Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/26

Diane sue.. do you have carpeting in the bedroom? would you consider replacing with a hard surface?carpeting supposedly can hold a lot of pollen. also washing your pillows and covers, the bedspread, blankets, all the stuff around where you sleep. it sounds like you have more troubles when sleeping than any other time. so hard to isolate yourself if it's pollen that's in the air everywhere.... I sympathize as I know if I get a load of grass pollen I'm out of sorts for days. I take some OTC antihistamine and try to knock the sxs down right away. it works well, doesn't make me sleepy like benadryl does.
I did Ice Metabolic again along with Icy core. also leg therapy exercises. DH had a good hike but he said it was very hot so I'm glad I didn't go. he got a migraine from it.
Good evening ladies,

This morning was SB Tabata workout. Was about 40 minutes and it alternates between Barre and Tabatas. Really enjoyed it for a morning workout. At lunch 3 of the ladies wanted to workout. We ended up doing 21d Barre Legs as they just love this one!

Deb...I am so sorry about your Uncle. It is great you are there for your cousins. Hospice workers are really so kind and patient. When my mom was ill they were wonderful.

Valerie...I love pizza and our rolls are to die for but like you and Lynda, moderation is the key for me. Once I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes I needed to really limit myself with all the food around the office. I splurge every now and then - I can't be good all the time. That stinks getting a migraine after a hike.

Lynda...I thought the same thing about the music. Love it and perfect for this episode. My husband and I watched it again Monday night. The thing with mangos for me is the texture. I love the flavor bit do not enjoy eating a fresh mango.

Diane Sue...I will look at the app again. Would love to try it put and xompare to the app I am currently using. I have both the party rockin steps and have never used them. For a while there I had even misplaced them! Years ago when I first started with Cathe I was all about Step workouts. Now not so much. Funny how things can change.

Hi to Judy, Josie and Caitlin!
Valerie, I was all the bedding often including mattress cover and my pillow case is changed every other day. Yes, we have carpet and I hate it. We have carpet everywhere but the small kitchen, entry, my bath , and only the toilet area in the master bath. Our last home had no carpet except the upstairs workout room. It was wood, brick and ceramic tile. We want to get rid of it but there are so many projects and we can only do one project at a time. Just fixed some plumbing issues. I think they had some leaks in here. Particularly the dishwasher area. One cabinet had mold all over in it next to the dishwasher. The only way to get it really well is to replace the cabinets. I can smell mold in the master bath as well in one of the vanity areas. It has two. My husband wants to do new cabinets when we can. I just steamed all of the carpets and gave Gertie a bath. Over the counter allergy meds make me so groggy and I still have the symptoms. I have even tried half a Claritin to see if it would help without the grogginess. I was desperate this week and tried for several days taking a whole one and it did not help. Once I am awake and gotten down my warm coffee or tea I seem to feel better. I drink tons of fluids when I am like this.

Lorie, Both of the Party Rockin step workouts have been favorites of mine. I choose them when I am really not feeling a workout or am tired because I think they are fun. Particularly the one with the mambos and stuff. I like the music. I used to want to do only step or the treadmill for so long. I hated floor cardio. Maybe it is just that regular cardio with no step has changed a lot. Once I started doing kickboxing I had a new love for a long time. I like changing the cardio up a lot. I sometimes think my husband may be somewhat diabetic but he will not go see a doctor. He has the worst time with his feet and numbness. His mother was diabetic.
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Hi Everyone,

Chris is on vacation until after the 4th of July and we've been busy doing some work on the condo. We did go out for a short bike ride yesterday and it was so nice! I hope we can get back out again later in the week. This morning I did 4 Day Split Kickbox and tonight I did SB Challenge abs. I'm planning my next workout rotation. I think I will be doing a KCM + SB combined rotation for July.

Lynda-Great workouts! I like Mango salsa too.

Diane Sue-I'm sorry about your allergies. It's been a little better for me the past few days. The pollen count went down here over the weekend. Last week was miserable. You are doing such great workouts! I feel like I've been slacking off when I look at yours.

Valerie-that Quinoa salad recipe looks really good and healthy! When you mentioned pizza you reminded me of my favorite pizza from when I was growing up in the Quad Cities:
I loved that pizza! One of the many things I miss about living in there..

Hi to Deb, Lori, Josie & Caitlin!

Good morning,

Thank you all for the kind works about my uncle. It was a blessing that he went as quickly as he did. My aunt ( his wife) was in Hospice for 20 days. No workout yesterday, I went shopping with my cousin...she wanted to buy new bathroom things for the house since there will be a lot of people coming and going there. Sounds strange but it actually helped her get her mind off of what is going on. We had a few laughs even.

Lori, how was the Jessica Smith workout? good level for the Lunch Ladies? Going up and down stairs is a great leg workout. I'm with you on the step I use only 1 riser, and really don't want to use even that. It was tough with AT...I wanted to take that riser out so badly, but didn't want to pause the streaming worrying that it would mess it up. I put in my notes ( on that wonderful PDF document I have!) to go with just the platform next time.

Valerie, yes the Hospice people were wonderful. I think I will try a little quinoa in the rice cooker and see what happens. I can understand how you would need a break from so much time together. I jokingly say that if/when John retires, I may get a part time job. I think I would try frozen mangos before trying to pick a good fresh one. Also could use cantaloupe?

Lynda, wow....that GOT sounds funny when you read it and do not know what is going on...someone is eating his sons? Is Kim all done with the haying? Any baby chicks coming?

Diane Sue, taking down the drapes and cleaning the fan should help some. I think that I have read that people with bad allergies should not have drapes of any kind...blinds maybe are ok? We have a couple of Hepa air cleaners...we used to use them for our past dog that had environmental allergies. They didn't work that well for that. I think they are both not working any longer. Maybe I should pull them out and see. I would want them to help with the dog smells but I don't think they work for that either.

Judy, great workouts! Nice that you got a bike ride in. I hope John and I can get out for one this weekend.

Hi Josie!

Maybe a workout, or not. Not feeling it. The wake is today and tomorrow, then the funeral Friday followed by a's been a long week already.

Take care,
Hi everyone--

This morning I did Live Fit and Firm (48 min.). Loved this one, especially all the band work. Definitely intermediate and left me energized instead of exhausted. Rating: *****

Deb, Kim has a new batch of chicks in the brooder from last Friday, and a group of chickens out free-ranging it. He is, I believe, done with first-cut hay, but there is always a second cut and often a third cut. It sounds like you will be very busy with family the next few days.
Ahh--revenge in the Greek tragedies often involves the violation of taboos. GOT is definitely borrowing from the classics for some of its most gruesome violence.

Diane Sue, I am so sorry you are having such a hard time with allergies. I have heard that allergies to mold are the worst. I loved step for a long time, but haven't really wanted to do the choreography for some time. Funny how you just lose your enthusiasm for a mode of physical activity.

Judy, it sounds like you are enjoying some time with Chris, even if it is working on the condo. Every part of the country has its own favorite pizza. When I was in Chicago it was deep dish. Around here it's the brick oven pizza with thin crust.

We finally did get some much-needed rain last night.
Today I thought I wanted to do STS meso 1 upper but looked at all of the push ups and pull ups and changed my mind. I ended up doing Ripped With Hiit chest, shoulders, and triceps, 45 minutes with an extra warm up that I started on STS, 180 calories. I then did Rock Out Knock Out timesaver #1 cardio kickbox, gloved cardio, and stretch, 38 minutes, 225 calories. I finished off with Ripped with Hiit bonus abs #1, using a 12# dumbbell, and bonus abs #2 using a 10 for the toe touch move, 23 minutes, 104 calories. Total time spent was 1 hr 46 minutes, 509 calories.
Flat Bench Press 25# x 12; 22.5 x 12; 22.5 x 12
finisher push ups 16 reps
Incline bench press 22.5# x 12 r x 3 sets
finisher triceps push up 16 reps
incline fly 20# x 12 r x 3 sets
decline push ups 16 r
superset BB overhead press/ upright row 30# x 10/10 x 3 sets
finisher scare crows 5# x 20 reps
superset lateral raise and front raise 10#/15# x 12 reps x 3
finisher external rotation lateral raise 8# x 15 reps
overhead triceps extension standing 30# x 12r; 35# x 12r; 35# x 12r
finisher dips 20 reps
barbell lying triceps extensions 35# x 12 rep x 3 sets
finisher kickbacks 10#

Judy, I was hoping my husband and I could get out for more walks but the allergies have left me staying indoors as much as possible. He is using the tread climber in the mornings. I lightened the tension because that is what hurt my knees when I did it recently. I had it on max o_O I did not want him to have problems since he is just starting back into a routine. My younger daughter was having allergy problems and checked and a lot of allergens were up on Sunday. I contemplated Kelly Coffey's Shape up Upper Body work. I like those tabatas she does with the weights.

Deb, I don't think going shopping an even laughing is strange at all. It helps with the pain of the loss. Unfortunately sometimes when there are funerals it is the only time there is a family reunion of sorts. The family from my mother's side is having a reunion in NE July but it ends up being the same days that we have our own family cabin trip. My aunt who came here to visit on her way to AZ really wanted us to come. I seriously hate traveling and am a home body. I guess that is what you would call it. My husband loves traveling. There are vertical blinds on most of the windows in the house. Someone had obviously paid for custom window covers because they are all a copper vertical blind upstairs and down with padded peach colored box valances over them. The master bedroom has those on the sliding glass door with a valance matching the drapes that are in there. The smaller window has just the drapes but the hardware for the blinds is there so I am guessing something happened to the blinds themselves. I threw away the box over the blinds and drapes with the valance attached. Someday those will all go. I am always pulled on curtains or blinds. Both get dirty. Curtains can be thrown in the wash if you buy the right kind. I have been vacuuming and cleaning blinds too. I am probably breathing all of the stuff I am knocking off of things. The décor was probably nice in it's day but, is very dated now. My Honeywell air purifier works pretty well. I change the pre-filter once a month. It says up to 3 months but the light comes on around 6 weeks and I can usually tell the difference before the light comes on to check. It pulls in a lot of stuff. I am always surprised since I am cleaning all of the time. It has 3 hepa filters in it as well.

Lynda, mold seems to be really bothersome. When I can smell it my eyes are generally watering. About once a month I pull everything out of the cabinets and spray some mold spray and clean really good. This seems to help for the areas than I can get at. When my daughter was little we did allergy testing on her because she had terrible eczema. It ended up she was allergic to mold, feathers, kapok, and latex. I have never had allergy testing done. My doctor is not much of one to suggest anything extra. My daughter got baby chicks this year. These are bigger chickens. Her others were a smaller variety. They wanted more larger eggs. The others were not producing a lot of eggs.
Sometimes I am a bit intrigued with the sound of Game of Thrones. I have a nephew who was raving about it and said he couldn't wait for the next season. I watched Once Upon a Time for awhile. I had purchased one season and my daughter and I watched it together. I just let it taper off. It seemed like it was getting a bit satanic or something. It bothered me. Plus my granddaughter 8 was loving it too and it was a getting a bit much for her to be watching.
It is funny about the enthusiasm for a type of activity. I used to use the treadmill and run 10 miles in a day on it watching movies and recorded shows along with my weights and some step. Then I just lost interest and treadmill running became sporadic. I still love step though. I used to feel like I got a better workout out of the step than some of the other stuff.
I think brick oven with thin crust is big out here too, but so far I haven't liked it much. only had it once. I just love all the vegies on a chewy crust... with cheese, and a little tomato sauce. and pineapple. and then I sprinkle hot red peppers on it. I love the combo of hot, sweet, salty. but probably not for everyone.
Deb, to my tastes, cantaloupe wouldn't work. I love cantaloupe but my food-brain tells me no. I'm a huge mango fan, and not everyone thinks mangos are great either! I can imagine peaches or nectarines subbing but cantaloupe has sort of a musty smell and taste that doesn't sound it would go with the other flavors. You could try it ? I tried a salad last night with watermelon, tomatoes and avocados that looked good in a magazine , but neither of us liked it. sometimes surprising things end up going together well........ and sometimes not.

we did a hike this morning. DH was a little tired from his hike yesterday. it was very hot, he drank more coffee than usual, and got a migraine. oh well. glad I didn't go. today we did a shorter one 3 hours RT. about 4 miles but fairly steep. wildflowers were lovely. too busy but at least we were on the way out when the crowds were going in.
Judy glad you could get in a ride. I love mango salsa. there's the combo again of hot, salty, and sweet.

Diane sue deb makes a good point about the drapes. I have mostly blinds in our house.
Good morning,

No workout yesterday, I hope to do one this morning...we'll see.

Lynda, Thanks for the rating of Fit & Firm. I think I did that one before, not sure...I know I have it on my "to do" list. I really like most of total body workouts in the Live I wish she had more separate upper and lower body ones. Max must be on the job!

Diane Sue, it's too bad that you can't walk outside right now...:(. John is having a horrible time too...yesterday one of his workers insisted on opening the windows in one of the treatment rooms and he ended up in a coughing fit that he almost could not stop. His office is right up against a green space with a lot of trees etc...and he said all the stuff must have been blowing in. Maybe you are right and all the cleaning is kicking up the stuff so you are getting it into your system. You would think the air filters would help more. I am also a homebody and usually have to force myself to go anywhere. John likes some travel, but not much that requires flying. We used to go to Mexico every year (part of my job) and he enjoyed that.

Valerie, good you got in a nice hike before the crowds got there. I guess it all is an experiment with the salad fixings, that is the fun part... having all kinds of recipes to try and all kinds of fruit etc. The Nourishing Gurus posted this yesterday:. I think I would leave out the garlic, but that is just my taste.

Blueberry Salad

The salad itself has only TWO ingredients (almonds are optional), but it's the simple dressing that brings it to life. We used crispy Romaine for the lettuce but any greens will do.

  • 5-6 cups salad greens, chopped
  • 1.5 cups blueberries
  • 1/4 cup chopped or slivered almonds (optional)
  • 1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
  • 1.5 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 garlic clove, minced
  • 1 heaping teaspoon raw honey
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
  • pepper to taste
Toss together greens and berries. Mix dressing ingredients and stir gently into salad until well coated. Top with slivered almonds (if desired). ENJOY!

Hi to Lori, Judy, and Josie,

Take care,
Deb, that's one of those non traditional combinations I'd have no clue how it would taste. no way to tell but try it! I'd mix up the dressing and add a little to the blueberry/greens and see how it tasted. a basic vinaigrette dressing that would work on most salads. I use watermelon in some salads, especially like it with cucumber.
I like to try new things several times a week. don't want to be stuck in a rut with same-old, same-old. I made a new sesame noodle dish yesterday that turned out well and was a good use for a bunch of my home grown snow peas.

DH is having a big deal dental procedure today so we won't be going anywhere for a few days. he will be eating liquid/soft food diet for a while. we'll see how it goes.

diane sue, we watched that Once Upon Time series a long time ago, on cable. I don't remember exactly, based on fairly tales ? I don't remember much, but we lost track of it after season or two. that is concerning about your husband. there are a lot of undiagnosed diabetics..... there are other signs of diabetes... unexplained weight loss, excessive thirst, frequent urination to name a few. if he has neuropathy in his lower extremities, it's important to know what's causing it. diabetes is one cause. just went thru this with my brother, who got an infection and lost a toe. he has neuropathy in his feet and lower legs. his T2 diabetes is poorly controlled. he takes meds but doesn't watch his diet, exercise etc. I know how men can be... but knowing what's wrong, if anything, is better than not knowing. the long term side effects of diabetes can be devastating but are, to a great degree, preventable if blood sugar levels are controlled.
my brother and sister have T2 diabetes, but our mother/father didn't and I don't, so family history isn't always predictable. I worked in the field for a long time so my awareness of it is higher than most people.
I would not be a happy camper with those allergy symptoms. does this settle down for you later in the season? I had more problems in the Midwest. How does your daughter handle the latex allergy? I might be getting sensitive to spandex/latex in clothing. my back itches all the time and skin seems most itchy underneath my bra straps and band, on my back. I'm going to buy a cotton bra and see if it lessens the itch.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did Cardio Core Circuit (48 min.).

I remember watching the first season of Once Upon a Time. But it was really only good that first season. Once the inhabitants of that Maine town realized they were in thrall to a spell of some fairy tale witch and broke the illusion, they should have stopped. I think it just got crazier and crazier.

Deb, that looks like an interesting recipe for blueberry season. Max hasn't done much on chicken patrol this year because for some reason that hawk couple seem to have more interest in rabbits, voles, rats. Kim thinks it's because he mowed the pasture down and they can see what they are after. The crows also seem to help keep the hawks away. Things could always change.

Kim made pesto yesterday from the garden. One of my absolute favorite meals! I just wish our tomatoes were ready to go with it.

Valerie, I like sweet, salty, hot too, but have never particularly liked pineapple on pizza.

Diane Sue, maybe Oklahoma is a bad climate for you with allergies. I had a good friend with serious lung issues, and he thrived in Santa Fe and San Diego, but had terrible problems in Boston, D.C., and NYC.

Hi to Judy and Josie!
I have two of my grandchildren here so just did a shorter cardio. I did Ice Low Impact Sweat 1 & 2 , 46 minutes, 330 calories

Deb, I was sort of looking for my workouts with separated body part themes. Upper and lower are nice. I think that there are more lower than upper on the live workouts. I never open my windows because of the allergies.

Valerie, Once Upon a Time had the fairy tale character names and a few identifiable things with each character but they were nothing like the stories. Peter Pan was evil, captain Hook is confused on whether he is evil or good, Snow white has nothing that resembles Snow White, then the Frozen ladies o_O
I can never force my husband to go to the doctor. The only time he gets a physical is for a job. When he went overseas he had a better check up. Several years ago his triglycerides were not good. I would not know that but, my daughter in law worked in the office and did a lot of the paper work. I try to adjust his eating but he goes through phases which over the last 2 years has been McDonalds number 3 or 9 meal several times a week. Snacks all of the time. Now he has realized that he is heavier than ever and is starting an exercise program, quit Dr Pepper and I am controlling his meals. This is his plan till Christmas. He is doing a challenge with our 18 year old grandson who is overweight. Hopefully this works for both. I have made appointments before with the doctor and would have to cancel. He shakes his feet all night long to wake them up.
I have a couple of interesting salad recipes from Performance Paleo that I am going to try. Both have watermelon and avocado in them. One is called Summer Salad with salt and pepper shrimp and has a lemon dressing and cherry tomatoes, the other is Tajin Salad which has the watermelon, avocado, jicama, and cucumber with a lime juice and ancho chili pepper and chipotle pepper. Both sound interesting. I have been feeling like cold food over hot lately.

Lynda, Once Upon a Time had the fairy tales all skewed. I did not have as much issue with the allergies when I was in Phoenix as a teenager. When I was in England in my younger years I had terrible allergies plus I had to ride in a cab for the trip to the first bus stop with a smoking cab driver (very kind though) and a group of smelly boys that got in after hanging in the pond area chasing frogs. My eyes would water and I would try to not cough and sneeze. It was miserable. That cab driver used to sing you are my sunshine when I would get in the car. Sometimes I would stay with him and his wife when my parents were not at home. Houston was bad for allergies. We lived there a very short time. I would never move though. I have my family all here.
Good evening ladies!

Yesterday was an upper body/core SB workout and the afternoon was SB arms. This morning was a SB interval workout. (I subbed this one in. The one on the rotation did not appeal to me ) and at lunch the ladies did a total body workout that I created from my Cathe downloads. Bands and Barre. They loved it! I told them about the Jessica Smith dvd's and we are going to try one out tomorrow.

Diane Sue...I agree there are a lot of lower workouts or combined upper and lower than just upper. I am looking forward to trying today's live Giant Set workout. I have never seen Once Upon A Time. My friend loves it. My husband has put on all the weight he lost when he was out of work. Now that he is working I have been making a very healthy lunch for him each day. It is helping him get back on track. I am always on him to go to the doctors.

Lynda...I love Cardio Core Circuit! I do not remember Fit & Firm. Need to revisit this one. Speaking of Lung issues, Madeline had a set back this weekend. A tumor on her spine. She had pain and had an immediatley sent her to hospital and kept her for the weekend to have some intense radiation. She is home now but needs 8 or so more treatments. She has done so well this past year. This was hard on me being so far away from her.

Valerie...keep the recipies coming! My mom had T2 and out of her 5 children 2 of us do and of course my brother with the pancreatic cancer is now T1. He by the way is 2 years now cancer free! Amazing!

Deb...that recipe looks delicious. The end of July is my husband and brother's Bday. So we are having a little Bday weekend for both of them and have invited a few people over. I will be making this! I think the ladies will like the JS Dvd's. I need to gradually introduce them. We will see how the first one goes tomorrow.

Judy...KCM and SB rotation sounds great! I am loving SB for my morning workouts. Enjoy your time with Chris! I loved having my husband home while he was not working. He now works about 32 hours a week. And every weekenf feels like a little vacation for us. We love it. That pizza place looks delicious!

My son is here visiting for a couple of days. Saturday we are all heading to New Bedford to visit my brother and tour the downtown area where the Whaling Museum is. Loved going here as a kid. If you ever read Moby Dick, New Bedford is mentioned many times. At one time New Bedford was "The Whaling Capitol". So much history! Will be a nice day.

Hi to Josie!

Have a great night all!
Good morning,

Well the second day of the wake is over, now the funeral today.

Valerie, hope your DH's procedure went well. I like almost any fruit in a salad, but my favorite combination is baby spinach and strawberries. With some walnuts and cheese...Yum! John is allergic to latex, he uses nitrile gloves..

Lynda, I know Max is still on the job, watching over what he can...:). crows can sometimes even be a pain. There was one outside the other day, dive bombing a rabbit that was hunkered down in our neighbor's lawn...she was running around shooing it away so it would leave the rabbit alone...not sure why the rabbit didn't get up, maybe she was on a nest or something. What do you eat with the pesto?

Diane Sue, the most recent live was an upper body one that looks really good. It does use a barbell, which I like to see once in a while. I like the BB for upper body, not much for lower. Good that you are watching your husband's (name again?), hopefully this will help what he has going on...but I agree with Valerie, it sounds like he really needs to see a DR.

Lori, sorry to hear about Madeline's set back, and hope that the treatments work to get rid of the tumor. So good that your brother has been cancer free for 2 years. I like the JS workouts. She has such a nice personality, and her workouts are not killer, very doable for all levels. Have fun in New Bedford, it sounds interesting.

Hi to Josie & Judy,

There is a lunch after the funeral, then I think I will come home and nap...

Take care,
I got some blueberries yesterday and will try that NG salad today. Deb that salad sounds yummy. I love combos like that. I like most fruit with a few exceptions.... grapefruit or similar bitter, sour citrus and pineapple in most things. seems too sweet most of the time. but I do love it on pizza. DH is on soft foods for a while so I can try some new things while he eats scrambled eggs. Latex allergies..what a pain!. medical people are more prone to this because they usually have a lot of latex exposure at work. I'm thinking my issue is the synthetic elastane, spandex. only on my back but I itch along the outline of my bra.

DH is doing well, a liquid day yesterday. procedure didn't take that long. he has nightmare teeth even though he is diligent. bad bad genetics. he has several implants now, expensive painful process. despite all the brushing and flossing.

I love pesto. our basil is too small yet. love pesto on pizza ....and everything else.

I did bi's, tris and core 1 yesterday. my shoulder is not sore and I'm gradually working back up in weights using mostly the x-train workouts. I've been doing toe push ups again. not getting sore so I'm mixing in some toe push ups mixed in with knees.

Oh gosh, medical problems all over.. Lori, hope madeleine does OK after the radiation. so good your brother is doing so well. with all your exercise and good weight you should not have T2 diabetes but some people are unlucky. keeping under control is so important because the harm high blood sugars cause happens gradually over a long time period. if sugar level is controlled, you should not have to worry any where near as much. Diane sue, important your DH gets checked. many drugs to treat it these days. but he doesn't know for sure what is going on. lots of health fairs, and public events will offer free blood sugar screening, or at least they used to. less intimidating (and usually free) than an actual office appointment.
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Today I started with Kelly Coffey Cardio Pump workout # 1 Cardio Boxing, 30 minutes, 170 calories. I then did Ripped with Hiit Back, Shoulders, and Biceps 53 minutes, 249 calories. I finished off with Hardstrikes Conditioning drills and stretch,16 minutes, 71 calories. Total time was 99 minutes, 490 calories.
one arm row 35# 12 reps x 3 sets
fnisher 35# barbell rows power band pulls
Pull overs 35# 12 reps x 3 sets
finisher barbell row spine band pulls 35#
one arm angled row 30# 12 reps x 3 sets
one arm seated band pulls green band
rear delt flies 15# 12 reps x 3 sets
finisher arm band pulls
prone rear delt 8# 12 reps x 3 sets
finisher t band pulls
biceps curls barbell 40# 12 reps 1 set ; 35# 12 reps x 2 sets
finisher w curls 10#
concentration curls 22.5 12 reps x 1 set; 20# 10 reps x 2 sets
finisher crazy 8's 25# barbell 24 reps
simultaneous hammer curls standing 17.5# b 12 reps x x 1 set; 15# 12 reps x 2 sets
finisher crazy 8's 25# barbell 24 reps

I will be back for personals. I am on my computer that the keys do not always work on. I often have to go back and re-type things.
Hi everyone--

This morning I did Live Muscle Max--probably about 45 min., because it stopped streaming right before the core started. That probably affects my judgment, but I just found this one to be okay--very traditional, but not much fun.

Deb, we have pesto with fettuccine and fresh tomatoes. Usually I freeze what is left and use it for a lasagna recipe I have. Pesto is great on bread, pizza, just about anything. I prefer crows to rabbits, who savage the garden if they get started. We currently have a catbird who sings endlessly, strutting back and forth on our deck both morning and evening. I don't know if he lost his mate, but he has a beautiful repertoire of songs. That salad sounds great. I have done Bosc pears with spinach and blue cheese and raisins, but never strawberries.

Lori, sorry to hear about your friend Madeline. I'm sure they have ways of handling this now, but I remember my sister's lung cancer spreading to her spine and it was really the beginning of the end when it invaded her bones. But that was almost 20 years ago, and now they seem to have so many new treatments that Madeline will probably do much better. Loved Moby Dick! "Call me Ishmael." Melville's home was in Pittsfield, and some people say his view of Mt. Greylock is what inspired the great white whale. Dubious. J.K. Rowling has some new tale to tell about a wizarding school on Mt. Greylock.

Diane Sue, those biceps curls at that weight are really impressive.

Off to Jacob's Pillow tomorrow. An all-male troupe from Argentina, Che Malambo. They had a rave review in the NYTimes. Looking forward, as always, to a good time.
Good afternoon ladies!

This morning was a SB lower barre. For the life of me I can't remember the name. At lunch we did JS Barefoot Fusion Sculpt. Everyone enjoyed it. Was a nice little lunch workout doable for all levels.

Thank you for your kind words about Madeline. Thinking the same thing about it being in her spine is not a good thing. I have a flight to visit her in early September. Booked it a few weeks back. Depending how things are going I may change.

Deb...2 day wakes are brutal. Been a long time since I have seen a 2 day wake. Around here they have gone to just one day and somtimes only one showing. I like JS a lot too and I felt pleasantly worked after today's workout. She has tons of YouTube workouts. I can always find something that appeals to me.

Valerie...everytime I have to see a new doctor they always comment "how did you end up with T2" or something similar. Those darn genetics! I got a chuckle out of you trying new things and your husband eating scrambled eggs. Glad he is doing well though.

Lynda...well that stinks the streaming stopped. I know you were bummed but I would have been thrilled if it stopped at the core work! Heheh. I have not done that workout. Going to try out Thursday Live Giant Set's on Sunday. Did you hear aboitnthat turkey farm that caught fire and 7,000 baby turkeys died. Soooo sad. The farm is about 30 minutes from me. I have driven by it many times. Breaks my heart.

Diane Sue...great workouts as always! I love burning that many calories in a workout session!!!

Any plans for this weekend?
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Ha Lori... sometimes the luck is not with you... believe me, I think of it every time I remember I have a pacemaker for 5 years. nothing I did wrong, same as you, just a glitch in the system. I tell myself, be glad it's something fixable, just like T2 is controllable if you play by the rules.

I'm going to plead ignorance..what is a wake? does it go with a particular faith? my family does a very short funeral ceremony .... at the funeral home, an hour, and that's it. DH's family did a whole day long process at the church, driving by limo to the burial area, at a building at the funeral area, at the gravesite, and a whole lot more stuff besides. I had no idea.... there could be that much fanfare, and I was so glad it finally was over. very very long drawn out affair. DH was stunned his sisters would do anything like that. other people in the family didn't do that, so I don't know what to think..

I tried the NG salad. it was pleasant, but just OK. I don't think blueberries have that much flavor so it was not a repeater for me. If you LOVE blueberries, maybe it would be more memorable. I used a bowl of spring mix lettuce and a few toasted almonds. I will use the vinaigrette on a tomato/cucumber/lettuce salad. It's a nice simple, versatile vinaigrette but for me, the blueberries didn't seem that flavorful.

Diane sue, if it's your keyboard..... I just bought a new standard one for $15, Logitec. . I should have done it a long time ago. Mostly I need a keyboard with the same key arrangement for moving around, as I've used for years, and it was easy to find, and cheap.. not worth putting up with one that doesn't work anymore.
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Hi Everyone,

Yesterday we went for a bike ride, and I did the chest & back premix from KCM Muscle Definition. We don't have any special plans for the weekend.

Lori-I'm so sorry about Madeline. I hope the treatments work well.

Diane Sue-I like KCM's Shape Up too. That was the first KCM workout that I did.
Great workout today! Very impressive weights!

Lynda-I'm sorry that the streaming stopped during your workout. I was having trouble earlier this week too.

Deb-We had 2 days of visitation for my father in law before his funeral. One was in Ann Arbor, then the next day in Indiana, where he was buried. I know it's been a difficult week for your family. I hope you can relax and have as
good a weekend as possible.

Hi to Valerie & Josie!


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