P90X January Starters, Thursday!!!


Classic/Phase 2 Recovery/Week 8/Day 5

Hey X'ers!:)

If you didn't read my tale of embarrassment in Step class last night you must go back to y'day's thread and check it out!:7

Nancy, Sorry about Stretch X y'day. I was gonna do it and blew it off as well so don't feel too bad. ;)

Angie, WOW girl-what a day you had. YIKES! I bought DH a DELL laptop for Christmas of 2004. Within 3 months it crashed from a virus. It is STILL sitting in our closet waiting to be fixed!:eek: What a waste!

I was supposed to get up at 5am to do some Cathe step this morning but I rolled over instead.:7 Consequently I am off to the gym for a run using one of my new ITreads instead. I'm very excited!:) I have yoga on tap for this evening as well.

I can't believe I leave tomorrow afternoon/evening for my weekend away with my friend! It came so fast! I'm very excited to go but have a lot to do before I leave!:eek:

Have a great day!
Morning Ladies -
(Phase 3 - week 9 - day 4 - my version classic)

Wendy .. bless your heart and your booty!! LOL . . I have never fallen in front of anyone .. but have seen some nasty spills .. and some comical ones! When someone falls my heart stops .. then if they are ok .. you can't help but giggle!

Angie .. ROTFLMAO .. OMG .. girl .. you had one of my classic days .. my home computer DOES have dial up and I am so used to broadband here at work I just about loose it everytime I have to go online at home .. have come close many times to throwing it out the window ... Wonder why when you having a day like that it seems that everything you touch breaks .. I have days I drop thing .. seems once I drop one thing .. everything I put my little grubby hands on I drop ..

..I hate to hear so many bad things about DELL laptops .. I was actually thinking about getting one (I get a DELL discount) dang it .. now maybe I need to look into an HP or Gateway laptop .. ??

Nancy .. I have to admit ..I have not done stretchx yet ..
:eek: ... I always subbed regular yoga or yogaX for it .. I know you are loving yoga by now right??

OK .. Today going for a light run at lunch . . then YogaX tonight .. YAYAYAYAYAYAAYAYAYAYAYA

.. Oh update on SIL... she has been so sore she can't move .. but hanging with me .. and get this she is litty bitty thing .. and she now has muscle in her upper body .. I could see them last night .. WOW .. I am impressed (ya .. she has one of those bodies you look at and sigh and think oh how I wish .. but I know never in a million years .. and she eats junk food and drinks beer .. sigh)

have a great day everyone .. and great sweaty workouts!!:7
Hi Ladies,

I was too lazy to get up and work out this morning. I'm heading to the gym for some cardio in a few minutes. Yoga is on the schedule for today but I'm not really in the mood for that.

Wendy-I read you step class saga and had to laugh. I'm sure you are not the only one this has happened to, but it sure was funny. At least you kept your wits and finished the class:) By the way, any computer can crash from a virus, that's not a Dell problem. We just a bought a dell and their standard warranty is for 1 year.

Laura-Good Job getting your SIL to workout with you. I wish I could get my family more into exercise, especially my youngest son. He does play sports but is on the heavy side.

Angie-I'm so sorry you had such a terrible day. It seems when one thing goes bad, others just follow. I agree that computers and the internet can be very addicting. I can't imagine every using dial up again. Do you have a warranty on your laptop? At work I've had dell, toshiba and ibm laptops. It seems like everytime they are up for replacement the company uses a different vendor. I've never experienced any problems with any of them.

Hope everyone is having a great day.

Yikes ..

ya'll .. our weather is horrible .. we have tornado warnings all over the place .. DANG!!

our weather warning system here at work is going off every few minutes .. JEEZE.. starting to freak me out a bit ..

it is supposed to be like this all day and into the night .. worse this afternoon and night .. going to be a LOOOOOOOONG day!:eek:

Did manage to get my run in at lunch .. got too sweaty .. dang it .. not sure about class tonight .. with the weather like it is. All the schools are canceling and all meeting/conferences are cancelling .. ????

Gonna play it by ear!
Hi all

A much better day today - LOL It wouldn't take much. I haven't broken anything....yet.:eek:

Laura - I hear ya about the bad weather. Although, instead of tornadoes, we are getting blizzard conditions - just started about an hour ago. Yup - kids are stoked!:D Hope you have an uneventful night with the storm.x( As far as the Dell goes, I am obviously the wrong person to ask - I'm sure you know my opinion. I have heard of a lot of complaints with Dell - of coarse I find this out after I buy one and didn't get the extended warranty.}( Whatever laptop you get, I would suggest getting the extended warranty! I will definitely do that with my new one (oh, did I mention it WON'T be a Dell).:7 LOL!

Diana - My laptop problems started exactly 1 year and 2 months after purchase. I have contacted dell about the specific problems with my laptop and absolutely NO response. I have both emailed and written letters to no evail. I posted on their message boards and got some help from another customer as far as diagnosing the problem but got lots of replies from other computer users saying they were having similar problems and were about as happy with dell as I am. But I guess with any company there is always good and bad. Unfortunately I have an extremely biased opinion about this company because I feel I have been cheated. I most certainly expected more than 2 years from a $1300 laptop. OK - enough of my whinning........;(

Wendy - your laptop may still be under warranty, so if I were you I'd get on the horn with them and see if you can get anywhere.
I'm so jealous of your getaway! I hope you have tons of fun!!;) You deserve to kick up your heels! Is DH watching Joey while you're gone? If so, I'm sure he'll be extra excited to see you come home. How long are you going for?

Yoga is done for today - wanted to get it out of the way in case of a power outage. It feels good to be done with it and probably for a long while - YAH!! Only 2 days left of the X. I can't believe it has gone by so fast. Dare I say I see new muscles in my hands?? LOL - Really, I'm not kidding. When I do yoga and look at the front of my legs while in downward dog I can hardly believe they are really my legs. I'm actually pretty excited about the post P90X pics and measurements. What a great package - worth every penny and then some. On another message board, they are chatting about hip hop abs. They say it's a ton of fun and challenging - I'm skeptical. Anyone else tried that series?

Hopefully BBL if we don't lose power.;-)

Have a great day all and to those who follow.....

OMG .. ya'll the tornados are all over here .

Enterprise, AL .. the highschool was wiped out .. there are so far 8 fatalities .. (heard 6 at the highschool) .. kids and teachers are trapped ... downtown Enterprise is wiped out .. said it was probably an F4 tornado .. 800 yards wide .. :eek:

those poor people .. right now I have damage all around in surrounding areas .. but we are all safe .. hope my home and my babies are ok!!!

What is bad we have 2 more lines of storms that are to hit us .. I DO NOT LIKE BAD WEATHER!!
Hey Laura -

I tried posting from work before...I don't know what happens, I lose them. I hit "post" about 8X and then got scared that it would delay post and be there 8 times.

Whatever...I wanted to say "be careful". That sounds so scary. We don't normally deal with weather like that in NYC. BE CAREFUL!!!

On a brighter note, Core Syn done and eating was good today - so far. I'm not cooking tonight so that should help too. I'll eat something light.

Angie - I went on a shopping spree about three years ago and bought two laptops from Dell. The cheap ones - so that we weren't fighting with DH about who gets the computer. My two older daughters were in college and already had Dells, but the expensive models. So now my younger daughter and I have our own computers set up in the family room and watch tv, do homework (in her case), and read Cathe forums to our hearts content. My daughter had no problem with hers but mine crashed within a few months. Dell was very good about it. I called their 800 number and they had me ship it back while they shipped me a new one. I guess it was still under warranty because I know it was under a year old. Since then - no problems. It's an Inspiron 1000 if that gives you an idea of how "cheap" it was. I think they were about $600 each but we really don't do anything too fancy with them. Have you tried calling them? Sometimes you're put on hold awhile, but it may be simpler than emailing them. Let me know how you make out.

Wendy - I hope your butt is feeling good. I like having pain in that area, lol, but not that way.

Okay, I'll be around. Have a great night! We're due to get 2 - 3 inches of rain overnight but nothing compared to what Laura is going through. x(

Good Evening Girls.

Wow, I'm tired as heck right now and I still have yoga to do...OY! I'll do SOME of it atleast. I WON'T BLOW IT OFF ENTIRELY. I PROMISE!;)

I did my new 20 min Itread this morning. It's a keeper! Great for when ya need a quick cardio work out!}(

Tomorrow is supposed to be a short Cathe cardio and Core Syn but I may need to tweak that to save myself some time. I still have alot to do before I go away this weekend so I'll probably need the extra time to get ready. As much as I miss Cathe it may be prudent to sub in Cardio X instead. I'll see how much time I have...

Well, I'm off to do whatever Yoga I can...

Have a lovely evening ladies!:)
Yoga is DONE! Well, as done as it's gonna be anyway!:p I opted for a yoga dvd that I had gotten for Christmas and allowed to collect dust in my cabinet cause I do not care for the style of it. It's less intense then Yoga X or Long and Lean though so it was perfect for tonight. I did the first 30 mins of it. I'm satisfied.

Off to be lazy now...I might even just go to bed! DS is asleep and DH is bowling so the house is nice and quiet...perfect for an early bedtime! :)
Isn't it great having the house all to yourself (well almost) LOL! Anyways, I love that feeling. If you decide to go to bed early - nighty night!!;)

Hey Nancy - I doubt highly dell will care. It's not under warranty so they won't do anything. I believe I went there with them when the first problem occurred and got nothing.:-( That's life I guess. Win some and lose some.

Laura - I sooooo hope everything is OK for you tonight. I'll take my blizzard anyday over a tornado. I've seen some of the pics on the news and heard about the fatalities - so sad. I hope your family is fine. Keep us posted.......

Night all


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