Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 3/29

Good evening ladies!

Today at lunch with the ladies we did 25 minutes of Barre. The first 15 minutes was lower body then the rest was a hiit workout both from Suzanne Bowen. Tonight I did Cathe Live Metabolic Conditioning.

We talked more about the 21 Day Fix and we are all excited. We will start once everyone receives their containers. This will be good for me because I never can stick to a meal plan. I have always just done my own thing. Having them to not let down and motivate will help me stick with it. You would think with all my working out I would be a size 4!!!

Deb...thanks for the tip on Jessica Smith. I actually subscribe to her channel and have done a few of her workouts. I love her personality. I'll look for some of her band workouts. Using bands are easier for the group. Thanks for the link. It looks like it will work great!

Valerie...looks like you did clean up with gifts! Very nice! I very rarely eat pork but I do love my beef! My two favorite meals out are a good steak and a great cheeseburger! lol! sounds like you had a great ride.

Lynda...two funny about the wellness. My company did have someone come in and talk about a 10 week program. Sounded great until they told you the price was over $200 to join. Not eveyone can afford that so it went nowhere. Can't wait to look at Max as soon as I sign out. Very few smokers at the office. The handyman we had come over reeked when he walked in the door. Yeah the sun was out today!

Josie..I will check out that website. That is so awesome of your husband deciding to take that ride. I think that is wonderful and what an experience for him but I don't blame you for not going. Would drive me nuts all that driving. Some people (like your dh) do not mind long drives. Not me. When I sit too long I feel my thighs spreading!!!

Judy...hope your hip is continuing to approve!

Have a great night all!
Good morning,

April is here and we still have dirty snow banks to look at. When will it end?

Valerie, you sure did "clean up" with those birthday gifts! I love hearing your camping adventures! It's a way of vacationing that is so different from what I have ever done. Can you believe that I have never gone camping? or slept in a tent anywhere? As Johns always says, "camping to me is a Holiday Inn instead of a Mariott. LOL. We actually stayed one night in the cabin that John and his friends used for hunting, and it was enough "camping" for me for a life time. No heat or electricity? no, not for me! I am not fond of flying either and can see why you would drive to the nice places you go to.

Josie, thanks for that web site recommendation. It's a great site! I really like the eating plans, with the recipes to go with them.

Lynda, love the face book page in general! I know I have said this many times, I wish you lived closer! I would definitely get meat from your DH.

Lori, I agree with Lynda, the company should pay you for what you are doing! Or give you health care for free.

Judy, nice you are able to get back to indoor riding. Are you still going to PT?

Lunch with a friend from work, then have to get working on the class quilt. All the squares were signed by the kids in the class and the center square embroidery was done, so now it's back with me!

Take care,
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Hi Everyone,

I took it very easy Sunday, just a short walk. Monday I did High Reps, Upper Body Premix and yesterday I did a very easy indoor ride. That didn't seem to aggravate my hip. One thing that I've noticed is that the more I am moving around and active, the better it feels. I spent most of yesterday cleaning and organizing, not much sitting and I barely noticed it.

Deb-I'm still going to PT. My therapist is on vacation this week so I had to switch days and go to someone else. She is really good too. She has a little different approach and gave me some new exercises to do.

Lynda-I talked to my doctor Monday and he doesn't seem to want to order an MRI until I've done another month of PT.

Lori- I agree with Lynda, you should get a raise or a bonus for helping your coworkers with their fitness.

Josie-That's a great website! Thanks for the link.

Valerie-Happy belated Birthday! Hope you had a wonderful day! I agree with you, I'm trying not to do anything that hurts my hip. It's been frustrating but I just hope to be able to bike and get outside when the weather gets warmer. I hope that another month of PT and lighter exercise will really help.

Hi to Stephie!

Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Dancin' Abs (58:00).

Deb, Max loves that truck. Sometimes if he suspects DH is getting ready for a drive, he will sit by the truck in infinite hopefulness. I have been camping in my younger days and never really liked sleeping in a tent. I cannot imagine doing it again unless it was one of those luxury safaris or the eco-camping in Costa Rica. I've seen pictures of those kind of trips and it looks pretty easy.

Lori, most of the wellness programs at Williams are free or minimal fees. Best of luck on that 21 day plan. maybe those cups are a way of instilling a sense of portion size.

Judy, I like that upper body premix on High Reps. How many times per week do you go to PT? That could get kind of expensive.

Hi to Valerie and Josie!
Lynda-I'm going 2x a week. At $20 a visit, it does add up. I wouldn't want to go more frequently.
Good evening ladies!

This morning I ran on the treadmill and that was it for my workouts. Was extremely busy at work and this was a planned rest day for the ladies. They have younger children and they all needed to run out and buy Easter Candy.

Judy, I hear you with the copays. I have been in therapy for my panic attacks and my copay is $25. I only go every other week so not too bad. But still it adds up.

Therapy is going well. My attacks have been few and far in between. I discovered last visit that these are not new too me and I have had them all my life off and on. Just never realized it until it happened while I was driving. They were so long ago and I just never put two and two together.

Lynda...we are excited about the 21 Day Fix. Not sure how I will do with this but I am willing to stick it out. Max looks adorable! Love him.

I love camping! Been ages since I have gone but loved it growing up and when my son was younger we would take him. My ex husband and I did by a pop up camper which was luxury compared to the tent we always went in. When I was in my early teens my mom used to take us to Myles Standish State Forest in South Carver MA. The only way to wash up was in the pond with a bar of ivory soap because it would float! Lol!

Have a great night all!
I have been a backpacker and a camper for a long time. DH and I spent almost every vacation backpacking or at least dayhiking in the mountains of WA, OR, CA, ID, MT. we have covered major mileage.... thousands of miles. not in one long trip but many many trips of 20-50 miles.
I always thought tent camping was vastly better than a motel or hotel. Motels were always a struggle for me... they stink, are noisy, and the food is awful. It's harder to backpack if you don't know an area well, and tent camping in campgrounds where people can "drive in" are pretty awful, mostly because they have all kinds of noisy conveniences, like generators. tent camping is far from perfect but I would much MUCH rather spend a night in a tent than a Marriot. we've had many of our best adventures in a tent and not a single one in a motel. Backpacking is both easy and hard. I want to do more this year than we have recently. I hope I'm still up to it. we didn't do any last year. if you have to carry it with you, you get a lot less fussy about how big the tent has to be!

we went mt biking for a short time today, about 70min. we did all the uphill, and then quickly downhill. had a therapy session and some other things later. my sisters dog died today, and she didn't have anyone else to talk to that was difficult. I don't care how much you anticipate the event and know it's coming, it's awful when it happens. my brother wasn't very empathetic when he picked up the body.

Lori we had 2 pop up campers before we graduated to a truck camper. we had fun times in them but we did not have the right truck and all sorts of mechanical issues. finally we bit the bullet and went for a more expensive set up.
Good morning,

Count down to Easter Sunday! I think we will be going out today to shop for the brunch stuff that we haven't gotten yet.

Judy, I'm glad you are able to get to do more workouts. I agree, when I do certain exercises, my hip feels a lot better. I know I probably have a bit of arthritis in it. When I went to PT for my back, ( this was 15 years ago!) it was $15 a visit, so I guess it hasn't gone up that much, but it is still expensive.

Lynda, have you ever worked with jute? I am crocheting a jute trivet, and it is hard!

Lori, it sounds like the PT sessions are helping. Did I give you the You Tube site that helps with the containers? LOL on using the Ivory soap in the pond. Makes sense though!

Valerie, I can see where you would not like camping where there was a lot of noise and stuff from others. That would really defeat the purpose of being out there. But I would definitely pick the Marriott. Sorry for your sister, losing a pet is very hard. She is lucky she had you to talk to.

Josie, when do you leave to see the Peanuts?

Workout in today, maybe the treadmill. I miss my Cardio Coach workouts!

Take care,
Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Flex Train (56:36).

Deb, no I have never worked with jute. Is it very stiff and hard? I prefer the Marriott too. DH and I went camping on Big Bear Mountain in NY several years ago and I came back with an outbreak of poison ivy blisters so bad that I had to go to the doctor for shots and throw out several items of clothing. Gives me the shivers just thinking about it. I could not stop scratching. I like hiking and did several at Rancho la Puerta.

Lori, that's great that you are getting your panic attacks under control. Does your therapist recommend particular strategies for allaying anxiety?

Valerie, it's wonderful that you and your DH have such a shared interest in backpacking, the great outdoors, and camping.

Off to see my gastroenterologist this afternoon. I guess my 5 years are up and I need to schedule another colonoscopy. Blech!
we planned on a hike today and drove to the trailhead and surprise, it snowed last night. Not a lot, but several inches. made the trail tricky to walk and slippery. we only lasted maybe a mile...very steep and rooty... decided it was too unpleasant. came home and loaded up the road bikes and did a 20 mile ride. so ended up getting in 3 hours of activity.
DH and I met in a mountaineering course so it was pretty much a "given" that we liked the same things. we found we like doing things ourselves rather than in big groups.

I don't think I've gotten into poison ivy before. poison oak is not common here but is especially in California. we ran into lots of it on our last trip but didn't have problems maybe because we scrubbed off with a special soap called Tecnu for removing the sap. gotta know your hazards! I have strong issues with biting insects and will not hike if biting flies or mosquitos are a significant issue. I can work around most things, but not biting insects. I've never gotten a repellant that works for me. I would never camp in a tropical location... the heat, humidity, and bugs would do me in. air conditioning is a requirement for me above 70 degrees. Florida was absolutely the worst place I've ever been.... and I'm sure it was the Marriott! I'm a real crank about tropical destinations. a couple trips to florida ( company sales meeting trips) and one to Hawaii and that was enough for me. no more. I don't like tropical.

I had a very good therapy session yesterday with some new stretches and had a very comfortable nights sleep. maybe it will finally settle down. I only have 2 approved sessions left so I spread them out.

Lynda, isn't it amazing how fast that 5 years goes by? maybe you will qualify for the 10 year club this time.
Good evening ladies!

No workout at lunch. Today was Dumpster Day at the office! I ordered a huge dumpster we everyone cleansed. The office really needed it. Amazing how much crab builds up. With all the lifting and heaving into the dumpster we all felt this qualified as our workout. ended up being a fun day. It was so beautiful when I walked in the door at home Chester was just begging for a walk. I could not refuse him so we went. Felt great!

Valerie...I also love that you and your DH share an interest in the outdoors. Love hearing about all your adventures. Glad to hear your shoulder is almost there!

Lynda...i have never had poison ivy. All the camping and hiking and playing in the woods yet nothing. My friends would get it, my mom would look at it and get nothing. Very fortunate. My therapist is wonderful. Love her. Really have been zoning in on my stress which has been bringing on the attacks. They started shortly after my new boss came around. Gee what a surprise. I can manage my stress better now and I have certain exercises that have helped too while driving when I feel one coming on. Sometimes just stalking things out with her helps. I am so pleased as to how far I have come.

Deb...i have not seen the youtube video. Please share if you can. We are all thinking aboit getting another set of containers. Do you feel this will be necessary? One of the girls bought the 21 fix extreme. Looking forward to seeing these workouts. We are going out for brunch and very happy about this!

Have a great night all!

Here is what my friend from MFP gave me to watch: it's pretty long I thought it was a link, but it turns out it was the actual video.

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Good morning, & Happy Friday!

Going to do more shopping this morning, we ran out of steam yesterday, just could not go to another place. We did have a nice lunch out though.

Lynda, yes, jute is very rough and hard to work with. It twists all around, and is tough on your hands. I also bought some polished hemp, which was for another project. I bet that is better to work with. That camping trip you went on sounds like a nightmare, wonder you do not like camping! Hiking would be something I could do I think. You need to actually see your gastro Dr to make an appointment for a colonoscopy?

Valerie, it seems like your shoulder may be on the mend! That's great.

Lori, we need a Dumpster Day at the dog club. So much crap around that it is embarrassing when new students show up. Ugh. After Easter, and the April agility trial, I am going to try to get a few of the retired members to go there one morning and do exactly what you did at your office. If you watch the video, the girl on there says she is going to order 2 extra sets of containers...I guess you can get them as stand alone maybe right from Beach Body, or Mary at videofitness? I only had the one set, but I can see it may be useful so that you load up all of your day's containers at once and you don't have to wash in between meals. Not sure where you got your set....she says that they are $17 a set, which seems a little pricey to me.

Hi to Josie & Judy,

Take care,
Not sure what to do today. I'll do something. supposed to be raining but it's nice and partly sunny.

This is probably not national news anymore, but remember the school shooting we had here last spring? 5 kids shot at the high school including the shooter. only one survived. the father of the shooter has been arrested. the gun used in the killings was purchased illegally. there was a restraining order against the father for previous weapons violations. he should not have been able to purchase weapons. when he was arrested, there were minor children present and he owned several more unsecured firearms in the house. he was arrested this week. Great. I can't make this stuff up!.

I had what I think was poison oak once, got it "secondhand" from carrying someone elses backpack back from an airport. it was unpleasant. I learned what it looked like and have avoided it though that's not hard most places. Lori, some people need to be exposed to poison ivy before they react to it. so the first time maybe nothing happens but don't assume it won't be a problem if exposed again.
Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Cardio Supersets (41:30).

Deb, my gastroenterologist notifies me every 5 years that I am due for another colonoscopy. My appointment yesterday was about the prep, listening to my heart and lungs, talking about any medications I take, getting some blood for a blood count, getting the prescription, and also learning why 10 years is too long because I may have a gene for colon cancer, because my mother had an advanced tumor when she died at 92. He said it was probably growing for 5-10 years from a precancerous polyp. I've never had any precancerous polyps, but that doesn't mean I won't get one immediately after my colonoscopy, and in 5 years it would still be manageable, but by 10 years it could be bad. So I'm scheduled for next Thursday. What fun!

Valerie, DH reminded me that it was actually poison sumac that we didn't recognize as poisonous. I was casually brushing fronds of it on my legs while we were watching a beautiful sunset. I loved hiking in Kauai--no bugs at all and gorgeous scenery. Probably too tropical for you, but you would have liked Tecate--no bugs, very dry. I went camping in Minnesota with a BFF when I was in college and came home with so many mosquito bites it was torture. For some reason, probably hormonal, I just don't get mosquito bites anymore. It might also be that we have bats at night doing good work on the insect population. Good news about your shoulder.

Enjoy the holiday weekend everyone!
Lynda,.DH has the same situation except worse. his mother, aunt( mothers half sister), grandmother on mothers side, grandfather on fathers side all had colon ca. no one ever was screened ...they refused! would not even do the simple home test with stool cards. there may be even more people but that more than enough hx. you're wise to stay on a shorter interval for screening. DH had polyps on his last 2 so he is now on a 1 yr repeat. I have no fam hx so in the 10 yr club. this is good because my colon is hard to scope. try to schedule in the early am so you don't need to go more than 1day without solid food.

we went to the big island and tried hiking a few places but it was too hot most places. we tried the lava fields but it wasn't interesting.
I've seen pics of sumac but no experience with it. I lived in Wisconsin long ago. tried hiking and camping there and it was a nightmare. mosquitos, heat, humidity, uninteresting terrain. It's a wonder I was interested in trying in another place. we have times here when it's unpleasant so I don't hike then. good hiking depends on getting accurate info about what is troublesome to you and working around it.

I mainly wanted to say we watched Whiplash. an interesting movie .... what a couple of crazy people. could not believe anyone took the abuse that teacher dished out.
Good morning,

Today the "girls" (my cousins, SIL, and nieces and me) are going for a ladies Spa Day to celebrate my retirement. :). I am getting a facial. The place also provides a private room where you can gather and eat, drink etc while others are going for their treatments. They are bringing food etc. It should be fun.

Valerie, that school situation was horrible, and it looks like the kid did not have a good home life, not that this is an excuse for what he did. Never had poison oak, or ivy, I don't even know what either looks like.
I had not heard of that movie, did you like it? was it R rated? I have started to watch "Suits" on Prime.

Lynda, I am on the 5 year plan for colonoscopies. I have had polyps removed a few times. Used to be every 3 years. I never had to go for any pre-procedure work, just make the appointment and show up.

Hi to Judy, Josie, & Lori,

Have a great weekend!
Good morning ladies!

Not sure whatbthe workout will be today. Been a while since I did a heavy bag workout so leaning towards this. Should be nice enough to take chester out too. Other than that it's housemax and usual Saturday.

I am on the 10 year cycle. No history of colon cancer in my family. Even though no history I always felt 10 years is a long span inbetween tests.

Deb...I shared your video with the ladies. Monday we will bae in one of the conference rooms to plan things out. What a nice way to celebrate your retirement!

Valerie...yes I remember very well that shooting. So very sad. I have not seen Wiplash but it is on my list at some point. My DH is working tonight so the plan is to watch Gone With The Wind. I have only seen this 100 times but recently received it free from points and I have it in my Amazon Instant Video account so now I need to watch it. :)

Happy Easter!
GWTW holds up pretty well considering how old it is. I loved the book and had seen the movie long ago but came across a copy at Costco for only a couple $ so watched it again. DH had never seen it. he was only so-so after.

the politics of the shooting make it very interesting. the father is a Tulalip tribal member. very influential and wealthy casino business owned by the tribe. the restraining order on record was never filed at the federal level, so when he went to purchase guns it didn't show up on a hold list. it was apparently from tribal police.... guns were all bought at the Cabelas store near here, and he lied on the paperwork numerous times. he has retained a very expensive attorney. I am just wondering where the media attention is.... if this were the father of one of the Columbine shooters, or the connecticutt school shooter, and the police found first that the gun was purchased illegally, and then went to the house and found more unsecured guns and minor children with access?? the cost to the community has been huge, and they are acting like this guy has overdue parking tickets. I realize he has lost his son but the lack of judgment here is criminal.

Deb, Whiplash was an interesting movie, worth one watching IMO. Lynda gave a brief review of it a couple weeks ago. language definitely makes it an "R". performances are excellent. but it's intense and no one is very likeable, student included. the teacher is quite the jerk. not a warm cuddly "feel good" movie.

"Leaves of 3, leave them be" ... poison ivy and poison oak. oak looks like small oak leaves, on a shrubby bush. I have never looked for sumac. I don't think it grows in the west though I will look it up to be sure.

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