P90X January starters - Tuesday


Good day all!

Oh it's supposed to be beautiful today! Temps in the 60's maybe.... I know most of you south of me will be getting even warmer than that. Enjoy!:)

I have DOMS in my lats today. I did the German potato soup workout yesterday:) Or, as I believe Laura calls it, push up - pull up hell}( I just couldn't stay away from the X for too long. I'm trying that P90X - Cathe blend rotation. I am still just amazed at my results. I look in the mirror and can't believe it's me. Hubby is so inspired that he is losing weight too:) He doesn't do the X though. He's not an exerciser - he gets up at 4:30 and usually doesn't get home until around 6:30. So, there's really not a lot of time for him, but now that spring is coming around, we'll definitely do more walks.


Have a great day all


Good Morning Angies and all Xers to follow!:)

Angie, You beat me to it this morning! LOL I knew you couldn't stay away from Tony for very long. He is a freakin' genious!!! Pretty hot too! }( ;) :7 :D

So today will be ARX and one of the weight work outs on tap for this week. I just have to decide the best order to do them in now that I will probably have to do 2 on back to back days to get them in. Things that make ya go Hmmmmmm...LOL!

So I FINALLY weighed and measured today. Strange...my weight is down, my bf is up a bit but my bmi is down. ??? My waist, calves and back measurements are down. At the beginning of phase 2 my back measurement had gotten bigger-I presumed from muscle gains. Now it has shrunk to a size smaller then the beginning the of phase 1! Do you suppose that is from fat loss even though it says my bf is up a bit from last time?? OY...all of the #s will make you CRAZY! Ya know what though??? Bottom line is...I like what see in the mirror! My pants are fitting loser. I am more defined. I am happy! To heck with the #s ladies!!!! YEAH!:7 :7 :7
Good Morning Ladies .
{Phase 3 week 11 - day 2 - my version classic)

OK .. so I am getting my sorry butt back on track today. now that I have recovered from the party/eat fest! LOL .. Ate clean and low fat yesterday and feeling better .. I did not make the Chest/back P90x yesterday .. going to get it done today though. I am right there w/ya Wendy .. I WILL GET IT IN!!! LOL

It was crazy here and work and I felt like crap .. so I skipped it .. but did teach one heck of a cardio/weight workout .. my legs have MAJOR DOMS today.

Angie sounds like you are VERY please w/your results .. I am proud of you .. Wendy you too .. awesome results. I have not broke out the measuring tape .. after my baaaaad weekend I would not dare! But as far as my body .. I am very please w/the upper body improvements .. I feel as though my upper body measurments will increase .. my waist I feel will have gained some .. seems I have thickened up from all the core work .. my hips shrank majorly .. but since I have added in some extra heavy lifting on the legs/butt I think they are back where they should be ..

Yeah .. screw the #'s .. it is how the clothes look .. and what that mirror shows!! That is the payoff!! I have been thinking on the after photos .. I need some tan on this white bod b-4 I get some photos done .. LOL .. I am a milky white .. LOL!!

Ok .. I am off .. pile of work .. and looking forward to the pushup torture tape . LOL!:7
Hey gals.

I've made my rotation for the week...here it is:

yesterday: Run
today: Back&Biceps/ARX
wednesday: Cathe leg work and possibly step class
thursday: CST/ARX + Yoga
friday: Legs&Back and possibly spin
saturday: Run/ARX
sunday: REST

I am not going to do both spin AND step this week. It will be one or the other so that I keep my cardio at 3 sessions.

I'm off to eat some natural p/b on ww toast. YUMMO!:9 :9 :9
Push up torture tape DONE!! YAYAYAYAYAAYA .. I am getting stronger on the pushups .. using the band on the pullups soo .. ?? ...

tonight was supposed to be 1/2 cardio 1/2 yoga .. but after that dang push H#LL I don't think I will be able to get in proper form and hold it for the down ward dogs and ashtanga .. ?? so may to 1/2 kickboxing .. 1/2 core ..

ate a lean quisine lasagna w/a salad for lunch .. MMM MMM MM .. so good ..

Nancy .. not too late to jump back in and throw some p90x workouts back into your routine .. LOL

OK .. better get back to work .. have a good one and I will check back later!!:7
Hi Ladies,

I ran 5 miles outside yesterday at lunch. The weather is just beautiful here in Colorado. Supposed to be 73 degrees today. Since I missed pushup/pullup torture yesterday, I'm doing it today at the gym. I think this is week 11 and I just don't want to do this anymore. I'm struggling right along with the rest of you to get this darn rotation done.

Angie-are you following a rotation or just doing your own thing?

Happy workouts,

Hi girls

Just got home. I'd love to go out for a long walk since it's so warm out today, but everything is mushy and yucky from the melting snow so it will be IMAX2 for me today.:) ARX just about killed me yesterday - it was sooooo hardx( And I still have lat DOMS this afternoon - thought they would be gone by now.

Nancy - Get back on the wagon girl! It's not too late. But doing Cathe is no easy task either. She really kicked my butt last week and the scale smiled:) Let us know what you're up to;-)

Wendy - you are right about the numbers. I lost some in one thigh and gained in the other, which makes no sense at all - especially since my pants are about falling off me.:eek: My arms stayed pretty much the same too, but you'd never know it by looking at them. I only used the BF% on the scale which I know is not very accurate. It did not really show a big difference until I started doing Cathe again after the X.....hmmmmmmm. Weird. Wow - you work out way more than I do. Do you do about 2 hours a day?

Laura - I need a tan too:7 But, I hate laying out in the sun. I wish we had a place around here that did the spray on tans but I don't think we do. Oh well, soon enough it will be time to go swimming and camping and I'll get some sun for sure then.
I had a lean cuisine chicken chow mein today - it was pretty good. I had the salmon one a couple of weeks ago for the first time and YUCKY! It went straight into the trash! I love salmon, but I think they mixed up and put rubber in my meal. LOL! I won't be buying that one again! I think the honey dijon chicken with green beans is my favorite one. What's yours?

Diana - your weather sounds great! A 5 mile run?? Good for you! I'm not sure I could swing that - I'm not much of a runner, but I told my son that this summer I would take him to the track a few times a week so he could get in shape for football season and I could maybe start a running program.
Stick with the X! Those last 2 weeks are so tough to stay with it but you can do it. I know exactly how you feel! But, that being said, after you finish, you'll only take about a week off and back to it you will go.;) I think the X is addictive. I love the fact that I can always go back to it and get DOMS and results. I'm following the rotation that the duck posted a while back. I'll go back and find it and cut and paste for you.

Off to go do IMAX2!!!!


Hey Diana I found it - so here it is... I'm subbing some different ones in here and there but for the most part I think I will try this for a while.

Hybrid 90-day Rotation using P90X and Cathe Hardcore Series:

Phase 1 - Week 1-3 (Tony upper and legs&back; Cathy Cardio, Cathy abs):
Sunday: P90X Chest & Back, Cathe Coremax #1
Monday: Cathe Imax 3
Tuesday: P90X Shoulders & Arms, Cathe Coremax # 2
Wednesday: Cathe High Step Challenge
Thursday: P90X Legs & Back, Cathe Coremax # 3
Friday: Cathe Kick Max
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 1 - Week 4 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: P90X Core
Tuesday: Cathe Stretch Max
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 5-7: (Cathy upper and legs, Tony Cardio and abs)
Sunday: Cathe Gym Style Back, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Monday: P90X Plyometrics
Tuesday: Cathe Shoulders & Biceps, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Gym Style Legs, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 8 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Tuesday: P90X X-Stretch
Wednesday: P90X Kempo-X
Thursday: P90X Core
Friday: P90X Yoga-X
Saturday: Cathe Stretch Max or Rest

Hybrid 90-day Rotation using P90X and Cathe Hardcore Series

Phase 3 – Weeks 9-12: (Alternate Tony and Cathy)
Weeks 9,11 (P90X Upper):
Sunday: P90X Chest, Shoulders & Triceps, Cathe Coremax #1
Monday: Cathe Imax 3
Tuesday: P90X Back & Biceps, Cathe Coremax #2
Wednesday: Cathe High Step Challenge
Thursday: P90X Legs & Back, Cathe Coremax #3
Friday: Cathe Kick Max
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Weeks 10,12 (Cathe Upper):
Sunday: Cathe Gym Style Chest & Triceps, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Monday: P90X Plyometrics
Tuesday: Cathe Muscle Max, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Wednesday: P90X Kempo-X
Thursday: Cathe Gym Style Legs, P90X Ab Ripper-X
Friday: P90X Yoga-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Phase 2 - Week 13 (recovery):
Sunday: Cathe Low Max
Monday: P90X Core
Tuesday: Cathe Stretch Max
Wednesday: P90X Yoga-X
Thursday: Cathe Core Max #1,2 and 3
Friday: P90X Kempo-X
Saturday: P90X X-Stretch or Rest

Be seeing you,
The Duck
Thanks for the invitation to come back girls!!!! I did GS Legs this evening and my legs are already talking to me. I feel that I "bring it" more with Cathe for some reason.

I plan on doing a P90X/Cathe rotation like the one you mention Angie....someday. Right now I'm already feeling leaner and my muscles are welcoming the change.

I'm so glad that you girls have gotten amazing results (and...ok...a little jealous, lol). Not really, I'm so happy for you!!!!!

Have a great evening. I'm watching American Idol. I kind of like this show. There's nothing else on lately.x(

Nancy:) :)

ETA: I fell on my butt doing GS Legs tonight. It wasn't quite the embarrassment you felt, Wendy. Only one of my daughters was there to see me. It was during front lunges....and I don't know what happened. At first I thought my front ankle gave out but then how did I fall backward. Weights went flying but I didn't get hurt one bit, thank God. AND, I GOT RIGHT BACK UP, HIT REWIND A LITTLE, AND GOT RIGHT BACK TO IT!!!!!!!!
OK - I'm back - - - - - -long story, but here I am. Tomorrow I will be doing KenpoX in the morning so I'm not sure when I'll be able to check in. I probably won't have time in the morning if i workout, so look for me later. :)

I'm trying to work out a 1/2 marathon training and X rotation. Any ideas?


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