Pentagenarians & Beyond: 03/02/2025

Today I did Lift Move & Restore Functional Total Body, 64 minutes, 242 calories, heart rate 102/132. I did not have a lot of time, but did LMR Pilates foam roller skipping most of the warm up portion and got in 10 minutes, 19 calories. Yesterday was a long day and my doctor gave me a med for the arthritis that I am worried about taking. It can damage the liver and have lots of side effects. I said no to Methotrexate, and I think Arava(Leflunomide) is similar. The doctor thinks that with the hydroxychloroquine may do the same for me as the steroid injections. I have spent a lot of time researching this. I have to go back in 3 months for more blood work and a check up. Usually I see my blood work within a day, but since it was Friday and they close at noon I guess it will be next week. I will come back tomorrow to read posts.
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This morning I did My Finished Step Combos. My Dad is taking all of them out for breakfast this morning and my sister said that Mom has started to set up breakfast 3 times, and she reminds her that Dad is taking them out and she doesn't remember. She has a much bigger issue with short term memory than long, and that's not good. But, they made it in and out of hockey games the last two nights. My Mom absolutely refuses to use the chair that Dad got for her, which in the moment she agreed to getting. It was real feel 5 degrees and my sister just left getting her inside to my Dad and her husband as she moves as the pace a tortoise would run rings around, and my sister had a coat, but no hat or gloves and refused to deal with the cold that long.

Valerie with enough food, water and litter boxes the cat should be okay while you're gone.

Diane Sue hopefully you can get a drug that you are comfortable using for your arthritis.

Hi Carolyn, Judy and Shannon.
Good morning. Yesterday was my rest day and I was finally able to go to the Farmer’s Market. It was a quick trip, but nice to get out there. I hadn’t been since before Christmas.

Cathy, great job with Restorative Yoga and Finished Step Combos. Your mother’s health situation must be very hard on your Father. Being a caregiver can be exhausting.

Valerie, nice job with the yard walk and park walk.

Diane Sue, nice job with LMR Functional Total Body and part of Pilates foam rolling. I hope that the medication helps without too many side effects.

Hello to Judy and Shannon.
I have a week full of medical appts, then if I survive, im done for a while. getting the strips off my wound is tonight before we go tomorrow. Ive been showering almost every day now and the patch is still sticking. apps with cardiology, endocrinology rheumatology and ortho this week. some are simple final visits I think.
diane sue I am probably at the point of some more serious arthritis medications. I test extremely negative for inflammatory arthritis, test results are as low as they can go, but they may want to try things like plaquenil or methotrexate etc because my NSAID is not working enough anymore. damn arthritis! I am not going to have a single functional joint left at this rate.

ive started doing counter push ups and will go to knee pushups and dips etc this week. i miss those! sounds weird but I do. im thinking i need to skip over- the- head moves yet, so will do moves without weights first.
cathy thats what we did with our other cats. stocked up the basement with litter boxes, autofeeder, etc. this guy however, loves to push things off counter tops. that is the biggest concern because he works at big projects sometimes! a week alone in the basement, even though it is a very nice basement, might be messy. he opens doors easily. he'd have huge windows to look out of and a huge amount of space. this trip we will try a kennel. that didnt work well for other cats but each is different.

that is sad about your mother. a lot of times dementia people stay physically able but mentally not, so they can get out by themselves and wander get into all kinds of trouble. its common to lose short term memory while long ago events stay in place . there's always someone wandering away from a care facility and getting lost. your dad is the one who might need help dealing with her so he can catch a break.
it would be incredibly hard to see someone deteriorate. and feel on call 24/7/365.
Hi, ladies. Yesterday was a “get things done” day, so we can call it an active recovery day. Today I took a five mile walk. It’s exercise, but that’s not why I do it. I do it because I love to walk.

Carolyn – Nice job with Perfect 30 Low Impact HiiT yesterday. Yay – so glad you got to go the farmer’s market today! Did you find anything yummy?

Valerie – I’m glad Puss can get some outside time to blow off some steam. How old is he again? Maybe in a year or so he will settle down a bit. Good luck with resuming upper body work. I know that will feel good! Ugh – sorry about all your appointments this week, but I know you’ll tough it out and make it through. And I’m sorry to hear about your worsening arthritis. We try to stay healthy and fit, but how are we supposed to when genetics and crap is against us?

Cathy – I’m really sorry about your mom. And it sure won’t get any easier. I’m glad you live fairly close to your parents so you can keep tabs on how things progress. I went to California last summer to help my grandmother because her short term memory is basically nonexistent. It’s very hard when she asks if she ate breakfast, or thinks nobody comes to visit her even though her friends came just the other day, etc. I’m afraid my mom is headed the same direction. Her memory is getting really bad, and lots of times she seems to have trouble with comprehension. Dementia is just a hard, hard illness for all concerned.

Diane – Are your new meds for rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis? I sure hope they help and that you don’t suffer any bad side effects. I totally understand your concern about taking them.

Hello to Judy.

So, I have a couple of things … This might get a little long. My apologies in advance.

You know my nice, feel-good workout I did Friday with those three LMR bonuses? Well, damn it, I woke up Friday night, early Saturday with my shoulder throbbing. I was just like, geeeeeeze! It hurt! Fortunately I was able to massage some of the pain out, which tells me it was some sort of muscle cramp in my front delt. I know for a fact that it was from those shoulder stretches Cathe does in the Anytime Mobility, where she is kneeling, spreads her arms apart, and then rotates to each side, putting her head to the ground and stretching the front of the shoulder.

My thinking is this: This is the same arm I’ve had trouble with before, the one that I use for mousing. I suspect that I have some sort of tightness there that actually does need stretching and work. It doesn’t bother me during an ordinary day, but I think (and hope) that some more focused stretching will help it. So I’m going to gently stretch it every day, using Cathe’s stretches and work up to longer holds. I also bought a “Polar Roller” at WalMart. It’s a metal massage ball with liquid inside that you can freeze, and then get the benefits of ice therapy as you massage the muscle. Fingers crossed that this will work.

Second thing. I may be approaching the hip arthritis totally wrong. The last time I went on a long walk, it hurt for a couple of days. Nothing awful, but rather uncomfortable. Same today. But I took my walk with the intent of finding out exactly how much a walk will affect it. I went before lunch, and right now it feels okay. We will see if it stiffens up tonight. None of my workouts last week, weights or cardio, bothered it. I was originally thinking that all the squats and lunges bothered it, but apparently it’s the constant repetitive motion of walking. Makes me wonder if riding a bike would do the same thing.

I am rather upset that walking bothers my hip. I love walking. I have walked since I was in junior high. I used to wander all through the neighbors’ land, forest, fields, across creeks and through fences, when farmers owned large areas of the land. I switched over to road walks when more people moved in. I just love to be outside walking. It’s part of who I am. As I said, the pain isn’t bad now, but it’s still upsetting. I will try to remain positive. And take Tylenol!

Okay, thanks for bearing with me. I’m done.
I worked this weekend, 6 hours each day. I managed to get a 15-minute row in this morning. I also worked 8 hours on Thursday. That was way too much and I’m going to have drop my availability down even more to avoid this happening again.

Diane Sue-Great job with Lift Move & Restore Functional Total Body and LMR Pilates foam roller. I don’t blame you for being concerned about taking that medication. I hope it helps and that you don't have any side effects.

Cathy-Great job with your Finished Step Combos. I’m very sorry about your Mom.

Carolyn-I’m glad you got to go to the Farmer’s Market.

Valerie-I’m sorry about all of the appointments. I hope they go well for you.

Shannon-Great job with your 5-mile walk. I’m sorry about your shoulder and about walking bothering your hips. Stretching sounds like a good plan. I also have one of those Polar Rollers in our freezer. I’ve used it a few times and it does help.
No workout today and probably none tomorrow. I have an appointment for a chest CT in the morning and I think this is going to be a busy week. I may need to take my dog to the vet again. I wish I could keep her from licking her legs until they have sores. Just getting the elbows healed and now the back leg is swollen and bleeding. She won't leave it alone. She is old and lumps and bumps. Poor thing. I am at my wits end with all of this. Bandages do not stay on. I keep a shirt on her to cover her front elbows.

Cathy, nice job getting in your step combos. Dementia is such a sad thing and tough on family members.

Carolyn, that is nice that you were able to get out to the farmer's market. I hope the medicine helps but still worry about outcome. My daughter says maybe it will lead to me being able to get something better.

Valerie, that is a lot of appointments in one week. They put me down as Rheumatoid arthritis with negative factor on my charts along with cervical spondylosis and osteoarthritis. I gather blood tests are not always accurate on that. I have had x rays, and mri, bone density scans. Just the fact that I can see my thumb joints are protruding more so obvious there and they have that as osteo-arthritis. I need something to help slow the progress. What I am doing is not helping. Reading on the Arthritis foundation site negative Rheumatoid arthritis is often something else.
I hope your cat learns to do well riding in a crate so you can have a peaceful trip.

Shannon, it is nice to get things done and sit back and feel good about it. Yesterday was my get things done day. Cleaned, scrubbed, and put everything in order so I would have today free. Husband is off the next few days, so maybe get some things done outside. Walking is good for you, and it is nice that you enjoy it. I used to take my dog out for walks once in a while at our last home. There are so many walkers of dogs around here, my dog would go nuts. The meds are to help with all of the problems I posted above to Valerie. I am just having a harder time taking care of the pain. I am trying to work on strengthening my bones since my bone density was down. It is hard to keep up with all of it.
I rather like that side to side shoulder stretch with the arms stretched out to the sides. The front of my shoulders is sore most of the time and I try to stretch and massage them off and on all day. Maybe a little stretching the legs and hips before you head out for the walk? The cold massage ball sounds like a nice idea.

Judy, that is a lot of work hours. Nice work getting in a 15 minute rowing session.

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