P90X January Starters, Wednesday


Classic/Phase 3/Week 12/Day 3

Good Morning X'ers!:)

Today calls for Back and Biceps but I may opt for Legs and Back instead. My upper body is still quite sore from CS&T on monday!:eek: }( Since I didn't do my usual leg attack y'day, I can switch up B&B and L&B this week with no problems so I'll probably do that!

I have to get movin' now but I'll pop back in later!:)
Morning Ladies!!

I am not sore from the tricep/shoulder/chest .. a little maybe into my chest .. but pleasantly surprised! SIL says she is sore from the waist up .. LOL ..

Today going to do my heavy leg work in the gym at lunch .. then tonight is 45 min. power cardio step (fast - fun - dancy)!

I have found 2 organic dog foods I think I am going to switch my babies to! Last night they got their Eukanuba dry topped with stir fried deer meat!:eek: .. they may not want dog food by the time they get this fresh meat toppings I am making up for them .. yes they are spoiled but they deserve it!!

Yesterday our temps wer 89 degrees .. today the high is 74 .. and tomorrow the high will be 60 .. and the low into the 30's .. talk about an Easter cool snap ..WOW!! (no I am not complaining thing you ladies up north are REALLY going to get a COLD snap ..lOL) .. I just hope our cool snap does not kill all the beautiful flowers!

Ok .. have a great day .. great workouts and I will check back later for personals!!!:7
Hi Laura and all who follow.

Laura, You had better not be sending any COLD weather up my way or I'll hunt ya down and X ya!}( :p :7

Where is everyone else today???

I just finished Legs and Back and guess what!?!?! I can do unassisted reverse grip chin ups!!! WOOH HOO! I get chin ups and pull ups and thier different grips confused but that is what Tony calls it! LOL I tried one before starting the work out but I never thought I'd be able to do it! I did 1 before, 3 in a row on the first round and then 1 on the second round! It's not much but for a girl who could do NONE, it's AWESOME!!!! I was so excited that I called my DH up and told him about it right away! LOL :p

I tried to do the others unassisted during the work out...I got about half way up on the wide front pull up and about three quarters of the way up on the close grip over hand pull ups. I didn't even bother trying the switch grip unassisted cause I knew that was useless...I wasn't going to be able to do 2 each way like that.

Well, that was my last time doing Legs and Back! As much as doing it every week for 3 months became a drag...it really is a GREAT leg work out and I can see myself pulling it out alot in the future! :)
Wendy, congratulations!!!!! I can only imagine what an accomplishment that feels like!!! Good for you, girl.

Well, cleanmax has gone by the wayside. Today is a dark, wet, and dreary day and just not in the mood for cleaning. I did receive the new Electrolux vacuum I had ordered through QVC and had fun with that. It's great compared to my poor, tired old one.

I did B & G earlier. I love that workout! I was still slightly sore from GS from three days ago. I went shopping yesterday for an outfit to wear to a black tie affair I have coming up in May. Ugghhh, I hate dressing rooms and didn't like what I saw in those three-way mirrors. I really have to step it up a notch - summer is almost here. I wish I could do something about this cellulite!!!!!!!!!!x(

Okay, off to the showers, then I guess I have no choice but to start something for dinner. I'm looking at the salmon I have but really don't feel much in the mood for it. I'm having a hard time eating the same ole' thing day after day. I'm out of salad fixings too and I don't feel like running out for it.

Laura, please stop bragging about your gorgeous weather, lol. Even your coldest temps sound good right about now. I think all of this week is supposed to be in the mid-40's for us as a high.

Also, Laura, what organic dog food have you decided on? I've been giving my 14 year old baby nothing but table food but I don't that's a great idea either. I haven't kept up with "what's safe" or not, I just haven't used anything. I always use dry food only with a "little" of what we're eating thrown on top.

Okay, have a good evening!!!

Hey ..

man WENDY WAY TO GO .. I know you are thrilled and feel such an accomplishment ... I am so proud!!! Chin ups are no small feat for women .. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!! (doing an embarrassing happy dance for you)

Nancy... I am looking at Flint River Ranch .. organic food .. they do make a Sr. food .. and another one I am looking at is Black Gold .. it is a dogfood developed for Feild Trial dogs ..but they have expanded and have an organic line now .. another I looked at is Botanical Dog ...

I think I am leaning toward Black Gold b/c we have a local distributor ..

Sorry I have been bragging about our weather .. LOL .. that is too funny .. I know I am fussing about temps that are your WARM temps . sorry!! But hey at least you get to live vicariously thru my weather .. I need to take some pics of our flowers .. b/c honestly (and sorry I am bragging again) .. they are GORGEOUS .. all the azaleas, buttercups, dog woods, pop corn trees, Japanese magnolias ..everything is in full bloom and so beautifully colored!!!

Worked my legs sucessfully and decided on the power walk since the weather cleared and sun is out {{oooppss .. slapping my hand over my mouth for bragging again }}LOL
Evenin ladies

Well, I did B&B today with ARX. The darn dog slept thru the whole thing.:D So, I had to do all of it this time. I really need to dig out AR200 to switch it up a bit. I also got my BBC package today!! They look great but I haven't had a chance to preview anything yet. Maybe tomorrow I'll put one in and try it out.:)

Laura - I think you jinxed our weather. Blowing snow with blizzard advisories for the entire evening.x( Darn snow is supposed to stick around for the easter weekend too. I guess the easter bunny just has to hide eggs in the house this year. My 9 year old asked me the other day if we could hide eggs outside this year in addition to hiding them in the house.:D I kinda miss the days when they believed in Santa and the Easter Bunny.

Wendy - Yea on the pullups!!:) Great job! I'll betcha you'll be reaching for the X workouts in a week.:eek: I did! I just love the hard arm workouts at least 2 days a week. I'm still seeing gains from doing those. Now can't wait for the BBC series - thanks for the tip.

Nancy - Sounds like you have a bad case of the blahs.x( Not exactly spring break weather is it? Maybe we need to go visit Laura and steal her weather.:p

Diana & Marcia - where'd ya all go?


Hi Ladies,

I slept in and didn't get a workout in this morning. I don't feel that bad about it because I really needed the sleep. I don't feel like I'm old enough to be having all these sleep problems. Some of it is stress I'm sure. I always have one eye and ear open waiting for DS to get home and also stress from work. I missed my weigh in last week but am happy that I am only up .2 lbs.

Wendy-way to go on the pullups!!!!!!!

Laura-I'm so glad to hear you've found some safe food for your dogs. I can only imagine how scary this food crisis is for you and anyone with pets for that matter. By the way, the weather has been great here in Colorado, mid 60's and sunny. It is supposed to be colder and rainy later in the week and weekend. The rain is much needed here.

Nancy-I envy you and your new vacuum. We really need a new vacuum and I want a dyson. Of course I'm just not ready to spend $500 on a vacuum cleaner.

Angie-I'm finally here. It's been a hectic day. Work was busy this morning then ds had dr. appt., other ds had an ortho appt. etc. Please let me know what you think of the BBC workouts. I still have it bookmarked but haven't taken the plunge.

Marcia-where are you???? Hope you are having a great time teaching your kick butt circuit class.


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