Judy, nice job getting two Peloton rides. I think that there is a safety issue with running with a mask on. I read an article about a guy who wore his mask in his car and the police thought it was because of the mask that he blanked out not getting enough oxygen or something and crashed. I don't always wear mine, but when my allergies are bothering me I put it on before I go in the store. I cannot stand the thing. I always start itching and sweating behind it, and before I know it I am coughing. Maybe it is the mask, I don't know. I try to be speedy through the store. I needed a Walmart Market trip today and my allergies have been kind of drippy. I missed a few things in my hurry and with all of this stuff going around I don't take the time to scan items to see if I get a rebate or have the right product. I just do it by memory. Wish I would have known I needed two boxes of Bomb Pops. I keep them for husband and grandchildren. I purchased one, so no rebate. I got 50 cents today. Fetch rewards was better than Ibotta for what I bought though. Got more there. Saving for more workouts
Valerie, enjoy your time in MT, Those anarchists are there to take advantage and steal and pillage stuff. I feel terrible for those people they are hurting. Their businesses and the poor people hurt trying to protect their businesses that were already struggling. Those that are doing that are not doing it as a protest, they are doing it for themselves. I don't understand beating people and laughing. It makes me sick. The whole thing makes me sick. Is that Jenny Jones who had that talk show. I recognize her too. I used to watch her talk show.
Deb, I don't get the heart rate monitor stats. Even when my heart rate is higher and I have got a lot of steps, it will be at a low calorie burn. It is most noticeable when it is a short workout and I realize I could have got that heart rate just doing some housework. I have tried wearing two heart rate monitors, but I think the fact they both have to run off of Bluetooth they kind of interfere with each other. I can't have my cell and tablet both with Bluetooth on at the same time because I can't get my cell to sync my watch stats until I turn one off. When I use the app for my scale when working out using wifi it is generally close within a few calories of my watch, so I am not sure what it is picking up from. I think the watch is what it picks up from. Withings(Nokia) has smart watches. I was going to try a Polar, but it seems every one of my Polar watches are not working, even when I put new batteries in them. I tossed them in the trash. I had a bunch of them. I think I may still have a strap and a Bluetooth transmitter. Not sure how that would work though. I guess I would have to use the Polar app. I liked the Polar app for monitoring workouts. They had a peaceful protest yesterday, but then that same group came in later from the night before and they ended up back at the police station. They had barricades up to block traffic on streets and put up tape with a curfew. There was police tape and they were told if they crossed the lines they would be arrested. They still had some bad stuff happening. That group came in with their back packs, head gear and shields this time. Not the attire of the protesters.
Caroline, you did way better than me on the Strong and Sweaty Bootcamp. My calories burned was 171 last week. We used to be about the same most of the time when I used the Blaze. Things are moving along toward pre-pandemic behavior. When you go out the streets are busy again. People are going back to work. I think I read that restaurants can have pretty much their whole staff back to work this month. I would say about half the people are still wearing masks. They opened a playground summer camp they do yearly, I think downtown. They said they had 27 children which is about the same amount the have every year. I imagine they cleaned equipment well first. I don't know if playgrounds all over are open yet. There has been some resistance by people about them allowing pool opening. I heard our neighborhood was going to open their pools
Christine, you have a lot on your shoulders. I understand having to put workouts on the back burner. I had to do that when my husband had a job lined up 100 miles away and he was still out of country. He came home and we found the house we wanted and started the paper work. I had to handle the paper work from then on and the sale of our house we were in. In between 100 mile trips with stuff when he arrived home and taking the grandchildren to and from school I was constantly doing something. When is school out? My daughter had to finish out the school year for her students online too. She is just moving to a new house this week.
Lori, thanks for the recipes. I saved them so I can write things down. That chicken pot pie looks yummy. I made one once when we had family Wednesday dinners during the school year. I am afraid to make one unless I have company