the iPhone doesn't count accurately at all 15,000 steps in 0.02 miles in about 15 floors will look at it again tomorrow as it seems to take a while to calculate. whatever. the steps were probably right. tired! more in a day or two after we settle down . After many hours it puts out way different numbers with 49 floors and 3 2 miles and a high number steps. Will see what the Apple watches got
Since we did the Apple Watch showed. More in am when I gave a real keyboard
Cant wait to see puppy pics of Ike.
I always lead the group because I am the most consistent in a "sustainable" speed. I set an aerobic pace. I keep it steady where others charge ahead too fast and burn out. I'm very good at picking a pace I can sustain for miles .
Since we did the Apple Watch showed. More in am when I gave a real keyboard
Cant wait to see puppy pics of Ike.
I always lead the group because I am the most consistent in a "sustainable" speed. I set an aerobic pace. I keep it steady where others charge ahead too fast and burn out. I'm very good at picking a pace I can sustain for miles .
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