Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/26

Hi Ladies,

Sorry for not posting in a while. Vegas was fun and I came back with a few bucks for Christmas shopping :). I will be starting Body Beast tomorrow and will keep attending spinning g at least 3 times per week.

Valerie, my gym is 5 miles away and that is as far as I will drive for a workout. My DH is the one who can hold on to things. I would get rid of them immediately. If I lived alone my house would be sparingly furnished ;)

Garance, My kids turned out great and wish my peanuts lived closer so that they could benefit from being around us and their aunt. My peanut Michael is in the 5th grade and is not doing well. I feel that he will fall through the cracks and I can't do anything about it. I have offered their mom to move to LA and I would help her raise the boys, but she says that it's to expensive. I told her that she would save on babysitting and that me and my DD would tutor Michael but to no avail.

Deb, sounds like you are back on the workout wagon. Good for you!

Lori, my DH used to eat chips every day too :).

Judy, glad that you are back on your schedule again.

We did the planned mt bike ride today. takes me a good hour to get back in mt bike mode. it's been a month at least since we rode and there is no overlap from road riding at all. I had to walk some things I've ridden before just because it was wet and more slippery. fell off once but nothing bad. my foot got a workout but it was OK..... I've been walking only on flat ground and bypassing anything in yoga that might make it hurt. today I had to walk up some rougher stuff and it was fine. the inherent problem is still there, but the crisis is resolving. started out wet and cleared nicely and must have been 70 degrees while we sat in the sun after lunch. but it's generally pretty wet here now and every nice day, or part of a day , feels like a gift. we want to make a trip to northern CA if we can in the next 2 weeks. mostly mt biking, but maybe some light hiking. there is a sore spot on the outside of my foot and it's still a little swollen but it does not hurt when moving about.

I try to think of yoga in terms of how long it takes me to drive there, rather than miles. it's further, but won't take much more time. maybe 3 minutes. longer just because it's freeway vs stop and go stuff. I will give it a shot. I really like the women in my group and of course, my teacher. if it is too far, I can switch to the other class which also is moving.

Judy I've carried the "back up" thing on way too long. we'd planned on building a vacation home in Montana but it does not look as likely anymore for lots of reasons, and a lot of things were set aside for that.

I'm blanking on "moonrise Kingdom". we watch so many movies.... I need to look that up. the school shooting thing will go on being the big story here for weeks yet. it is so sad that the kid apparently texted and sent pics of his plan just moments before executing the trap he'd laid for his friends and cousins. funerals are starting soon. so sad. someone in his family owned the a 40 caliber beretta hand gun accessible to him and we have no current laws that would make the gun owner accountable for that, not that it makes any difference in this case.

some things change so radically smoking acceptability .....and others seem to drag on without any resolution.
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Good evening ladies!

Tonight was SB lower body and the first three of xtrain's tabatacise. My legs were really feeling SB's workout. I am really enjoying SB's challenge. was so nice here today and I have heard snow this weekend for us too. Not much but just to hear the word snow is enough for me to cringe. We haven't even finished raking the leaves yet.

Lynda...good for you measuring out the peanuts. peanuts are a snack that you can easily eat a lot of and before you know it you have eaten a ton of calories. I snack on almonds at work. I do not measure but allow myself 15 to 20 and will actually count them out. I crack myself up everytime I do this. While I was away at the cape I wore 1lb weights while doing Cathe live kickbox and boy you really feel the upper body work.

Valerie...we are the same way my DH and I. We still keep the old stuff even when we buy new. We just need to make a decision once and for all. Southern CA sounds really nice for biking. Glad you did not hurt yourself with the fall and that your foot still seems good. Still hearing the news this morning about the shooting here too. So very sad.

Deb...I have decided not to joing the nuroushing guru. Yes I do have a potato chip obsession but it is under control. :). I do eat really well and balance so I do not see the need to. Funny about the cigarette. I remember those days when people smoked everywhere. It was just the way it was. I used to smoke! So glad I was able to stop.

Josie..congrats on the winnings!!! Hope you had a great time in vegas. My heart breaks for you with your grandchildren. Sounds like you are trying so hard to do everything you can for them. It is a shame your DIL will not move closer to you.

Have a great night all.
Good morning,

I tried to sleep in this morning, dogs woke me up at 3:30, I ignored them, they tried again at 4:30..John got up with them, and I slept until workout....

Valerie, it seems like de-cluttering is everyone's challenge. why is that? we have way too much STUFF! I am one that keeps the old things, ( unless they are broken or do not work etc) but it is hard for me to toss something that is in OK shape, "just in case" the new one doesn't work out. Ok, so what is the one kind of chips you like? Need to know. :)

Lynda, a Subway??? that's horrible. I like those nice little boutique type stores too. I guess the landlord was happy that they got a Subway in there. I have a sewing room that needs a lot of work, it's actually the extra "guest" bedroom that I put all my sewing stuff in and now I could never offer it to a guest LOL.

Judy, you remember the smoking section on your first flight...I remember when there was no smoking "section", you could smoke anywhere on the plane. They had ashtrays in the bathrooms! ( ok, showing the difference in our ages. :)

Josie, welcome back! Keep us posted on how you like Body Beast. I really want to get it, but am holding back because I just got the new KCM, and the new Cathe's are coming....too many DVD's not enough time. Sorry about your DIL and the peanuts...too bad you can't get her to move closer.

Lori, I do the same with almonds....I think there are 22 in an ounce? Lots of calories, but good fat and protein. I did sign up for the NG...may regret it...there is a 7 day refund so that is good.

Glad it's Thursday, one day closer to the weekend!

Take care,
I'm another nut lover.. but I count or weigh. we are mostly vegetarian... not as dedicated anymore... but nuts are a good protein source. quantities can get out of hand quickly. I love cashews, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts. peanuts too.

I will look at the NG thing more carefully but I'm thinking more about WW again. I know what to do, I do it almost all the time, but am more accountable if I track. I didn't want to pay for it when we were traveling and I had no online access so may sign up again. all my data will still be there, and that's a lot of calculations I won't need to redo.

Josie it must be very hard to see the problem, be there to help but be unable to intervene often enough. there are some strong social pressures to steer kids in the wrong direction. the couple we had lunch with a few days ago have 2 boys who are drug addicts and out of control. I think the parents could have been more effective but I'm not a parent and don't know exactly what they faced. they tried to get help but I think their parenting was too lax.

Deb, part of the issue is there is so much "stuff" pushed on us all the time and it's inexpensive. I just bought a new sewing machine. it is WAY fancier than my old one and cost 20% of my old one. $135. this one does everything but make coffee. old one was around $550. I would have fixed the old one but it cost more than the new one to have anyone even look at it. I tossed it...didn't work well enough to even donate. at least I didn't stash it in the basement!

Blech... a Subway... like the world needs another one of those....

ETA back from yoga. DH and decided to do the northern CA trip for about a week. will leave sunday am. we have fri and sat to get ready so a "comfortable hurry". there's a decent weather window and it doesn't mess with any holidays. we want to check out a couple of the redwood parks on the coast that are too busy in summer. also a couple mt bike areas to try and possibly visit our niece. we'll see how it goes.

those of you who bike, do you always get on and off the same way? when I bike I stand on my left foot & swing my rt leg over. I touch down with left foot first too, so it got a workout yesterday and it didn't get sore... although I was careful. I've never been able to get on from the other side although it might be easier on my left foot. I wonder if that's unusual... sort of like getting on a horse..... always the left. but a bike would not protest like a horse might.
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Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Flex Train (56:36).

Deb, let us know what you think of the Nourishing Guru--what do they regard as essential and good, inessential and bad? Are you trying to lose weight or just to improve your diet? My current mode of de-cluttering is to try to bring something to Goodwill on the first Sunday of every month when they have a truck sitting at the local elementary school. They will take anything, including just old rags. My problem is all this leftover yarn from various knitting projects. I don't know what to do with it, even though I have a book with 1 skein projects. Most of those projects look kind of stupid to me though--cozies and fingerless gloves and strange looking toys. Not willing to waste my time on stuff like that.

Josie, welcome back! You always seem to be lucky when you go to Vegas. Does your son also recognize the problem with his son and school? Maybe you could hire a tutor for him. The college here provides a list of students who are capable of tutoring and have been trained by someone in the Psych department with a degree in early education. Maybe there's a college near to where they live that does the same.

Valerie, I hope it works out for you on the yoga. I agree with you on cheap stuff, mostly made in China. The problem now is that wages have remained flat, and so many manufacturing jobs have moved to foreign countries, that there are a lot of people who cannot afford even the cheap stuff. There's something screwy, too, about ruining good products by having them made elsewhere--or at least that has been my complaint about some favorite jeans, favorite Clark's sandals, other stuff.

Lori, I think (hope!) that we don't get snow for awhile. It's just too early for me. What made you decide not to enroll with the Nourishing Guru? I remember the smoking loges in movie theaters. And, of course, there was a lot of smoking in the movies, too. Nothing like watching some sexy actor smoking to convince teens that it was the sophisticated thing to do.

Judy, I donated all of my old exercise videos to Goodwill some time ago, and I try to sell dvds that I know I won't do more than a couple times. If I can't sell them, I will donate them to our library.
Hi Ladies,

I went spinning this morning and then did BB legs. I will give you my review when I finish the first week of the program.

Garance, I sent my DIL a list of tutors from the nearby college and offered to pay for one 3 times per week and her reply was that the times would not wot for her. She is obviously not as concerned for his future as I am. His dad lives so far away and is not there to participate on the day to day raising of the kids.

Valerie, I mount and dismount with my right leg. I feel that I have better balance on that side.

Hi to Judy, Lori and Deb!

Good morning & Happy Friday,

I am so exhausted, I have no idea why. I need the weekend to get some sleep.

Valerie, I never thought about how we get on and off bikes....I always do the same thing, get on with my right foot first....not sure why, maybe we tend to use our dominant side? I guess if I put it in perspective, paying for the NG is not much different than others that sign up for things like WW. It's all what you get out of it that makes it worth the $$. It's nice that you can take a trip like that at this time of year.

Lynda, I am trying to improve my health by hopefully cleaning out the garbage in my diet, and at the same time, hoping that by doing that, I will lose weight as well. I eat so much junk when I get into a binge, like I have been for the last 2 days. I go for about 3 days eating really well, then something hits me and I grab all the sugar junk that is available. It's like crack to me. I have lots of leftover yarn and fabric from projects as well. I refuse to toss it, one of those "well you never know it might come in handy some day..." sure it will...LOL. I should use some of it to make dog toys, heaven knows they go through the store bought ones so fast, it's a waste of money to buy them. Going to see any movies this weekend?

Josie, I agree with Lynda, you are really lucky in Vegas! Is there a way your son could use the court system to make your DIL have your GK's tutored?

Hi to Lori & Judy,

Anyone have any plans for the weekend?

Take care,
"what side of the bike " is one of those little things that keeps me awake sometimes. I'm right handed and my right leg goes over the bike first. I get my toe in the basket, push off with my left foot, flip the basket over to get left foot in. I started thinking about this because my left foot was so sore I needed to be more cautious and realized it'd be tough getting on left side first. I also have thought of it mt biking because sometimes getting on from the 'wrong" side is preferable but it's a struggle to do it. interestingly, my left side is much stronger than my right for unclear reasons. I can tell from weight training, yoga, hiking. seems backwards but that's what it is.

Deb weekend is almost here and you can catch up. I think there's more flexibility in WW. I'm don't want to remove all sugar, dairy, gluten, whatever else from my diet. I don't do well without complex carbs and no dairy would kill me.. I like sweets but I keep them around and have tiny portions. better for me than 'all or nothing" which always backfired for me. still, I want to hear how it works for you so keep us informed about how it works.

Josie you are one lucky lady. every time I've tried gambling I might as well have flushed the money down the toilet. so never got any positive reinforcement.

I always try to buy "American made' but it's almost impossible these days. seems like everything is made offshore. and disposable, so nothing can get fixed. you need to pitch it and buy new.
Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did All Out Low Impact Hiit with Core 1 (49:22).

Deb, I guess I'm lucky that we have such a long driveway and we are out in the country that no one comes here to trick-or-treat. So we have no tempting little candy bar miniatures. The only treat I have is a 100 calorie Klondike bar. DH has a bowl of ice cream every night. I may go to see The Drop with James Gandolfini this weekend. It's a heist film that got pretty good reviews. Let us know if the ng is working for you. I just bought a new cookbook called the Skinny Taste Cookbook, and I have another called Eating Well for Two that has some very good low cal recipes.

Josie, the only other thing I can think of that you might do is contact your gs's teacher and ask if there are any after-school tutoring programs and ask if s/he can give any advice. It sounds like your dil is just not appreciative of your well-intended help.

Hi to Lori, Judy, and Valerie!

BTW, DH has a Facebook page for East Mountain Farm with lots of great photos of Max, the animals, and most recently, of the gorgeous foliage on our mountain. It's easy to find--just google East Mountain Farm and look for the facebook entry.
Valerie-I get on my bike using my right leg. I think it would be hard, but not impossible to do it with my left leg. Now I have to try it and see if I can do it!
Good morning, & Happy November!

Ahh...a good night's sleep for a change. It makes such a difference.

I listened to the recorded first call for the NG program yesterday. It is really not much new information. The first 3 weeks you are to eliminate all gluten, dairy, processed foods, eggs. I can do gluten, or at least limit it drastically, but eggs and Greek yogurt are staples of my diet, so that will be tough. We'll see. I may not be able to stay on this...and may be asking for a refund. They say they give a full refund within 7 days of payment.

We had a lot of Trick or Treater's last night, actually ran out of candy. I was surprised since it was cold and misty rain all the while they were coming.

Agility class last night was good, Kylee loves it. Let's hope Keegan has that same enthusiasm this morning. :).

What's everyone doing this weekend?
Good morning ladies!

Yesterday I continued with SB's fit for fall challenge which I am enjoying, Yesterday was barre and matt work. I also ran for 30 minutes. Not sure what workouts I'll be doing today.

Rainy and windy here. So not doing much this weekend. Our Town is having trick or treat today between 11am to 1pm. Feel so bad because the rain is expected to be the heaviest at this time. We have found the west nile virus here so that is why the town changed to today. Less mosquitos during the day. Personally, I think it has been cold enough in the evenings that this is not a worry but the Town needs to play it safe. Our Town is also the Town that has been on the news trying to ban all tobacco products. You may or may not have heard about it. This is not going well with the local businesses. So we will see how this goes.

Deb/Lynda...This is why I did not join the NG. It all sounds good and people love following these kind of plans but I will never stick to them. I have type 2 diabetes so I pretty much know what to eat, what to eat in moderation and what not to eat. That is enough for me. I would like to add more organic foods into my diet and have started somewhat. I do wish you luck Deb and hope it works out for you and I wish I coud follow these plans. Some can do this and do it well. I on the other hand cannot and know it would be waste of $$!

Lynda...your Farm is beautiful! Never thought to donate my workout DVD's to my library. Going to the library today so I will ask them if they are interested.

Valerie..I like to use my right leg to go over the seat first. Feels awkward to me to to use the other leg!

Josie...would love to hear your review on BB. I still have my brothers set. Perhaps I'll try a couple of the workouts. I doubt I'll ever do a rotation though. Funny I have read all the good reviews but I have no desire to do this rotation. Perhaps when I have had enough of Barre, which I hope is never, then I'll try it out.

Judy...have you started working on the home gym again? I know this was in the works and of course with all that was going on became a non priority.

You guys would laugh right now if you could see me. I am sitting on the couch with a sleeping cat in my arms causing me to type with only my right hand, a sleeping chihuahua between my knees and a snoring yellow lab at my feet. This is our life and I would not change it at all!

Have a great weekend all!
Good Morning Everyone,

DH and I went to the gym last night. I did a chest & tricep workout. I've been working on dips at the gym, using the assisted dip machine. I'm trying to get to where I can do body weight dips. I'm at 50 lbs on the assist, and am trying to drop it 10 lbs a week, doing 6 reps. The weather was very unpleasant last night, cold and windy and raining.

DH and I are going to a stamp show in Ann Arbor today. DH collects stamps, primarily U.S. stamps from the late 1800's through the 1950's.

Deb-I love my Greek yogurt and eggs too. They are staples in my diet and I don't think I would be able to eliminate them.

Lori-yes, I think we are going to be working on the home gym again. DH has decided he wants to put a bike trainer in the basement. He doesn't like riding spin bikes so he wants to try using his mountain bike. We are going to REI later today to get the trainer and then hopefully we'll be cleaning out the basement and getting it set up. Then I can start moving my things down there too. I'll post some photos when we get things organized.

Hi to Lynda, Valerie & Josie!

Deb, the "eliminate" approach stops me dead in the water. I don't eat a lot of any one category but my diet is varied. I eat a lot of fruits / vegies. so I find the devil is in the details.
I eat little "processed food" but what exactly is that? I like vanilla almond milk on my oatmeal ( gluten) with fruit, a small amount of sweetener in the milk though it's the 60 calorie one, so not much. is almond milk "processed" food? how about plain quaker oats? there's not much gluten in oatmeal but some, so is that acceptable? I have a skim milk latte with it. will not sub soy/ coconut milk, ( are they "processed"?) could maybe use almond milk, but processed? and we haven't even gotten thru breakfast yet!
I can't do a diet like this. as a calorie cutting measure I've cut WAY back on bread but have not eliminated it. traveling in a camper poses other limits on what is feasible. dinner for a couple nights will be 1 slice of vegie pizza but there's that darn gluten plus dairy in cheese. for all the categories taken out, what fills the considerable gaps? I could eliminate eggs ( don't like them) and yogurt without trouble. but cheese? .I have the issue of not eating meat. I'll eat white meat chicken and a few kinds of fish but not very often. so I'd find this diet extremely limiting.
Deb, please report back though, and let us know if the guidelines are easier to follow than it sounds like to me.

Did a hard 30 on the elliptical last night. I somehow caused shoulder and abdominal discomfort that both feel like a strained muscle. it made me back off upper body weights & abs for a few days. we 'll be on vacation next week mt biking and hiking and by then both should have time to settle down. neither is serious but if something hurts, I don't do it for a while.

Lori that is quite the picture you paint!. how cute! my kitty does the same thing but he's only one body.... likes to get on the keyboard so he gets all the attention.

Judy we had a bike trainer at one time that we wore out... ours was loud when you used it. we used our regular street bike, but it made serious noise so it was hard to watch TV using it. had fan type little turbines to create resistance. consider noise important. good luck on getting the gym completed.
Every time I've tried getting on swinging my left leg over, I feel very unbalanced. I've done it a few times mt biking but it's funny how awkward and unbalanced it feels.

ETA did 15 elliptical, 35 on spin bike, and core 1. talk to everyone in a few days! off to sunny California.
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