Pentagenarians & Beyond: 03/02/2025

Today I did KCM’s Cardio Quick Fix workout one. That was 26 minutes,182 calories burned, average heart rate 134, and maximum heart rate 165.

My husband has needed a lot more care and attention over the last few weeks. The stress from losing his lifelong friend then learning that his older sister was going into hospice care a few days later really caused an increase in his Parkinson’s symptoms. It’s not everyday, but it is an ongoing problem.

Judy, great job with the Peloton ride, Peleton upper body and core, restorative yoga, row Bootcamp, and Yin yoga.

Cathy, great job with Live Crush It Low Impact, Bun Burners and Ball, stretch from Butts and Guts, and Pyramid Pump Upper Body. Butts and Guts was one of my first Cathe purchases. I was intrigued by the name but l had no idea how challenging it would be. I need to look at the stretch again.

Hello to Valerie, Diane Sue, and Shannon.
Today did end up being active rest day. When I got home from my hair appointment, my husband had decided to start spring cleaning so we spent most of the afternoon deep cleaning in the rooms that we are going to get new carpeting in. We still need to have the rooms measured for carpet and we need to hire a painter to paint the vaulted ceiling in the hallway. Hopefully we will get all of this done well before summer is over.

Carolyn-I’m very sorry that your husband’s symptoms have gotten worse. It’s understandable that all the stress would cause that. Great job with Cardio Quick Fix workout one.

Cathy-Great job with Pyramid Pump Upper Body. I looked at the stretch from Butts and Guts and you are right, it is a good one. Thanks for mentioning it.

Hi to Valerie, Diane Sue & Shannon
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Good morning, everyone. I’m not sure why I didn’t post yesterday. I guess I got distracted. Tuesday I did After Burn, and I actually did it as Cathe created it. Most of the time now I remove the weights and do a similar cardio move. Cathe’s version is definitely challenging! Yesterday I did LMR Functional Mobility Fusion with the cardio add-on. I was careful with the shoulder stretches and did my Polar Roller afterwards, and I didn’t have any pain last night. Yay!

Cathy – a brutal barre workout sounds rather miserable, LOL. I hope it was worth it. Oh wow, I remember Butts and Guts. I think that was my first introduction to firewalkers. Your poor mom. I feel so bad for her. The storm wasn’t bad at all. We had 42 mph winds all day yesterday though. It was kind of neat, but I’m glad they’re over with. You definitely don’t want to come to Arkansas in the summer. Your max of 80 degrees is a lovely spring day down here. Summers are brutal. I call August Hell Month.

Valerie – The older I get, the less tolerance I have for humidity. I hate it. But my only choice is to deal with it or move, and I don’t see a move happening any time soon. As I said to Cathy, summers are not fun down here. We regularly hit 90+, sometimes above 100, and humidity can go up to 98% easily. You walk outside and it’s like being slapped in the face with a hot, wet, sheet. Ugh. I don’t blame you at all for avoiding your bother and his family. What he did was awful. I hope all your tests check out okay. What’s the news on your back?

Judy – You had a great workout on Tuesday! Wow. I hope you enjoyed your active rest day yesterday. Deep cleaning sounds like fun! Really! The weather was okay – no problems, just a lot of fairly noisy high wind. I am very glad that I didn’t have to drive to Little Rock in it though. I’d have to drive across the Arkansas River, and whew, that would be rough.

Carolyn – I’m so sorry that your husband’s symptoms are worse, and that he has to deal with so much stress about his friend and his sister. I hope that as he’s able to come to terms with all that, that his symptoms will level out again.

Hello to Diane.
yesterday I did a yard walk and my therapy work. daily event, just not varied enough to report on it. im doing several sets of curls and countertop pushups, up to 3 sets of 20 with no discomfort. my incision is not completely healed yet so have to be cautious yet. its a weird place and is a deep cut. it may take a little more time and i dont want to do anything that would pull on it. if it came apart I would be in deep trouble.
ive never been happy with humidity. or heat. summers in Wisconsin are hideous. the same weather that arrives from the Gulf of Mexico arrives in wisconsin after (Arkansas)as it moves north. I moved to the PNW to get away from it. montana can get hot. very dry and cool at night. usually breezy too. I dont do tropical vacations. tried it, failed it. even hawaii was too unpleasant although it was better than florida. Im not into water sports and am pasty white so the tropical sun is hard to enjoy. sitting in the shade drinking pina coladas is not much fun!. I moved to PNW

when it was a low priced place to live. not anymore. we deal with the rain that can get tedious but im ok with it. heat and humidity I cant.
carolyn that must be difficult to deal with. treatments for PKD are not the best. Hugs to your husband and to you as he deals with this. we got the shower installed yesterday on our bathroom remodel project. we need to put up towel bars yet, but its done. a big improvement. then the lawnmower and the tiller both suffered parts failures so i pent yesterday afternoon running around looking for parts. both get hard use andare very difficult to take somewhere to fix so we do most of the things ourselves. Found both and then DH and I installed them. throttle for the mower and some sort of metal/ rubber seal for the tiller. thats today. have a telehealth appt this morning, and appt for my back later. not sure if something is wrong or not.
This morning I did Pyramid Pump Upper Body, up only premix (thanks to Cathy for reminding me about this one). My time was 36 minutes and 100 calories burned. Average heart rate was 99 and maximum heart rate was 125. My husband seems to be getting back to “normal“ for him.

Judy, sound like you had a busy active recovery day. Nice job.

Shannon, great job with After Burn and LMR Functional Mobility + cardio add-on.

Valerie, nice job with the yard walk and therapy work. Parkinson’s treatments are very much a trial and error situation. The doctor tries to prescribe enough medication to allow the patient to function without over medicating.

Hello to Cathy and Diane Sue.
Today I did Gloved Up and Sweaty 41 minutes, 232 calories, heart rate 128/165, 2658 steps. I followed it with Raw Athletic Stretch #2, 29 minutes, 70 calories. Total time 70 minutes, 302 calories.
My husband and I spent the afternoon outside in the wind pruning our crepe myrtle in front and yard stuff.

Carolyn, nice work on KCM Cardio Quick Fix today. I am sorry your husband's Parkinson's is causing him more problems after so many sad events.

Judy, deep cleaning before the new carpet sounds like plenty of work.

Today I did Raw Strength and Tone, 29 minutes, 108 calories, heart rate 97/128. I followed with LMR Functional Pilates Fusion, 33 minutes, 98 calories, heart rate 90/113. Total time 62 minutes, 206 calories. I did the whole pilates this time. I almost skipped the fabric band of pizza press etc.. My left hip hurts and the strength was plenty today.
Good morning, ladies. Yesterday I did LMR Functional Total Body Fusion. I felt like my legs needed a bit more work, so I added on the lower body balance disc bonus. I am happy today is Friday and will be happier when Saturday gets here.

Valerie – Good job on working up to your upper body workouts. You’ll get there. I had no idea that foul Gulf humidity got so far north. It seems like it just gets stuck in Arkansas all summer. A friend lives in Florida, and I think she’s totally nuts. At least Arkansas has a decent winter. I’m with you on water sports and tropical vacations. Ick. How did your appointment for your back go?

Carolyn – good work on Pyramid Pump Upper Body. That’s a good one for sure.

Diane – I’m glad you didn’t get blown away pruning the crepe myrtles, LOL. We got some of that wind too, and it was rough! LMR Pilates is the one workout in that series I will not use. I did not like it at all the first time I tried it. I hope your hip feels better today.

Hello to Cathy and Judy.
Shopped yesterday so no workout. Today I did Lower/Upper Balance Discs. Marquette got 18-24" of snow the other day. Yes one day. And since of course it was a blizzard there's the drifting, too. It's spring break so kids who left their cars are returning to find their cars buried. Pics are crazy. Marquette has two elevations, and the upper elevation always gets more snow. There can be barely any snow on campus and you can head up to the west where the big stores are and there's the snow!

Valerie it sounds like your cat and Tux would be a good and terrifying match. LOL

Carolyn I'm so sorry that your husband is struggling. Stress is extra hard when you already have health struggles.

Judy I tell myself I need to look at the earlier videos more thoroughly to see what I can pick out of them to do.

Shannon I'm twisted and really love barre workouts. LOL
All went ok with medical things yesterday. some rechecks and follow ups in a year. my back got its first xray since more than a year ago and its solid. whatever discomfort I get is not related to anything moving or dislodging. the fusion is solid. because of the leg length issue i still have scoliosis and always will, but it's locked in place and won'tget worse. straightening it completely would have likely caused a whole other set of problems and would have been a dramatically worse surgery. I knew that going in. so I live with the sometimes backaches and use heat or ice or stretching/therapy to moderate it. I was so afraid something had shifted but it hasnt. that is good news.

cathy i gotta look at a some of that lake effect snow? i have a good friend in MSP who got 6-8 inches also with some drifting but 12-24 is a whole lot more. yes Puss and Tux would be a 2 cat destruction system. today is especially rough as he is in a curious knock-it-all-down mode. we need to leave for my last appt soon so I didn't let him out to burn off some energy.
carolyn I think of people like your DH who have difficult to handle health problems and feel pretty lucky that my main issue is "only" osteoarthritis. hes lucky to have you.
Shannon that gulf air is a regular presence in wisconsin and makes midwest summers have some awful weather. we didnt have AC growing up, hardly anyone did, so the misery index got pretty high and decent sleep was hard to get. I was an adult before I saw AC in a car. AC makes areas more liveable but id rather live where its less unpleasant. I remember going in to work early many times because of the AC!
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Yesterday I went for a walk with my husband and did 30 minutes of Peloton Strength. Today I did a 30 minute Peloton HiiT ride, Muscle Meltdown Triceps and the foam rolling bonuses from LMR. This will be another busy weekend so I probably won’t around much.

Shannon-I’m glad your weather wasn’t too bad. Great job with After Burn, LMR Functional Mobility and LMR Functional Total Body Fusion with the balance bonus. I agree with you about deep cleaning, it is fun and rewarding. We still have a lot to do but we are making progress.

Valerie-Great job with your yard walk and therapy work.

Carolyn-Great job with Pyramid Pump Upper Body, up only premix.

Diane Sue-Great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty, Raw Athletic Stretch, Raw Strength and Tone,and LMR Functional Pilates Fusion.

Cathy-Great job with Lower/Upper Balance Discs. That is a lot of snow in one day!
Today I did Stacked Sets Lower Body, 3 sets premix. That was 31 minutes, 118 calories burned, average heart rate 115, and maximum heart rate 143. Then I did Step Boss Chair Stretch for an additional 16 minutes.

Diane Sue, great job with Gloved Up and Sweaty and Raw Athletic Stretch.

Shannon, nice job with LMR Functional Total Body and Lower Body Balance discs.

Cathy, nice job with Upper/Lower Balance discs.

Judy, nice job with walking with your husband, 30 minutes of Peloton strength, 30 minute Peloton HiiT ride, Muscle Meltdown Triceps, and LMR Foam rolling bonuses.

Valerie, that’s great news from your medical appointments. I’m glad that everything looks good now.
Whew. I deserve a brain break. What a day. Good, but crazy busy. And hey, I got a fun job assignment!

Cathy – Holy cow, that’s a lot of snow. I think I’d cry if it snowed in March, even if it was a dusting. Two feet is way too much at any time of the year. LOL, that's why we have so many different types of workouts – something for everyone!

Valerie – That’s great news that your spine is okay. I’m sure you feel much better now, and can probably feel safe doing your usual things to alleviate back pain. We had AC growing up, but lots of people still didn’t. Our school was very old and rural, with no AC. On the worst days, they’d cancel classes, just like a snow day, except for heat. For a while I lived in a mobile home without AC. It was like living in a little toaster oven. And yes, sleep was darn near impossible. I’d call my parents and ask if I could come and sleep in my old room, LOL. I built my house with AC!

Judy – Nice job on your workouts. Are you going to do more deep cleaning this weekend? Have fun!

Carolyn – Nice work on Stacked Sets Lower Body and Step Boss Chair Stretch.

I’m not sure if I’ll be around this weekend or not. If not, I hope everyone has a great one!
Went old school today and did BodyBlast Legs and Glutes. Can't remember the last time I used ankle weights on my ankles and not to add weight on my wrists for STS. During the floor portion, Tux decided that I should pet him, and kept grabbing my hand with his claws to "help" me do that. So, I finally paused and hauled him upstairs, and placed him in front of a window. Something did the trick, because he never came back down.

Valerie that's wonderful news that your spine is still all where it's supposed to be. I don't remember school being closed for heat though there were times they wished they would. I never went to a school that had air conditioning. They definitely get lake affect snow up there. Lake Superior is a law unto herself.

Shannon you definitely don't want to live in northern Michigan if you don't think snow in March is okay. LOL A couple years ago NMU closed for a day during finals week, in MAY, and I had to adjust my travel plans for moving Derek back home. Pretty much the only months that haven't seen at least flurries up there are July and August. I know I was on Mackinac Island once in early June and there were snow flurries. Glad that you got a fun assignment at work.
Today is my rest day. I had my monthly investment club meeting this morning and it ran longer than usual. It was a good meeting.

Cathy, great job with Body Blast Legs and Glutes.

Hello to everyone and have a wonderful day.
we might have had some snow closures but not many. no schools had Ac so we suffered. you sort of get used to being miserable but it does affect how well you function.

i looked at a map and yes, lake superior/michigan will affect snow events for sure. i vaguely remember going skiing in Iron mountain MI. thi is all back in the 50's and very early 60's. I remember serious snow at easter one year but people there say the climate is much milder than it was in the 50's.

my rheumatologist yesterday was not so upbeat. I have pretty bad arthritis everywhere. not much to be done because its plain OA, not an inflammatory kind of arthritis so NSAIDS are about it as long as I can take them. ive been lucky that way but it can change in a NY minute. tylenol. i will pull back on anything that is too hard to do because I dont want to wear things out any faster. i dont feel so bad about the knees, that seems to be almost "normal" for people to wear them out and need replacement. its the other joints that are not so easily replaced. discomfort comes and goes. Im working on some OTC things for my feet and got some shoe inserts that are really good. I will keep walking and riding and be more careful with weights when I can start doing them again. she said stop opening cans, stop holding my phone in my left hand, stop texting with my thumbs etc. replace door nobs with levers etc. the text one is so thumbs are nowhere near the keyboard and never have been! when I see people holding a phone and texting I think they must be the same people who can sit in lotus position in a yoga class. definitely not me. that position is so far from possible for me its a joke. so I will do a few things but not easier walks. i did my usual yard walk today. i will need to get my knee done this year and no amount of being careful will change that. I guess i will go more for quality than quantity and keep doing what makes me happy even if my joints go downhill faster. who can say?? if I lose fitness I wont want to do anything anyway so I'm not going to do that. Diane sue do they tell you this kind of thing too?? I mean swimming pool exercise? chair yoga? Im old but Im not dead yet. i accept I cant run anymore for exercise and eliminated high impact but I am not ready to give up and settle for exercise someone fresh out of surgery might do. .
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