Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 6/11/2023

Last night I kept waking with a sore neck and shoulders and headache. I got up this morning and did some movement stuff and finally took a Advil tablet. I feel much better this afternoon. I decided not to do 2.0 Upper Body 1 this morning. Looking at the moves I thought I might be sorry. Maybe tomorrow. I did CDorner Old School Aerobics low impact 80's and 90's music from movies, 31 minutes, 60 calories, heart rate 134/158, 3, 286 steps. I followed this with STS 2 mish mosh mini ball abs +No equipment abs, 21 minutes(the dvd says 19), 60 calories, heart rate 94/119, 548 steps? I guess it counts steps on floor moves. I also did some foam rolling for upper back. I did not use a dvd or count that. Total time was 52 minutes, 232 calories. I liked the mish mosh of those two ab workouts and the way it alternated between ball and no equipment abs.

Valerie, that is sad about the bison and about the barbed wire and deer. I think any kind of dear are beautiful to watch. My daughter has them run across their property. They leap over her fence, but their property has mostly white wood fencing around it. I am not sure what is back in the woods. It is so thick back there if a person tries to walk up to the pond. I am guessing something else as they used to have some cows.
I am careful with the chest presses. I am pretty sure I could go heavier, but it would compromise my shoulder area. It is amazing how much a difference changing angles makes. Cathe's kneeling biceps and some other moves feels harder than doing them standing. I find it uncomfortable and my knees do not feel right.
Nice ride today. I think I would probably want to stay home if it was that cold, but I am not used to cold weather. It is supposed to get up to 80 today and rain this evening. Humidity will be fun and my grass will grow into a forest. I have to find a new person to mow.

Carolyn, nice work with Giant Sets 2.0 express bilateral. I am starting to think I made a not so good choice for the 8 week program as I am sore all over. My quads were sore when I went to stretch this morning. I usually like to go through all of the workouts at least once so I know what is in them. That is why I chose this program. Good choice for the hip thrusters on the stability ball with a dumbbell. My times on all of those workouts are longer. I sometimes change my mind on what I can handle and have to stop to make the changes. Plus yesterday's Lower body only used the step with 5 risers for 4 sets of hip thrusts. I almost just did it on the floor. I think I will change that next time as it it too uncomfortable getting off and on the step with a heavy barbell. I can't believe how heavy Cathe goes. I also keep wondering how she managed to get through all of those workouts filming when she had shoulder issues.

Judy, great job with 2.0 Biceps after the Peloton ride. I find if I go heavy on my biceps curls I feel it in my shoulders. It makes me worry about the reattachment of my biceps tendon. So far I have just stayed with 15# and on the Tri-sets I dropped to 12's at the last. Not much rest between that done twice.

Cathy, 2.0 Trisets is my least favorite having done it twice. I think it will be one I leave out most of the time after I get through the 8 weeks. Actually I think I am done with it. Body parts are done for 4 weeks after the two weeks of upper and lower. I got all of my tubing and now wish I had a foam roller. I used to have one , but it was for a bigger bar or something because it spun around all of my bars.
Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body express, bilateral only. I feel like 8- 12 lbs is a good weight for me for most standing upper body work. I haven’t used 15 since I’ve had shoulder issues.

Valerie-Nice mt bike ride! I’m the same way, I can do more weight for chest work on a bench than I can standing.

Diane Sue-I’m sorry about your neck & shoulder pain and headache last night. Nice job with the CDorner Old School Aerobics workout, STS 2 mish mosh mini ball abs +No equipment abs, and foam rolling. I can definitely feel heavier bicep and tricep work in my shoulders.

Hi to Cathy
This morning I did Cardio Party for 39 minutes and 278 calories burned. My average heart rate was 138 and maximum heart rate was 161. I plan to use the foam roller later today.

Valerie, nice hike yesterday. I’m surprised that the weather is still so cold. I’m stronger with shoulder exercises than I was, but I don’t want to take chances.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Old School Aerobics, STS 2.0 Mini Ball Abs mish mosh, and foam rolling. Not doing Upper Body 1 was smart. Cathe commented on one of the workouts that kneeling makes the exercise much harder.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
Yesterday was a rest day. I spent most of it long distance stressing because of Mr. Procrastinator/Overscheduler. It was almost midnight by the time he got to the hotel. He finally got out of the apartment, though it turns out while they said they were open till 6, they closed at 5, so he couldn't talk to the office. They called my husband this morning because they couldn't get hold of Nick (he worked overnight and was sleeping) to verify he was out. He had a night class in Arlington and then just put Holiday Inn into Google Maps and assumed it would revert to the address he'd checked earlier, but no! He went to the wrong hotel. He was probably there about 1/2 an hour before he left for work. Now he has to be up and out of there by 11:00 tomorrow morning. I may have to call the room to wake him up. His phone is always off.

Today I did Tri Sets Total Body. That went well, except for having to pause to help my husband deal with the phone call. I will be glad when he's in the Airbnb for awhile though I don't think he's going to like the coming and going of different people in a shared space.

I swear I did a post Wednesday, but it never went for some reason.

Valerie glad you got a good hike yesterday and a ride in this morning. Windchill on a bike is no picnic!

Carolyn great job with All Out Low Impact HiiT, STS 2.0 Giant Sets Total Body express, bilateral only and the Total Body Stretch and Cardio Party.

Judy nice job with the Peloton ride and STS 2.0 Biceps Only.

Diane Sue great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, Active Recovery and Total Body Stretch.
did stacked upper body with more weight, x train abs, and therapy work. we couldnt ride this morning because our plumbing issue came back and we needed to get plumber back. think its done now . we are driving back tomorrow so I probably wont be around til sunday.
Today I did STS 2.0 Upper Body 1, 63 minutes, 122 calories, heart rate 87/120. I went lighter in pretty much all of it. I also did CDorner Full Body Feel GOod Stretch// Post workout, 29 minutes, 39 c. Total time 87 minutes, 161 calories. I still had some adjustments and some that I will change next time even though I had taken down notes ahead of time. Next time I will make other adjustments for tubing or or do the weight options. I woke with a headache this morning again and my blood pressure was up. Not as sore today, but not pushing as my neck hurt this morning as well. The stretch really helped. My quads and hamstrings are still sore.

Upper Body 1
Flat Bench Press 1 12# dbs 10 rep
Flat Bench Press 2 12# dbs 8 reps
Flat Bench Press 3 12# dbs 8 reps
Flat Bench Fly 10# dbs 12 reps
Chest Push Ups 16 reps option is to use a boss band or loop band while doing the push ups( I did not use)

vertical chin -Ups I did the tubing with door attachment option green and black tubing together 8 reps
horizontal chin ups I used the standing door attachment with tubing green and black 8 reps
back vertical pull ups I used green and black tubing 8 reps option
back horizontal pull ups(me green and black tubing 6 reps option
back banded face pulls red tubing (with sort of a scare crow move) 12 reps option was dbs or barbell moves

Barbell biceps curls 1 35# 10 reps
barbell biceps curls 2 35# 8 reps
barbell biceps curls 3 35# 8 reps
alternating isometric hammer curls 12# dbs 8 reps
reverse curl 10# dbs 16 reps

lying overhead triceps extension 1 25# barbell 10 reps
lying overhead triceps extension 2 25# barbell 8 reps
lying overhead triceps extension 3 25# barbell 8 reps
trceps triceps single arm lying crossbody extension 12# db 10 reps
triceps banded triceps press down/straight arm presses green boss band

barbell shoulder press 1 25# 10 reps
barbell shoulder press 2 10# dbs 8 reps
barbell shoulder press 3 10# dbs 8 reps
seated arnold press 10# dbs 10 reps
side lateral raises 5# dbs 11 reps
alternating side lateral raises 5# dbs
Today is a rest day. I did my regular trip to the Farmer’s Market and got some great produce for the week. I also bought a jar of marinara sauce from one of the vendors. I have been thinking about trying at least a sample for a while, then I saw a short article featuring his sauces in Thursday’s newspaper. The sample that I tried was delicious! I bought a jar even though it’s not in my food plans for the week. I’ll decide later how I want to use it.

Cathy, great job with Trisets Total Body. Your son is certainly starting his summer off with a bang. I hope that he gets settled soon.

Valerie, nice job with Stacked Sets Upper, XTrain Abs, and therapy exercises. I hope that you have a good drive back.

Diane Sue, great job with Upper Body 1 and CDorner stretch. I liked the pull ups and chin ups in the original STS. I hope that I can still do them when I try this workout.

Waving hello to Judy.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
This morning I did RWH Low Impact Hiit 1 and STS 2 Mobility 1. Getting ready to set up my workout for the morning which will be the last two rounds of Giant Sets. We are planning to head to the zoo in Grand Rapids at 8:00. Hopefully that happens. My husband is not a morning person.

Carolyn I'm glad you found something new to try at the Farmers Market.

Diane Sue I'm sorry you're having so much pain. Great job with STS 2 Upper Body 1.

Valerie nice job with stacked upper body with more weight, x train abs, and therapy work. Sorry you weren't able to get your ride in. I hope you had a safe trip back.

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