OK, back from the check up. Weight is exactly where I want to be but do not want to go over, so I think I'm going to commit to at least 1 circuit workout a week as my mega-fat burner. I got some blood work done and discussed what else I can do (in addition to eating a handful of walnuts, using olive oils to cook with/make dressing out of, exercising 6 days a week and flossing) to keep heart disease at bay and she suggested I start adding fish oil supplements to my diet. She said I should consume 1 gram of EPA + DHA in fish oil capsules daily. So tomorrow I'll be taking a tour down the supplement aisle for these. But overall a good checkup, yea!
Ellie--I think you need a good massage, girlfriend! If I lived closer I'd be dragging you off for a girls only spa day!!
Jerry--Bison is one thing I've never tried. What do you like about it?
Karin--Super workout yesterday!
JJ--Waves and hi to you!