part time for the first year and helped to train and transition my replacement. After that I was ready to be free of it. I miss my work friends, but we still talk and see each other occasionally.

Cathy, I hope that your husband has a plan for what he will do to fill his time after retirement. That will be difficult for both of you (speaking from experience).

Have a nice day everyone.
I got "retired" from several jobs so things I thought would last a long time suddenly disappeared. I guess I was dumb but I wasnt the only one who didn't foresee the future. I gradually got accustomed to not working full time. my last job was a work from home one, but it ended the same way the others. suddenly voice recognition software took hold and the job, the entire field, disappeared. it did get me used to keeping my time full. DH retired fairly abruptly. Being a physician in a large group with micromanaging\bean counters running the show is not the field he wanted to be in any longer. an adjustment for sure but he has many interests and ideas of working part time went away quickly. for sure you cant just retire and not have any idea of what you want to do with the time. it is a good plan to have things you can do together, but also activities and interests that are separate. you wont like being in each others faces 24/7.

I did stacked upper body the whole thing with a little spinning in between segments.
Today I did a 20-minute Peloton ride and worked 6 hours at HD.

Cathy-Great job with Live Bands, Loops and Weights Oh My! I think going seasonal will be good for me. I also have a small pension from my career job and I can get Social Security next year too.

Carolyn-It sounds like you had a nice rest day. It has been an interesting couple of years with my husband retired. It was difficult for him at first but he adjusted quicker than I thought he would. He has several hobbies that have kept him busy. He also stays in touch with a couple of friends from work.

Valerie-Great job with stacked upper body and spinning. I’ve also had several jobs since I left my career job back in 2005. I haven’t worked a full-time job since 2011, but I have had quite a few weeks over the years at HD that I was scheduled full time hours. My husband retired abruptly also. There was a lot of turmoil going on in his office and he wanted out as soon as he was able to get out. You are right, being together all of the time will be challenging.

Hi to Diane Sue
Today I did Raw July Rotation Friday: Lower/Core 31 minutes, 99 calories, heart rate 102/130. I then did Raw Shadow boxing #2 18 minutes, 67 calories, heart rate 104/135. I finished with Raw Yoga Stretch and CDorner Day 24 neck and upper back mobility, 31 minutes, 53 calories. Total time was 80 minutes, 197 calories.

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