No workout today, I shopped. Hoping to go to my parents tomorrow, but keeping an eye on the weather. There's been some amount of snow pretty much every day this year.
Valerie I hope your bathroom project proceeds smoothly now. I feel like there's more snow days here now then when I was a kid, in part because schools are more cautious. I remember mostly the long closures. Blizzards of '67 and '78, and we had an ice storm that had us off for a full week one time. But also, if snow happened later in the day they'd just send us home early. That's extremely rare now. Most schools run two us shifts, so they need less buses and drivers. Younger grades go later, so it's not practical to do it now. Occasionally it's for called as there's now a general -25, real or real feel, for schools closing. I have the Cornell app, too. I mostly use it during spring migration to see what's around. When I walk at the zoo I hear a lot of birds that are passing through as they head north, it's almost completely wooded, so great habitat.
Shannon I use the step blast combos in my Finshed Step workout and sometimes I do the BM2 step, too. Do you have Rhythmic Step? I really wish there had been more step workouts like that one.
Diane Sue I'm sorry you are having neck and back issues. I hope it eases soon. I never liked the idea of having things like the thermostat hooked into the wifi. Cameras aren't such an issue because if they go down. My sister has them in NC and FL, but the main use of the ones in NC is watching wildlife. LOL It was down recently, so when my BIL was flying home from his latest roadtrip, he flew into Charlotte, rented a car and drove the 2 hours over there and stayed while they came out and fixed it and then drove back to FL. And it's not the first time he's done that! Seems crazy to me.