P90X Rut Busters check in - week of 3/7


Hey girls - just a quick post to get the thread started. hope you all had a wonderful weekend and everyone is feel healthy today! :)

Hi All -

I'm back in cold, snowy, Central New York. I'm here for a week and then leave to go back next Wednesday. I was actually able to do my workouts most days.

This morning was Core Synergistics. Are they serious with that Chataranga run? Can any of you actually do it? I can't even attempt to do it!

>What exactly is a P90X Rut Buster?

:) A group of us formed a Check-In while doing a 90 day rotation of P90X together. There are some that are not following P90X to a tee or that are following different rotations or that are adding in Cathe but we all decided that we were "in a rut" and we got together to motivate each other, go through a rotation together and get the job done. Technically, for those following, we are in week three of phase two of the P90X classic rotation.

Newcomers are always welcome! You won't follow exactly with where we are, but then again, none of us are "exactly" in the same place.

I am ALIVE. I did not fall off the face of the earth, I was sick. I hate being sick!!!! I thought my son gave me strep but a trip to the doctor said it was just another virus.

So today I worked out for the first time in a few days--I did Low Max again but my energy level was low.

Tomorrow will be better.
Hi all,

Glad to see we are all back, and Amazon, hope you're feeling better soon!! DD had the sore throat over the weekend, and thankfully,not strep.

Not much for me today. I had to got to a work conference. Two hours one way to sit for 8 hrs in the biggest snooze-fest ever.

Anyway, legs on the agenda for tomorrow. These chicken legs have to transform before shorts season LOL
I was wondering if it isn't too late to join you guys now that my DVDS finally arrived? Today was my first workout and it was Shoulders & Arms. I opted for 15 reps and was surprised I could actually heavy up. I was trying that M&F Hers routine of 3 days on and 1 day off and although it was great ... I wasn't used to that much work and seriously felt fatigued after just 1 week of it. But it was my fault, I overdid the cardio. So this time I will follow guidelines of the rotation and take it easy.
I'm worried about Chest & Back though because I don't have the Door Gym or the bands and I can only do 3 shallow straight leg push ups!
Hey ladies :) I realized over the weekend that I haven't taken a rest day in a while. that is not like me at all but last Sunay I was motivated to try a new hardcore and this Sunday I was stressed out and needed a release! I decided to take today off. It's a little "out of sequence" for P90X, but I figure that I traded a cardio Sunday for a cardio today.

Margaret - Horrah for you for keeping up with workouts while traveling!

Amazon - Hope you are feeling better today :)

RACH - Welcome! I found that I could heavy up doing P90X and have consistently increased weights since I began. What rotation are you doing? Personally, I would try to get bands or the door gym for Chest & Back. They sell this vinyl kit that you can buy to suspend the band from your hinge and it works great. I have both now but am not quite yet "up to" full blown pull ups. And don't worry about the push ups. DO what you can on the toe push ups and then drop to knees. They will come in time. I was shocked that mine inmproved b/c I could not do ANY when this started!




Today was Plyo X. OMG. Were they serious? I managed right up to Rock Star Tuck Jumps and that was it for me. There was still about 27 minutes to go! I was taking breaks too.
It was so much fun though. Like an interval session without the step. But it was hard for me! This series rocks! Can't wait to try all of the DVDs. I think I'm going for the classic rotation first but doing 12-15 reps instead. Or maybe 10 if I get lazy.
Good Morning All!

Welcome Rach!

This morning was Chest, Triceps, and Shoulders and ARX. I can actually feel the improvement in strength on all fronts. When my sister in Orlando saw me, for the first time in about 6 months, she noticed the difference in my body. Sure wish I had taken pics when we started this rotation.

Thinking of joining you ladies on Saturday this week with my P90X. I have decided that I like it the best to "come back". I can set my own weights and modify and do as many reps as I want to do! I also intend to do 30 min of each tape.

I am really MAD that P90X didn't include a quikie total body workout for days in which you just don't have the push. Do any of you have any of the other Beachbody's, like Power Half Hour? Just thought that since I had been gone from lifting for a while, that I could find a tape less intense. Or maybe the regular P90? Or do you guys think I should just modify and that I would be wasting my money on another set??

Do tell. Thanks!
Janice - I don't have any other BB workouts. I had bought Power Half Hour and returned it right away, requesting P90X for Christmas instead b/c it was more "my speed." Do you have Cathe's CTX? that is a great way to come back.

Hi Margaret! Good for you on your results! YOu are certainly sticking with the rotation, even on travel time, so you deserve it!

Hi Amazon!

RACH - how's it goin'!?

Did Back & Biceps with Core Max Seg #1 this morning. I was TOTALLY drained but I did it and my back and Bi's are hurting now ;) tomorrow I am doing KenpoX (will do Yoga on Sunday). I switched it around a bit this week but still will get them all in!
I'm here! I just finished Chest and Back. I subbed BB Rows and Pull overs for the pull ups ( not the same! Once I know the routine...I'll take it to the gym and use the Gravitron machine...i love that thing so much!!! )...I suck at push ups. SO BAD. I started with bent knees and ended up even using the step to help me...and only did regular push ups. What are those dive bombers? Are they serious??? I'm not too sure I like this routine. I kind of like my Gym routine much better with the assisted pull ups and cable rows. But I suppose change is always good, right? Anyway I was tired by the second round. Tough stuff in a different way.
Hello Everyone,
Can't believe I'm actually posting. I have been working out with Cathe tapes for years! I am also on my second rotation of p90x classic, so I thought I could pop in if that's ok.:)

I just started Phase III, so I'm a bit ahead, but loving it all the same!

Hey all! How is everyone doing? I did KenpoX this morning. I think that I might have strained my right quad. I was sitting a lot this morning in Court and when I got up, my quad was sore - frozen, like when you hurt or strain it. Going to take it easy the rest of the day (already kicked the shoes off!) and stretch it out tonight.
Hi All!

I had to sub a 1 hour Brian Kest Power Yoga for Yoga X this morning as I was short on time. I did Power Yoga #3 for the first time. Are they kidding? Are they all Linda Blair-like creatures twisting their backs around like that? Has anyone else done that one? And does anyone else have trouble doing the pushups before downward dog the day after doing shoulders, triceps and chest? (Am I whining or what!?)

Rach - I have a total gym platinum machine which I use for the pull ups. Your substitutions sound good. I have to be careful with pullups because of my tennis elbow.

Janice - Welome to the group!

Christine - That Kenpo X sneaks up on you doesn't it?

Lonnie - Give us your feedback on what you think after doing the whole 90 days once through. Did you see significant changes?

Hi Dom, Amazon & Wendy!

Hey, all, I'm having a hard time getting back up to speed. I'm all out of breath quickly, like my muscles still don't want to put in some time.

I tried to do Muscle Max today to get back into my workouts but was weak, weak, weak. I am going to try to nap today.

One good thing about that virus: I don't believe I gained any weight at all. LOL!
Hello everyone,

This morning i did premix upperbody.and abs. starting next week i will be working only for 4day to see it works with my fatloss. b/c i have lost a lot of pound and i dont want to lose anymore so let see how 4 day go.


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