Good morning! It’s a balmy 24 degrees here, and it’s supposed to get all the way up to 46! Wow. Yesterday I did Perfect 30 Pump, the upper and lower premix, but I skipped the shoulders.
I’m thinking about subscribing to Cathe Live for some new low impact cardio. Can anyone advise me on what sort of cardio she has? I want pure cardio, not anything with weights, no bootcamp, etc. Of course I will probably do those workouts as well, but I really want some cardio! At one point, I found a way to get some previews of Live workouts, but I can’t find it again. And I wasn’t able to search for just cardio, I just had to scroll.
I’m thinking about subscribing to Cathe Live for some new low impact cardio. Can anyone advise me on what sort of cardio she has? I want pure cardio, not anything with weights, no bootcamp, etc. Of course I will probably do those workouts as well, but I really want some cardio! At one point, I found a way to get some previews of Live workouts, but I can’t find it again. And I wasn’t able to search for just cardio, I just had to scroll.