P90X January Starters, Tuesday


Classic/Phase 3/Week 13/Day 2

Hey X'ers!:)

I'm not sure if I'll be doing yoga or core syn today. I'm allowing my mood decide when I am ready to work out later.

I've created a BBC rotation for myself that I plan to start doing on Monday and continue through the end of the month:

M: Full Body weights
T: Cathe Cardio Choice
W: Butt and Legs w/Chin ups / Chest and Abs
R: AM Spin/PM Yoga
F: Shoulders and Back / Arms and Abs
S: Run
S: Rest

I am undecided as to what I will do in May. I am hoping Cathe will put out a rotation that I want to try. :)

Have to go fetch the lil' one...I'll be back a bit later!:7
Hey, where is everyone???

I forgot when creating my BBC rotation that I will have running class every monday night as well as the full body weight work so I'll have 4 cardios instead of 3. }(

Hope I get some company today!:)
Hi Ladies,

My computer had to go back to the repair shop again. Hopefully they can fix it this time}( It's not really their fault since they weren't able to recreate the problem. Let see, I never got around to working out on Saturday, Sunday I did Bodymax before going to brunch. I didn't workout yesterday either. This morning I did Muscle Max. I really enjoyed that workout this morning!

Wendy-What kinds of things do you do in your running class? I joined a running club last year and they provided us with daily workouts and we had group runs 3 times per week. We also checked in with our coach everyday. They had access to our online training logs. I went to 2 group runs per week and they were interval and long run, running up to 2 hours and 15 minutes or 20 miles for marathoners.

Laura-glad to hear you had a wonderful weekend with your hubby.

It's been pretty slow in our checkin this week.

I'll check back later and see what everyone else is up to.

I know it, we have been pretty lax here with our check-in, except Wendy ;-) she's good.

I will be doing an elliptical workout after work and hopefully get my rotation set so I can dig into the "X" again, I miss it something fierce. }(

Have some great workouts everyone!
Hey Girls!!

Well, it's my last day of spring break - ugh! I don't want to go back to work yet but summer is around the corner, I guess. My plan to do one room a day was done after two rooms. Oh well, I prefer shopping and eating lunch out it seems. That's what vacation is all about. I also worked on booking a tour of California for the end of July so I guess I was productive, lol.

I've been exercising everyday at least. I'm still following Fitnessfreaks Jan. rotation for the most part and enjoying that.

Okay, off to read some of the forum and watch Oprah at 4. I think I'm making fresh Lentil soup for dinner while we still have a chill in the air and I can get away with it. I believe DH is beginning to dislike it because I make it once a week lately. The way I look at it though is if I have to cook I'm going to make what I like and want to eat. He can always take over............

Hey all

I am soooo excited! I talked DH into working out with me:) . I never in a million years thought he would do a workout with me. I think he was impressed by what I was able to accomplish with the X and wants to drop more weight but is at a plateau. I told him exercise makes it a bit easier to have little cheats with the eats and also makes the body look so much better. I think he listened.:) I talked him into doing Supersets on Sunday - he got thru the first 30 minutes before throwing in the towel - he said he is still a bit sore from that today. Then today I talked him into the X back and biceps. I thought maybe he might enjoy Tony more than Cathe. He said he definitely liked that one more. He jokingly said "now you know why I don't come home early":p Hmmmmm - what should I do with him tomorrow??

Nancy - Crappy spring break weather huh? Can you believe that we are supposed to get 5-8 inches of snow in the next 48 hours? We even woke up this morning to snow but then it cleared off and we've had sun all day. Maybe next year we can get spring break in May? LOL

Wendy - Sounds like your workouts are busy! Are you using the itrain workouts with your running? What were your final measurements with the X or are you waiting until your "recovery" week is over?

Diana - I hope you can get your computer up and running like a watch soon. I just went thru computer hell so I feel your pain.:(

Laura - So glad you had a great weekend. We all need those once in a while. DH and I were away last night for a conference today and it was so nice just being away with DH for a little bit. I loved it! Drank 3 beers and was hung over this morning.}( I am such a horrible drinker.:D

Marcia - sounds like your busy too - maybe soon you'll get back to the X? Is your marathon training still in full swing? How's your classes going?

Well, since I was away last night and didn't have my laptop, I have a ton of e-mails to catch up on. I'll check back tomorrow girls and if you have any words of wisdom on keeping my DH motivated I would love to hear it.:) ;)

Good night all!


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