Pentagenarians & Beyond: 9/1/24

It seems like one step forward, two steps back. one state passes some legislation to tighten restrictions and another state decides to loosen things. We can all vote of course but that's not been very effective. the rest of the civilized world looks at us in amazement that we can be so inept. I used to worry about missing the bus or tests and now kids have to be stressed about shootings by their classmates. there is usually a flurry of ideas after an event but it gets damped down quickly. I'm good about writing my elected representatives but they can put a bill together and it will get .... sorry for this, but "shot down". the two sides are calcified into locked positions and nothing gets done, but more kids get shot. just this morning there was an 8 yr old in utah who shot himself with mom's gun. too many guns in accessible places.

I did stacked upper body and therapy yesterday. not sure about today.
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Today I did CDorner Step and Tone with dumbbells, 45 minutes, 195 calories. I added her 30 day challenge day 12 upper body stretch 10 minutes, 14 calories. Total time was 55 minutes, 209 calories. It has been a really busy day today full of cleaning out a closet and organizing all of my art stuff. My husband bought me some organizer drawers to put my art stuff in rather than me having to drag out a huge tote when I am doing artwork. I had so much junk I don't use in the closet so was tossing things. Too many project totes, like scrapbooking, different forms of art stuff, books and toss in old shoes and things that are in that closet because I do not wear them. Feels good to have done that, but I am tired and spent way too much time on the floor in lousy posture. Foot and neck hurt by the time I got done and then cleaned and mopped the whole house. That school incident is so sad. I heard they talked to this boy and his dad before the incident happened because he was threatening to do this on social media. Social media, hatred, uncompassionate mean spirited people all over. This seems to be getting worse over the years.
Feels like forever since I did an actual workout, but only 3 days. I did STS 2 Super Sets Total Body today. Shopped yesterday and got an oil change. Not sure what's happening tomorrow as I was supposed to meet Derek and Aliah at the zoo, but someone got hurt and now he has to work until early afternoon. He figured since he's applied for the permanent opening he'd better say yes. LOL Plus, one of her aunts' dogs had an emergency run to the vet the other day and she wasn't sure how long she can leave it. I'll probably at least go to my parents since Derek should make at least a quick visit there as she's never met then and she's less than 10 minutes away at her aunts.

Valerie they've arrested the father of the shooter. The parents of the shooter in Michigan got 10-15 years each for their part in it. And it sounds like there were lots of red flags, but no one did anything. It's all so insane. I only have Nick now on a college campus, but no where is really safe. Great job getting in the ride despite the fog.

Carolyn great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, 2 sets maximum.

Judy great job with Ramped Up Upper Body, ride, rowing, core and #366, PHA Supersets No Repeats. Construction here is weird, it'll seem like they finished an area and then the next year they are messing with it again. The other day I had a small one lane section on a road that was redone to years ago and they are fully replacing a few sections. And some things hey keep working on all winter the last few years. Though we have nothing I drive regularly that is as massive as the construction at the 696/96/275 area.

Diane Sue great job with Raw Box and Pump #8. I hope your internet wasn't out long.
all I did was therapy work and push ups yesterday. got a lunch meeting today so gotta do something soon.

didnt we think the internet would "bring us all together", make communication, keeping in touch easier? the whole social media thing turned into a snake pit. and I dont want to malign snakes.... fascinating animals. ! I use facebook only to keep in touch with groups available only thru that platform. use X for highway patrol reports and thats it. I supported removing phones during school hours since they are such a distraction but then something like this happens. it would be impossible to redistribute phones in a crisis. it would be so much easier if kids kept their phones "inactive" during school but obviously not reliable. you would imagine phones could have a "school" setting like the airplane one? still no way to enforce it.

cathy this kids family was not exactly a pillar of society. they were certainly well armed! our freeway shooter was literally crazy, and started shooting at people because they were 'following him" and he was hearing voices. nobody died but some severe injuries and as it turns out there have been literally hundreds of reports this year of people waving guns around on the freeway. plus many shots although this recent one...... his aim was better and he hit about 8 vehicles.

we were planning on leaving this weekend and just found out a big section of freeway is closed for the weekend for repaving. have to decide if we will take alternate route B 2 lane undivided.... obnoxious and less safe. there is a detour for the freeway closure but it is not posted. doubt it will be good since that area is very developed.

ETA I did a 15 minute spin followed by stacked upper body. this morning before our lunch date. some people we havent seen in 10 years so it was a lot of fun.
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Today I did JS Stride and Step which was 30 minutes and 184 calories burned. My average heart rate was 122 and maximum heart rate was 155. I went to the new Costco this morning because I needed some items that aren’t carried at the Costco Business Center. There is so much new construction going on in the area that I only go over there when necessary. I did see a Sprouts sign on one of the new buildings, so I feel confident that we are actually getting one.

Both the young shooter and his father had court appearances this morning. The police interviewed the boy last year in May about threats made on a gaming app. He denied involvement at that time. The father gave him the gun used in the shooting as a Christmas gift! Some elements of this situation remind me of the Michigan case.

Valerie, great job with Stacked Sets Upper Body and therapy exercises.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Step and Tone and upper body stretch. I’m sure that you feel good about organizing your art and crafting materials and cleaning out the closet.

Cathy, great job with STS 2 Supersets Total Body.

Hello to Judy.
I did not sleep well last night and just did CDorner Day 10 Spinal Mobility and Yacht Rock 80's full body stretch, 52 minutes. I spent some time looking at workouts, and just decided I would rest and recovery from all of the stuff I did yesterday.

Cathy, good job on STS 2 Super Sets Total Body. The internet was not out too many hours. They always give out an estimated time to fix that is much longer than it ends up taking.

Valerie, nice work on the spin ride and Stacked Sets Upper Body. That is nice you were able to get together with old friends for lunch today. I am sure catching up was fun. I hope your trip goes well for you with having to reroute. Many of our schools have security officers and often use off duty police officers. They also have locked doors when school is in session. You have to buzz the office to get in. I went to pick up my grandson one day when he was sick and they left me standing outside. I had to hold up my ID to prove who I was(my daughter had called them ahead to let them know I was coming). They brought him to the door and let him out. It really is a sad situation that they have to do that.

Carolyn, nice job on JS Stride and Step workout. I always liked that one. I forget that I have it. That will be nice if you get a new Sprouts store. I saw that on the shooter and his father being arrested. What a terrible father to buy his son a gun after he knew about the threat last year. I am glad they arrested the father too. You don't just give a 14 year old a gun.
I would love a sprouts store! we are still living with the possible kroger/albertsons merger that will totally up end the situation here with several stores turfed off to a third company who is not a good option. now Im hoping we just get to keep the stores we have!

we ended up riding today our usual 15 miler. an hour and 15.

its great the parent was charged in this case as were the parents in the michigan case. there's no reason in the world anyone needs an AR15 much less a 14 yr old boy from and from his father. like giving him a car before hes old enough to drive. any gift.... one would expect he'd look for a chance to use it. there is no sense at all here. no place to use an automatic rifle, a weapon of war, the only conceivable place to justify their presence. they should be illegal period. it's not enough to charge stupid individuals one at a time after the damage is done. there are so many guns floating around out there now that I cant see any small way to combat this.

so sad its fallen on schools to try and deal with this. I feel like I lived on another planet in the past.

too many issues right now. we will put off the trip for a couple days to a week until we can sort them. DH is having problems with migraines that have suddenly become a factor after being mostly resolved the last few years. the camper is big and he always drives. I really do not want to drive it, especially if he were sitting next to me criticizing everything I do. he's a lovely man but that is a bridge too far. I wont drive with him as a passenger.
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Today I did Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery. The rest breaks are actually separate from the active recovery, because your heart rate is up for those and all are core based.

I worked in the school for 6 years once the boys were older, and during that time the safety procedures in the school went from none to quite a bit. At the start, walking in the school was a free for all. Not just main entrances, but other doors as well. I think the second year I was there we had our first training with the country police department. It was very eye opening, when they went around the building (4th-12th) and counted something like 20 doors unlocked. So, first thing was getting staff/students to actually keep the doors locked. Band room was a hard sell, because it was right near the practice area and parking lot and kids were used to coming and going all day out that door. By the time I left, all doors were generally locked, and main entrances had buttons to push to request access. Specific doors were open in the morning for students to get in, that was a hard sell, too. A lot changed over those years, but even today, it wouldn't be that hard to get in If someone really wanted to do it.

I have a FB account for people I actually know and want to interact with and some groups. I locked up my account on Twitter probably close to 2 years ago now. I can't even read anything people post other places from there. I'm mostly on Threads, where it's pretty easy to block people and create a feed, with very little you dont' want to see. SnapChat I only have the boys and Aliah, Instagram for a few things, but I never post. Social media has a place, but has definitely caused a huge amount of issues and needs more regulation.

Diane Sue great job doing the mobility and stretch after a bad night.

Valerie I hope you are able to figure out a way to get to Montana. Great job with the therapy, push-ups, spin, and Stacked Upper Body. People like your highway shooter aren't that uncommon. Back when I was doing permanent and total disability payments with the State workers comp department I had a few cases that were Insanity cases. All decidied by courts, and they were some interesting people to talk to. One woman was sure that her former company (who was paying her benefits) lawyers wanted to kill her. The other stand out was the guy who had the direct phone number to the President's bedside and regularly talked to him, and his phone was bugged, the guy also stood on a porch and threatened the nurse who had come to see him with a rifle. I think I had 5-6 of those cases. All were cognizant enough to have their own homes, and manage, but they also had some crazy thoughts.

Carolyn great job with JS Stride and Step.

Hi Judy.
Today is my rest day. School safety measures seem to increase every year. I’m a big fan of the electronic badges that many districts have for the staff now. A staff member can call for help using the badge, which is what happened on Wednesday.

Valerie, I haven’t been going to Kroger’s as much because they have fewer and fewer cashiers working. They are really pushing self checkout and I hate it. I would rather pay a little more for a store with real people! If the merger with Albertsons goes through I expect it to only get worse.

The Sprouts store is scheduled to open mid November and I’m looking forward to it. There is a new concept two story Chic-Fil-A over there that opened two weeks ago. It’s drive through only. The kitchen is on the 2nd story and there are multiple drive through lanes underneath. It looks very strange to me.

Diane Sue, I’m sorry that you didn’t sleep well. Nice job with the mobility and stretching.

Cathy, nice job with Low Impact HiiT with Active Recovery.

Hello to Judy.
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We have family coming later today so this coming week will probably be an active rest week. Thursday I did ICE MTB with Icy Core 1, Friday I did RWH Legs, strength only premix and Muscle Meltdown Triceps. Today I did Turbobarre.

Diane Sue-Great job with Raw Box and Pump, CDorner Step and Tone with dumbbells, 10 Spinal Mobility and Yacht Rock 80's full body stretch. I agree about social media, there are so many mean people out there now. I haven’t been inside of a school in over 20 years. I’m sure I would be shocked at the level of security that is required now.

Carolyn-Great job with STS 2.0 Lower Body 1, 2 sets maximum and JS Stride and Step. I hope you are having a good rest day. I can't even imagine the thought process that would go into giving your child a gun for a Christmas present. I agree, this case is similar to the one that happened here.

Cathy-Great job with STS 2 Super Sets Total Body and Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery.

Valerie-Great job with the spin and Stacked Sets Upper Body.
Today I did CDorner 30 day mobility challenge Day 6 Morning Mobility 12 minutes, 24 calories. I then did Raw Fine Tuning, 39 minutes, (36 actual) 91 calories. I finished with CDorner Challenge day 2 seated upper body stretch, 18 minutes, 22 calories. Total time 69 minutes, 137 calories. The moves in fine tuning works a lot of my problem areas. Kelly used 5# dumbbells and ankle weights. It has balance and works on shoulders, scapular muscles, upper back, and hips. It is supposed to work minor muscles to help with heavier eight work later.

Valerie, nice work getting in a 15 mile ride today. I hope your husband's migraine improves and you can go ahead with your plans.

Cathy, nice work on Low Impact Hiit with Active Recovery today. I still have an Instagram account that I got many years ago. I didn't even know it still was there, till my youngest granddaughter started posting there and I checked. I used it for some recipe authors books, and I only follow my granddaughter to see what she is up to and a couple of health things like Dr Axe, and Coffey Fit to see what KCM is up to, also Cathe. That is about it. I was following some recipe people and Whole 30, but some of them are starting to rub me the wrong way I guess.

Carolyn, enjoy your rest day. The electronic badges sound like a great idea. Sprouts did the same thing with check outs. When they first opened, they had 6 registers. Then they started self-check out. The last time I went they were down to 2 registers open and people were pretty much lined up at the self-check outs. I never go to self-checkout myself. I have only done delivery with the one closest to me. It is about 15 minutes away. That is interesting about the new Chik-Fil-A. I like their salads a lot. I have not been in quite some time. There is not one close right now. When they opened a new one where we lived before the lines for drive up wrapped around the building and summer time there was generally a crowd inside. There chicken is better than the stuff you get at other Fastfood places.

Judy, nice job this week on Thursday's ICE MTB with Core 1, Friday's RWH Legs strength only premix and Muscle Meltdown Triceps, and today's Turbo barre. I forgot there was a Turbo Barre.
The sad thing is, children on the internet means they lose their innocence and do not get to have the joy of just being a child. Very difficult to raise children and them not seeing stuff they should never have to see or learn.
oh yes the damn check outs! I can do self check out if I have a few simple items. not if I have a lot of produce that needs weighing. also beer and wine need approval and show of ID regardless of how ancient one happens to be. DH drinks "no alcohol" beer and even that requires show of ID to a person who must swipe that item through. in self check out it's an enormous PITA! there is no room for even half a cart of groceries on the very limited space. another thing that Kroger( QFC for me) does is have several checkers and no baggers. slows the line more than anything. if we dont want to pay for bags, we need to bring our own. stores all sell reusable bags, 100x better than those awful plastic t shirt bags. I put myself thru college as a grocery checker and I am great at bagging groceries. however, I am already paying for the groceries and I resent being "conned" into bagging all my own stuff. the only worse thing is having to do your own check out too. Im sure they lose plenty of $$ thru intentional and accidental theft.

since I didnt have children or grandchildren I dont have a clue about what might work for security in schools these days. even then once we got to school we were not allowed to leave. we could not leave the building even for lunch hour. whether the doors were locked I dont remember. I do think phones are a massive distraction but when this kind of violence happens I can understand why kids feel they need them.

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