Hi, everyone. It’s raining again. Thunder and everything. Oh yay. Today I did Seane Corn’s Vinyasa Flow. It’s an old one, produced in 2004, but very nice. It’s about 40 minutes, so I finished up with some of my favorite stretches. I feel really good right now.
Judy - what sort of walks does Peloton make? Interval stuff with inclines, etc.? I’m not sure I’d be any good at Yin Yoga. I’d get too impatient. The one I did today is on the slower side, but it keeps moving.
Cathy – I agree, I was a little disappointed in Cathe’s newest yoga. The mobility workout is excellent though. The missing wrist wrap is still missing, and it’s not stuck up in one of my shirts, wrapped in a towel or anything. I checked every piece of clothing that was in that load. It’s gone gone gone. You have a very good point about buying a replacement. A shopping trip is on my to-do list, so I’m sure the missing wrap will turn up soon. Oh, the thing that hit me with menopause was hot flashes. Good freaking grief. I held out for three years, determined not to take HRT, but I recently caved in. It’s SO nice not to have those things anymore.
Valerie – Any luck with the ping pong balls? I became a vegetarian when I was a junior in college. I don’t like fast food at all. Nasty stuff. I tried going vegan but just couldn’t handle it. I was always hungry. And like you, I love my dairy! My kitchen is stocked with very healthy food. However, my mother lives just a quarter mile down the road, and she loves to bake. She is very good at it, too. So I can’t claim to eat a clean diet, LOL. I really need to fix that problem. I’ve noticed a slight weight gain lately, and I’m sure it’s the age thing, so I need to clean up my diet. Ugh. I don’t want to.
Hello to Carolyn and Diane.