Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/23/2024

Today I did KCM’s Cardio Fit, workout one, cardio only. That was 21 minutes, 139 calories burned, average heart rate 128, and maximum heart rate 157. Then I did STS 2 Chair Yoga for an additional 21 minutes.

Cathy, nice job with Boxing HiiT Express and half of P 30 Extended Stretch. It does feel better to be able to finish it . I’m glad that you were able to walk at the zoo and visit your parents.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Cardio Step and Raw Your Healthy Back.

Hello to Judy and Valerie.

Cathy, we must have been posting at the same time. I sure hope that your brother is okay. That sounds like serious pain.
Yesterday I worked 6 hours and took a rest day from exercise. Today I did a 30 minute Peloton ride and 10 minutes of Peloton Core work.

Diane Sue-Great job with Cathe Killer Legs + Barre Bonus and CDorner Full Body Mobility. I agree about Garmin not working well for weight work. It doesn’t work well for yoga either. It does have an indoor row setting and that has worked well so far.

Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 2, express premix, P 30 Extended Stretch, KCM’s Cardio Fit, workout one and STS 2 Chair Yoga.

Cathy-Great job with Boxing Hiit Express, half of P30 Extended Stretch and walking at the zoo. I hope your brother is feeling better soon.

Hi to Valerie
Not much sleep last night as I got up at 5 to get ready to take my car in and then we sat waiting for 3 hours counting getting there early. I did Total Body Barbell, 59 minutes, 199 calories, heart rate 103/143. I finished with Raw yoga stretch 15 minutes, 31 calories. Total time 74 minutes, 230 calories. I used Cahe's weights for all the moves this time. I pre-ordered the new workouts today. I need to go over equipment. I am guessing I need more than the one balance disc that I have. I recently bought what I thought would be a mini ball from Amazon that said it was 7.5 inches and it is more like 15 inches. Too big to hold behind the knee. I don't know what the sellers were thinking.

Judy, when I do yoga/mobility I run my Withings App that goes with my blood pressure monitor and scale and it gets me double calories for yoga compared to the Garmin, but I just use the Garmin read out. Too much bother to adjust everything. Maybe I should have the Withings watch !! Garmin and their app does not share with some of my other apps which I find kind of irritating. Not Withings and I put the MFP app share with it, but it does not seem to gather anything from there. Withings will link to Samsung and Google health. I just do not want to carry my cell phone on me everywhere I go. Nice work on your Peloton ride and Peloton core work.

Carolyn, nice work on Cardio Fit workout 1 cardio only today.

Cathy, I am so sorry about your brother. I am glad his wife got him to the hospital. That would be my husband. He does not go to doctors. The only time he has requested one was when we were both sick and it ended up being combo covid and strep we picked up on vacation. He was terribly sick. He never asks to go or take anything so I figured he must feel really bad.
cathy I hope your brother is getting the care he needs. I didnt think sciatica was anywhere near that bad. hopefully imaging studies ...x-ray, MRI, CT will show what the problem is. waiting that long to get something looked at sounds like a man. you can gut it out thru some problem things, but it doesnt work for everything. women get used to seeing health professionals on a regular basis for birth control, pregnancy , screening and child issues and men can blow off getting a seeing a health professional until the house is on fire. hope it works out ok for him.

we did our regular ride this morning, 15 miles and hour 15 minutes. I'm back to doing my therapy exercises and stretching every day for this week. I did it a few times in MT but not every day. I did half of stacked upper body multiple times too.
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Thanks for the thoughts everyone. The hospital thinks it's a bowel blockage which is way worse, because last winter he was in the hospital for that they removed a good portion of the bowel. Then he got an infection that threw him back in the hospital for a couple weeks. Hopefully, it can be resolved without surgery, but it's the last thing he needed.
This morning I did My Finished Step workout and Live Bun Burners Barre and Ball, which is a really thorough workout. Standing no equipment, then bar and finishing with ball. Had rain early this morning, but it's sunny and muggy now. They are running tests on my brother today, very unfun sounding tests, but the blockage appears to be small and hopefully, they can figure out what caused it so there's no repeat.
didnt do much of anything yesterday with exercise. I was busy all day but i didnt do anything? not sure how that works. cathy hope your brother does ok and tests show what the problem is. seems like half the people in my world have big GI problems right now.
pleasant weather here right now. we are coming up on the 4th and the noise is picking up. we looked at our trail cam footage again, and list of critters is deer, pair of coyotes. bobcat. raccoon, possum rabbit. mostly deer. they have a regular route through our yard. the guy next door has a mini farm with critters that vary from year to year. sheep and chickens right now. hes had pigs and turkeys before.
No workout for me today.

Judy, nice job with the Peloton ride and Peloton core work.

Diane Sue, great job with Total Body Barbell and Raw Yoga Stretch. I preordered the new workouts some time ago. I ordered two balance discs and I already have a mini ball. It would be nice to have the bars, but I will use my Turbo Bar or a chair.

Valerie, nice job with your regular 15 mile ride.

Cathy, nice job with your Finished Step workout and Live Bun Burners Barre and Ball. Hopefully the doctors can find out what is causing your brother’s problem.

Have a great day everyone.
Today I did CDorner Cardio Aerobics and more, 47 minutes, 240 calories, heart rate 136/173, 4,519 steps. I also did CDorner Full Body Towel or strap stretch, 30 minutes, 37 calories. I like this stretch and everytime I do it I want to laugh because if my husband came in and saw me with a strap wrapped around my neck and crossed in the front for a neck stretch, he would think I lost my mind and was choking myself. This workout helps and stretches things out well. Total time was 77 minutes, 277 calories.

Cathy, nice work on your Finished Step workout and Live Bun Burners Barre and Ball workouts. I hope for your brother's sake the testing shows something that they won't have to do surgery for. We could use some rain here. It is supposed to be 102 today. We need rain as fireworks will soon be going off. I have not heard any yet though. They have a stand for them in the City next to us. The other day they had severe storm warnings and I asked my husband if saw rain since he was up all night at work, but he said there was a great lightning and thunder show and no rain. I kept getting warnings for high winds and hail, but nothing.

Valerie, I get the busyness and not really doing anything. I have days like that and I feel like I was not very productive other than putting laundry up, window shopping on the computer for things I might want to buy someday, cleaning a window or wiping down appliances, but really not what I feel was an accomplishment.

Carolyn, enjoy your rest day. I purchased a balance disc when I saw them in Cathe's store, but not a Cathe one. I thought it might help me sit up straight on my barstool. My husband says I was not sitting up straight. Anyway, once in a while I pull it out and stand on it for a bit or sit on it while doing seated cross leg yoga stuff. I would like to have the bars, but I can't see buying them when I have the tower to use. I really do not need to add more equipment to my space anyway.

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