P90X January Starters, Tuesday


Classic/Phase 3/Week 12/Day 2

Good Morning Ladies!:)

When I did CS&T yesterday I thought I'd die! The chest and shoulder work just about killed me! My #'s in those areas decreased instead of increased!:eek: I am just sooo tired from this rotation. I have never lifted this heavy for this long! It's worth it but I am soooo ready for some endurance now! I was okay with the tri work atleast though....I never got to do ARX y'day as I was tight on time so I will do it today, thurs and saturday instead. No big deal.

Today is normally my extra leg day but I am flirting with doing Plyo (as written) instead since this is the last time the rotation calls for it. I haven't done it in ages!:eek: We'll see what I end up doing cause I can change my mind more often then I change my underwear!:p :7

Diana, How did your son do on his driver's test??

Nancy, Eating is 80% of the battle they say so eating well is nothing to make light of! So did you clean yesterday?

Laura, CONGRATS on finishing the X!!! What now? }( Keep us posted on the "kids". I am sure they are fine! (((hugs)))

Angie, You are supposed to PAUSE the dvd when the dog has to go out, not let it play with out you!!!! :7 :7 :7

Hey gang, sorry I've been MIA, but whew....I've been one busy girl. Today will be Shoulders and Arms and ARX.

I'll be back soon.
Mornin girls

Hey Marcia - I wondered where you've been off to. How's the training going? Oh, and I soooo want to know how you like the sleep number bed. I've been considering one for a long time and I'd love to know what you think of it.

Wendy - My bad - I did not know about the pause thing:eek: :p It's a new DVD player so, ya know, so I get to play stupid for a while - until I get used to it and all.:D

Hmmmmm plyo today huh? Maybe I'll do that too. I have IMAX of choice on my plan but I'm not sure I want to tackle an IMAX today. I guess I'll have a couple of more cups of coffee before I decide what I'm gonna do. I also know what ya mean with CST yesterday - it must've been something in the air - I had a hard time with it too. I do have chest DOMS today though, so it must have still done it's job.

I got an email on Saturday that they already shipped BBC out so maybe today I will see it.:) Can't wait.

I feel so much better today - 11 hours of sleep will definitely put things right.:) I went to bed early and slept like a baby. I don't do well with sleep deprivation and that time of the month both at the same time:7 DS wants to play nascar racing on the PS, so off I go....this should be interesting.

BBL girls

Morning Ladies ..

took my baby girl to the vet to have tests done this morning .. the initial test showed no blood in the urine so WHEW .. that is a very GOOD sign! She is such a sweetie .. the people at the vet's office LOVE her! Doc is supposed to give me a call today about the rest of the results .. but he said the no blood thing was a very good thing and felt good about it! Thank God!

OK .. I am still in the PMS funk .. feeling fat and B##chy ... but managed to pull off one heck of a circuit class last night .. my legs are a bit sore .. :eek: .. even had one of the regulars that NEVER admits anything is hard tell me I kicked her butt .. :eek: .. maybe the PMS bad day thing pays off in the end! LOL

Angie .. yeah .. take the P off the PMS I am there .. I feel your pain .. if I ever start I will feel much better .. we can both B##ch and complain all we want .. it is our right .. right?? LOL

Wendy once again .. your energy amazes me .. you send some of it my way though .. ok?

Marcia .. was wondering where you were too .. glad all is well .. and workouts on track!

Diana .. bless your heart .. teenagers .. JEEZE .. I don't have kids .. but have friends that have teenagers and boy some of the stories they tell me ..

Nancy .. please bring your CleanMax butt over to my house .. b/c leaving this morning ... I just had to sigh at the state of mess it is in .. sounds like your cleanmax beats mine anyday .. DH would fall instantly in love with you!! LOL

Thanks for all the well wishes for my babies ... they are my family .. and man do I love those big ole babies!!!

OK .. today SIL wants to do P90X biceps .. even though mine took a beating last night .. guess I will do it with her .. (now she is pushing me .. talk about irony) .. tonight is cardio kickboxing!!

have a great day .. great sweaty workouts .. :7
Hey Laura - so glad to hear the babies are OK!:) Dogs are so sweet and they really wrap themselves around our hearts dont they? I hate the dog hair that my beagle leaves behind, but I couldn't imagine not having her around.:) Some things are just worth it!....and if we could get Nancy to travel, she could take care of that problem for us.:7

Question for those who have a clue about burning CD/DVD's. I was just looking at the itrain workouts and was wondering if I download them to a CD-RW would the DVD player play it? Do I have to get a different type of disc? If so, does anyone know what they are? Is there such a thing as a DVD-RW? I have burned music CD's with my computer with no problem, but I have never burned a DVD so I'm not sure about this and I don't want to waste the itrain codes by trying to download to a CD-RW if it won't work in a DVD player. Anyone know?

Good morning!!

Travel? No, I don't travel, lol!! Really, I'm not into that much cleaning either. It's just been so long that I've gotten down underneath things it's a shame. Surfacely you'd swear I was clean, just don't move anything. So my plan on this spring "break" was to really get in there. So far two rooms done. I was going for the third today but we need outfits for a wsdding coming up in May and that's the plan. Tomorrow......kitchen, I hope.

Laura - I'm glad to hear your "babies" are OK. I have a medium sized Yorkie who is 14 years old. That alone gets me sick as I'm going to be devastated when he leaves us. He has brought so much joy and love to our house. I'm so afraid with this food scare that I've been feeding him table food and making him an egg in the morning, etc. I don't know if I'm doing the right thing though and he's probably missing out on some important nutrients.

Wendy, so...you're almost done. Congratulations. The last leg can get hard. You've done such a great job. Cathe/endurance are right around the corner.

Okay, have a great day. My upper body is so sore from GS C&T and BSB I can barely move without cringing. Today...at some point...GS Legs.

:) :)

Hey gang -

Angie - I'm getting used to the sleep number bed. DH has had absolutely NO back pain since the first night he slept in it. YIPPEE.....:) I think I've finally found my number and the last couple of nights have been great sleeping. That was the hardest part for me - I kept switching my number each night and the manual says to leave it at what you think for a couple of days. Anyway, I love it now and the down comforter is "DA BOMB" that we got with it. I crawl in each night and am in heaven. OK, I guess I love it, huh? ;-)

Laura - Yes, my workouts are on track and I am so glad :) Good luck with Biceps, work em' girlfriend ;-)

Hi Ladies,

I finally have a minute to breath. It is so hectic here at work lately. I did Muscle Endurance this morning. I can always match Cathe on upper body weights and always go heavier on legs, but I have absolutely no bicep endurance at all. My biceps are the weakest link. How come I can do bicep curls with 25lb dumbbells, but try using a 20lb barbell for numerous reps and I can't keep up.x(

Wendy-so what did you decide to do today? DS takes his drivers test on Friday the 13th. Good thing were not superstitous!

Marcia-glad to see you back on the forums! Keep up the good work!

Angie-you crack me up (not pausing the dvd while you let your dog out)Did you do plyo or one of the Imax's? Let us know what you think of BBC?

Laura-I'm so sorry your dog is sick. How scary for you. I certainly hope she is okay.
Fortunately for me, I no longer have to deal with PMS. I had a hysterectomy a couple years ago and cannot even begin to describe how much better I feel. I wish I would've had it done sooner. I wish I could come to your cardio kickbox class, you sound like an awesome instructor.

Angie-I've burned dvd's before and never had a problem using them in my computer or DVD player. You may want to simply download them to your pc, and then burn your cd or dvd. That way you can try different media and see which one works in your player. I thought itrain was mp3. If so, it is just audio and not video so a cd is what you want to use or an mp3 player. Did I help at all or confuse you more? If you give me the info I can try it on my pc at home and let you know.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Hey Ladies ..

SIL and I did Tricep/chest/shoulder b/c she wanted to do pushups ???? ... OK .. since my biceps took the beating last night .. I agreed .. SIL .. gave out on the push ups .. had to take some time to laugh and make fun of HER idea of WANTING push ups .. but all in all had a great workout and have made great strides in strength!!

GOOD NEWS .. the vet called and it looks as though all the numbers are good for my baby girl .. he said if she had "some" toxins the numbers may not reflect it .. but he felt good about it .. b/c everything was normal .. nothing out of whack .. and now we just need to watch her and make sure there are no changes in eating or drinking or peeing! SO WHEW .. THANK YOU LORD!!

Think I am going to change them to an organic dog food though .. I hope they won't miss some key nutrients .. b/c they are a large breed dog .. but I have been researching all day . . so much crap out there!! and this toxic scandal scares the crap out of me .. not only for my babies .. but what about our food???x( who knows these days!

OK .. going to work off my frustrations in cardio/kickboxing .. (hope my arms hold out .. lol):7

have a good one!
So glad everything worked out Laura! Much better to be safe than sorry. And I agree, what the heck is in our food anyways??? Even the fresh stuff we get in the store has been treated, unless it's organic - which is hard to find in the small local grocery store here. What to do??

Wendy - I took your idea for workout today and did PlyoX. It's been a while since I have done this one. My HRM says I burned 570 calories with this one, so it's comparible with the IMAX's for me as far a calorie burn goes.

Diana - Thanks for the info. Actually, Wendy gave me the codes of YL2007 and AH2007 for free itrain workouts. Check out itrain.com and see if there's anything there you might be interested in. Let me know how it works out for you.

Well, I think I'm off to take dinner over to MIL. She's having a rough time. DS has been with her all day and will probably spend the night with her again. She says the nights are the worst.:( :( I hate the helpless feeling you get when someone has passed away.

Have a nice evening girls


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