Pentagenarians & Beyond: 02/09/2025

It’s been a hard and frustrating day. I’ll spare you the details, but damn I wish this project would go away. It’s not the fun one I had the other day. This one just will not die. I decided to take a little mental break. Yesterday I did Pyramid Pump, the premix that does upper and lower together, pyramid up only. No way am I ever going to do the whole thing again like I did last time! I’m looking forward to some cardio this evening. Hey, wow! The sun came out. Imagine that. Maybe we will dry out a little before the next round of rain hits tomorrow evening. Next week we are supposed to go back into the deep freeze with a chance of snow and single digits. I’m not happy.

Carolyn – Nice job on Cardio Quick Fix and Yoga Fusion. I agree with you about the Functional Yoga Fusion. Not one of my favorites either. I’m glad you don’t have any freezing rain or anything.

Valerie – It’s definitely better to be safe than sorry. When my mom had the crushed vertebra, she kept pushing things and even stopped wearing her brace. She paid for it with a much longer recovery time. That’s so nice of your neighbor to plow for you. Does that mean you’re headed to Montana after all?

Judy – I hope you get some sunshine. It definitely makes life happier. You did quite a workout yesterday! If you pull out RWH, you’ll have to let me know if you do all the high impact. If so, I’m jealous.

Cathy – Shoveling will be a great total body workout, although it tends to be a little one-sided unless you know how to shovel ambidextrously. Raking all those leaves was the same way.

All right, dang it. I suppose I need to get back to work. Sigh.
We did our usual park walk this morning 1 hr 10 minutes. only 26 degrees but didn't feel cold at all. no wind. we were trying a different medication ritual with our cat but it didn't work. he does not respond to meds as hoped. he gets loopy but does not quiet down or sit still. meowed almost the entire time. took him out of the carrier and tried to keep him on my lap but that is really a thrash! not even for 20 minutes would that work. not sure what we are going to do other than kennel him. we could leave him here in the basement, not a bad thing. we did it with other cats. big windows and a glass slider and not a dark dank and dismal at all. as big as a small house with 1400 sq ft. I would rather take him but not with this behavior. couple of litter boxes, water bowl, and autofeeder. we would be about a week.
i didnt have any problem not being aggressive with the poles I carried both but used it to touch ground and used the other pole for aiding uphill and downhill. Im not supposed to sling the arm either so this worked fine.

we are working on a trip plan but weather has to be better. i cant ski and maybe can snowshoe depending on how soon( and if) we can do this. we didn't know this neighbor would plow our driveway for us so this changes thigs a little. we always grow tomato plants for him plus we pay for road maintenance.

our pending snow does not sound like a problem, but we don't plan to drive anywhere tomorrow anyway.

shannon I don't want to be like that and make things worse for myself. infection prevention is most important. if an infection develops everything has to come out while its treated and then replaced. It would be an extraordinary mess. im being careful.
This morning I did a 30 minute Peloton ride with a 10 minute cool down and 5 minute stretch. I had a 4 hour shift (2-6 pm) at Home Depot so I got a little more exercise there. Tonight I did 20 minutes of stretching and PT work.

Carolyn-Great job with LMR Functional Yoga Fusion. I think you will like the restorative yoga.

Cathy-Great job with Lower/Upper Body balance discs. We also got about 4 inches of snow. The roads weren’t bad at all when I went to work. I have a feeling this weekend it will be worse.

Shannon-Great job with the Pyramid Pump premix. I’m pretty sure I won’t be doing all the high impact in RWH. I will try to do a little, but will modify most moves to lower impact.

Valerie-Great job with your park walk.

Hi to Diane Sue
I thought that I posted yesterday. I guess not as I do not see it. I did not have much time and did CDorner Power Step 25 minutes, 176 calories, heart rate 142/165. I finished with CDorner Stretch after step 17 minutes, 49 calories. Total time 42 minutes, 225 calories.
Today I did CDorner Arms and Obliques 40 minutes, 158 calories, heart rate 96/130. This was not just arms and abs. I may be feeling this one. Once I saw a pattern of how the workout was going I went for a lower weight than Chris. Sometimes she decided she picked up too much and dropped herself. I followed with STS 2 Total Body Stretch, 23 minutes, 41 calories. Total time 73 minutes, 199 calories.
We got some light snow and rain along with ice, but today it is melting off. It has been really cold. I had a great time hosting my ladies group Tuesday. Now preparing for birthdays Sunday. Maybe next week things will settle back down.

Carolyn, nice job on LMR yoga fusion. The restorative yoga is a nice, relaxed feel good one.

Shannon, I imagine it helps clear the head a bit when you take a break. I hope what you are working out is going well. Pyramid Pump both upper and lower as is, is a very long workout.

Valerie, it is hard to avoid automatically reaching for things. Nice job on the spin bike and treadmill.

Cathy, good job on the upper and lower body balance discs. I was going to try and shovel off what was on our walkway and it was mostly ice. I had ordered groceries yesterday to be sure I have what I need for this weekend's prep. I ended up opening the garage and waiting for the driver as the walkway is sort of shaded and stays icy for a while.

Judy, nice work on the 30 minute peloton ride with the 10 minute cooldown and 5 minute stretch. Nice that you were able to get a stretch after work and PT exercises.
Today I did Live Boxing Hiit Express and P30 Upper Body, and in just a bit, I'll be going out to shovel, because yesterday, it decided to keep snowing. We've made it up to 10, and it's mild out, no wind. Our next round of snow will be this evening and it'll be good to get it cleared before more arrives.

Valerie with enough stuff the cat should be okay for a week. Hope you get a weather break soon so you can go to MT. The weather this year is all over the place and predictions seem to change day by day and sometimes more frequently.

Shannon sorry you had a frustrating day at work. Those are never fun and make the hours go so slowly.

Diane Sue, I hope your ice goes away soon. I'm sure the driver appreciated not having to deal with it.

Hi Carolyn and Judy.
Hi, ladies. Yesterday I took a five-mile walk instead of my scheduled cardio workout. It was a beautiful afternoon, about 40 and sunny. I walked really fast on the way out to blow off some steam from my irritating day, but I slowed down a bit on the way home.

No workout today. I decided I’m going to get groceries. I would normally go early next week, but we have a chance of snow moving in. I really, really don’t want to get stuck in the store with the crazy, panicking crowds buying bread and milk. Know what I mean? And I definitely don’t want to go tomorrow. It’s going to rain all day, and one of my pet peeves is trying to put groceries into the back of my car while holding onto an umbrella. It just doesn’t work very well.

Valerie – Amazing how cold a wind chill can be, isn’t it? I was freezing the other day and it was just in the 40s, but so windy. I’m glad you didn’t have to deal with the wind on your walk yesterday. Good job on managing your poles so you didn’t pull at your stitches. My little dog, Sara, reacts the same way to meds. I tried to give her some to calm her down during thunderstorms, but no luck.

Judy – how do your short shifts at work affect your leg? I hope things are better since you are working less.

Diane – How do you feel after CDorner Arms and Obliques? I hope you didn’t strain your ribs. Sorry about the ice. I hope it doesn’t come down here. How many birthdays are you celebrating on Sunday? Have fun!

Cathy – Have fun shoveling. I’m sorry the snow decided to continue. I love winter, but for some reason, even I might possibly be ready for spring now. You’re right about the weather being all over the place, that’s for sure.

Hi to Carolyn.

ETA: I think it's time for me to cut back a little on my workouts. It makes me sad. But I feel like it's really contributing to some hip pain. From the best I can do with online research, it seems that my hip arthritis is getting worse. It's been very mild for a while now, but in the past few months, things have changed. I can't be positive it's arthritis. Could be anything from bursitis to IT band syndrome, LOL. But my gut tells me it's arthritis. Whatever it is, I guess I need to be kind to it and give myself some more recovery time. I'll play around with a rotation this weekend.
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this is the most inquisitive cat Ive ever seen. that says a lot!. lived with many cats. he now opens cabinet doors with ease and often gets inside. scoops up everything he can and bats it around the room. I we had to move all his toys and treats because he kept going into the cabinet himself and selecting what he wanted to play with. he has plenty of things out already, i like to rotate so there aren't 2 dozen toys all over the room. we got a cat tree for him. Way cheaper from amazon than a local store, and you have to put it together yourself either way. not hard to do. he likes it and uses it. countertops are not okay here, so he gets a squirt from a squirt gun to deter him. he is everywhere at once and keeps coming back. we dont let him in the bedrooms but otherwise he has a lot of house to roam in, plus a garage and a deck. he is very food oriented and eats up every crumb he can from the floor. weve tried gabapentin and xanax and neither does much except maybe make it worse. I may kennel him to see how it works and next time try leaving him here in the basement. dont have to do the same thing every time.

shannon you are probably right to back off a little and see if your discomfort settles down. overuse injuries are very real. ive never done the whole pyramid thing, only half at a time.
my wound is looking decent, but still another 2 -3 weeks before he will release me to do more upper body things. or have a serious shower. I can get it wet but no soap or sudsing and no direct shower blast. i washed my hair in the kitchen sink again because its just too hard to get shampoo out if I cant get under the shower.

I did a grocery run yesterday expecting today might be messy but the snow was mostly south of here. we got maybe half an inch and now its warmer and should rain so snow will disappear as the day goes.
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This was one of those days where I wasn’t motivated to do anything. I did Jessica Smith’s One Mile of Motivation for 15 minutes and 126 calories burned. My average heart rate was 140 and maximum heart rate was 156. Then I did Jessica’s Gentle Yoga, hips and knees flow. That was an additional 23 minutes. I used to do this one all the time but it’s been a couple of years at least. I had forgotten how well it works for my lower body, especially my tight hip flexors.

Cathy, great job with Lower/Upper Body Balance discs, Live Boxing HiiT Express, and P30 Upper Body.

Shannon, great job with Pyramid Pump Upper and Lower Body. That makes a long workout! This is our 1 clear day before the rain and storms return tomorrow so I went to the store this morning after my workout. I wanted to avoid the Valentines Day shoppers but they were already out by 11:30. It will be much worse later today.

Valerie, nice job with the park walk. I hope you can figure out how to manage the kitty when you travel.

Judy, great job with the 30 minute Peloton ride, 10 minute cool down ride, stretching, and PT.

Diane Sue, great job with CDorner Power Step, Stretch, Arms and Obliques, and STS 2 Total Body Stretch.

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Today I did a 60-minute Peloton Walk and 30 minutes of PT work. We have a winter storm watch for this weekend. It sounds like it will be bad all weekend so we are planning on staying home. I have a 4-hour shift on Sunday but I will likely be calling out. We did a little shopping this morning, but we are pretty well stocked with groceries so we didn’t need much.

Diane Sue-Great job with CDorner Power Step, stretch, CDorner Arms and Obliques and STS 2 Total Body Stretch. I hope your birthday celebrations go well on Sunday.

Cathy-Great job with Live Boxing Hiit Express and P30 Upper Body.

Shannon-Great job with your 5-mile walk. I’m really sorry about your hip issue. It’s good to take a little recovery time. The 4-hour shifts aren’t bad. My knee didn’t bother me yesterday.

Valerie-Your cat sounds a lot like Shadow. She can open cabinet doors and get things out too. We have to put safety latches on the cabinets that we don’t want her to get into.

Carolyn-Great job with One Mile of Motivation and Jessica’s Gentle Yoga, hips and knees flow. I haven’t done Jessica’s Gentle Yoga in ages. I really need to do that again. She has another one that I really like, Gentle Yoga for Back Pain Relief and Prevention. I used that one a lot when I was having lower back issues.
judy thank you for that. I think its funny when he opens cabinet doors. he didnt know how a short time ago but learned quickly. very adept now. I think its funny and cute and dont have a problem moving a few things. he picked the cabinet he saw us getting his toys and harness from so he's not opening everything in the kitchen, just where "his" stuff was until we moved it. DH gets angry and squirts him with the water pistol. there is misbehavior and I squirt him sometimes too, but I thought it was smart. hes fascinated with the bathroom and stands up to watch the water swirl. I know he drinks out of the toilet bowls, like every other cat we've had. they all had a water bowl but liked the toilet better.
we got him a cat tree that looks like a cactus to get him scratching on something besides the carpet. I got a pack of the cardboard scratch boards but no interest there. he got on the cat tree in 2 minutes and likes to climb and scratch on it. sleeps there too. he's mischievous and does things he shouldn't but overall hes a fun kitty. I'm teaching him to not jump up if I hold my hand in his face and say "no". it works most of the time. DH just wants to squirt him. driving with him is terrible. I hope we can work something out.
Today I did Killer Legs Barre Bonus and LSR Mobility. We aren't supposed to get much snow today, but then possibility another 3-6". We got the drive shoveled yesterday. I had it about 2/3 done before DH finished work and went out and we finished the rest. It was 5-6" deep.

So yesterday, DH decided he would send the boys and I Amazon gift cards by text. I saw mine when I woke up, and because my last week has been so messed up, checked the date and realized it was Valentine's Day. However, later in the day he says to me, that he had sent the boys gift cards but not heard from them. So, I text them and say "hey your Dad sent you a gift card, did you get it?" Derek responded first, yes he got it, but he thought it was a scam. I told him to go ahead and use it. And then it got better. Nick responds and says, I thought it was a scam, because it didn't come from Dad's number, and deleted it. LOL So, I told him he needed to let his Dad know. Now, I feel it's good to know that they are that on top of potential spam, but DH was just so confused as to how they could have thought that.

Valerie, I've had some excellent cupboard openers. Years ago I had one who would get in and drag out food, and since I had some type of small rodent at the time, even dragged out their lab blocks and gnawed on them. LOL Is yours right or left pawed? I found most are right pawed, but did have one left paw. And they can only use that paw to flip them open. Right now Chester is the only one I've seen do it, and he will open the one under the kitchen sink, or the one where my instant pot is, and he has also been known to open one with rarely used things, but instead of opening it, he bangs it. Just keeps flipping it open and letting it shut, that one is a fun night time only thing. Though fortunately he rarely does any of them. Tux likes to sit in open cubby/shelf spots. I finally cleaned out the enclosed shelf area of the cabinet that I keep fruit on top of and my instant pot on the bottom as he kept going in there. It's right by the pet door and a great place for stalking. We have an old end table with a cupboard and have the printer sitting on top of it, and DH keeps his work copy paper in the bottom. Since he doesn't like to close things, it's often open and Tux goes in there and sits, sleeps, bathes and lately, rips off the edge of the cardboard box and spits it out on the floor. I noticed this morning that DH finally put the lid on the box. We gave up on table and counters. Chester now feels safest laying on the counter and will sleep for hours up there. And both he and Tux get on the table. Chester because it's access to me and my lap, and Tux to watch birds and get petted. The other two never get on them, and Flopsy couldn't anyway, because her little stubby legs won't let her jump higher than to get on a chair/couch.

Judy sounds like a good thing you can call off going to work Sunday if you need, too.

Shannon always best to listen to your gut about what your body can handle. I know I've regretted doing some things over the years. I own an umbrella and it's even in the car, but I generally just find them a pain, and the only time I've used one in decades, are the times Derek and I end up doing a zoo in the rain. Generally because we planned a trip, got a motel etc, and the weather changed on us. I'd rather just get wet!
Today is my rest day. It’s just been housework and food prep for me.

Judy, nice job with the 60 minute Peloton walk and 30 minutes of PT. I don’t blame you for not going to work in the weather that you are having. I also have the JS Yoga for Back Pain Relief and Prevention. Another one that I haven’t done in a while.

Cathy, great to with Killer Legs Barre Bonus and LMR Mobility.

Hello to Diane Sue, Shannon, and Valerie.
Good afternoon, ladies. It’s raining cats and dogs. I cooked and cleaned, and after I get done here, I’m going to do some stretching/yoga. Oh, I also went over to visit my mom and got a piece of very decadent, rich chocolate cake.

Valerie – Your cat sounds like quite a cute little handful. My mom’s cat is elderly so not very rambunctious, but she can open cupboard doors too. Mom had to tie one shut a while back because she had a mouse trap set under the kitchen sink. But other than that, she lets the cat do whatever. I’m glad your wound is healing well, but man, I’ll bet you’re just dying for a real shower.

Carolyn – for not being motivated yesterday, I’d say you got in a pretty good workout. Good job. I guess you’re getting more or less the same storm we are.

Judy – Ugh, I’m sorry about your winter storm watch. I’m glad your knee is doing so much better. I’d say the four-hour shifts are the way to go. You can keep in touch with everyone, enjoy some work time, but also take care of your knee.

Cathy – Well, dang, that’s a real bummer about your DH’s gift cards. I hope your snow doesn’t get any deeper. Six inches is plenty. As for umbrellas, well, I wear glasses. I absolutely hate it when they get rained upon. It’s really, really hard to see. So out comes the umbrella!

Hi to Diane!

I’m 99% sure I have arthritis, the way things feel, like how it’s stiff when I bend/lift my leg to put on my shoe, etc. Maybe if it gets worse, I’ll see a doc, but right now I think I’ll see how my new workout schedule goes. I worked on it for quite a while today. Here’s what I came up with. I’m stealing Cathe’s “Lift, Move & Restore” theme, LOL.

Monday Lift. Do weights on my own, as usual. But I may lighten up some.
TuesdayMove. Cathe cardio DVDs.
WednesdayRestore. Yoga, functional mobility, etc.
ThursdayLift. Cathe DVDs. I have them arranged so that I will do a rotate through routines that use light, medium and heavy weights.
FridayMove. I’m going to bite the bullet and buy a stationary bike. Monday is a holiday for us, so I’m going to go look locally first. If I can’t find one, I’ll get online.
WeekendRestore. Whatever comes up. Yard work, stretching, maybe a walk. One day will be a true rest day, but I’m flexible.

What I’m hoping is that the variety of movement will take some of the stress off my hip. Right now I do a LOT of lunging and squatting. I’ve been doing three days of weights and two of cardio, and all of Cathe’s low impact cardio uses deep, rapid squat and lunge moves. So my hips basically don’t get a break. With the new schedule, I’ll only have one day a week of Cathe cardio, which I think will help a lot. And I’ll play with the weights depending on how things feel. Now, let’s just hope that I can keep my promise to myself to do my Wednesday yoga. Sigh. Have I ever mentioned that getting old sucks?
Today I did a 45-minute Peloton Full Body strength workout, 5-minute Core workout and 10 minutes of stretching.

We’ve gotten 3-4 inches of snow today. The next storm is supposed to start around 1 am and the latest prediction I saw said 5-7 more inches. I will be calling out tomorrow and I imagine many others will too.

Cathy-Great job with Killer Legs Barre Bonus and LSR Mobility. That was nice of your husband to send Amazon gift cards. I can understand your sons thinking it was a scam though.

Carolyn-I hope you had a nice rest day. I’ll probably get one of JS’s yoga DVDs out for tomorrow since I’ll be home all day and I’ll have plenty of time to do it.

Shannon-Your new workout schedule looks wonderful! That’s great that you are getting a stationary bike. They are so good for getting low impact cardio. Yes, 4-hour shifts are good for me but unfortunately HD has me scheduled for an 8 hour and 2-6 hour shifts the week after next. I’m not sure if I’m even going to try doing that much. I might have to talk to someone again and/or try giving one of the shifts away.

Hi to Valerie & Diane Sue
Yesterday I did CDorner Step Aerobics # 448 Soul Disco 43 minutes, 280 calories, heart rate 138/167 ending with LMR Pilates Timesaver #2 foam roller and mini ball 25 minutes, 64 calories, heart rate 83/106. Total time was 68 minutes, 344 calories.
Today I did STS 2.0 Total Body Giant Sets Timesaver #1 no group 3 47 minutes, 170 calories, heart rate 100/135.
I ended with LMR upper foam roller(no mini workout) and Raw Yoga Stretch, 20 minutes, 52 calories. Total time 67 minutes, 222 calories.
Was so annoyed with Verizon and spent some time online with them this afternoon. Not what I intended to do, but right when I was getting ready to start the cake I get a text and the amount they were saying my payment is was way off. Ends up they make you pay ahead so two months billing, plus they were charging for two more phone numbers that were the ones that they switched to what our T Mobile numbers were They never took those numbers off. They gave a reprieve and took that cost off the bill. It would have been nice had I known all of this before. I guess I would not have caught those other numbers. Really it was the person I was talking too as he wondered about them and realized they have not been used.
Busy getting things together for tomorrow's family birthdays. Cake made a stuff started for a cheesy chicken recipe. Fixing for 16-17 people. My husband's usual German chocolate cake. Maybe next week will be calmer with no appointments or anything. I intended to do the whole Giant Sets but somehow ended up with the timesaver. I was sort of glad after doing the two groupings. It is snowing again. Hoping it warms up above freezing tomorrow. My family has a bit of a drive coming here tomorrow.

Cathy, I probably would have thought spam if I did not know the e mail or name that sent it. I put that stuff in spam for a while before I delete.

Shannon, I tried to be careful doing the CDorner Arms and Obliques. It did bother my ribs and back some, but I did the suggested options over side plank etc.. It was not what I expected when I picked it. I just got tired of trying to find a workout. I have so many joints that snap crackle and pop and sometimes it does not feel good. Yesterday was a day of having a hard time getting up and down getting things out of cabinets. It was slow standing back up. I try to keep things loosened up and synovial fluid moving. Warmups in the morning before I even get started.

Funny about cats getting in cabinets. I never had that happen when we had cats. Drinking from the toilet yes.

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