Guten Tag!
So it's been a wheels off morning at my house...Houdini woke up crying at 5AM...she had crawled under her crib (why, I do not know) and got her foot stuck. Needless to say, DH is taking it down tonight. Then we had a pediatrician appointment this morning (2 year check up) and she did great! She's 35.5 inches tall (85th percentile!!) and the pediatrician came in and laughed, saying, "OK, so is her mom? Avery is red-haired and tall and you are not." But her speech is good, everything is good, and we got a prescription cream for the eczema (which he called a medium-level cream that matches the level of the eczema.) But it was nothing he was concerned about which is good!
Needless to say, no workout for me this morning but I hope to get one in tonight!
Thanks for all the feedback on which DVD to get. I'm leaning on High Step Challenge after reading the breakdown of it, but they all sound awesome. It sounds like Body Max 2 has the best premixes. I do plan to get all of these, it's just a matter of which one I want NOW, LOL!
JJ--Stay warm! We are in the upper 60's today, 67 tomorrow, but then 34 on Sunday...
Karin--You absolutely have to check in next week because I will be lost if you are not here! LOL! Hey, I saw the promo for the Top Chef holiday special--is that a re-run or is that new? Good luck with the shopping--I am planning on dragging Houdini to Orgins tomorrow for last minute shopping,too...
Heather--Sweetie, I'm super worried about you! The chest pain is scaring me. Please go to the ER if that keeps up, OK? You really shouldn't wait if you are having pain in the chest and problems catching your breath, or if you feel nauseous, have pain in your upper back, mental fogginess, etc. OK? Promise me if you have any of those symptoms you'll get checked out NOW!!
Dani--Be safe on those roads tonight! I'm glad to hear there will not be appletinis in your future tonight with those conditions! When you come to Frisco again, I'll treat you to one at the Cheesecake Factory in Stonebriar Mall!!!
Ellie--UGH, sick again??!!! Cozy up now that the santa run is done and feel better soon!!!!!
Waves to all and I'll be back in a bit!