Today I did Killer Legs Barre Bonus and LSR Mobility. We aren't supposed to get much snow today, but then possibility another 3-6". We got the drive shoveled yesterday. I had it about 2/3 done before DH finished work and went out and we finished the rest. It was 5-6" deep.
So yesterday, DH decided he would send the boys and I Amazon gift cards by text. I saw mine when I woke up, and because my last week has been so messed up, checked the date and realized it was Valentine's Day. However, later in the day he says to me, that he had sent the boys gift cards but not heard from them. So, I text them and say "hey your Dad sent you a gift card, did you get it?" Derek responded first, yes he got it, but he thought it was a scam. I told him to go ahead and use it. And then it got better. Nick responds and says, I thought it was a scam, because it didn't come from Dad's number, and deleted it. LOL So, I told him he needed to let his Dad know. Now, I feel it's good to know that they are that on top of potential spam, but DH was just so confused as to how they could have thought that.
Valerie, I've had some excellent cupboard openers. Years ago I had one who would get in and drag out food, and since I had some type of small rodent at the time, even dragged out their lab blocks and gnawed on them. LOL Is yours right or left pawed? I found most are right pawed, but did have one left paw. And they can only use that paw to flip them open. Right now Chester is the only one I've seen do it, and he will open the one under the kitchen sink, or the one where my instant pot is, and he has also been known to open one with rarely used things, but instead of opening it, he bangs it. Just keeps flipping it open and letting it shut, that one is a fun night time only thing. Though fortunately he rarely does any of them. Tux likes to sit in open cubby/shelf spots. I finally cleaned out the enclosed shelf area of the cabinet that I keep fruit on top of and my instant pot on the bottom as he kept going in there. It's right by the pet door and a great place for stalking. We have an old end table with a cupboard and have the printer sitting on top of it, and DH keeps his work copy paper in the bottom. Since he doesn't like to close things, it's often open and Tux goes in there and sits, sleeps, bathes and lately, rips off the edge of the cardboard box and spits it out on the floor. I noticed this morning that DH finally put the lid on the box. We gave up on table and counters. Chester now feels safest laying on the counter and will sleep for hours up there. And both he and Tux get on the table. Chester because it's access to me and my lap, and Tux to watch birds and get petted. The other two never get on them, and Flopsy couldn't anyway, because her little stubby legs won't let her jump higher than to get on a chair/couch.
Judy sounds like a good thing you can call off going to work Sunday if you need, too.
Shannon always best to listen to your gut about what your body can handle. I know I've regretted doing some things over the years. I own an umbrella and it's even in the car, but I generally just find them a pain, and the only time I've used one in decades, are the times Derek and I end up doing a zoo in the rain. Generally because we planned a trip, got a motel etc, and the weather changed on us. I'd rather just get wet!