P90X January Starters, TGIF!!!!


Classic/Phase 2 Recovery/Week 8/Day 5

Hey Xers!

Well, I just realized that I should be taking pics this weekend and I won't be around. You can't pay me enough to take them when I get home after what I'll be consuming this weekend!:eek: I think I will wait a week for the affects of this weekend to waine and then I'll have DH take my 60 day pics. I also have TTOM right now. UGH! I was going to measure today but I think I'll be waiting for that too! I'm not very optimistic about the measuring in general though...I did a lot of bad eating this past month. x(

So it will most likely be Cardio X today. If I have more time then I bargained for I will go back to my original plan but I highly doubt it.

I can't wait to leave!!!!!!!!!!!:+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7

Have a great day.
Wendy, I had a very bad month of eating too. I'm considering not even measuring let alone taking pics. I'm trying to resolve to do really, really good this last month. But I feel like it's always some reason to celebrate. I have play tickets for tomorrow and will be eating in Little Italy, my mom's birthday is Sunday and we'll be ordering in to her house for the festivities (and let's not forget the birthday cake). It's always some reason to EAT!!!! I feel really fat and bloated.

Have a great time with your girlfriend, Wendy. When do you leave and when do you come back? What hotel are you staying at? Don't forget to go to one of the discos and work off what you eat and drink. ;-)

OK - scale was down 2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YIPPEE........I'm feeling much better.

I'm starting the rotation week that adds the workout in the morning and evening, so I might be more scarce because that will dip into my mornings on here.:-( But, I'll get here as much as I can.

Did CardioX this morning, great one - I was sweating up a storm. I love the Kenpo part completely. I struggled with the last section of core work, but I can see there is major room for improvement and that's good. I'll see my results quicker. :)

We have been snowed in and without power on and off for the past two days. No school for DS. I stayed home with him yesterday, but today plowed through and am here for a short while to organize a few things and be done.

Take care,
Hi Ladies,

I have such a busy weekend ahead of me I'm actually dreading it:(
Well I did Legs & Back this morning and am off to the rec ctr for some cardio. I'll have to do core work tonight. I'm thinking all 3 segments of coremax for a real ab burner tonight!

Wendy-Have a wonderful weekend with your friend. I also struggle with the eating part of the equation. Following WW I see how little food we actually need. Food is not something we can go without, so enjoy your weekend and try to make the best choices you can. I will be taking measurements this weekend. I'm not taking pictures though.

Nancy-I too wish I didn't have to worry about everything I put in my mouth. It's discouraging to see skinny people eat junk everyday and then people like us trying day in an day out to eat healthy.

Laura-I'm so glad you are safe. I saw the damage on the news last night. They talked to some High School students, it was awful just watching it on t.v. I hope your family is okay too.

Marcia-great job on the weightloss. You must be following the doubles rotation. Good for you. How long is Cardio X? Can you compare it to a Cathe workout. I've never done this workout before.

Angie-I am so sorry about your laptop problems. Any laptop, even a cheap one should last more than 2 yrs. I don't consider $1,300 cheap for a laptop either.

Have a great weekend ladies.

Hi girls.

I only have a few mins so I really can't do personals right now.

While I am writing I am reviewing a new DVD I just received. It's called Budokon Beginning Practice. It's a combo of yoga and martial arts. It looks really cool. It ends with meditation. I don't know if I'll be digging that part but I can always skip it.

So I am either going to do Cardio X today or this new vid I got. I'm not sure which yet. I'm leaving at around 5 for my weekend. I am so excited that I don't know how much of an attention span I'm gonna have for a work out but I refuse to blow it off so I'll do my best with whatever I choose!

Well, you ladies have a fab weekend. I'll won't be back until Sunday afternoon so someone else will have to start this thread in my absense!;)

Keep your fingers crossed for me that I "hit it big" down there!}(

Later chicas!:+
Wendy - good luck and have fun! WIN BIG....;-)

I just finished Chest, Shoulders and TricepsX. WOW - that was another good one. I'm not a fan of push ups, so those are a real challenge for me.

CardioX is in three stages first one is like Kenpo (which I absolutely love) the second is plyometrics and the third is Coregynics (sp?). I really like it, but struggled with the Core part, but that's the challenge for me. It's about 47 minutes long. It will be nice for me to get it in before work. (I hope) ;-)

I'm off to do some plank work instead of ARX, just not in the mood for that one, but love planks.

Take care,
Thanks for the Cardio X description Marcia. I'll have to give that one a try soon. By the way, you must be the only person I know who likes planks:) I'm certain they work, but I only do them because Cathe makes me}(

You Go Wendy....WIN BIG and have a great time!!!!!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Hi girls

Wendy - Have tons of fun on your girls out weekend. We're not gonna see you on a future girls gone wild video are we?:eek: LOL! I hope your weekend is a hoot! oh - and WIN BIG!! ;-)

Marcia - Wow - congrats on your weight loss! Isn't that exciting?!? So, are you still loving the X? Are you seeing and feeling the difference in your body?

Nancy - Sometimes I think you are just too hard on yourself girl. I've peeked at your picture trail and you are lovely and certainly don't look overweight to me. Live a little, do your exercises, and you'll be fine:) After all, life's too short to sweat the small stuff! And if ya can't have a little fun while you're here, what the heck is the point?

Diana - Thanks for you thoughts and condolences about my computer. I sure hope you can carve some time for a little fun over the weekend. I hate it when I have busy weekends too - it kinda blows the whole point of the weekend - LOL.

Laura - where'd ya go?

Well today was L&B with ARX. I dug out my old P90 workouts and I remember them now. I forgot that they don't have music on them. Tony sure is a lot smaller too. I am going to do the AR200 for a while though, since I'm on ARX overload!! Today was my last scheduled day for that, but I'm sure I will be reaching for it again soon. I have measurements and pics due this weekend and I will get them done. Scale only showed a .5 pound loss from last week which surprised me because I felt like I lost much more. I think I'm at another plateau, so switching out of P90X and into Cathe for a while should help to break thru that. The last workout on tap for tomorrow is Kenpo, then Cathe here I come!

Have a great weekend all!! :)


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