And yes my half marathon is on Sunday!
Good luck!!
And yes my half marathon is on Sunday!
It is a sad day here at my house. The pool men are here closing down the pool for the winter. It really is fall now isn't it?
Karin- (((hugs and prayers for your Dad!)))
Catherine- I have a dumb question. Being a pull-up-Chin-up-virgin I would like to know the difference between them.
Wendy ~ our furbaby pictured above was also very needy this morning. I REALLY feel your pain, especially in light of the fact that I am trying to obstain from Diet Soda, and don't like coffee as most would think to drink it, so I'm draggin tail a bit as well... Missy Lou jumped on the bed and tiptoed around to my side and proceeded to put her nose as close to my ear as she could without touching and just stood there and waited... it worked, I woke up! UGH! that was at 2am... again at 3am, and DH's alarm off at 4am...
Dani, so Missy Lou and Mr. Needy were on the same timetable last night? Are you *dragging* right now? My eyes actually hurt...Here is to happy, independent minded animals tonight and good sleep for us!!
Uh Dani, how much of that whiskey was I supposed to drink??
It felt really horrible at first, I'm not really a drinker, but after it burnt my throat,esophagus, and stomach lining, I felt much better. So I had some more and then I had a little more and then a wee bit more...... and then I called my DH and asked him how the hell to get the bed to stop spinning
2 hours later, still laughing too hard to make any sense but man I FELT GOOD for a little while. REALLY REALLY GOOD. And I love you guys and you are my best friends blah blah blah, all the other crap really intoxicated people in bars say
I am off to sleep now