This morning I did all Les Mills workouts. I started with Les Mills Training Cardio #1 (these are do at your own pace workouts as you do the timed moves) They suggest these before you try the Grit workouts
I swear this was tough enough. It did a bit of everything, plyo, balletic balance moves like it the barre work, body weight strength, running in place, drills. Way too many burpees, bear crawls all over the place, and plank moves with push ups and knee ins. I don't think it was good for my neck and shoulders. This was 43 minutes, 280 calories, met 5.9, heart rate 121 average and 160 max, 1,950 steps. I expected more steps, but since so much ended up on the floor it lowered the steps and it ends with a yoga flow. It one round of the moves and then the second half it upped the ante.
I then did Body Pump short lower #99, met 4.6, 112 calories, 507 steps, 15 minutes of solid movements with very little break, does include the weighted warm up and a brief stretch, the squat track is about 5 minutes and the squat lunge track is another around 5 minutes. I used a 35# barbell, but my shoulders were not liking it so I picked up 15# dumbbells. It was the usual Body Pump moves with a different music track sequence. I love the music in Les Mills workouts. It keeps me going. I finished with Les Mills Body Flow yoga 15 minutes, met 2.0 33 calories, 14 steps. Total time was 80 minutes 425 calories, 2,471 steps. I want to try one of the barre workouts as the description of some included strength using some weights and some cardio which I figure is probably like some of what they did on the Les Mills training workout for cardio.
I made a White Chicken Sweet potato chili from my Whole 30 SLow Cooker Cookbook that was really good. It called for white sweet potatoes or Japanese sweet potatoes. They happened to have white sweet potatoes at Sprouts in the Organic area recently and I picked up some. These were firm and were just called white sweets USA grown. I usually do not care for sweet potatoes in chili and soups as they are mushy and too sweet, but this was perfect. I cooked it on the shortest length of time. I have gotten used to using the Instant Pot as a slow cooker as well as a pressure cooker now, I use that thing a lot.
Lori, you really get going early to get those workouts in
I have gotten so used to not having to start that early, I really value my relax time prior. I will probably not workout in the morning unless I wake really early and there is the problem of hot water and my husband and I trying to bathe at the the same time since I have to leave the house around 7:45 to go to my church's school and do Christmas gift wrapping. I am enjoying trying the different styles on Les Mills on Demand.
Judy, my husband could really use some flexibility work even though he works out. He is not likely to use a yoga dvd though. I mentioned it to him and I don't know if he has added some stretching or not. I am surprised that they stopped adding new Spinerval workouts. At least there are other around that you can do. It is in the 60's here the last couple of days. I am hoping it stays that way for awhile. They keep saying a cold front. Sometimes the snow part ends up in the northern part of the state which is okay with me as long as we don't get the ice thing going here.
Valerie, I never say much to my husband, I just figure he should be able to take care of himself where his fitness is concerned. He mentioned something and I suggested he could use some flexibility work. That was it. He does not want to use workout videos. He watches Star Trek and does the Tread Climber and uses his weights and weight bench. He worked in a health club many years ago, I figure he should have an idea of what to do. I went for a run with him once at the lake and it was only once. He did a brief stretch and took off at a sprint and I was huffing and puffing trying to get my legs going to catch up. I told him, I like to warm up well and build into the sprint, not just go all out. That was kind of the way those Insanity workouts were. They started all out and then did a stretch and stuff before the workout. I used to do something else first. Great that you have no rain so you can go mountain biking today. I have problems with my sleep position and my shoulder. I tend to sleep on the side that hurts which seems to really aggravate it. I kept waking up and trying to get back onto my back which kind of messed with my sleep last night. Just off positions reading at an angle make it start hurting. I need everything straight and my shoulders back and down for comfort. I have a job cut out for myself there.
Deb, That is funny that the doctor was surprised that you had the step platform. My surgeon for my knee seemed surprised at all of the equipment that I said I had and my descriptions of what I do. I think that is why he said he would prescribe physical therapy, but I could probably figure it out on my own. What is 5-HCT? I have heard of 5-HTP that some use for anxiety and sleep. I have been doing well even without the Dr Axe sleep stuff. I take Ashwagandha, and that Dr Mercola Joint supplement along with a tart cherry celery seed Solaray product and the multi collagen morning and evening and I seem to be getting at least 7 hours of sleep most nights. I think the ashwagandha helps with the anxiety that seems to hit when I go to bed at night and find my mind wandering all over the place. Now if I can just get this joint pain under control. I called in my prescription order yesterday and got an email saying it was ready for pick up. I called to check, because they were supposed to mail it. I should have it tomorrow. On the reviews I have read on Amazon on the Cat's Claw I have been taking, one guy said he was able to quit the paquinel and other RA meds because of using it. I read about it's usage on the arthritis foundation site and on Web MD as well. There is a bit of question though as to which type. I at first used the Sevareno no TOA, as some said not to use it. This time I purchased the Now brand for a lot less money, and am hoping it works. Some things suggested a combo of paquinel and the Cats Claw. I am adding it to my medical profile. Some had their doctors recommend. I think I read about making a tea out of it on Dr Mercola. Actually it is used for arthritis and also for things like lowering blood pressure which means no meds can be used with it if one is taking blood pressure meds and it boosts immunity so immune lowering drugs would not want to be taken with it.
Carolyn, from reading everyones Walk fit descriptions and one I did off of youtube I would guess they are pretty much all just low impact workouts.