Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/9

Hi all.. back from mini vacation and it was fantastic. We did a hike, the same one as last time because most good hiking is still under snow. but it was more melted out than before and was very nice with lots of flowers. Mostly we mt biked. I am really liking this sport although it is hard. It's quite different from road biking, much more intense ups and downs. It's taken me a LONG time to get used to riding over rocks, roots, etc but I'm finally getting the knack. The uphills are a tough grunt, and the downhills you fly down. we did some on gravel roads some on trails, some on single track. the weather was lovely, the flowers amazing. the balsamroot ( short yellow multi headed sunflowers) and lupine and others absolutely cover the hillsides and with the snowy north cascades in the background and blue skies, well, it is incredibly beautiful. we rode every day except the saturday we hiked. for breaks we'd sit and birdwatch, spring birds are wonderful too. no one in the campgrounds yet so quiet and peaceful. Most days we saw no one all day, unless you count deer and bluebirds. I did most of the cooking the day before we left so food was simple and good but alas, not exactly diet food. I keep it sensible but because of the intense exercise we get really hungry so we eat cookies and chips in addition to regular meals.

Deb sorry about your back! sounds like you can get back to working out soon. too bad you don't know what caused it so you could avoid setting up for it again.

Cathy, I need to take a look at those sandals, haven't bought any shoes in a long time and I am always watching for something fresh. but not if they have heels or platforms. I'd break a leg or my neck.

Joan, I think you'll be better off working out even if it makes you hungrier. so many benefits from exercise and without it, the weight loss will slow down. and at our "age" we need to make sure we keep the muscle mass from dwindling. Laser work takes a while to show the results so be patient. did you have the whole series already? I LOVE peanut butter on toast. Make it whole wheat toast, and good peanut butter without sugar and transfats and it's good nutritious food. I never use butter or margarine, for the same calories I can have PB! and I keep it to one slice. PB fueled some big hill climbs this trip.

Josie I'm still amazed you can sit on a bike seat that long. mt biking has more frequent position changes so it's easier on the butt and wrists. I like road biking but I get positional fatigue. two totally different sports, really.

Kathy that is a strict diet. I'm dead on my feet without carbs. but if you could do 100 on toe pushups, you must know what works for you.

More tomorrow or later, we need to get to Klean-Camper-Max.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and Kathy--

This morning I did disk 11 STS for back and tris (53 min.). That means I am finished again with meso 1. So next week (my supposed rest week) I think I will do either P-57 for my 3 weight workouts or BBL.

Valerie, that sounds like a lovely mini-vac. On Sunday mornings on GMA they always feature some beautiful place in high-def and last week it was the Cascades, so I have some idea of how beautiful they are. Our mountains are much less imposing but still very beautiful. I'm pretty sure you would not like the sandals I bought. They have 3 inch heels with a 3/4 inch platform up front to lessen the forward pressure on the balls of your feet.

Yesterday DH readied his parents' condo for their return from Florida (they are snowbirds), and put out this little ceramic lamb in their front yard (his father was a wool salesman and has quite a collection of sheep and lambs in every form). Max decided to get all bristled up at the sight of this impudent lamb and went storming over to it, barking. DH says he was authentically embarrassed when he discovered it was a mere piece of statuary.

Deb, I definitely think Niecy's departure was right. Her feeble waltz to "I've got you, babe" was really lame. A lot of twirls and fumbled footwork. (Gosh, I'm starting to sound like Len!)

Joan, that's interesting about the link between the laser procedure and the diet. It would give me an excuse to have a cosmetic procedure if it took away my appetite for awhile!

Hi to Josie and Cathy, and Kathy!
traildoggie, i am not sure what sandals you are talking about. did i say something about sandals? i don't remember.

deb- worth the wait is an abstinence presentation that we do in our schools in my town. i did 4 classes today and tomorrow i'll be at another hi school all day. it is quite interesting. most of the kids are very receptive.

i did 4-D split hi-intensity cardio this am. tomorrow is probalby nothing. need a rest day anyway. ya'll have a great friday.
Finally Friday!

Good Morning,

Well a week off and I still have some twinges, no sense in pushing this, so another rest day. Hopefully I can start on Sunday and do the CLX Push phase for the upcoming week. The weather is supposed to be good this weekend, maybe some weeding will get done too.

Valerie, your vacation sounds lovely, pretty active. My favorite vacation is being in a beautuful English cottage B&B, in Vermont, where there is a rose garden and a nice porch with a comfy chair, a good book and a cup of coffee. Ahhh...that is what I call fun. We actually did stay in one of these and it was heavenly.

Garance, headed towards STS Meso 2, my favorite of the 3. P-57 does not sound like a rest week to me. LOL at Max and the "lamb". Keegan did the same this past Christmas with those small deer that people put in their front lawns that light up. It was in the morning, so it was not lit, when we were walking by. He barked at it, and barked at it, until I walked him up to it so he could see what it was, yep he seemed embarrassed.

Cathy, ok...I think you mentioned that you did those presentations before, I guess the name slipped by me. Is this a public school that you do this in? No MRI scheduled?

Josie, have a good ride this weekend!

Anyone else have anything fun planned this weekend? My big plan is to go out and get a new shower curtain, the bathroom is finally done. I have one part I am not too pleased with, left a message on the contractors cell phone last night about it... Hopefully he will call me back today.

Take care,
Whoops Cathy, Lynda was talking about sandals. I'm not buying anything with heels or platforms, no matter what.
Lynda, the north cascades are gorgeous mountains and pretty wild. very photogenic too. the only thing they don't have is a big animal population compared to the rockies.

Too funny Deb, I'd run screaming from and english cottage B&B! So interesting how people end up enjoying completely different things for their vacations. I went on a short vacation with 3 girlfriends, people I've been friends with for 50 years and we had nothing in common at all. they wanted to shop & I wanted to mt bike. I HATE shopping.

Did disk STS 4 yesterday, a million frigging pushups. I did more than last time and didn't get my abs sore, a big change from disk 1. I still have trouble with the staggered ones and the boot camp ones but I get thru all in one from or another.

Had major Yardmax in the morning so I was already tired but plugged thru anyway. We have had a lovely streak of weather and everything needs doing at once!

Our weekend plan is to hike one day and bike the other depending on weather. DH's new schedule we have all 3 day weekends now but it looks like rain for monday though the forecasts are not always spot on. He is agitating to retire completely and I think that will happen sooner rather than later. the company he works for is making work into a real he!! on wheels. unpleasant working conditions that are deteriorating. It's a shame that someone with the knowledge and skills he has is treated like they are totally expendable.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and Kathy--

This morning I did Ellen Barrett's Barefoot Cardio (48 min.).

This weekend is Housemax, a movie (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo finally arrived at our local theater), and dinner with in-laws back from Florida. Afternoons I will be grading papers.

Deb, that's great that your bathroom is done. I am always happy to see the workmen disappear after the home invasion of remodeling. My favorite vacations are either the beach anywhere or the city with sights--like Rome, Paris, London, NYC.

Hey, Cathy, what happened to the MRI? I guess you must be feeling better.

Have a great weekend everyone!
well, i had a dr. appt. last week and had jury duty, have not had time ot get in there this week, so maybe next week. i hope.

and yes, i have done the abstinence presentation before. we do it twice a year in the hi schools and middle schools. then, some of our local dr.s do the STD'S talk, and our district attorney, (whom my son went to school with, really great girl) she talks about the legal aspects of under age sex and stuff. anyway, we try to educate them to make intelligent choices, but ya know how teens are. kinda braindead.:)

Hi all,

Today is HOuseMax and GardenMax, and any other chores that need doing. I dropped off some stuff at the tailor, and have to go get a shower curtain for the new bathroom. YOu would think I would have done this by now, with all the time I had, but I am NOT a shopper, hate it. :rolleyes:

Valerie, the English cottage B&B was something we actually did a few years ago. DH spent the time on streams fly fishing while I read books, it was heavenly. It is funny how different people are when it comes to relaxing and vacationing.

Garance, how is Max with all of those chicks? does he try to herd them?

Cathy, LOL about teens and being brain dead! :)..but you are right...all you have to do with most is get them through those brain dead years, and all of a sudden you have a person that is making better choices etc. I hope you get to the DR next week.

Hi to Joan, how are things going? is your back ok after that catch you make for your MOM?

Off to weed...
Deb, we tried staying in a B&B in Idaho one time and I hated it. I do not enjoy someone elses cooking. can't eat rich baked stuff and I don't eat meat or mayonnaise so that eliminates a lot of what people think you'll like. Besides we wanted to be up and out hiking early in the morning.... how could I wait for breakfast at 9o'clock? good grief, we're half way up a mountain by then! but it was a cheaper place to stay than a motel because it had a kitchen so I brought supplies and we used it like a motel with a kitchen. I think they were a little offended because we weren't interested in being there for meals.

kids need an objective discussion of sex away from parents. my parents were totally inadequate, and probably weren't anywhere near the worst. so much more information now but facts are facts and don't change.
Didn't get started well last week, had some minor interuptions - starting STS tomorrow. :( I had some issues with insomnia in the past and finally have begun to sleep - unfortunately I overslept almost every day last week and fell back into bed after the end of my day......all rested up and made a schedule to help get it done -- see you tomorrow - have a great day !

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