Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 4/12

Today I did LiTE Stacked Sets Lower Body plus the Extended Stretch. My total time was 50 minutes with 251 calories burned. Average heart rate was 119 and maximum heart rate was 160.

Judy, nice work with STS Meso 2 Legs and Live Low Impact Cardio HiiT.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw Intervals, JS Walk Strong, and Jane Adams Morning Energy practice. I have noticed that your posts have been later at night. I wouldn’t be able to write anything that made sense at that time of night!

Valerie, I really miss my hair stylist too. I feel the same way about the average person wearing gloves. I worry that they are touching everything and spreading germs.

Hello to Deb and Valerie.
Today I did Raw Cardio Overload #2 wearing an 8 # vest , 36 minutes, heart rate 115/177, 164 calories, 3,181 steps. I then did Raw Box and Tone wearing my 4# vest and 1.5# gloves, 31 minutes, heart rate 122/154, 152 calories, 2,597 steps. I finished with Fitbit foam rolling and static stretching, 24 minutes, 66 calories. Total time was 91 minutes, 382 calories, 5,778 steps.

Valerie, I have a stand on the opposite wall of my bathroom and have a mirror there so I can look at the back of my hair from the vanity mirror and I do pretty well parting it off in sections and getting just the roots. I had one color that I did that was brush on and my hair just seemed to get darker and darker even though I was using blonde on it. My husband finally told me to go to the salon and have them fix it because I didn't look like his Diane anymore. They did some color weaving and it looked so much better. I have not been to a salon in several years. My husband cuts my hair and I trim my own bangs once in awhile. He gave me layers on top the last time so I have a bit more fullness there. I wish my hair would grow out to be the nice silver white a friend from church has. Mine would be mousey. I know it would be just like my mother's which was light brown with gray throughout up till she passed away.
I know one day I was in Walmart a long time ago and the check out lady was putting on hand sanitizer between customers. I thought at the time that all of that alcohol would really do a job on the hands. Mine would be dry and cracked. Gloves of some sort would be more practical there I think.

Carolyn, I wouldn't be able to write anything either, but I seem to be sleeping later and later. My husband leaves for work around 8:30 and I clean and catch up on things and read and before I know it it is really late. This will have to change when things open back up and I have doctor appointments and stuff coming up that I made first thing in the morning so I avoided the later crush of people. Particularly the arthritis center and my return visit to the doctor that did the eyelid surgery as I have a

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