we are back, a fairly nasty long 12 hr drive. it rained a lot sometimes heavily. no major traffic tie ups but it was busy all day especially in WA. I dont know what has happened to people but the average driver in WA seems to be an aggressive, speeding, lane changing asshat cutting in and out of lanes like its the Indy 500,and a few seconds will actually matter. very windy besides. Yes, 12 hours of uninterrupted bliss!
this second amendment crap infuriates me. there were certainly grave mistakes made by the officers in texas. we do little to prevent unstable people, in both of the last mass shootings, from accessing weapons and tactical gear that far out strips local law enforcement. other countries have unstable mentally ill people too but its not easy for them to buy military level weapons with no questions asked. it is getting worse every year. its not "freedom" or "liberty" if I have to seriously worry about being gunned down shopping at the local grocery, or if little school kids need to worry about being blown to bits in their classroom. we should be focused on preventing this scenario, rather than reacting to it after it happens.
Okay, done, but I do urge everyone to contact your representatives so maybe we can work toward getting this fixed!
Cathy yes, we have binoculars, big ones and small ones, in hiking packs and bike packs, along with bear spray if we're in grizzly country. I use the Sibley birding app on my phone to ID birds I dont recognize. I never remember bird characteristics well enough, its best to look them up right away.