Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 5/2

Hi Ladies,

I feel much better, I sucked on the Cold Eezz as Garance suggested and they seem to work. My husband still sounds worst than me, he did not want to try them.

Deb, the person that is going to train me said that I would not have a problem. She must know, since she had done this ride for 18 years. The ride used to be called something else before it became The Aids Life Cycle. I will just do my best and if I can't ride one day or two I will still be working with the roadies on the camp site.

Joan, are you getting ready for your school reunion?

Garance, I got my sandals from a litle shoe store in Westwood near UCLA. They are made by Jeffrey Campbell. I got 2 pairs for $75.00, they usually run from $100-$150.00.

Hi Cathy and Valerie,


Good morning!

Push Circuit 3 from CLX done. Whew, these are short ( 35 minutes) but if you go heavy, pretty effective.

Valerie, how have you decided to use the Tower for pull ups? I never really got the hang of it. Do you have your legs out straight? If your jeans seem looser, you are doing something right so don't change anything! ;)

Garance, I agree that if you are working out like you do every day, sometimes 1600 calories is not enough. I am a firm believer in the zig zagging method, where you have about 3 low calorie days, ( by low I mean 1400-1500), then have a higher one, about 1800, then go back to the low numbers. This keeps your body guessing, and does not allow it to go into "starvation" mode, which is what happens if you only have 1000 calories a day for too long. Your body starts to hang on to every calorie and every ounce of fat, to prevent starvation. No weight loss at that point.

Josie, wow I am really impressed that someone could do that ride for 18 years! Do you know how old she is? That is amazing to me. She must be an avid bike rider. My niece is training for a half marathon that is happening Memorial Day weekend, she is 39. I am really proud of her, since she just starting running a few years ago. She was one of those people who never exercised until she reached abou 35.

Hi to Joan & Cathy,

Take care...
Good morning,

I confess I had tea with sweetner last night. I could only make it 5 days.
I did do 30 min of step yesterday. I had about 1150 calories yesterday. Still not hungry. I may go out to eat tomorrow just to increase calories for a day (I agree with you Deb you should confuse the body.) I will still try to eat food on diet just a little bit more.

I love shoes but can't make myself pay much money for them-unless walking shoe. My sandals are from Kohls.

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did BBL Bum Bum (30 min.) and Tummy Tuck (20 min.). Bum Bum is very cardio for me--I was really sweating and breathing hard toward the end. I think this is only the second time I have done it.

DS (in San Francisco) sent a dozen pink roses for Mother's Day. Really pretty! I will be going out to dinner with my younger son and DH for Mother's Day. He is the one who broke his femur. He is not on crutches anymore, so he must be mending well.

150 chicks arrived last night (50 more of a different kind next week). They are so cute! DH has a house for them and heat lamps. Continual peeping. I hope this new venture goes well. DH has been reading so many books on poultry.

Josie, the Cold-eez can really stop a cold if you start them early--as soon as you feel that little scratchiness in your throat. With Deb, I am really impressed with your friend. She must love it.

So, Deb, how are liking CLX? Fun Factor? Effective?

Aww, a little bit of sweetener can't throw that much of a wrench in your diet, Joan. Be careful going out to eat, though.

Hi to Cathy and Valerie!
Deb if you decide to try Nuun,I think the orange ginger and lemon lime are the best flavors. I got tired of berry quickly, and the cola flavor has some caffeine.

I tried the tower with my legs straight out in front but it didn't seem hard enough. that was all the space there was, and NO WAY I can do them like Cathe. I plan to change bar height and experiment with foot placement to see what's harder. At least I worked the area for the full 30 seconds as opposed to doing "real" chinups and dying after 10-15 seconds.

We did a mt bike ride yesterday, about 2.5 hours. pretty tough cause everything was wet and slippery. roots and rocks and mud. today we did a street bike... also about 2.5 hours a little shorter than usual cause DH had to go to work this afternoon. Basically, that's enouigh cardio for the week! kinda messy cause a lot of trees and branches came down in the windstorm and only partially cleaned up. especially with street rides my left wrist and hand get numb no matter how I hold it. Probably a carpal tunnel candidate eventually.

I don't truly count calories but I'm under 2000 most days. Depends on activity level. like the mt bike day... at about noon I crashed, and had to eat. I'm sure my blood sugar was way down. I'd had cereal and fruit for breakfast but that was 3-4 hours ago. had a home made energy bar ( DH calls them milkbones) and 1 small square of chocolate and felt like a new person in less than 2 minutes. good thing, cause there were a couple miles left back to the car.
I can't exercise if I get the calorries too low. to lose weight I have to work very very hard and be hungry a lot( not while I'm working out) but I can't exercise when things get too spartan. I wish it weren't true, but if I'm not hungry, I'm probably gaining. Even to maintain I need to be hungry at least part of the time. It's not fair but that's the way it is. My obese sister and brother who both have T2 diabetes are motivators. My appetite is geared towards good food choices, but I tend to eat too much good food.

Joan, if a cup of tea with sweetener keeps you sane and doesn't trigger cravings for a pan of brownies, I can't see how it can hurt. On the list of possible dietary indiscretions, that ranks pretty low. I think a lot of people start substituting artifical sweetener all over the map and get used to ( and crave) everythign sweet which defeats long term progress. I agree with Lynda though, be cautious eating out. restaurants are booby trapped all over with diet disasters hiding under innocent sounding names.

Lynda, I can't imagine all those chicks. the feed store near here had a couple bins of them and they are so cute! all fluffy and peeping!
lynda, what kind of chicks did he get? i have austrolorps, auracaunas, (they lay green eggs), and 2 whitle leghorns. but, mine are laying hens. that is all i use them for.
did tracie's endurance for movement this am. great workout!!
busy,busy,busy the last 2 weeks with company, birthdays, and on and on. worn out!
LOL! deb, the cows are actually on the land that we lease and we take care of them. they are supposed to repay us for our expenses, which they have not done for the last year, so really the cows are ours til they pay us, cuz they owe us a bunch of money for feed, hay, and such. but, you can buy a cow froma neighbor , too and take it to be butchered.

Good morning!

I just finished a 35 minute I-Tread called "Drills". One of my favorites.
It's finally Friday. I have been looking forward to the weekend for some reason this week seemed longer than usual.

Anyone have any exciting plans for the weekend?

Joan, tea with sweetner will not do any harm, as long as you don't go into having cake with the tea!;). Yes, the higher calorie day is supposed to be more of the "approved" type food, not junk or other stuff.

Garance, how sweet of your DS to send those flowers! I don't think I have ever seen a live chick. I bet they get "not so cute" when they start to grow up. I like CLX a lot, especially this second phase. Some people cannot stand Chaleane and her constant chattering, she says almost the same thing in each workout, but I just tune her out and do the exercises. The workouts are only 35 minutes, and do not contain all body parts, I haven't figured out the real objective of each one, she kind of focuses on one or two parts but always has some leg stuff in each one.

Valerie, I don't think you need to worry about calories with the type of exercise you do. Did you ever wear a HRM and see the number of calories you burn in one of your rides or hikes? I bet it would be pretty high.

Cathy, Get to the DR!! Ok, no more lectures! You can't imagine how funny it seems to me to say you can buy a cow from a neighbor...being a city girl my whole life, it is strange for sure. I used to day dream about living on a farm or ranch, being able to have all the animals I wanted.

Hope everyone has a good weekend..and...

I would like to join your check if you don't mind :) I am 52 about 40-50 lbs overweight and here is my story:

I have been doing Cathe workouts for years. I was in the best shape of my life due to her workouts and healthy eating up until about 7 months ago. I had difficulty with an anxiety disorder/depression many years ago and after a long bout with medication cleaned it all up and took care of it with diet and exercise - I began having trouble again in latter 2009 and am recently coming out of it (sadly) much out of shape. I have tossed all my meds (three weeks ago) and have come out of my "fog". I feel better today than I have all year. (I do believe in listening to your doctor and that medicine is useful, but in my case I am sure I was over medicated) I am ready to commit to getting back in shape and am going to be following Cathe's STS program with some extra cardio (just because I love cardio). I love kettlebells and boxing and will incorporate that as some extra metabollic training whenever possible. I am anxious to get back to where I was but I know it may take a little longer since I am older But I am determined and will not give up. (apologize for somewhat of a repeat post from another thread but saving time). I have already begun to walk regularly to limber up a bit and will begin STS this Sunday, however on Sundays in the past I always did yoga and family recreation of some kind in the afternoon. I am hoping to get to know you and build some comradre as that is motiving to me :)
Welcome, Annabelle. You'll find good conversation and support here. I'm the newest poster here before you. I'm 62, started my second run thru STS, on disk 3 or 4 today. I'd started STS before but had to stop around disk 18. restarted in Nov 09 and finished a couple weeks ago. I'd like to get close to a 3 month rotation but DH and I do other activities so I don't stick hard to a schedule.

I won't be around until later next week. DH and I are going on another hike/bike trip. Leaving the skis at home and concentrating on drier activities. Mountains got a load of snow this week and avalanche danger is high again. We'll take the snowshoes, microspikes, and glissade gear and hope to climb up and slide down some slopes without significant avalanche risks. My job ( today) is to figure out what to eat and wear for next 5 days and pack it all into the camper.

Deb, our elliptical gives a calorie burn reading but it's total fiction.. WAY high. I've worn my HRM biking, skiing, or hiking...and I stay in 120-130 range. can go for many hours. I can work harder and do, but for shorter times. some of the plyo leg stuff, I know I was 140-160. I don't know how HRM's calculate calorie burn but it must be based on the heart rate. My heart rate tends low so I don't think I'd get an accurate calculation. I use "perceived exertion", "did I keep up with DH", or "did I get back to the car" to decide if I worked hard enough. Doing the same activity, DH's heart rate is always much higher than mine. just different physiology.

Josie, hope you dodged the cold. I dodged the last one I was exposed to by taking zinc lozenges .. is that what's in cold EEZ? and vit C and taking it easy for a couple days. Much better than out of commission for a week with a headcold.
Joan, stay on program!

I've toyed with the chicken idea. we have the space, we could use the fertilizer,and our neighbors have chickens but I don't know what I'd do with all the eggs. I don't use 6 a month. I've been concerned we'd attract coyotes and I don't want that.
Talk to you all later next week.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, Valerie, and (trumpet flourish!) Annabelle--

This morning I did Ellen Barrett's Barefoot Cardio (48 min.).

Welcome Annabelle! I am the oldest of the Pentagenarians at 63 (I am the "beyond"). It sounds like you have had a rough time of it, but I hope you will find encouragement and support from us.

Cathy, I will have to check DH about the two types of chickens he ordered. He picked up the other 50 this morning. I vaguely heard him refer to them as "reds" (maybe Rhode Island Reds???). I will get back to you.

Deb, we are going out to dinner on Saturday night because ds will have to get back to Boston on Mother's Day. It sounds like you are liking Chalene despite her chatter. The only instructor who can really get on my nerves is Leslie, but I've grown so accustomed to her shrieking laughter that even she doesn't bother me anymore.

Valerie, maybe you should raise some chickens for their meat if you don't want laying hens. They really taste a lot better than the plastic-wrapped ammonia-smelling stuff at the grocery store.

Hi to Joan and Josie!
Lynda, we don't eat much chicken, and I'm a city girl, I don't think I could kill one (first off ) and what do you do with the feathers?? I cannot picture myself running around the yard with a cleaver!
Happy Friday Ladies,

I will be doing the Solana Beach ride tomorrow we are doing 75 miles and a recovery ride on Sunday of 35 miles. So today I'm hydrating and carbo-loading. No Manhattan for me today Garance, but maybe on Sunday for Mothers Day.

I went to Disneyland with my DS and my 2 GS. I had not been there in years and it was fun seeing how much fund the kids had.

I'm meeting with my trainer today at lunch so I will keep you posted as to what the program is going to be. Her name is Doreen and she is 55 years old she is an amazing person and gives so much of her time to the ALC foundation.

Welcome Annabelle! I know that you will like us! I'm 53 years old.

Cathy, when is your Dr. appointment?

Valerie, have fund on your vacation!

I told my DH not to give me a present because I still have to buy a few things for my trip.
So, that will be my present.

Have a Happy Mother's Day!

woo hoo!! did tracie's core cardio today. i am such a geek, i always do "walk the plank" twice. it is so much fun.:)

josie, trying to make one for next week, but having a hard time finding a time.

LOL! traildoggie, that is hystercal!!!!!! i'm not a city girl, but i don't kill things either, that is what men are for. :) you PLUCK the feathers and it takes forever!!!!!!! in the old days they used them to make mattresses and pillows.

yeah, probably rhode islands. don't you go down to see the animals?
I remember seeing a 'chicken plucker" at a house I looked at when I was working with a real estate agent I knew personally. he was an older guy and recognized it. it looked like a round drum with fingers sticking off of it and somehow it knocked the feathers off or something. No clue really how it could have worked, but the owner was impressed that he knew what it was! I didn't buy the house though.
I will be sticking to standard grocery store chicken.. DH wouldn't be any better at killing and plucking than I would. sounds liek an adventure though. we have friends who hunt and somehow clean the little tiny game birds like quail.
Welcome Annabelle and Hi to Josie, Valerie, Deb, Cathy and Garance,

Annabelle I am 59 years old and have 40lbs to lose. I have had limited exercise in the last few months because I was busy at work. The last week of inactivity has no excuse. I started the Mayo Clinic diet last Saturday and so far I am down 4lbs.

I am still amazed with this diet that I am not hungry. I have been putting info into Cathe's nutrition software and I have only had to take a vitamin 1 day. I have read that the reason kids are overweight now is because even though they are eating so much junk they are hungry because their body is telling them they need something. They keep eating but because they are eating junk they never get it and are still hungry. I think I said I ate 1150 calories on Wed but it was only 985. Thursday was 996. We went out to eat and I had a grilled chicken sandwich and ate 1/2 the bun. I did have swiss cheese on it and a fruit cup. I haven't added calories for today yet. The average calories eaten for the week is 1069 per day. Because I only use between 1300-1400 calories per day I won't lose much after this week unless I get exercise in each day. Don't have the motivation yet.

ok, just now made it back, but i am zonked, so i'm goin gto bed. hope i will have some time to catch up tomorrow.
NOW, cleaning birds like quail and dove is a realy pain. they are so small, and besides there are so many shotgun bb's in them, it ain't worth it. i don't like dove anyway. my husband always used to say it was the most expensive meal he ever had. (cuz of the price of shotgun shells, and he wasn't a very good shot. LOL!)
Traildoggie - Thank you for the welcome - the hike sounds like fun - enjoy!

Garance - Nice to meet you and thanks for the encouragement already!!

Josey - a trip with GS to Disneyland would be fun!! One of my GS is 5 and he lives with us - had him since he was 6 months old!

Joan - think I have seen that diet before - I will be eating clean, monitoring calories and ratios - in the past 40/30/30 was good for me - I will start around there - good luck - I am with you all the way!

Drover - Nice to meet you - my husband is a hunter but I don't do anything but open the packages - however as a child my job was to de-feather on chicken day - cannot stand the smell to this day :)

I have a lot to do today - I walked all last week at a good pace - not sore and did not expect to be really. Today I am planning my meals for this week and heading out to the grocery store. I am going to do a metabolic workout about 30 minutes long using my heavy bag, kettlebells, medicine ball interspersed with sprints - but it has been a while so I won't be going too hard at it. My first actual STS workout is Monday - I will do some yoga tomorrow and family recreation in the afternoon. I am looking forward to getting to know you all - have a great Saturday :)
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