Pentagenarians & Beyond W/B 5/24

Good afternoon ladies! No workout with the ladies today. Was just really buzy at work. Tonight I did SB total body fusion. I have mentioned a few times I love this workout and tonight doing it I realized why. My upper body feels so strong after this one yet I only use 10 lbs for the first part which is mostly lower with some upper thrown in. Then the floor shoulder work I only use 4lbs then have to drop to 2lbs and I barely get through it. She ends it with a really great rotator cuff stretch which is awesome for me.

Josie...good luck with the ALC. Yes send pictures I would love to see them!

Deb...great Dr. gave you a pass! Do you plan to start meso 2 next week? I have a memorial service and burial to go to on Saturday. My cousin passed away this winter but with all the snow they decided to put off the service until now. Will be sad. Then Sunday I am running in The Color Run. I have never done this run and it will be a blast. We have a team from the office and my DS and his GF will be joining in. We are all wearing white with a white tutu. You get splattered with color throughout. Yes even my son is wearing a tutu!!! Lol! I'll make sure we take pictures to share. I am mentioning this as I might delay Sts a couple days after the run because I'll be exhausted again with all the driving and running. Service is 2 hours away and the color run is 90 or so minutes.

Lynda...the color run begins at Gillette Stadium which will be fun. We had some much needed rain today thank goodness! I have not done Flex Train in a while. I really should pull this one out.

Judy...hope your workouts are still coming along.

Dawn...hope you are doing well.

Deb2...any new WB workouts?

Hi to Valerie?
Happy Friday!

One more day before we go to Dunkirk to show Kylee.....I only entered her in tomorrow's afternoon trial. I sure hope she is better than she was in the show in January. She was so distracted. One of the trainers I spoke to about it said it is me, and she feeds off of my nervousness, she recommended that I take a Benadryl about an hour before going in the ring. I think I may try that.

Josie, great workouts! I can't wait to see pics of you as a "roadie". :)

Lynda, no heart disease in my family, as far as I know. My mother died from lung cancer at 46, she did not have any signs of heart disease but who knows? I like the "adoration" part of having dogs, they love and depend on us for everything, and they give us so much back. Not sure who gives more adoration, us or them?

Lori, yes, planning on starting Meso 2 on Sunday. Last one from Meso 1 today, I am looking forward to less push ups! ( I hope). That run sounds like fun. How far is it? I am sure with how you double up sometimes on workouts that you will get Week 1 in there somehow! :)

Hi to Judy, Deb2, Dawn.

Lots to do today, (making dogs food, Kylee a bath) and I am meeting my friend for lunch, then class tonight, blah, blah blah!

Have a great day!
Hi Deb and Lori--

This morning I did Jazzercise Dance Hiit (48:00).

Lori, I wish SB would put that workout on a dvd. You have mentioned how good it is a couple times. Yes, we did get some much-needed rain yesterday. What is the color run?? Never heard of it.

Deb, good luck with Kylee! So she is channeling your nerves. I don't know. Won't Benadryl make you sleepy?

I did a little film commentary last night on Ex Machina after its showing, a rather strange little film about male misogyny, female robots, and the revenge of the Stepford Wives (in my view). A very pretentious film. Good audience though.

I finally used one of my gift certificates today from Mother's Day. A good decision! A sale on All-Clad and a really great deal on a lasagna pan that came with a famous Italian cookbook and two hot pad gloves as special gifts, plus a one-day extra 10% off. Looking forward to perusing the book and using the pan.

Enjoy the weekend everyone!
Good evening ladies!

Today with the ladies we did the plyo workout. We had a couple of new ladies join in today so it was fun. We warned them that plyo was the toughest but they battled on! Scale yesterday said 12 lbs down. Very happy about this. I now just want to maintain so I am incorporating 21 day fix in my everyday lifestyle as I really do enjoy it. My plan is to follow it but not be so restrictive by adding in a little more especially over the weekend. It really is just eating clean and now I have learned portion control so we will see how this goes!

Deb...that makes complete sense that she is feeding off your nervousness. Who would have thought? I wish you both luck! I probably will start meso 2 on Wednesday. I think we are done with the pushups and wall squats!! Yeah!!!

Lynda...The Color Run is called the happiest 5k on the planet. It is just a silly run for someone to make money. Our office team decided to raise money on our own for St. Judes Children's Research. Just did not seem right to not raise money for a charity. You run or walk the route and throughout you are coverered with a cornstarch colored powder. So at the end you are completely covered in all different colors. It will be a lot of fun. Sounds like a very interesting film?? Nice job on the All-Clad!!!

Hi to Josie, Judy, Valerie and Dawn...I think we may have lost Deb2!
Hi I'm back . great trip. rode about 70 miles, around 35 each day. this is more hilly than many rail trails. a couple of real monsters. campground was very nice and quiet. but time to get out with Friday arriving. some very big hills on one section of trail. still, very much fun overall. one section had a tree down a key bridge so a detour needed. some parts finished since we rode it last year.

Lori, driving is a major "sapper" of energy. sometimes it's mindless but a lot of times it's stressful and wears you out but not the same way as physical exercise. best to recover before doing anything you don't feel like doing.

Lynda, Visiting nurses? is that an available option? or social workers? a lot of times these folks can see right away what needs to be done to make life simpler, more manageable. they discharge people way faster than they used to... leaving the spouse to try to figure it all out spur of the moment.
Deb, doctors are not always the best source for diet advice since what works for one person won't work for another. then all the likes and dislikes come into play. low fat mostly vegetarian works for me. my cholesterol is 175-200, my HDL is 75+. they used to divide 200 by 75 and get a ratio that suggested whether you were in a healthy range. If the number was low, you were good to go. LDL? My LDL is very low. so I'm the ideal patient, but DH ate what I did and his values were screwed.
His cholesterol, LDL stay high, HDL pathetically low, no matter what. after retiring , he accidentally adjusted his carb intake downward. his food options changed. his total chol dropped. his HDL is still pathetic, like 30.
we don't eat any red meat, only skinless chicken and a little fish. no fried foods, fast foods, etc. he stopped eating pretzels and a lot of ww bread. his values got better. a lot better, a big surprise. he tried statins but they gave him severe muscle pain so end of that. I eat extremely clean by most standards... except I include adult beverages and he doesn't... but it didn't work as well for him. so look at what you eat and try something different. a lot of people do fine on statins but I refuse to take meds until I've tried all other options. Look at your usual diet and change it and see if you values get better. You might be like DH and would do better with fewer carbs.just a thought.
Hi Everyone,

Monday I did KCM Healthy Back; Tuesday I did an hour of indoor cycling; Wednesday I did Cathe's High Step Challenge and yesterday I did an indoor cycling workout. Today was an easy day-I did 10 minutes of Horizontal Conditioning and then stretching and PT exercises. My hip is feeling much better and I am able to do some of the harder workouts again now.

I know I said I wasn't going to.. but I broke down and got an Apple Watch. So far I really like it. Battery life seems to be an issue, it needs to be charged frequently.

Lynda-I'm so glad that your FIL is doing better.

Deb-my cholesterol went up a little more this year too. It was 240, but my HDL was 91 and my triglycerides were 36. I am trying to get the total down with diet, eating more fiber and less saturated fat. I think lower estrogen and menopause can cause cholesterol to go up so that might be part of it. I won't take any statins, but I'm sure my doctor will try to get me to if it gets higher. The last time I got mine below 200, a couple of years ago, I was eating oat bran or oatmeal at least twice a day and cut my saturated fat down to <10% of my total calories.

Lori-I still haven't done the total body fusion workout! Maybe that will be a good one for this weekend.
Good luck in the color run! Definitely post some pictures for us!

Valerie- I would love to have your cholesterol readings! That is awesome. I probably need to move closer to a vegetarian, lower fat diet too. DH has low cholesterol, <150, but is HDL is really low too. It seems like he can eat anything and his cholesterol stays that low.

Josie-hope you have a great time! looking forward to your pictures!

Hi to Dawn and D2!

Good morning,

Yesterday I did the last STS from Meso 1 and today is a rest day. Glad that Meso is over,

Lynda, yes, Benadryl may make me sleepy, but I think I can handle maybe a 1/2 of one. Where did you do the film commentary? That gift certificate sounds great, is that a web site, or an actual store that you bought those from?

Lori, kudos on the weight loss! You are doing great and have been a wonderful inspiration to your co-workers! Yes, would love to see pics of that run. So your team picks a color and tosses it on somehow?

Valerie, great trip! Thanks for the cholesterol input. I agree, I think it is different for everyone. I feel the same as you about the meds. I am trying to lower carbs, also doing a fasting thing, not sure if that will have any impact but we'll see. I have been reading a lot of different medical articles that are now saying that high cholesterol is not bad, and the drug companies want everyone to think that so that they can rake in the money. Not sure if that is true, but it makes you think.

Judy, great job on the workouts, and glad your back is better! Keep us posted on the Apple Watch...not sure if I would ever get one, but I like to hear about the new stuff! Maybe I will increase my fiber too, oatmeal is one of my favorite breakfasts, need to figure out different ways to use it though, as I would tire of it every day. What do you do with it with eggs again? I always wondered when I see your food on MFP..I still think it may not have much to do with food, and it is more genetic than anything.

Hi to Josie, Dawn, & Deb2,

Off to Dunkirk this morning, wish me luck.

Have a great weekend!
I've read (more than once) that doctors will be THE most embarrassed in the future about diets they've suggested!. DH and I are perfect examples. we eat the same food most of the time. he eats more quantity & more desserts. we get almost the same exercise. I drink wine, he doesn't. he eats corn chips, a main food group for him. Still our blood chemistry profiles are completely different, opposite. Nothing changed with menopause. I eat pretty clean but so does he. I eat a lot of fruit, vegies, whole grain, not a lot of eggs and cheese. we both could lose a few 'vanity" pounds but are not "fat". think a lot is genetic with diet, lifestyle more of a factor for some people than others. my father died of heart disease at 73 but he ate whatever he wanted and smoked most of his life. my mother is alive and functional at 95. DH's parents died of cancer, no heart disease. If you worry about your numbers, try doing something from what you do now and see if the numbers improve. lots of people take statins and do fine. Deb, good luck on dog show. more later.
Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

Housemax for me today, and it is quite HHH.

Deb, we have a local art cinema--Images--that is somewhat connected to the college. It's a non-profit. They frequently ask Williams faculty to talk about a film after screening if it has some relation to their fields. The previous night, a neuroscientist talked about artificial intelligence after the film screening. I came in with some expertise both in film and feminist theory. The store I went to is called Different Drummer's Kitchen. They do have a website, but for the all-clad sale, which ends tomorrow, you had to go to the store. They have, I think, 3 stores and the closest for me is Lenox. Kylee, you go girl!!

Valerie, I so agree with you on the very tenuous links between cholesterol levels and heart disease. I just read about a new test coming out this year (TMAO), which is supposed to be the most reliable predictor of heart attacks and strokes. You take it after eating something with choline--like eggs or red meat. I read about it at the AARP website. My HDL is 126 and my LDL is 91 and triglycerides are 40. My doctor seemed to think this was fine, but who knows for sure?? I do think there might be some link between belly fat and heart disease. Yes, we are definitely working on getting some help for MIL.

Lori, that is great on the weight loss, and that run/walk does sound like it's fun.

Judy, tell us more about the Apple Watch. DS is trying to convince me I need one.

Post some pics if you can Josie.
Lynda-I bought the Apple sport watch. It was $349, and I added Apple Care for $49 to extend the warranty another year. You can customize the screen to show whatever information you want. You can get weather reports, time zones, scan emails and messages, use Apple Pay and many other things that I am still learning. It has a built in heart rate monitor and activity tracker that you can access through the Apple health app. It is comfortable, and it looks nice, not bulky at all. So far I am very happy with it.
we went on a decent hike today, probably 4 miles or so with cousin and wife. they did great!,. then out to lunch at my favorite restaurant called Seeds. just such good foo, not necessarily vegetarian so everyone is happy, but always interesting and so well done. I had a grilled vegie sandwich with goat cheese and it was so amazingly GOOD.

I don't worry about one isolated test result. I don't think it's very clear cut unless there are a bunch of values, and maybe even family hx. Lynda 126 HDL is thru the roof! but who knows if it means anything? I like to be in what are called "good " numbers but honestly don't know what they will mean in the long run.

we haven't made a choice on a new phone yet. DH keeps pushing towards getting rid of the land line but I like talking on it if I actually have to "talk" to anyone. I hate talking on the cell. and I hate thinking about trying to find the thing if it rings when we are used to having 4 phones scattered around the place.
Judy you have a new avatar!
Lori 12 lbs that is wonderful, especially in such a short time. . I admit to not looking at the stuff you sent me. I stored it in keeper files but we've been gone too much to read it. I think I've done OK lately, active, eating cleanly, my pants are looser again.
Today was Super Cuts. I'm getting to the point where I don't dislike it as much as I did when I first started with it. I'm probably just getting used to metabolic workouts, where I usually kept my cardio and strength separate. This finishes week #8 of the 90-day rotation, and tomorrow is a rest day.

Lynda - Great buy with the Mother's Day gift certificates! Sounds like you'll be having some fun in the kitchen!
Lori - Excellent job on the 12 pound weight loss. It sounds like you've found a good way to maintain the 21 day fix plan and work it into something that you can maintain for the long haul. That's a great idea for raising money with the Color Run. I've seen posts on Facebook of people who have done the run, and it looks like a lot of fun. I didn't know one way or the other if it was associated with any group.
Lori and Valerie - I admire that you eat so clean. That's an area that I'm just not good at (even though I know it would be better for me). I wasn't good when I was a kid and now that I can choose my own meals I like to choose pizza...a lot.
Deb - Good job on STS. Rest days are wonderful (and necessary). Good luck at the dog show!
Judy - How exciting to get the Apple watch! I haven't seen one in person, but from what I've heard it sounds awesome. Are you able to see a lot on such a small screen?

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

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