Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/8/24

Thanks for you well wishes. I am scheduled for tuesday morning with oral surgery. very nice man I feel this is best choice. he said there are signs of infection starting and that can cause anesthetics to not work well. I've never had any work done on this quadrant. no fillings or crowns. its really too bad a good tooth had to go and break. he thinks I wont notice its missing much but I will plan ahead and be prepped for an implant if it is needed. its costs a little extra now but otherwise Id need a separate procedure later if I wanted to do that. this tooth is very much alive and well and making me aware of it. usually I get even numb-er after the procedure is over with but this time the minimal numbness went away by the time I got home. the same dentist did work in other areas of my mouth and it worked fine so like cathy, i think its some anatomical weirdness.

used the elliptical this morning for half an hour and doing therapy work and some upper body now.
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Valerie-I hope your oral surgery goes well next week. The HD I work at does have a couple of regular checkout lanes that can be used when it's busy but they probably won't be there much longer. Most of the other HDs are all self checkout.
Today the internet was out most of the afternoon, it came back once and went back out. It is fixed now, but late. Today I did Raw Fine Tuning, 34 minutes, 77 calories, Cathe 2023 Killer Legs timesaver moderate weights, 25 minutes, 67 calories, and finished with Flow with Mira, Chest stretching exercises/shoulders and Neck release 24 minutes. I liked the way she used the towel roll. I felt much better after doing it. Total time spent 83 minutes, 174 calories.
Today I did JS One Mile of Motivation for 15 minutes and 119 calories burned. My average heart rate was 142 and maximum heart rate was 175. Then I did STS 2 Mobility 2 for 18 minutes and 62 calories burned.

Valerie, nice job with the elliptical, therapy exercises and upper body work.

Diane Sue, nice job with Raw Fine Tuning, Killer Legs timesaver, and Flow with Mira.

Hello to Judy and Cathy.
did our normal bike ride this morning for 75 minutes. definitely fall like, wore long sleeves and 3/4 pants.

ETA I wore my night guard while I rode this morning. it has some bumpy spots and I didnt want to clench my teeth or bounce too hard. it worked ok but I have periods of increasing discomfort so I got my antibiotic rx filled today and might start sooner, since it cant hurt and might help. the pain might be more infection related than the crack. I am on the list to go sooner if there is a cancellation.
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Best of intentions and all that. Workout clothes on, having breakfast before working out and, get a call from my brother that they moved his appointment up another 2 hours after it had already been moved up 2 hours. So, finished breakfast, showered, packed my back pack with lunch and things to do, and headed to his place. I stayed back in the room they put him in the whole time, and he was only gone for about 1/2 an hour. Took longer to get him all set up for it. Get to repeat it in two weeks, since the insurance company won't pay for both injections at the same time. So stupid. One in his hip and one in his back, and the doctor said he could do them both at the same time. Instead they (and he) have to pay for everything a second time. Such a screwed up system. So, no workout for me. Next Wednesday, I have to drive my Dad to a 10 minute laser surgery appointment. I've never been anyone's official driver except DH, and now I have 3 weeks in a row of it.

Valerie I'm glad you'll be getting in to get your tooth taken care of Tuesday, though I'm sure you wish it was over and done. Tooth pain is no joke. Great job getting in a ride today.

Carolyn great job with JS One Mile of Motivation.

Diane Sue great job with Raw Fine Tuning, Cathe 2023 Killer Legs timesaver and stretching.
Today I did CDorner Aerobics & Core 90's music, high or low all standing no equipment. 46 minutes, 192 calories, heart rate 119/164, 3,472 steps. I then did Raw Yoga Stretch 14 minutes, 17 calories, and Dorner Upper Body Stretch from challenge 10 minutes. Total time was 71 minutes, 224 calories.

Carolyn, nice work on JS One Mile Motivation today.

Valerie, good job on getting your ride in. I know you will be happy when you get the tooth fixed. Hopefully there is a cancelation, and you can get in earlier.

Cathy, sorry your workout plans were changed. It sure seems like doing it all at one time would be a money saver. I have had the same thing happen to me.
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Today I did Upper Body Ball-tastic. DH was out for awhile this morning, so I steam mopped the kitchen and vacuumed. Easier to move stuff out of the way when he's gone.

Diane Sue great job with CDorner Aerobics & Core 90's music, Raw Yoga and Dorner Upper Body Stretch challenge.
Today is my rest day. I had a meeting this morning and I’ve done some food prep this afternoon.

Valerie, nice job with the bike ride.

Diane Sue, nice job with CDorner Aerobics and Core, Raw Yoga Stretch, and CDorner Upper Body Stretch.

Cathy, nice job with Upper Body Ball-tastic.

Hello to Judy.
Today I did CDorner Step and Strike, 44 minutes, 213 calories, 3,956 steps, heart rate 128/158. This alternated 5 minutes step with 5 minutes kickboxing. I then did Cathe Pyramid Pump Triceps and Biceps with the stretch, 20 minutes, 56 calories, heart rate 98/118. I finished with Flow with Mira Back Pain exercises stretch and mobility/relieve back pain with Pilates34 minutes, 32 calories. This really helped my back. Total time 98 minutes, 301 calories.

Cathy, nice work on Ball tastic and getting in some mopping and cleaning. It is always much easier when alone to do a good cleaning job.

Carolyn, I hope you had a nice rest day.

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