Today I thought I wanted to do STS meso 1 upper but looked at all of the push ups and pull ups and changed my mind. I ended up doing Ripped With Hiit chest, shoulders, and triceps, 45 minutes with an extra warm up that I started on STS, 180 calories. I then did Rock Out Knock Out timesaver #1 cardio kickbox, gloved cardio, and stretch, 38 minutes, 225 calories. I finished off with Ripped with Hiit bonus abs #1, using a 12# dumbbell, and bonus abs #2 using a 10 for the toe touch move, 23 minutes, 104 calories. Total time spent was 1 hr 46 minutes, 509 calories.
Flat Bench Press 25# x 12; 22.5 x 12; 22.5 x 12
finisher push ups 16 reps
Incline bench press 22.5# x 12 r x 3 sets
finisher triceps push up 16 reps
incline fly 20# x 12 r x 3 sets
decline push ups 16 r
superset BB overhead press/ upright row 30# x 10/10 x 3 sets
finisher scare crows 5# x 20 reps
superset lateral raise and front raise 10#/15# x 12 reps x 3
finisher external rotation lateral raise 8# x 15 reps
overhead triceps extension standing 30# x 12r; 35# x 12r; 35# x 12r
finisher dips 20 reps
barbell lying triceps extensions 35# x 12 rep x 3 sets
finisher kickbacks 10#
Judy, I was hoping my husband and I could get out for more walks but the allergies have left me staying indoors as much as possible. He is using the tread climber in the mornings. I lightened the tension because that is what hurt my knees when I did it recently. I had it on max

I did not want him to have problems since he is just starting back into a routine. My younger daughter was having allergy problems and checked and a lot of allergens were up on Sunday. I contemplated Kelly Coffey's Shape up Upper Body work. I like those tabatas she does with the weights.
Deb, I don't think going shopping an even laughing is strange at all. It helps with the pain of the loss. Unfortunately sometimes when there are funerals it is the only time there is a family reunion of sorts. The family from my mother's side is having a reunion in NE July but it ends up being the same days that we have our own family cabin trip. My aunt who came here to visit on her way to AZ really wanted us to come. I seriously hate traveling and am a home body. I guess that is what you would call it. My husband loves traveling. There are vertical blinds on most of the windows in the house. Someone had obviously paid for custom window covers because they are all a copper vertical blind upstairs and down with padded peach colored box valances over them. The master bedroom has those on the sliding glass door with a valance matching the drapes that are in there. The smaller window has just the drapes but the hardware for the blinds is there so I am guessing something happened to the blinds themselves. I threw away the box over the blinds and drapes with the valance attached. Someday those will all go. I am always pulled on curtains or blinds. Both get dirty. Curtains can be thrown in the wash if you buy the right kind. I have been vacuuming and cleaning blinds too. I am probably breathing all of the stuff I am knocking off of things. The décor was probably nice in it's day but, is very dated now. My Honeywell air purifier works pretty well. I change the pre-filter once a month. It says up to 3 months but the light comes on around 6 weeks and I can usually tell the difference before the light comes on to check. It pulls in a lot of stuff. I am always surprised since I am cleaning all of the time. It has 3 hepa filters in it as well.
Lynda, mold seems to be really bothersome. When I can smell it my eyes are generally watering. About once a month I pull everything out of the cabinets and spray some mold spray and clean really good. This seems to help for the areas than I can get at. When my daughter was little we did allergy testing on her because she had terrible eczema. It ended up she was allergic to mold, feathers, kapok, and latex. I have never had allergy testing done. My doctor is not much of one to suggest anything extra. My daughter got baby chicks this year. These are bigger chickens. Her others were a smaller variety. They wanted more larger eggs. The others were not producing a lot of eggs.
Sometimes I am a bit intrigued with the sound of Game of Thrones. I have a nephew who was raving about it and said he couldn't wait for the next season. I watched Once Upon a Time for awhile. I had purchased one season and my daughter and I watched it together. I just let it taper off. It seemed like it was getting a bit satanic or something. It bothered me. Plus my granddaughter 8 was loving it too and it was a getting a bit much for her to be watching.
It is funny about the enthusiasm for a type of activity. I used to use the treadmill and run 10 miles in a day on it watching movies and recorded shows along with my weights and some step. Then I just lost interest and treadmill running became sporadic. I still love step though. I used to feel like I got a better workout out of the step than some of the other stuff.