P90X January starters - Sunday


Hi girls

Today is rest day - thankfully. Yesterday was BM2 - I did the cardio blast segment that was only an hour long. Whew - it was quite an hour though. Very sweaty!!:D

Well - FIL passed away last night - we knew it was coming but it was a bit earlier than expected but at least he did not suffer. We obviously put in a horrible night so I will be just trying to get rested today.

Hopefully you all are having a nice day:)

Classic/Phase 3/Week 11/Day 7

Good Afternoon Xer's.

Looks like I forgot to get us started again this morning! Thanks for picking up my slack, Ang!;) Sorry to hear about your FIL. My thoughts are with you, your DH and his family. :-(

Well, week 11 is wrapped up for me! YEAY! I am sooo darned excited to be starting the final heavy weight training week tomorrow! :+ }( :+ }( I will be afraid, however, to take my final measurements and pics!:eek: I know I've made progress but it's still intimidating!

I just finished the essay portion of my PT exam. I had to pick 3 out of 10 possible questions to answer. I looked at this portion many times thinking I would start working on it but found it utterly daunting. The other day something "clicked" and I was suddenly able to handle it. I got all 3 questions wrapped up inside of 2 days! }(
Now I just need my mom to proof-read it for grammer, spelling and punctutation cause I can KILL any one of them! LOL I am also considering having either my SIL or a fellow Catheite friend of mine (both of whom are PT's), check the answers over for content. I just want an opinnion on wether they think I was thorough enough in my answers, etc. since they have both obvioulsy been through the certification proccess!

Well, I'm off to shower now...going to MIL's for Palm Sunday Dinner! :9 }( :9

Hi Ladies,

The kids are behaving better today and that makes me feel better too. I did GS legs this morning. My youngest son and I had his monthly delegation meeting this afternoon. I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not, but he is going to England and Scotland this summer for 21 days. I'm a little nervous about him going overseas without his parents (he's 11), but I'm sure everything will be fine.

Angie-I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. Sending hugs and good thoughts to you and your family.

Wendy-Great job on the essay portion! I'm sure this feels like a big burden has been lifted.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend.

Hey girls -

Angie - I'm so sorry to hear about your FIL. I didn't know he was sick. I hope your family is at peace. Sending you hugs.

Diana - That's hard - sending off your 11yo off on his own. I'm sure everything will be fine and what a wonderful experience for him but still......that's where we get our gray hairs.

Wendy - I give you so much credit for going for your certification. My daughter has all of the books to start studying for the ACE exam but she's also studying for the graduate school exam so it's taken a back seat. I looked through the material - it looks daunting. I wish you luck and I'm sure you'll do fine. What an accomplishment it will be when you're done!!!

We went to mom's with dinner for Palm Sunday. My poor mother hasn't felt well in 5 years. I sometimes think it's a curse to live to a ripe old age (at least she'll tell you it is). However, my father died at 52 and I'm sure he would have loved a few more years.

I'm going to do GS C&T as soon as I can get off these forums. Have a great Sunday evening!!!!

Nancy:) :)
Hello again

Thanks so much girls for the well wishes. Actually step-FIL was a heavy smoker (2PPD for as long as I can remember) and was diagnosed with lung cancer with mets to the brain in January. We knew it wouldn't be long. But, he didn't suffer or even get hospitalized so I think it was for the best - he would have hated hospital admissions or anyone fussing over him. MIL is the nervous type but she is handling it surprisingly well. Although, I know it will take a few days to sink in.

Wendy - way to go on the exam! I'll bet it's such a big relief to get the hard part out of the way. I'm so glad that you are doing this for yourself! Here's a well deserved pat on the back. ;-)

Diana - So glad the kids are behaving today. I know how they can just dance on your last nerve.}( I think they are born with the ability to do that. My mom always used to say - I hope you end up with one just like YOU! I would laugh and say ya - me too.....well, I did end up with one just like me....I'm not laughing anymore;(

Nancy - My grandpa used to say the same thing as your mom. He died at 94 but he was ready to go much earlier than that. He was the oldest of 5 children and was the last to go. He always felt to guilty about that and lonely too. According to him - gettin old sucks. However, depending upon your health and age, it sure beats the alternative. Have fun with GS C&T. I think I'll be doing that one next week.

Catch you all tomorrow

Diana, WOW-I don't think I'd ever even have CONSIDERED being away from my mom for that long at 11 years old! Your son is a brave one and so are you!;) I am sure, like you, that he will be fine though! What an experience to have! I hope he makes the most of it!

Nancy, I never even CONSIDERED certifying with ACE at this stage of the game. I am just not ready for something so intense. If your daughter is making it through grad school though I am thinking she can handle it no problem!:) I couldn't even make it through 1 year of college! LOL I will consider ACE down the road if it behooves me to do so.

Angie, I feel bad for people who live to be just TOO darned old. When they have outlived everyone they know in thier "peer group"...when all of the people they were close to in thier age group are gone it's got to be tough! Sure they have children, grandchildren, etc but to have everyone around you be 20+ years younger than you!?!? I can imagine it would be hard to deal with.

Well, dinner was yummy. I actually didn't eat too much but it was just food that I didn't need to eat AT ALL! :p I drank LOTS of water after dinner. I do NOT want that 5 pounds of bloat creeping back on me just in time for the end of the X!!! ACK! I'll be sooo pissed!x(

Well, it's almost my bedtime so I'd better get going...see you gals in the morning!:)

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